[Marxism] Recent material on The Irish Revolution

2019-02-27 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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>From the vaults: 1981 article on the British Labour Party and Ireland - 60
year of shame:

Frank Keane and the Irish Revolution:
Frank was a former O/C, Dublin Brigade, Irish Republican Army, in the early
1960 and later, in Britain, a member of the Irish Workers Group.  Back in
Ireland, he was a founder-member and then national organiser of Saor Eire.

Engels, during his Irish visit of 1856, wrote to Marx that the country was
"completely ruined by the English wars of conquest":

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[Marxism] [VIDEO] The Revolutionary Life of Lucy Parsons

2019-02-27 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Radical labor activist and anarchist Lucy Parsons fought fiercely for a
future in which workers would free themselves from the yoke of capitalism.
She was a formidable orator and agitator who dedicated her long and
complicated life to improving working conditions and organizing workers
against their oppressors.

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[Marxism] ‘Humanitarian Aid’ As a Weapon of Regime Change in Venezuela

2019-02-27 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Last Saturday, the U.S.-backed leader of the Venezuelan right-wing
opposition, Juan Guaidó, was defeated in his attempt to break the army’s
support for the government of Nicolás Maduro. After this failure, a
military intervention by the United States cannot be ruled out.
*The Truth Behind the ‘Humanitarian Aid’ Provided by U.S. Imperialism*

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[Marxism] The Ghost of William Casey: How Late Catholic Zealot/CIA Director Haunts Trump White House, Part 1

2019-02-27 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Getting Sanders Backwards

2019-02-27 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Campaign against Exxon-Guyana oil deal

2019-02-27 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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A British-based Canadian lecturer and her colleague are campaigning against
the agreement between the Guyana government and the Exxon-led consortium,
charging that close to 90 per cent of revenues will be siphoned-off by the

The duo will also present their case at this Saturday's one-day conference
at London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - "Walter
Rodney: Pan-Afrikanism,
Marxism and the Next Generation".


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[Marxism] Styx | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening today at the Film Forum in New York, “Styx” is an unnervingly 
grim drama that strips the refugee crisis down to its bare essentials.

Rike, an attractive female doctor from Germany in her mid to late 30s 
departs from Gibraltar on her sailing yacht destined for a vacation on 
Ascension Island, which is in the south Atlantic about a thousand miles 
off the African coast. An independent woman strong enough to pilot her 
own boat, she wants to see the island that Charles Darwin encouraged 
England to colonize as a botanical garden. En route to the island, she 
leafs through a coffee-table book about the island that demonstrates her 
affinity for off-the-beaten track paradises.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2019/02/27/styx/
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[Marxism] India-Pakistan: Defeat the War Mongers! Free Kashmir!

2019-02-27 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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An emergency statement from the RCIT


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] If Emissions Aren't Curbed, Clouds May Disappear

2019-02-27 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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For correlation, the Mauna Loa CO2 reading for Feb. 23 was 411.13 ppm. Just
in the last few years Hanson was stressing the importance of keeping those
emission levels below 350 ppm.

The upper balance heat level readings for CO2 and methane from a few days
ago were pretty much off the chart.

Btw that globe link isn’t exactly real time, there’s a lag of a few hours.

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Re: [Marxism] If Emissions Aren't Curbed, Clouds May Disappear

2019-02-27 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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This is a useful link for checking CO2 emission levels in real time. It’s
not looking good.

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[Marxism] Diana Stone · Diary: Nightmares in Harare · LRB 7 March 2019

2019-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Zimbabwe doesn’t need to be poor; that’s what’s so devastating. It has 
copious minerals, well-managed water resources, an educated and 
ambitious population, a safari park the size of Belgium, and some of the 
most beautiful landscapes in the world. It’s poor in part because of 
theft on a grand scale: Zimbabwe is being looted by its own government. 
Small numbers of elite Zimbabweans feel entitled to wealth, and the only 
way for them to get as rich as they feel they should be is to plunder 
the parastatals and the public purse. Uncertainty about the current 
regime and how long it will survive makes for extreme myopia; people are 
making golden hay while they can. Zimbabwe’s fiscal deficit is around 12 
per cent of GDP; you can’t run a deficit that size without stealing from 
the future. (For comparison, in 2017 the UK’s deficit was 1.8 per cent.) 
As my economist father says, ‘the temporal discount rate is anomalously 

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[Marxism] Illusion or Advance? Ecosocialists debate the 'Green New Deal'

2019-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Alexander von Humboldt, Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution

2019-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In 2019 we celebrate the 250th birthday of the scientist Alexander von 
Humboldt, the true “discoverer” of America according to Simon Bolívar, 
who knew him personally. Between 1799 and 1804, Alexander von Humboldt, 
accompanied by the French botanist Aimé Bonpland, traveled through the 
colonies of Spanish America, exploring regions that today belong to 
Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Cuba. Back in Europe, Humboldt 
began publishing several books recounting his adventures in America, 
revealing the natural and cultural riches of South America to a curious 
and fascinated European public. While writing about the wonders of the 
tropical nature of America and the cultural wealth of its original 
peoples, Humboldt denounced -- like no other before him -- the horrors 
of slavery, the oppression of Indigenous peoples, and the injustices of 
the colonial system. Its importance for our time is due precisely to his 
ability to see the interrelations between the environment, society, 
politics and the economy. He was the first modern Western thinker to 
scientifically describe the planet as a living organism where humans, 
plants, animals, soils and climate interact and influence each other. 
The novelty of this vision at his time, when a mechanistic view of 
nature still prevailed, was revolutionary. For Humboldt, poetry and 
science were two complementary and necessary ways of understanding the 
world. His influence on poets, writers, and scientists was enormous. 
Goethe loved spending hours talking to his younger friend Humboldt. Both 
«Faust» and his studies of plants might not have existed as we know them 
today had it not been for Humboldt's influence.

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[Marxism] Debate: Socialists and the Democrats | SocialistWorker.org

2019-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I've heard some scuttlebutt about the ISO being "convulsed in a line 
struggle over supporting Bernie in 2020". Here's a link to discussions 
about "inside-outside" in their newspaper:


And here's an article by Danny Katch suggesting that they  are trying to 
figure out ways to develop a united front with the Sanders campaign 
without using that term:


Katch writes: "This time, Bernie is also bolstered by prominent 
socialists like Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose 
elections to Congress last year now make Sanders look less like a lone 
prophet and more like a trendsetter."

Is A. O-C a socialist? Is Sanders a socialist? What does that really 
mean? During his Town Hall meeting on CNN, the execrable Wolf Blitzer 
said something like "As a socialist, do you..." Sanders corrected him by 
saying "I am a *democratic* socialist".

What a load of crap. Just go through Eugene V. Debs's speeches and there 
are no mealy-mouthed formulations. He tells it like it is, just like 
Malcolm X did. If ISO ends up calling for a Sanders vote in 2020, it 
would be a grievous setback for the left.

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[Marxism] Russian TV Distorts The Intercept's Reporting on Syria

2019-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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ACCORDING TO RUSSIA 24, a Russian government news channel, a recent 
investigation by The Intercept supports a conspiracy theory promoted by 
Russian officials: that there was no chemical attack in the Syrian town 
of Douma last year, and video of victims was fabricated to provoke 
American airstrikes. But The Intercept report featured in the Russian 
broadcast actually concluded the opposite: that a chemical attack did 
take place in Douma on the night of April 7, 2018.

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[Marxism] Israel’s Right Wing Has Been Racist For A Long Time – The Forward

2019-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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It is hardly surprising, then, that Netanyahu sought an alliance with 
the far-right, Kahanist Otzma Yehudit, and his own Likud: the rhetoric 
of the two parties is increasingly indistinguishable. Likud, nominally a 
center-right party, has lurched far to the right, and not just in 
rhetoric but also in policy. Last year, the party’s central committee 
unanimously voted in favor of annexing parts of the West Bank.

Confronted with this “great moving right show,” to use British theorist 
Stuart Hall’s words, how has the American Jewish establishment 
responded? Mostly with silence.

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