[Marxism] Fwd: History's Emancipator: Did Abraham Lincoln Have "a Drop of Anti-Slavery Blood in His Veins"?

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: 10 Things You Should Know About Julian Assange | Alternet

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Crony Capitalism and Federalism in Syria’s Reconstruction: Interview with Joseph Daher – Salon Syria

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Current Political Crisis in Zimbabwe and the Slogan of the Revolutionary Constituent Assembly

2017-11-24 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Folkstreams - Documentary Films of American Culture

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Folkstreams is a non-profit dedicated to finding, preserving, and 
showcasing documentary films of American culture.

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[Marxism] Not if the Seas Rise, but When and How High

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Nov. 24 2017
Not if the Seas Rise, but When and How High

The Water Will Come
Rising Seas, Sinking Cities, and the Remaking of the Civilized World
By Jeff Goodell
340 pages. Little, Brown. $28.

Once you’ve read an excellent book about climate change, which Jeff 
Goodell’s “The Water Will Come” most certainly is, you can never 
unremember the facts. Elected officials may be busy arguing about 
whether global warming is real. But most scientists are having other 
arguments entirely — about whether danger is imminent or a few decades 
off; about whether our prospects are dire or merely grim.

“Sea-level rise is one of the central facts of our time, as real as 
gravity,” Goodell writes. “It will reshape our world in ways most of us 
can only dimly imagine.”

Goodell has little trouble imagining it. He opens “The Water Will Come” 
with a fictional hurricane whipping through Miami in 2037. It sweeps the 
Art Deco buildings of South Beach off their foundations, disgorges 
millions of gallons of raw sewage into Biscayne Bay and eats the last of 
the city’s beaches. Thousands scramble for bottled water dropped by the 
National Guard. Zika and dengue fever start to bloom (so much moisture, 
so many mosquitoes). Out rush the retirees and glamour pusses; in rush 
the lawyers and slumlords. Within decades, the place is swallowed whole 
by the ocean. What was once a vibrant city is now a scuba-diving 
destination for intrepid historians and disaster tourists.

The whole scenario seems indecently feasible by the book’s end.

After this year’s calamitous flooding in Houston and the Caribbean, “The 
Water Will Come” is depressingly well-timed, though I’m guessing all 
good books about this subject will be from now on. Political time now 
lags behind geological time: If we don’t take dramatic steps to prepare 
for the rising seas, hundreds of millions could be displaced from their 
homes by the end of the century, and the infrastructure fringing the 
coast, valued in the trillions of dollars, could be lost.

Unfortunately, human beings are uniquely ill-suited to prepare for 
disasters they cannot sense or see. “We have evolved to defend ourselves 
from a guy with a knife or an animal with big teeth,” Goodell writes, 
“but we are not wired to make decisions about barely perceptible threats 
that gradually accelerate over time.”

So we stick our heads in the sand. Until the sand disappears, anyway.

To give you an idea of why many climate scientists are so nervous: Over 
the course of the earth’s history, seas have risen drastically whenever 
ice sheets suddenly collapsed. And that’s precisely what’s happening 
now. Greenland is melting at a furious rate — by 2040, Goodell writes, 
we’ll be able to windsurf at the North Pole — and so are the ice shelves 
of Antarctica.

Many of our climate reports, including the one that formed the basis of 
the 2015 Paris Agreement, hadn’t predicted this. Their authors assumed 
that the most the sea could rise by 2100 was three feet, two inches. Now 
many scientists believe that estimate is too low. Some say the sea could 
rise as much as six feet; others say even more than that.

“For anyone living in Miami Beach or South Brooklyn or Boston’s Back Bay 
or any other low-lying coastal neighborhood,” Goodell writes, “the 
difference between three feet of sea level rise by 2100 and six feet is 
the difference between a wet but livable city and a submerged city.”

Goodell has been writing about climate change for many years. (His 
previous books include “Big Coal” and “How to Cool the Planet.”) He’s 
the real deal, committed and making house calls. In “The Water Will 
Come,” partly built on stories he’s written for Rolling Stone, he visits 
cities in peril around the globe: New York; Lagos, Nigeria; Norfolk, 
Va.; Miami; Venice; Rotterdam. He speaks to a great many politicians, 
including Barack Obama, eventually asking some version of, “Given what 
you know, aren’t you scared out of your wits?” (Obama’s response: 
“Yeah.”) At an art event, Goodell buttonholes an influential developer 
in Miami, Jorge Pérez, and asks several variations of the same question. 
Pérez insists he’s unworried. “Besides,” he adds, “by that time, I’ll be 
dead, so what does it matter?”

The full exchange is worth reading. It plays out like something from a 
Carl Hiaasen novel. All that’s missing are the twin blondes in the hot tub.

Of all the American cities in this book, Miami seems least equipped to 
handle a rise in sea level, founded as it is on pleasure, real estate 
and the inalienable right to not pay state income taxes. (When a local 
geologist undertook a

[Marxism] Fwd: Raymond Chandler attacks US healthcare in newly-discovered story | Books | The Guardian

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A lost story by Raymond Chandler, written almost at the end of his life, 
sees the author taking on a different sort of villain to the hardboiled 
criminals of his beloved Philip Marlowe stories: the US healthcare system.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The free exchange of ideas for the benefit of humanity – Cold and dark stars

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Daniel Finn: Erdoğan’s Cesspit. New Left Review 107, September-October 2017.

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Cengiz Gunes: Turkey’s New Left. New Left Review 107, September-October 2017.

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] British Labour

2017-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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It is the internal dynamic of this socialism which constitutes the 
second basic problem of the Labourist movement. We have already seen the 
elements found within it, and their relationship. In the Labour Party, 
Fabianism became the dominant, right-wing leadership tradition, the 
source of the ideas governing most of the action of the party. Its 
leaders were all to be either avowed Fabians (Attlee, Gaitskell) or 
implicit Fabians, whatever their apparent background and orientation 
(Macdonald, Henderson, Lansbury). The Independent Labour Party became 
the Labour left wing, in chronic instinctive protest against the 
leadership but intellectually subordinated to it and incapable of 
effectively replacing it. Labourism, therefore, acquired from the 
beginning a peculiarly weak left. This is, in a sense, the intimate 
tragedy of Labourism—for the left has always expressed the most vital 
working-class elements, the most active and genuine socialist forces 
potentially able to develop their own hegemony over party and State. But 
expressing them in the fashion and under the conditions indicated, the 
Labour left has really completely frustrated these forces, putting them 
at the disposition of the right-wing reformists. It has been unable even 
to seriously influence the leadership, except under rare circumstances 
and momentarily. Hence, the Fabian-inspired leadership tradition, 
permanently supported by the trade unions, could acquire a great 
stability and continuity—a kind of dynasty, in fact, with its own 
characteristic internal procedures of recruitment and co-ordination, 
almost independent of the party in general. And this permanent, organic 
power in its turn of course obstructed any farther real evolution of the 
left wing—it is as if the Independent Labour Party tradition, which was 
apparently the beginning of a real British mass socialist party, was 
paralysed by entry into the matrix of Labourism and the conditions it 
found therein. Hardie and the other ILP leaders anticipated that they 
would be able to rapidly convert the Labour Party to socialism, their 
socialism. Instead, the conditions of Labourism, and their own weakness, 
transformed them into a mere permanent opposition, always urging the 
Labour Party to move left and always unable to make it move, only half 
conscious of their own position and its true meaning, unable to act 
within Labourism but unable to see any alternative to Labourism, 
oppressed by Fabian triviality and timidity but with no workable 
alternative to offer—such was the result of the ‘short cut’ to socialism 
which Labourism had seemed to represent. Such was the paradox of 
Labourism—the distinctive form of socialism which arose out of British 
conditions, and in effect prevented any farther socialist evolution from 
taking place.

Tom Nairn, "The Nature of the British Labour Party part 1", NLR 
Sept.-Oct. 1964

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Re: [Marxism] the Failure of Reconstruction and its Cpnsequences

2017-11-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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To say that the Reconstruction was a failure is certainly true on one
level, but it seems to miss the most essential point about it.  It's
analogous to measuring what came out of World War II by the aspirations of
those who hoped it would establish a peaceful world with conflicts mediated
by the United Nations and democratic self-government spreading across the

The Reconstruction the ruling class negotiated was very successful in
getting it what it sought.
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Re: [Marxism] British Labour

2017-11-24 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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As always thanks for posting this, Lou. What immediately strikes me about
it, now, is that none of this apples to the Democratic Party in the
States.  By that I mean that if I lived in the UK I would be in Momentum.
That would be a decision taken without illusions. But I would never, not
ever, join the Democratic Party.

Will post more on this.



On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 7:13 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> It is the internal dynamic of this socialism which constitutes the second
> basic problem of the Labourist movement. We have already seen the elements
> found within it, and their relationship. In the Labour Party, Fabianism
> became the dominant, right-wing leadership tradition, the source of the
> ideas governing most of the action of the party. Its leaders were all to be
> either avowed Fabians (Attlee, Gaitskell) or implicit Fabians, whatever
> their apparent background and orientation (Macdonald, Henderson, Lansbury).
> The Independent Labour Party became the Labour left wing, in chronic
> instinctive protest against the leadership but intellectually subordinated
> to it and incapable of effectively replacing it. Labourism, therefore,
> acquired from the beginning a peculiarly weak left. This is, in a sense,
> the intimate tragedy of Labourism—for the left has always expressed the
> most vital working-class elements, the most active and genuine socialist
> forces potentially able to develop their own hegemony over party and State.
> But expressing them in the fashion and under the conditions indicated, the
> Labour left has really completely frustrated these forces, putting them at
> the disposition of the right-wing reformists. It has been unable even to
> seriously influence the leadership, except under rare circumstances and
> momentarily. Hence, the Fabian-inspired leadership tradition, permanently
> supported by the trade unions, could acquire a great stability and
> continuity—a kind of dynasty, in fact, with its own characteristic internal
> procedures of recruitment and co-ordination, almost independent of the
> party in general. And this permanent, organic power in its turn of course
> obstructed any farther real evolution of the left wing—it is as if the
> Independent Labour Party tradition, which was apparently the beginning of a
> real British mass socialist party, was paralysed by entry into the matrix
> of Labourism and the conditions it found therein. Hardie and the other ILP
> leaders anticipated that they would be able to rapidly convert the Labour
> Party to socialism, their socialism. Instead, the conditions of Labourism,
> and their own weakness, transformed them into a mere permanent opposition,
> always urging the Labour Party to move left and always unable to make it
> move, only half conscious of their own position and its true meaning,
> unable to act within Labourism but unable to see any alternative to
> Labourism, oppressed by Fabian triviality and timidity but with no workable
> alternative to offer—such was the result of the ‘short cut’ to socialism
> which Labourism had seemed to represent. Such was the paradox of
> Labourism—the distinctive form of socialism which arose out of British
> conditions, and in effect prevented any farther socialist evolution from
> taking place.
> Tom Nairn, "The Nature of the British Labour Party part 1", NLR Sept.-Oct.
> 1964
> _
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[Marxism] The left must support Catalonia, says leading member of Basque left party Sortu

2017-11-24 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Much of the left across the Spanish state, while not supporting the
repression of the right-wing government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy,
have also not supported Catalonia’s independence process.

One clear exception is in the Basque Country, itself the scene of a long
battle against Spanish state repression and for self-determination. The
article below is by *G**orka Elejabarrieta*, head of the international
department of Sortu, a left-wing pro-independence party in the Basque


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[Marxism] Great CLR James PDFs, OK blogger essay

2017-11-24 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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