[Marxism] Protests in Iraq spread as people ignore bans (ANF)

2018-07-15 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Protests in Iraq spread as people ignore bans:


"Demonstrations are being organised in many cities includ[ing] Baghdad."


Protesters in Iraq set up a Demonstrators Council:


"Demonstrators in Iraq asked the army to replace government officials."

"This year is worse as there have been record heat levels, salinity in Basra is 
growing along with a new dam in Turkey that has greatly limited the water 
supply, and Iran has cut its delivery of electricity to Iraq over unpaid bills."


The call for army intervention seems misguided.

Some bourgeois media reports say the demonstrators are hostile to Iranian 
influence in Iraq.

Chris Slee

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Re: [Marxism] Richard Seymour on how “Project Fear” failed against Jeremy Corbyn | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/15/18 5:29 PM, Gary MacLennan wrote:
I have the book (1st edition) and it is very good.  I too am a big fan 
of RS's & even his Lacanism can be interesting.  But jeezuss kryst his 
pessimism is all pervasive.  I put that down to his experience of the 
ISO (SWP) "revolution is round the cor4ner comrades" line.



That's the Salvage Weltanschauung, which I guess is sort of ex-SWP:

Salvage is edited and written by and for the desolated Left, by and for 
those committed to radical change, sick of capitalism and its sadisms, 
and sick too of the Left’s bad faith and bullshit.

Salvage has earned its pessimism. Salvage yearns for that pessimism to 
be proved wrong.

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Re: [Marxism] Richard Seymour on how “Project Fear” failed against Jeremy Corbyn | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-07-15 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I have the book (1st edition) and it is very good.  I too am a big fan of
RS's & even his Lacanism can be interesting.  But jeezuss kryst his
pessimism is all pervasive.  I put that down to his experience of the ISO
(SWP) "revolution is round the cor4ner comrades" line.



On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 6:44 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> (This is the latest installment of excerpts from Richard Seymour’s book on
> Corbyn. I plan to review the book for CounterPunch next week since it is
> such an extraordinary combination of brilliant analysis and prose mastery
> that suggests Alexander Cockburn and Christopher Hitchens in their prime.
> It is criminal that this young man does not have a job writing for the
> Guardian or the Independent rather than the fossils they employ.)
> https://louisproyect.org/2018/07/15/richard-seymour-on-how-p
> roject-fear-failed-against-jeremy-corbyn/
> _
> Full posting guidelines at: http://www.marxmail.org/sub.htm
> Set your options at: http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/opt
> ions/marxism/gary.maclennan1%40gmail.com
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[Marxism] Richard Seymour on how “Project Fear” failed against Jeremy Corbyn | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(This is the latest installment of excerpts from Richard Seymour’s book 
on Corbyn. I plan to review the book for CounterPunch next week since it 
is such an extraordinary combination of brilliant analysis and prose 
mastery that suggests Alexander Cockburn and Christopher Hitchens in 
their prime. It is criminal that this young man does not have a job 
writing for the Guardian or the Independent rather than the fossils they 

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[Marxism] In Town With Little Water, Coca-Cola Is Everywhere. So Is Diabetes.

2018-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times,  July 15, 2018
In Town With Little Water, Coca-Cola Is Everywhere. So Is Diabetes.
By Oscar Lopez and Andrew Jacobs

SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico — Maria del Carmen Abadía lives in 
one of Mexico’s rainiest regions, but she has running water only once 
every two days. When it does trickle from her tap, the water is so 
heavily chlorinated, she said, it’s undrinkable.

Potable water is increasingly scarce in San Cristóbal de las Casas, a 
picturesque mountain town in the southeastern state of Chiapas where 
some neighborhoods have running water just a few times a week, and many 
households are forced to buy extra water from tanker trucks.

So, many residents drink Coca-Cola, which is produced by a local 
bottling plant, can be easier to find than bottled water and is almost 
as cheap.

In a country that is among the world’s top consumers of sugary drinks, 
Chiapas is a champion: Residents of San Cristóbal and the lush highlands 
that envelop the city drink on average more than two liters, or more 
than half a gallon, of soda a day.

“Soft drinks have always been more available than water,” said Ms. 
Abadía, 35, a security guard who, like her parents, has struggled with 
obesity and diabetes.

Vicente Vaqueiros, 33, a doctor at the clinic in San Juan Chamula, a 
nearby farming town, said health care workers were struggling to deal 
with the surge in diabetes.

“When I was a kid and used to come here, Chamula was isolated and didn’t 
have access to processed food,” he said. “Now, you see the kids drinking 
Coke and not water. Right now, diabetes is hitting the adults, but it’s 
going to be the kids next. It’s going to overwhelm us.”

Buffeted by the dual crises of the diabetes epidemic and the chronic 
water shortage, residents of San Cristóbal have identified what they 
believe is the singular culprit: the hulking Coca-Cola factory on the 
edge of town.

The plant has permits to extract more than 300,000 gallons of water a 
day as part of a decades-old deal with the federal government that 
critics say is overly favorable to the plant’s owners.

Public ire has been boiling over. In April 2017, masked protesters 
marched on the factory holding crosses that read “Coca-Cola kills us” 
and demanding that the government shut the plant down.

“When you see that institutions aren’t providing something as basic as 
water and sanitation, but you have this company with secure access to 
one of the best water sources, of course it gives you a shock,” said 
Fermin Reygadas, the director of Cántaro Azul, an organization that 
provides clean water to rural communities.

Coca-Cola executives and some outside experts say the company has been 
unfairly maligned for the water shortages. They blame rapid 
urbanization, poor planning and a lack of government investment that has 
allowed the city’s infrastructure to crumble.

Climate change, scientists say, has also played a role in the failure of 
artesian wells that sustained San Cristóbal for generations.

“It doesn’t rain like it used to,” said Jesús Carmona, a biochemist at 
the local Ecosur scientific research center, which is affiliated with 
the Mexican government. “Almost every day, day and night, it used to rain.”

But at a time of growing strife between Mexico and the United States, 
fed by President Trump’s vow to build a border wall and his threats to 
scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement, the increasing antipathy 
toward Coca-Cola has come to symbolize the frustrations that many 
Mexicans feel about their northern neighbor.

The plant is owned by Femsa, a food and beverage behemoth that owns the 
rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola throughout Mexico and much of the 
rest of Latin America. Femsa is one of Mexico’s most powerful companies; 
a former chief executive of Coca-Cola in Mexico, Vicente Fox, was the 
country’s president from 2000 to 2006.

Nafta has been beneficial for Femsa, which has received hundreds of 
millions of dollars in foreign investment.

But in San Cristóbal, Nafta is widely viewed as an unwelcome interloper. 
On New Year’s Day in 1994, the day the trade pact went into effect, 
rebels from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation swept into San 
Cristóbal, declared war against the Mexican state and burned government 

Although the two sides eventually signed a peace agreement, 
anti-globalization sentiment still simmers across the region, one of the 
poorest in Mexico.

“Coca-Cola is abusive, manipulative,” said Martin López López, a local 
activist who has helped organize boycotts and protests against the soda 
company. “They take our pure water, they dye it and they trick

[Marxism] Exercises in Self-Destruction: On Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” - Los Angeles Review of Books

2018-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Deep reading of a great film.

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[Marxism] Martin Duberman Points to the Failures of the Gay-Rights Movement | The New Yorker

2018-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Last and First Men, Two Manifestos

2018-07-15 Thread Nemonemini via Marxism
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Last and First Men
Two Manifestos

also available as hardbacks (amazon)
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[Marxism] Are we nearing a decisive crisis in the UK?

2018-07-15 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Sadly there aren't many posts from comrades to the list recently. I am
inclined to answer the question in the heading in the affirmative. My own
native land - Ulster, Northern Ireland, the 'wee black hole' as we used to
call it is wracked with violence on all sides. Brexit - the vote to leave
the EU has acted as a catalyst to bring all sorts of creatures out into the
light.  Apparently the American ambassador has been making inquiries about
the safety of the Fascist leader -Robinson - while he is in prison. His
followers openly taunt & chase the police in the streets of London.

The right wing of the British Labour Party, known oddly enough as the
Centrists, are still conspiring to bring down the Leftist Leader Corbyn.
Why? One may as well ask the old Stalinists who sided with Yeltsin against
Gorbachev, why they did it, or the scorpion on the frog.

Richard Seymour has talked about a deep crisis in the Tory core that Brexit
has activated.  the Business community does not want Brexit but are
unwilling or unable to bring the Tory Party to heel. The Patty itself seems
to be in the grip of those who fantasize about the days of imperial glory.
Only the Labour Party seems to have a coherent program which could loosely
be described as Keynesian - some redistribution plus government investment.

Hardly radical but in these the dog days of neoliberalism, to talk once
more of public ownership etc is anathema to all those who traded on the
neoliberal/Thatcerhite notion that There Is No Alternative.

I will try some guesses now. I think May will face a challenge. She will
probably hold it off. I think the right wing Blairites will split from
Corbyn to try and form a new party with the pro-EU "moderates" in the Tory
Party and the Liberal Democrats. I  cannot think of any other way they can
stop a Corbyn landslide.

The timing of such a move is crucial.  Some of the rightists including the
Labour Party Deputy Leader, Tom Watson,  have talked of forming a
government of national unity with the Tories. But that move came out of
panic, I think, at the sight of the resignations on Monday and the
consequent fear of a Tory collapse.

Next week when May fronts up to parliament with her Brexit plan is crucial.
The right of the Labour Party want to vote with her to prevent an election,
but the intervention of their leader Lord Mandelson condemning May's plan
for Brexit as unworkable. has certainly muddied the waters. Will May be
defeated? Her fate is in the hands of the Hard Brexiters and the Labour
Party Blairites.

It is very much a question "Watch this space"/


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