[Marxism] Ongoing strikes and women's struggles in Iran

2018-03-09 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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From the Alliance of Middle East Socialists

March 8, 2018

Ten weeks after a wave of nationwide popular demonstration called for the
overthrow of the Iranian regime and an end to its military intervention in
the region,  the  uprising is continuing in a different form:  Multiple
labor strikes, labor actions,  women’s protests against the compulsory
hijab and other discriminatory laws,  actions by families of political
prisoners,  Sufi Dervishes, and  environmental protests.  The state has
also stiffened its crackdown on women activists, workers, environmental
activists and Sufis.   Several detainees,  including a professor and
environmental activist, Kavous Seyed Emami,   a Sufi Dervish, Mohammad
Raji,  and  young protesters such as Sina Ghanbari and Vahid Heydari   have
been killed in state custody, and their deaths have been attributed to
 “committing suicide.”

In this article, I would like to focus on labor protests, women’s protests,
and ways in which international socialists and progressives might be able
to  express their solidarity with them.

*I. Labor Protests/Strikes Everywhere*

Currently various labor protests and strikes in steel, sugarcane, oil and
petrochemicals, machinery  production as well as telecommunications,
railways,  construction, transportation,  education, healthcare, municipal
services,  and carrying of cargo (by porters) are taking place on a daily
basis.The protests also involve retirees,  the young unemployed,  and
the disabled.

These labor actions are mostly demanding the payment of back wages and
benefits (anywhere from one month to two years)  and oppose the lack of job
security in an economy in which the majority of those employed are
contract-employees with few or no benefits.   The employers are mostly
either directly part of the state and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
and other parastatal foundations, or indirectly related to the state in the
form of  contractors.

The  protests have mostly taken place in the province of Khuzestan in the
south.  Khuzestan is one of Iran’s  industrial centers,  has a majority
Arab population and has been experiencing severe environmental problems
related to  the drying up of bodies of water and marshes caused by
government policies aimed at maximizing short-term profits and the
monopolization of resources for the capital and the provinces of Central
Iran. Strikes and labor protests are also taking place in the provinces
of Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, Lorestan, Isfahan, Fars, Markazi and Tehran as
well as others.

The most prominent strikes are currently the following:

   1. National Steel strike in Ahvaz, Khuzestan over the non-payment of
   wages/benefits involves 4000 workers and is in its seventeenth day.   On
   Thursday, March 1,  security police attacked the homes of ten workers,
   arrested them for “illegal” protest activities and later set a $10,000 bail
   for each.  The strikers have been marching around the city of Ahvaz  to
   demand their release and have been joined by their wives and other family
   members at a protest in front of the state house.
   2. The Haft-Tapeh Sugarcane strike in Khuzestan over the non-payment of
   wages/benefits and the precarious conditions of contract workers and day
   laborers. This strike also demands the legalization of independent unions.
 It involves several thousand workers,  including retirees and has faced
   multiple attacks by security forces as well as arrests of workers.  The
   Haft Tapeh workers have been some of the most militant during the past
   several years.
   3. The Hepco machine workers’ strike in Arak, Central Province, over the
   non-payment of wages/benefits, massive lay offs (reducing the number of
   employees from 4000 to 1000) and a major cut in production

*II.  How to Express Solidarity with Iranian Labor and Women’s Struggles?*

For those socialists and progressives who wish to express their solidarity
with these struggles, while also opposing any imperialist intervention in
Iran, here are some ways in which you can make a difference:

   1. If you know someone who speaks Persian, ask them to help you follow
the website of the  *Free Union of Iranian Workers*  which has  been
   the best at reporting current labor struggles there.   Go to

You can also go to the weblog of the *Association of Electrical and Metal
Workers of Kermanshah*:  anjomanbfk.blogfa.com

or the website of the *Tehran Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate*


You can also contact the *International Alliance in Support of Workers in
Iran* which is an organization of socialist and labor activists based in

[Marxism] Fwd: Never Mind the North Korea Meeting, Trump Was Just Babbling

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Lessons of West Virginia

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Eric Blanc

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[Marxism] Super-neocon: "Let Assad win"

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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If you gave a word association test to the average pro-Assad leftist, 
asking them for the first name that pops into their head when they hear 
the words "warmongering neocon", they will likely respond "Max Boot". It 
is a sign of the unanimity among the Democratic Party and Republican 
Party establishments that not a single member advocates "regime change" 

Washington Post, March 9, 2018
To save Syrians, let Assad win
By Max Boot

Bashar al-Assad’s ongoing assault on the Damascus suburb of Eastern 
Ghouta is a war crime that has already killed more than 900 civilians. 
But while it’s easy to condemn this “brutal campaign,” as the White 
House has dutifully done, it’s hard to know what to do about it. A 
U.N.-brokered cease-fire is being predictably ignored. A small 
humanitarian relief convoy finally made it through, but its arrival will 
not stop the slaughter.

In 2012, I joined many others in calling for the United States to 
enforce a no-fly zone to stop the rain of Assad’s barbaric “barrel 
bombs” and to provide aid to the Free Syrian Army to overthrow him. A 
lot more people might be alive today if President Barack Obama had 
listened, and a strategic and humanitarian disaster might have been 
averted. But, although right six years ago, I no longer think that 
advice makes sense now. Russia got involved in Syria in 2015, and the 
United States can’t attack Russian aircraft without risking a war. 
Thanks to Russian and Iranian aid, Assad is no longer on the verge of 
defeat. His position is more secure than ever, and it’s only a matter of 
time before he reconquers most of Syria.

Using U.S. airpower to aid the embattled people of Ghouta might make us 
feel good, but it would not save lives. Even if we could ground Russian 
aircraft — a big if — pro-regime forces would simply use artillery and 
multiple-launch rocket systems to pulverize the city. U.S. intervention 
would only prolong the agony.

The way to save lives, I’ve sadly concluded, is to let Assad win as 
quickly as possible. Aleppo was a charnel house in 2016. But now that it 
has fallen to Assad’s forces, pictures are circulating of civilians 
strolling through its rebuilt public park. It’s terrible that they have 
to live under Assad, but at least they’re alive. Tyranny is preferable 
to endless and useless war.

I once would have been sympathetic to the plan put forward by American 
Enterprise Institute fellow Kenneth Pollack to aid Syrian rebel groups 
to bleed the Iranians and Russians. No longer. Such aid makes sense 
when, as in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the rebels have a realistic chance 
to prevail. It’s not right, however, to use Syrians as cannon fodder in 
a great power rivalry when they have no hope of winning.

That’s not to suggest that there is nothing the United States can do. We 
can try to bargain with Moscow to restrain Assad’s brutality in return 
for an end to U.S. opposition to his regime, and we can maintain the 
taboo against the use of weapons of mass destruction. In April, 
President Trump launched cruise missiles against a Syrian airfield in 
response to a sarin-gas attack by Assad’s forces. This year, there have 
been at least seven reports of Assad using chlorine gas. Trump should 
launch airstrikes against the responsible Syrian units — as he is 
reportedly considering — even though it would do little to ameliorate 
the larger horrors of the conflict.

The most important thing the United States can do now is to stand with 
our Kurdish and Arab partners in the Syrian Democratic Forces that 
liberated northeastern Syria from the Islamic State. The Kurds control 
about 25 percent of Syria’s territory, and there is a U.S. military 
presence 2,000 strong to aid them and prevent the Islamic State from 
returning. The Turkish government is not happy about this. President 
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent the Turkish army, working with Syrian 
allies, to attack the Kurdish-held town of Afrin in northwestern Syria. 
Erdogan sees no difference between the Syrian Kurds in the YPG (People’s 
Protection Units) and the Turkish Kurds in the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ 
Party), whom he has long regarded as domestic subversives and mortal 

Trump should cut a deal with Erdogan: The YPG will sever all support for 
the PKK in return for the Turks pulling back. As long as the YPG sticks 
to this bargain, the United States will use its airpower and advisers to 
defend the Syrian Kurdish enclave east of the Euphrates River, just as 
it committed after the 1991 Gulf War to defend the Iraqi Kurds. Turkey 
wasn’t happy with that decision but has learned that it can live with, 
and happily trade with, 

[Marxism] Fwd: Mexican leftist leads by 13.6 points in presidency race: opinion poll | Article [AMP] | Reuters

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: White ex-cop arrested for beating, choking black jaywalking suspect | New York Post

2018-03-09 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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It’s not enough to fire these bastards (and that rarely happens – they’re
just reassigned to desk duty for a month or so until the scandal blows
over). They must be prosecuted and if found guilty, do serious jail time.

Next is forcing killer cops to pay the entire financial settlement for
their victims out of their individual bank accounts and out of their local
police budget and not have the taxpayer pick up the tab for their crimes.
Take their house, their savings accounts, their college savings for their
kids, their grocery money - everything. If that means that some will have
to be laid off, maybe that might get through to some about the bullshit
"blue wall of silence" which is another way to say complicity with murder!


On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 10:28 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism
> https://nypost.com/2018/03/09/ex-cop-who-beat-the-s-t-out-of
> -jaywalk-suspect-busted-for-assault/
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[Marxism] Fwd: The End of Cheap Nature? - The Center for the Humanities

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This event took place unfortunately on the same night a brutal snowstorm 
hit NYC. Fortunately you can now watch the video recording.

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[Marxism] Fwd: How the West got rich and modern capitalism was born | PBS NewsHour

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: White ex-cop arrested for beating, choking black jaywalking suspect | New York Post

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The left and East Ghouta | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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While reports filter out of East Ghouta about suffering on a massive 
scale reminiscent of the siege of Leningrad in 1941, some on the left 
support Assad’s war crimes because they see them as necessary for 
winning the war on terror just as Germans supported the war on 
Bolshevism back then.

Three of Assad’s leading defenders are associated with Alternet’s Gray 
Zone, a project initiated by Max Blumenthal who was soon joined by Ben 
Norton and Rania Khalek in churning out talking points for the Baathist 
dictatorship. Perhaps the rumor mill’s whispers are correct that the 
Gray Zone has gotten the axe. That would explain why the three have used 
other mediums to defend a harsh but necessary siege.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2018/03/09/the-left-and-east-ghouta/
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Re: [Marxism] rank-and-file leadership in WVa strike

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/9/18 8:20 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:


I predicted what the NY Times worried about in the above article before 
the West Virginia teacher's strike.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Insidious Philanthropy

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Paul Buhle.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The World Market, 'North-South' relations, and neoliberalism | MR Online

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] rank-and-file leadership in WVa strike

2018-03-09 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Saudi Prince: Turkey, Iran & Extremists are ME "Triangle of Evil"

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Saudi ruler denounces extremists? WTF?

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[Marxism] Fwd: UNAM 2 – Europe’s single currency | Michael Roberts Blog

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As Sergio Camara, Marxist economist at the Metropolitan University of 
Mexico (UAM), said in his commentary on my presentation at the UNAM 
session, we must distinguish between the underlying trends in capitalism 
globally and specific features for Europe.  Many Keynesians blame the 
euro for the euro crisis, but the crisis of the currency was really a 
crisis of capitalism in general.  The global crisis of capitalism took a 
particular form in the Eurozone because of the currency union. The debts 
being built up by the south with the north were exposed in the crash and 
sparked the ‘euro crisis’, but only after the global financial crash.


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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Russia’s Greatest Problem in Syria: Its Ally, President Assad

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 9, 2018
Russia’s Greatest Problem in Syria: Its Ally, President Assad

MOSCOW — Sitting down with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria late last 
year, a senior Kremlin envoy described the benefits to come as Moscow 
shepherded the Syrian conflict toward a political settlement, 
particularly in rebuilding the war-ravaged country.

But Mr. Assad cut the Russian off, asking why, with the Syrian 
government so close to victory, a political solution was necessary at 
all, according to a senior Arab diplomat who was briefed on the meeting.

Nearly two and a half years after he intervened militarily to prop up 
Mr. Assad, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia finds himself stuck in 
Syria, not quite able to find a solution despite having declared 
“mission accomplished” on at least three occasions. While Mr. Putin’s 
military intervention established the Kremlin as a major player in the 
Middle East for the first time in decades, extricating Russia from Syria 
is proving far more difficult than he envisaged.

The problem is that Moscow has effectively tied its fortunes to those of 
Mr. Assad, with limited room to maneuver.

Mr. Putin can neither withdraw nor push real political change in Syria 
without risking the collapse of the Assad government, which would 
jeopardize both the effort to diminish American influence in the region 
and Mr. Putin’s own prestige. Mr. Assad, well aware of his leverage, 
resists Russian attempts toward compromise with the Syrian opposition.

In that unhappy equilibrium, the war drags on with unknown consequences 
for Moscow. As the most powerful outside actor, Russia is increasingly 
blamed for the misery visited on Syrian civilians.

On Tuesday, United Nations investigators released a report that for the 
first time linked the Russian Air Force to a possible war crime, when a 
military fighter jet executed a series of attacks in November on the 
town of Al Atarib, west of Aleppo, killing at least 84 people and 
wounding more than 150.

Throughout Syria, the volatile mix of forces — including Russian 
mercenaries whose fate is causing headaches at home — risks amplifying 
the violence and deepening Russia’s involvement.

At the same time, a developing competition with Iran over reconstruction 
contracts risks eroding their alliance.

The differences with Damascus were starkly evident at a Middle East 
conclave in Moscow in late February.

Sergey V. Lavrov, the foreign minister, opened a two-day meeting at the 
Valdai Discussion Club, perhaps Russia’s most prestigious international 
foreign policy forum, with a rosy assessment of the Russian-led effort 
to unite the fractious Syrian parties in negotiations to end the war. 
The Syrian government expressed zero interest.

In a speech, one of Mr. Assad’s closest advisers, Bouthaina Shaaban, 
omitted all mention of a negotiated settlement. Instead, she said 
repeatedly that Damascus would soon declare a “final victory” that she 
said had been delayed by American and Turkish aid to the opposition.

Russia expressed overt frustration. Even the Valdai position paper put 
out beforehand chided the Syrian position, saying that “part of the 
government elite may have greater hopes for military victory than the 
dividends that negotiations would eventually pay.”

“This military victory is an illusion; you cannot win this battle,” said 
Vitaly V. Naumkin, the director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at 
the Russian Academy of Sciences and a trusted Russian government adviser 
on Middle East matters.

In Moscow, Middle East experts and military analysts noted that 
divisions within the Russian government, particularly within the 
Ministry of Defense, contribute to the gap between Russia and Syria.

A dovish faction wants to pocket the military’s enhanced prestige and 
get out, seeing the defeat of the Islamic State militant group last year 
as a missed exit. The more hawkish sorts see advantages for Russia in 
Syria’s remaining an open wound.

On the professional level, officers are rotated in every three months, 
gaining battlefield experience, promotions and higher pay. The conflict 
has also provided a showcase for Russian weapons, the country’s most 
important export after oil.

Russia is also wrestling to contain differences with Iran and Turkey.

Strategically, Moscow and Tehran see eye to eye in terms of preserving 
the existing Syrian government. They maintain a symbiotic military 
relationship as well, with Russia owning the skies while Iran fields 
around 60,000 fighters who form the spine of the regime’s ground forces.

Yet cracks are appearing, as the 

[Marxism] Fwd: The Young Karl Marx: a Film for Our Time?

2018-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This guy evidently expected a documentary.

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