[Marxism] Turkey: AKP terror: 418 detained in 29 cities in operation targeting HDP (ANF)

2019-08-19 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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At least 418 people were taken into custody in 29 cities in the latest wave of 
operations ordered by the Ankara regime targeting HDP [Peoples Democratic 
Party] municipalities.



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[Marxism] A jazz fan’s memories | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] How Trump Is Reshaping American Opinion - The Atlantic

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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One of the most enduring descriptions of presidential power comes from 
Teddy Roosevelt, whose description of the office as a “bully pulpit” 
reflected his conclusion that its true worth was not its constitutional 
powers, but the ability to speak with and persuade voters. A century 
later, political scientists had largely debunked Roosevelt. It turns 
out, Ezra Klein wrote in The New Yorker in 2012, that presidents don’t 
actually possess much power to sway public opinion.

But maybe Roosevelt was right after all. Recent polling shows that 
Donald Trump has managed to reshape American attitudes to a remarkable 
extent on a trio of his key issues—race, immigration, and trade.

There’s just one catch: The public is turning against Trump’s views.


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Re: [Marxism] The Misconception about Baby Boomers and the Sixties | The New Yorker

2019-08-19 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Everyone who was of "college age" between 1965 (when the first major
anti-war demonstrations occurred --- the year of the Selma to Montgomery
March) and 1975 (whenever you want to date the end of "the sixties") was
born after 1945 --- it was young people (in the South they were even
younger, think of the children being arrested in Birmingham in 1963) who
were the participants in the Civil Rights and Anti-War movements (as well
as most of the draftees who served in Vietnam after the US escalation) ---
So Menard is engaged in a bit of sleight of hand by emphasizing those who
had the cameras and microphones beginning in the early and mid 1960s ---

I think the reason people (journalists, historians, etc.?) made such a big
deal about the baby boom is not just its size but the transformatio of
American culture and society that occurred during their time of adulthood
(1965-1990s --???) --- I mean the changes for women and the LGBTQ
communities are still going on -- that those changes began with the early
sparks of "women's liberation" and Stonewall ---

 Angelus Novus via Marxism  wrote:

The article is no doubt correct, but on the other hand, I think it would be
fair to say that young boomers were substantially involved in 1970s labor
struggles such as the wildcat at Dodge Truck in 1974, or the 1972 Lordstown
Strike.  A few authors have pointed out that it wasn't until "the 70s" that
"the 60s" had reached the industrial working class, and it's undoubtedly
the case that many of those workers were young boomers.

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[Marxism] Baby boomers

2019-08-19 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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If you count the baby boom as lasting from 1946 to 1960, and members of
that generation first became socially and politically active when they were
15 in 1961, and stayed at center stage until the last ones were 30 in 1991,
then at the very least we were the foot soldiers not only in Viet Nam, but
in Oakland, Watts, Detroit and Newark, too.

Not only that, we were the ones who made disco, the cultural edge of real
integration, happen.

Not only that, the reaction among us made Ronald Reagan possible.

Our leaders and our inspirations were all from earlier generations,
especially from among those born during the depression and WWII, but then
who writes history just by looking at the leaders? Not Marxists

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[Marxism] IWO: Book traces workers’ efforts to insure themselves against capitalism’s failures | Review of *”A Road To Peace And Freedom”: The International Workers Order And The Struggle For Economic

2019-08-19 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Behead those who insult the nation-state | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Just in the last few days, the ideologeme of "treason" has made itself 
felt in a couple of notorious incidents. In the first case, the 
left-wing journalist Owen Jones was beaten up outside a London pub by 
far-right activists. In the second, a Brexit Party candidate reflected 
on the misdemeanour of Tory Remainers plotting to stop Johnson 'no 
dealing', by drawing attention to the Tower of London, and the way in 
which "this country" used to deal with "traitors". He meant beheading.

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[Marxism] Women Are Fleeing Death at Home. The U.S. Wants to Keep Them Out.

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(What a fucked up world. American imperialism intervened in Central 
America in order to suppress guerrilla movements that incorporated women 
fighters who opposed patriarchy. When they were defeated or housebroken 
like the FSLN and the FMLN, the countries were left in ruins with gangs 
terrorizing the population and men killing women with impunity. People 
trying to reach the USA to avoid such hellish conditions are described 
as invaders when it was the American financial and military invasion of 
Central America for most of the 20th century that created the need to 

NY Times, Aug. 19, 2019
Women Are Fleeing Death at Home. The U.S. Wants to Keep Them Out.
By Azam Ahmed

JALAPA, Guatemala — They climbed the terraced hillside in single file, 
their machetes tapping the stones along the darkened footpath.

Gehovany Ramirez, 17, led his brother and another accomplice to his 
ex-girlfriend’s home. He struck the wooden door with his machete, 
sending splinters into the air.

His girlfriend, Lubia Sasvin Pérez, had left him a month earlier, 
fleeing his violent temper for her parents’ home here in southeast 
Guatemala. Five months pregnant, her belly hanging from her tiny 
16-year-old frame, she feared losing the child to his rage.

Lubia and her mother slipped outside and begged him to leave, she said. 
They could smell the sour tang of alcohol on his breath. Unmoved, he 
raised the blade and struck her mother in the head, killing her.

Hearing a stifled scream, her father rushed outside. Lubia recalled 
watching in horror as the other men set upon him, splitting his face and 
leaving her parents splayed on the concrete floor.

For prosecutors, judges and even defense lawyers in Guatemala, the case 
exemplifies the national scourge of domestic violence, motivated by a 
deep-seated sense of ownership over women and their place in relationships.

But instead of facing the harsher penalties meant to stop such crimes in 
Guatemala, Gehovany received only four years in prison, a short sentence 
even by the country’s lenient standard for minors. More than three years 
later, now 21, he will be released next spring, perhaps sooner.

And far from being kept from the family he tore apart, under Guatemalan 
law Gehovany has the right to visit his son upon release, according to 
legal officials in Guatemala.

The prospect of his return shook the family so thoroughly that Lubia’s 
father, who survived the attack, sold their home and used the money to 
pay a smuggler to reach the United States. Now living outside of San 
Francisco, he is pinning his hopes on winning asylum to safeguard his 
family. They all are.

But that seems more distant than ever. Two extraordinary legal decisions 
by the Trump administration have struck at the core of asylum claims 
rooted in domestic violence or threats against families like Lubia’s — 
not only casting doubt on their case, but almost certainly on thousands 
of others as well, immigration lawyers say.

“How can this be justice?” Lubia said before the family fled, sitting 
under the portico where her mother was killed. “All I did was leave him 
for beating me and he took my mother from us.”

“What kind of system protects him, and not me?” she said, gathering her 
son in her lap.

Their case offers a glimpse into the staggering number of Central 
Americans fleeing violence and dysfunction — and the dogged fight the 
Trump administration is waging to keep them out.

Across Latin America, a murder epidemic is underway. Most years, more 
than 100,000 people are killed, largely young men on the periphery of 
broken societies, where gangs and cartels sometimes take the place of 
the state.

The turmoil has forced millions to flee the region and seek refuge in 
the United States, where they confront a system strained by record 
demand and a bitter fight over whether to accept them.

But violence against women, and domestic violence in particular, is a 
powerful and often overlooked factor in the migration crisis. Latin 
America and the Caribbean are home to 14 of the 25 deadliest nations in 
the world for women, according to available data collected by the Small 
Arms Survey, which tracks violence globally.

And Central America, the region where most of those seeking asylum in 
the United States are fleeing, is at the heart of the crisis.

Here in Guatemala, the homicide rate for women is more than three times 
the global average. In El Salvador, it is nearly six times. In Honduras, 
it is one of the highest in the world — almost 12 times the global average.

In the most violent pockets of Central America, the United Nations says, 
the danger is

[Marxism] Unpaid Miners Blocked a Coal Train in Protest. Weeks Later, They’re Still There.

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, August 19, 2019
Unpaid Miners Blocked a Coal Train in Protest. Weeks Later, They’re 
Still There.

By Campbell Robertson

CUMBERLAND, Ky. — A little after 4 p.m. on Friday, four hulking big-rig 
cabs, facing each other in pairs and taking up both lanes, brought the 
Kingdom Come Parkway to a standstill. On the highway between the trucks, 
eight out-of-work coal miners raised a banner: “No Pay We Stay.”

That is the miners’ plan in its entirety, and for close to three weeks, 
that is what they have done.

A protest that began with five men blocking a train full of coal has 
grown into a small 24-hour tent city along some railroad tracks next to 
the highway. It has become a pilgrimage site for labor activists, a 
rallying point for the community — “a tailgate party on steroids,” as 
one local official approvingly put it. And it is the first organized 
miners’ protest that anyone can remember for decades in Harlan County, 
Ky., a place once virtually synonymous with bloody labor wars.

The railroad blockade began in late July, about a month after 
Blackjewel, the two-year-old company where the miners worked, suddenly 
declared bankruptcy. Blackjewel owned mines in four states, and employed 
over a thousand miners in central Appalachia.

Miners learned in the middle of an afternoon shift that Blackjewel was 
shutting down immediately and putting everyone out of work. It did so 
without filing a mandatory 60-day advance warning and without posting a 
bond, required by Kentucky law, to cover payroll.

Workers received no pay for their last week on the job. Then they 
learned that their paychecks for the previous two weeks had bounced. 
Bankruptcies and layoffs have become routine in the coal fields during a 
grueling industrywide decline, but no one seemed to recall anything 
quite like this.

“It’s no different from robbing a bank,” said Jeffrey Willig, a wiry 
40-year-old father of six.

In Harlan County, hundreds of miners found themselves with negative bank 
balances, staring down mortgages, car payments and medication costs. 
Some were alerted to the news by ex-spouses who had not gotten automatic 
child-support payments. Lawyers representing the miners in the 
bankruptcy proceeding estimated that Blackjewel’s employees in central 
Appalachia were each owed $4,202.91 on average, for wages and benefits 

But the employees are just one party, fighting alongside Blackjewel’s 
other creditors over pieces of the company in federal bankruptcy court.

One of the company’s assets was a trainload of coal, over a million 
dollars’ worth, at the Cloverlick No. 3 mine in Harlan County. The coal, 
dug up by the unpaid workers, had been sold, but had not yet been 
transported to the buyer. On the afternoon of July 29, the train rolled 
slowly out of the mine. It did not go unnoticed.

“They was doing it as quiet as could be,” said Dalton Lewis, 20.

A fellow miner called him with the plan: “Come on down here, we’re going 
to stop this train.”

This instinct runs deep in Harlan County. In the 1930s, efforts to 
organize miners led to “Bloody Harlan” — currently a hashtag printed on 
protest signs — a deadly conflict pitting thousands of union miners 
against coal companies, law enforcement officials and strikebreakers. 
Blood was spilled again in the early 1970s during a bitter 13-month 
strike by workers at the Brookside mine, the subject of the 
Oscar-winning documentary “Harlan County, U.S.A.”

But there had been little in the way of organized labor protest in 
Harlan for years before that July afternoon, when Mr. Lewis joined Mr. 
Willig and three other miners on the railroad tracks.

Nearly three weeks later, the coal train sits idle, back at the mine. 
Alerted by news of the Harlan standoff, the Department of Labor 
intervened to block the shipment of the coal, deeming it “hot goods.” 
Blackjewel soon agreed that proceeds from sale of the coal would go to 
its former employees.

Some have found work, often away from Harlan; Mr. Lewis has left for 
Alabama. Blackjewel’s mining operations in Harlan have been bought, and 
the new owners have pledged to pay the miners some of the money they are 
owed. But the mines have not reopened yet, and no money has arrived — 
not from the new owners, and certainly not from Blackjewel.

So day in and day out, a small band of families sit in camp chairs 
alongside the tracks, trapping a million dollars’ worth of coal up and 
around a bend. A string band occasionally gathers on the tracks to play 
old mountain songs and labor ballads.

The tents have proliferated, some bearing the logos of the local funeral 
homes that provided them.

[Marxism] [UCE] Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Bruce Lee Was My Friend, and Tarantino's Movie Disrespects Him | Hollywood Reporter

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] The Misconception about Baby Boomers and the Sixties | The New Yorker

2019-08-19 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Menard makes some good points.  Let’s start with the point that you cannot 
characterize a whole generation.  We could identify many different trends among 
young people, some of them distinctly conservative and reactionary.  But it 
remains the case that a large number of baby boomers were open to radical ideas.

Menard presents us with an impressive list of people who came to prominence in 
the 60’s, but were born as far back as 1920 (or in the case of Dr. Seuss, 
1904).  But if a different trend were dominant among young people, many of 
those names would be unknown to us today.

A personal note.  Sometimes the difference of a few years makes for very 
different experiences.  A cousin just a few years older than me contracted 
polio (briefly).  Born in 1945, I was one off the who benefitted from Dr. 
Salk’s vaccine.

  ken h
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[Marxism] Localism’s Contradictions in Hong Kong – New Politics

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] From rebellion to revolution: socialism and the environmental crisis | Red Flag

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Sudanese Revolution Enters a New Phase

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Gilbert Achcar

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Re: [Marxism] The Misconception about Baby Boomers and the Sixties | The New Yorker

2019-08-19 Thread Angelus Novus via Marxism
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The article is no doubt correct, but on the other hand, I think it would be 
fair to say that young boomers were substantially involved in 1970s labor 
struggles such as the wildcat at Dodge Truck in 1974, or the 1972 Lordstown 
Strike.  A few authors have pointed out that it wasn't until "the 70s" that 
"the 60s" had reached the industrial working class, and it's undoubtedly the 
case that many of those workers were young boomers.
Generational distinctions are sort of arbitrary and meaningless anyway.  

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[Marxism] Statement on India’s Revocation of Jammu & Kashmir’s Autonomous Status by the Indian Government

2019-08-19 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Meanwhile, the war hysteria whipped up by Hindu supremacists in India and 
Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan serves to divert attention from the abysmal 
failure of both these states to satisfy even the most basic needs of their 
people, and can lead to an escalation of the armed conflict between them.  
Russia backs India, China backs Pakistan, and the US calls on India and 
Pakistan to remain calm, while Trump’s overt racism and anti-Muslim bigotry 
serves to encourage the same attitudes in India.
At this moment of unprecedented trauma and repression, we, the Alliance of 
Middle Eastern and North African Socialists,  express our whole-hearted 
solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir and reaffirm their fundamental 
right to determine their own future in their own land. At a time when support 
for Jammu & Kashmir’s freedom is treated as treason in both India and Pakistan, 
we would especially like to extend our solidarity to socialists and 
progressives there and their counterparts in India and Pakistan.
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[Marxism] Mapping the strain on our water supply - The Washington Post

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] How Stephen Miller authors Trump’s immigration policy - Washington Post

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Misconception about Baby Boomers and the Sixties | The New Yorker

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Louis Menand argues that most of the important political and literary 
figures of the 1960s were not boomers since they were born before the 
war ended. I guess technically that includes me and Michael Meeropol as 

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[Marxism] Pacifica High School Students Sang Nazi Song and Gave Hitler Salute

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Conscience of a Revolutionary - Victor Serge’s commitment to the individual as collective hero - Bookforum Magazine

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Our Graham Greene in Havana | History Today

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On the one hand, Greene’s real contribution in October 1958 to the 
embargo on British arms sales played a small part in Fidel Castro’s 
revolutionary success. On the other, his fictional story published at 
the same time described secret military installations in Cuba three 
years before the realisation of the Cold War’s hottest moment.

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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock and the counter-culture, a few reflections

2019-08-19 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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What I would like to see --- just to complete the argument --- is an actual
"response" or "analysis" of where Hoffman's WOODSTOCK NATION and Reich's
THE GREENING OF AMERICA got it wrong.   They both were so sure that the
"million groovey kids" would make a revolution here in the "belly of the
beast" because the idea of relying on the "working class" was passe ---

The fact that the "million groovey kids" were a great new consumer market
seemed to have escaped both 
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[Marxism] Art Spiegelman's Marvel essay 'refused publication for Orange Skull Trump dig' | Books | The Guardian

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Recessions, monetary easing and fiscal stimulus | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-08-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Monetary policy has failed, whether conventional or unconventional. 
Central banks have been ‘pushing on a string’.  That was something that 
Keynes found too during the Great Depression of the 1930s.  His policy 
proposal for getting full employment and ending the depression in the 
early 1930s was first conventional interest-rate cuts and then 
unconventional QE.  By 1936, when he wrote his great work, The General 
Theory, he announced the failure of monetary policy.


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