[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Judaic]: McGinity on Mehta, 'Beyond Chrismukkah: The Christian-Jewish Interfaith Family in the United States'

2018-04-18 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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From: H-Net Staff 
Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 12:11 AM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-Judaic]: McGinity on Mehta, 'Beyond Chrismukkah:
The Christian-Jewish Interfaith Family in the United States'
To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org

Samira K. Mehta.  Beyond Chrismukkah: The Christian-Jewish Interfaith
Family in the United States.  Chapel Hill  University of North
Carolina Press, 2018.  274 pp.  $90.00 (cloth), ISBN
978-1-4696-3635-1; $27.95 (paper), ISBN 978-1-4696-3636-8.

Reviewed by Keren R. McGinity (Hebrew College, Brandeis University,
and Hadassah-Brandeis Institute)
Published on H-Judaic (April, 2018)
Commissioned by Katja Vehlow

Hybrid Family Identities and Race in American Religious Life

Samira K. Mehta's first book, _Beyond Chrismukkah: The
Christian-Jewish Family in the United States_, is a welcome addition
to the scant qualitative scholarship on interfaith marriage. Focusing
her research and analysis primarily on Christian-Jewish families,
which she argues are the archetypal kind, Mehta uses contemporary
ethnography to advance understanding of lived experiences that are
considerably more complex than the word "interfaith" implies. She
uses data gleaned from interviews with fifty families and religious
professionals; explores the Jewish Reform movement's institutional
positions, Catholic policies and theologies about marriage, and _The
Christian Century _magazine of the Protestant mainline; analyzes
select advice and children's literature; and looks at key examples of
television and film. The result is a multilayered narrative that
illuminates how, in her words, "thinking about religion and culture
as strategic terms provides a new paradigm for understanding
interfaith families, but it also advances our understanding of how
American society defines and uses those concepts and encourages
scholars to continue to explore and question how we draw those
boundaries" (p. 3). Amen, sister.

Unlike most monographs about Jewish intermarriage, this volume is not
concerned with the continuity question, that is, whether marriage
outside of the group will lead to loss of identity and a decline in
the population, and therefore free from trying to determine whether
interfaith marriage is "good or bad for the Jews." This flexibility
allows the author to venture into unchartered behavioral waters and
to see with fresh eyes how religious institutions that prioritized
education and affiliation outside of the home neglected to provide
for "children of interfaith marriage raised in homes that saw
themselves as Jewish, but existed outside of institutional
structures" (p. 90). Moreover, the Reform tendency to mark Jewish
identity by the absence of Christian practice (such as having a
Christmas tree) as much as the presence of Jewish practice (lighting
Shabbat candles) did not account for the reality of Christian-Jewish
families who created "their own pastiche of practices" and a "moral
framework that anchors their choices" (pp. 13, 110; see also p. 141).
Mehta effectively illuminates and defines for her readers a new
category of interfaith families, as it relates to American culture,
including consumption of food and objects, which is "inherently
hybrid" (p. 13). "When previously religious objects--like a menorah
or a crèche--become cultural," she writes, "they then become
equivalent, within and across groups" (p. 140).

While the fourth chapter titled "Chrismukkah" likely inspired the
book's title and has the best explanation of this new holiday that I
have had the privilege to read, the previous chapter is actually this
work's greatest contribution to intermarriage scholarship. Mehta
explains the advent (no pun intended) of Chrismukkah as follows: "Two
trends allowed interfaith families to draw selectively from their
Christian and Jewish backgrounds in order to create a mosaic of
household practices that formed new, hybrid identities: the
development of a 'seeker' mode of religion and the rise of
multiculturalism as a theoretical and lived concept intersected with
a consumer-based mode of identity formation to create new
possibilities for interfaith families. Specifically, the seeker
religion model enabled a shift between religious traditions that
combined practices from multiple religious traditions, a religious
reality that was deeply shaped by consumption Chrismukkah itself,
then, serves as a (sometimes minimally) reconfigured holiday that
points to 'cultural' heritages rather than 'religious' truths,
allowing interfaith families to shape a family-based, multicultural
practice" (p. 137). The multiculturalism of the 1990s played a

[Marxism] The Surprising Threat to Bashar Al-Assad's Power - The Atlantic

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] NZ Labour government on board for bombing Syria

2018-04-18 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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There has been some stuff in overseas media suggesting that the Labour
prime minister of New Zealand is some kind of radical leftie. Actually
she's a career politician with views to match. She's never worked a real
job in the adult world. She studied business at university, then went to
work for Labour at parliament, then went to work in Tony Blair's office in
London and then came back to NZ to be a Labour MP!

She knows how to feign concern about child poverty - what about the adults?
- and so on, but there's nothing radical about her.

And now she's onboard for bombing Syria.

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Re: [Marxism] My new book can be pre-ordered

2018-04-18 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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 Anti-imperialist in essence, as elucidated via dialectical analysis (and
dialectical logic) in Chapter Five, which is available online here
here . Conceive
of a very skillful cowhand taming a  young mustang, essentially getting the
beast to do her/his will.  Roughly analogous to what happened in North
Africa seven years ago. From the analysis in Chapter Five we know that the
revolts were very predictable affairs. Those societies were tinders
awaiting ignition. Imperialism triggered and then hijacked them.  Not so
unthinkable in a dialectical and concrete totality replete with, in fact
defined by, contradiction.  Because of false consciousness and the reified
appearance of phenomena, we could not crack the mystical shell. I mulled
over it for seven years but it was only after finally going back to my
books and studying and applying the master's method meticulously like a
devoted pupil  that I was able to finally get at the rational kernel.  All
is revealed in the book.


>I am not sure if I understand what you say: do you suggest that the Arab
>Spring was an anti-imperialist uprising instigated by US imperialism?

> My new book, "The Dialectic & the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
> Change in Libya", can be per-ordered before the publication date of 24
> April.  (Its price may change after publication.)
> The book is a dialectical investigation of the Arab Spring.  Its main
> theses are i) the Arab Spring was essentially anti-imperialist ( not
> anti-local dictator), and ii) the Arab Spring was instigated by the US to
> provide cover for the murder of Gaddafi and regime change in Libya.


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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]: Beilinson on Mëhilli, 'From Stalin to Mao: Albania and the Socialist World'

2018-04-18 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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From: H-Net Staff 
Date: Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 3:10 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]: Beilinson on Mëhilli, 'From Stalin
to Mao: Albania and the Socialist World'
To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org

Elidor Mëhilli.  From Stalin to Mao: Albania and the Socialist
World.  Ithaca  Cornell University Press, 2017.  346 pp.  $39.95
(cloth), ISBN 978-1-5017-1415-3.

Reviewed by Orel Beilinson (Tel Aviv University)
Published on H-Socialisms (April, 2018)
Commissioned by Gary Roth

Albania's Socialism

The general reader does not have a rich library on Albania. Tajar
Zavalni's _History of Albania _(2015), written originally over fifty
years ago, ends in Albania's turn toward China. Fred C. Abraham's
_Modern Albania: From Dictatorship to Democracy in Europe _(2015)
only covers the most recent period, since 1985. Miranda Vickers's
compact _The Albanians: A Modern History_ (1995) is a textbook-like
survey and is now slightly out-of-date. Recently, two significant
books enriched the opportunities given to the English reader: an
English translation to Blendi Fevziu's wonderful biography of _Enver
Hoxha: The Iron Fist of Albania _(2016) and the subject of this
review, Elidor Mëhilli's _From Stalin to Mao: Albania and the
Socialist World_. Both shed light on two complementary aspects of
Albania in the second half of the twentieth century: the former looks
at the top of the hierarchy--a single person--while the latter
analyzes the country in its regional and transregional context. In
six chapters, Mëhilli tells Albania's history under socialism
through its exchanges--cultural, scientific, and economic--and
manages to shed new light on fundamental themes that are important to
our understanding of the period.

Marching chronologically, Mëhilli's first chapter focuses on the
transition from a kingdom to communism, proceeding through brief but
meaningful periods under Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Using urban
planning as a case study, he demonstrates that the Italian influence
on Albania stretches back long before 1939 and did not end in 1943.
Instead, it was carried on into the communist period. Using "the
corporatism of the Italian occupation and the command economy of the
Germans," the postwar government embarked on a series of far-reaching
reforms, with the Agrarian Reform of 1945-46 being the key cause for
change in the countryside (p. 23). In the international arena,
Albania vacillated while attempting to find its place between the
Soviet Union and Yugoslavia as the Tito-Stalin split gained traction.
As the author notices (but might be overstating his case here),
"yesterday's friends turned out to have been enemies all along" (p.

If the story of the 1940s is told largely through the lens of urban
space, "the Sovietization of Albania," we learn, "is a story of
machines" and also of "new horizons," at least culturally (p. 55).
The author suggests that we look at Sovietization not through the
prism of its success or failure but rather "as a kind of opening, as
a field of interaction." In this interaction, Albanians adopted "a
socialist lens" and began to interpret it in their own terms, while
the socialist world headed by Stalin had to translate their knowledge
of Albania to their own typology and understanding of the world (p.
56). The cultural and professional opportunities offered by the new
proximity to the Soviet Union were "a patriotic duty," later
qualified and restricted, and parts of the socialist world (such as
Poland and Hungary) were deemed dangerous, especially as Albanians
abroad occasionally did not return (p. 89).

In the third chapter, Mëhilli concentrates on the machines, or more
precisely, the realization of a communist economy. His rich
descriptions take us to the fields and factories, allowing us to
glimpse the daily life of workers in a newly created proletariat.
Albania's "forced industrialization in an agrarian setting," coupled
with "all-consuming aspirations for a better life," was embodied in
the "Stalin mills" and the _metoda sovjetike _(Soviet method), both
of which were supported by a constant movement of experts, whose role
as special guests was rather ambiguous (p. 109). As this chapter
convincingly shows, the Soviet method was a show of performative
value as much as an actual array of methods. Powerful symbolically to
the building of socialism, the Soviet method was backed by the
concerted successes of the Soviet Union and also fed on its prestige.
But at the same time, it was also local, or localized, and the word
"Soviet" became much more of a label than a meaningful category,

Re: [Marxism] Assad of Syria has learnt never to compromise ? or to fear the west

2018-04-18 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"I have heard people who are no fans of Bashar al-Assad argue that it is
absurd to blame him for the suspected gassing. What interest did he have
in crossing a western red line when no one was calling any longer for
his demise? The attack, the theory goes, must have been staged by the

By that logic, then the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a
false flag operation carried out by the Russians. After all, the US was
winning that war.

John Reimann
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[Marxism] BBC radio - Fisk and the value of accuracy and verification

2018-04-18 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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from Idrees Ahmad’s Facebook page - Former @Independent editor
@amolrajanBBC interrogates Robert Fisk in this very good show on the ethics
and methods of reporting from regime controlled areas. Good contribution
from @BowenBBC on the value of accuracy and verification.

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[Marxism] Lou Andreas-Salome – The Audacity To Be Free | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This Friday, an extraordinary film titled “Lou Andreas-Salome – The 
Audacity To Be Free” opens at the Village East Cinema in NYC (schedule 
info here). I had the good fortune to see the film at the Socially 
Relevant Film Festival last month and posted a review of the film on 
CounterPunch that is reproduced below. I also took part in a Q with 
the director that helped me understand the labor of love that went into 
it. Cordula Kablitz-Post, the 54 year old director, first came across a 
biography of Lou Andreas-Salome 37 years ago and was struck by the 
fierce independence of a woman who defied patriarchy in all its 
manifestations. She began research on the film 8 years ago and her 
ability to recreate the social world of young bohemian philosophers like 
Frederich Nietzsche and his friend Paul Rée is a feat in of itself. But, 
as I pointed out to her in the Q, she also had the ability to breathe 
life into these characters and make their struggles as palpably real as 
if they were 1960s cultural rebels rather than obscure historical 
figures. The film succeeds in the same way that “The Young Karl Marx” 
succeeds by making post-Hegelian revolutionaries come alive. If I were 
to pick only two narrative films to see this year, it would be those two.


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[Marxism] Assad of Syria has learnt never to compromise — or to fear the west

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Financial Times, April 18, 2018
Assad of Syria has learnt never to compromise — or to fear the west
by Roula Khalaf

The attack on Syrian civilians that provoked the western response at the 
weekend made for an appealing conspiracy theory. And that theory had 
been widely bandied about as nations debated the merits of a retaliatory 

I have heard people who are no fans of Bashar al-Assad argue that it is 
absurd to blame him for the suspected gassing. What interest did he have 
in crossing a western red line when no one was calling any longer for 
his demise? The attack, the theory goes, must have been staged by the 

The Syrian regime, however, operates on a different logic, one that 
allows for unspeakable brutality even when that appears counter to its 
interests. The same applied to Saddam Hussein, the late Iraqi dictator, 
whose rule was terminated only with an outside invasion.

Since the 2011 outbreak of the uprising that quickly morphed into a 
civil war, Mr Assad has followed a consistent strategy: never 
compromise, no matter how small the matter or intense the pressure. As 
the war wore on, and Iran and Russia came to his support, the strategy 
was reinforced by the only lesson he learnt: international outrage is 
fleeting, however vicious his warfare.

On the surface, the suspected use of chemical warfare in Douma was a 
huge miscalculation. The young eye doctor held up as a reformer by 
western leaders when he took over from his father in 2000 had just 
commemorated the sixth anniversary of his war on a high. His military 
fortunes turned decisively in 2017; Gulf Arab foes had given up on 
trying to fight him by supporting rebels; Turkey, one of his most bitter 
enemies, was now fighting the Kurdish opposition to him instead. Better 
yet, those western leaders who have long called for his removal had 
recognised his indestructibility. This month, Donald Trump had so lost 
interest in Syria that he ordered his military chiefs to start planning 
to withdraw US troops.

The western public, meanwhile, had become desensitised to Syrian 
suffering. Middle East fatigue has set in as crises and conflicts in the 
region have multiplied. The early sympathy for Syrian migrants arriving 
in Europe has dissipated. A YouGov poll last week of British public 
attitudes to western military retaliation for the Douma attack was 
striking: only 22 per cent of those polled supported missile attacks. 
Syria was simply no longer on anyone’s mind.

And yet, as Emile Hokayem, who has studied the Syrian war since its 
inception for London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies, 
tells me, the logic of the Douma violence was straightforward and indeed 
successful for the regime. The area was one of the last bastions of 
rebel control and it threatened the restoration of peace in the capital, 
Damascus. Every other military means have been tried but failed to force 
a surrender of the rebel group. After the town was gassed, Jaysh 
al-Islam quickly capitulated.

Associates of the government Mr Hokayem has contacted in recent days 
justified the regime’s attack on tactical grounds. “People have 
internalised Assad’s victory and accepted that anything can be done,” he 

What is more, the fact that western governments have turned again 
against Mr Assad is perhaps not as big a loss as it seems. The military 
strikes targeted chemical weapons production, but not military assets. 
And, says Mr Hokayem, Mr Assad has fully assumed the role of a pariah 
who takes into account the reaction of only two governments: Russia and 
Iran. No one else matters.

Hassan Hassan, an expert on Syria and co-author of Isis, Inside the army 
of terror, tells me that the limited retaliation, in fact, reinforces 
the message intended by the gas attack and helps Mr Assad reassert 
control over remaining rebel strongholds. “When you defeat the rebels 
and send a message that the world is not going to stand in the way, that 
amplifies it many times over,” he says. “It tells other pockets of 
resistance that no one will come to their rescue. So if they want their 
life back they have to enable a situation where the regime is back in 

Frightfully, the psychology of the regime, and the support of Iran and 
Russia it can count on, suggests that, with or without chemical warfare 
at its disposal, it will follow Douma with more barbaric acts.

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Re: [Marxism] My new book can be pre-ordered

2018-04-18 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I am not sure if I understand what you say: do you suggest that the Arab 
Spring was an anti-imperialist uprising instigated by US imperialism?

Am 18.04.2018 um 15:05 schrieb Julian Samboma via Marxism:

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Hi Comrades,

My new book, "The Dialectic & the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
Change in Libya", can be per-ordered before the publication date of 24
April.  (Its price may change after publication.)

The book is a dialectical investigation of the Arab Spring.  Its main
theses are i) the Arab Spring was essentially anti-imperialist ( not
anti-local dictator), and ii) the Arab Spring was instigated by the US to
provide cover for the murder of Gaddafi and regime change in Libya.

Check out https://www.ebeefs.com/ to find out more.

Chapter Five can be read here,

Best regards,

Julian Samboma


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[Marxism] Five Revolutions: How bacteria created the biosphere and caused the first climate crisis

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] Dossier-2_CitiesWithoutWater.pdf

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Of all the water on the planet, only 2.5% is freshwater
and so is drinkable without extensive treatment
(the rest is salt water). This freshwater is distributed
unevenly, so that some areas seem particularly prone to
drought while others have sufficient access to potable
water. Between 61% and 89% of the world’s people live
in water scarce areas (Nature, 2016). About 1.1 billion
people live in parts of the world that face both high
water shortage and high water usage (or water stress, as
it is called by hydrologists). A survey from 2014 found
that 25% of the 500 cities studied suffer from overuse
of water resources. This percentage does not look high,
but it masks the fact that very large cities are the ones
that are in danger of water depletion. These cities
include Beijing, Delhi, Karachi, Kolkata, Los Angeles,
Mexico City, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai and
Tokyo (Global Environmental Change, 2014).


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[Marxism] My new book can be pre-ordered

2018-04-18 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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Hi Comrades,

My new book, "The Dialectic & the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
Change in Libya", can be per-ordered before the publication date of 24
April.  (Its price may change after publication.)

The book is a dialectical investigation of the Arab Spring.  Its main
theses are i) the Arab Spring was essentially anti-imperialist ( not
anti-local dictator), and ii) the Arab Spring was instigated by the US to
provide cover for the murder of Gaddafi and regime change in Libya.

Check out https://www.ebeefs.com/ to find out more.

Chapter Five can be read here,

Best regards,

Julian Samboma


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[Marxism] The Burning House: Jim Crow and the Making of Modern America by Anders Walker - bookforum.com / daily review

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This instance of the unlikely convergence of segregationist policies 
with a defense of black people provides the story at the heart of the 
legal scholar Anders Walker’s fascinating intellectual history of 
integration debates. The Burning House traces Clarence Thomas’s position 
back to intellectual exchanges between legal professionals like Justices 
Earl Warren and Lewis Powell and midcentury authors as disparate as 
Eudora Welty and James Baldwin, demonstrating how the legal history of 
integration intertwined with literary history. Most of the authors 
extolled the virtues of the African-American culture that arose under 
Jim Crow. Some, most notably Robert Penn Warren, argued that 
African-American art depended upon the separation from white Americans 
that Jim Crow provided as a means of extolling the virtues of 
segregation and arguing for its continuation. Others, including Ralph 
Ellison, praised African-American culture to question what form 
integration ought to take. If integration required assimilation into 
white America’s violent culture, they opposed it. But if integration 
entailed what civil rights activist James Farmer called “unity through 
diversity”—the peaceful coexistence of various peoples and their 
separate cultures—they welcomed it.

full: https://www.bookforum.com/review/19542
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[Marxism] Tomgram: Steve Fraser, Teaching America a Lesson | TomDispatch

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Are teachers professionals, proletarians, or both? One symptom of our 
pathological denial of class realities is that we are accustomed to 
thinking of teachers as “middle class.” Certainly, their professional 
bona fides should entitle them to that social station. After all, middle 
class is the part of the social geography that we imagine as the 
aspirational homing grounds for good citizens of every sort, a place so 
all-embracing that it effaces signs of rank, order, and power. The 
middle class is that class so universal that it’s really no class at all.

School teachers, however, have always been working-class stiffs. For a 
long time, they were also mainly women who would have instantly 
recognized the insecurities, struggles to get by, and low public esteem 
that plague today’s embattled teachers.

The women educators of yesteryear may have thought of their work as a 
profession or a “calling,” subject to its own code of ethics and 
standards of excellence, as well as an intellectual pursuit and social 
service. But whatever they thought about themselves, they had no ability 
to convince public authorities to pay attention to such aspirations (and 
they didn’t). As “women’s work,” school teaching done by “school marms” 
occupied an inherently low position in a putatively class-free America.

full: http://www.tomdispatch.com/blog/176412/
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[Marxism] The Cult of Violence Always Kills the Left

2018-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I am no fan of either Chris Hedges or Mark Rudd, but this interview is 
worth reading.

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[Marxism] Scientists unveil 10, 000 sq ft model of Mississippi delta to help save coastline

2018-04-18 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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The Delta deteriorated throughout the last century as corporations diverted
water to ease water-borne commerce. A simple decision which had
catastrophic consequences.
The new model described in the article linked here correctly notes the
impact of multiple levels of planning on each other. Definitely true, and
an advance over previous planning methods...
IF planning is put in the hands of working-class communities and not left
to those same corporations.

"Scientists unveil 10,000 sq ft model of Mississippi delta to help save
"At twice the size of a regulation basketball court, the enormous replica
will be used to work out an ambitious water-diversion plan."
"The LSU model cost $4m and is housed a stone’s throw from the actual
Mississippi river in Baton Rouge. Among questions that researchers hope it
will help to answer are: how will opening one diversion affect the river’s
flow? How will diversions affect dredging done by the US army corps of
engineers? How will multiple diversions along the river affect each other?
“What you do in one place has an impact on another,” said Willson, “and so
the idea of looking at larger-scale impacts or larger-scale processes is
critical to looking at what the potential impacts are or the unintended
consequences of projects, and so a model of this scale allows you to do

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[Marxism] Marxists in Israel/Occupied Palestine on Trump’s attack on Syria

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