[Marxism] Walden Bello: China: An Imperial Power in the Image of the West?

2019-10-01 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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*China: An Imperial Power in the Image of the West?*


by Walden Bello

This study seeks to answer the question:  Is China an imperial power in the
image of the West in its relationship with the global south?

Over the last 15 years, there have been increasing accusations of Chinese
state enterprises and private companies being involved in unfair labor
practices, environmentally damaging projects, land-grabbing, locking
borrowing countries into debt, and indirectly providing support for
dictatorships. many of these accusations parallel similar criticisms of the
behavior of state-owned enterprises, private capitalists, and local
authorities within China itself. China has also drawn criticism for its
unilateral moves in seizing disputed maritime formations and violating the
territorial and economic rights of its neighbors in the south China sea.
Many of these criticisms are valid, and unless China addresses them in a
positive fashion soon, these questionable behaviors and practices could
congeal into structures of domination similar to those that have marked the
relationship of the West with the global south.

Perhaps, equally worrisome is that China’s expansion has its own complex of
worrisome characteristics that are not reducible solely to reproducing
western patterns but can also lead, if unchecked, to hegemonic behavior.
Foremost among these is a technocratic top-down approach to development
with a cross-ideological appeal that is resistant to democratic control and
insensitive to environmental considerations, fully on display in Beijing’s
Belt and road Initiative.

Frank and fearless criticism of China's disturbing practices, the study
argues, is the best way to help prevent it from following in the footsteps
of the West.

*"Walden Bello has been one of the most powerful intellectual warriors
against Western hegemony and an empathetic advocate of independent
development in the Global South for decades. Now, confronting the rise of
China, Bello pulls no punches in critiquing this new hegemon and analyzing
its origins and weaknesses.” *

*Ho Fung Hung Wiesenfeld Professor in Political Economy, Johns Hopkins
University; author of The China Boom: Why China Will not Rule the World.*
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Re: [Marxism] Bernie Sanders Is in Trouble - POLITICO Magazine - Actually We Are in trouble

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/1/19 8:57 PM, John Obrien wrote:

rs, who it actually aided)

Your "interst" in the internal workings of the Sanders Campaign - as I 
stated - always seems to never
mention any successes.

That probably is a result of my class analysis of the Democratic Party. 
If you have a different analysis, why don't you share it.

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Re: [Marxism] Bernie Sanders Is in Trouble - POLITICO Magazine - Actually We Are in trouble

2019-10-01 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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I was in error -

Bernie Sanders raised twenty five million dollars in the past three months and 
not my mention of 19 million.

And we shall see what is true and real - in time.

As a poor laborer, I do not subscribe to any publication that cost funds.
I do not generally read the NY Times, Washington Post, The Nation or Jacobin.
One understanding economics and following the money and who benefits from, 
generally allows for finding the truth
and not the lawyers, academic wordsmiths and deceivers, in the employ of the 
ruling elite.

I really like your site for providing informative sources - but this Poltico 
article had not the purpose to inform
but to attack - and you know that - and why you posted it (not caring  it 
appears, who it actually aided)

Your "interst" in the internal workings of the Sanders Campaign - as I stated - 
always seems to never
mention any successes. I never see you sharing the Labor for Bernie 
efforts.  Actually I see very little on
or about organized labor's left wing, compared to what the bourgeois press 
wants to promote - as to be concerned about.

I would like to see more on the labor unions in other nations as well, on their 
organizing and efforts with left wing groups.
As a labor union member that interests me more than some academic profesors 
views on culture.  It does not mean that
I want to not be offered film and art reviews, but there seems a lot more going 
on around class politics, than the privileged
who can afford to go to those movie theaters or plays.

Recognize that the U. S. and the world, would be better wih Bernie Sanders as 
What alternative but complain do you propose?

We know that the contributors on this site,  who promoted and cheered to oust 
Khadaffi in Libya -
and that I believed sadly their views and arguments then -  were terribly 
wrong.   Libya is worse today.  That is a fact.

Sometimes (or often) those of us on the left have to place facts before what we 
would like.
I believe we should side with the youth who want more change and less accept 
wrong.  And what you are unaware of, is that
many of these youth who are not asked by paid bourgeois source pollsters and 
not believing the corporate fed media "news"
might surprise you with the upcoming U. S. elections.

What we are not prepared for - is when Trump refuses to leave - and the U. S. 
military sets up "for security" the running of the
government - after the now real possibility of large numbers of armed fascists 
go to Washington DC, to support Trump staying in
office, after next year's November election.  And while bad weather reduces 
their numbers over three weeks, from 150,000 to
around 30,000 - those remaining will be armed - and Pelosi and Schumer will 
have no way to remove them - since Trump will
still be the military commander (as Clinton and Gore had no courage to even 
have federal marshals remove a couple of dozen
republican party operatives from the Florida election registrar office counting 
the votes. Pelosi and Shumer are exactly the same)

You might be there to challenge the remaining 30,000 armed fascists, but you 
will be unprepared - and I am unaware that you
are courageous to physically fight anyone armed   So after the clash between 
the 30,000 armed fascists that results in chaos,
it seems the U. S. military will intervene to retain capitlaist rule "and 
order".  But perhaps not as before with Pelosi and certainly
not to support president Sanders carrying out his administrative oversight.  
This is the likely political road we are currently on.

If Biden is the nominee - you can expect Trump will continue - and what then 
Louis do you propose that poor laborers as myself
do?  Just take it all nicely and accept business as usual destruction of our 
only environment? (the poor will suffer starvation while
the professional academics will go silent, more interested their food continues 
provided by the rulers "new food distribution").

Class politics - you bet Louis, and if Trump survives the current impeachment 
political theater, it seems the "politics as usual"
by the political operatives who personally benefit - will be disrupted - or 
even ended - and another way instead for "law and order"
rule will be enacted - for the rulers.  It is always FOR the rulers that the 
compliant best paid corrupt politicians will serve - not us.
The internal 20th Century U. S. elections, worked well for the rulers.  That 
model is not likely to continue, if the masses do not
recognize and respect it.

And the academics familiar with the university campuses and film houses - do 
not seem to understand that they might be in a very

Re: [Marxism] Bernie Sanders Is in Trouble - POLITICO Magazine

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/1/19 4:29 PM, John Obrien via Marxism wrote:

You shared the corporate media article trying to persuade and deceive people 
not to support Bernie Sanders.
But you do not share any articles or success by those supporting Bernie 
Sanders.  When unions endorse Bernie Sanders
you do not mention as significant.  One would think this reflects welcome news 
of unons supporting someone openly
who mentions the word socialism in a favorable way.

Except for the article's title, it is worthwhile, in-depth coverage of 
the Sanders campaign. If you want pablum, read Jacobin, In These Times 
or The Nation.

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[Marxism] Bernie Sanders Is in Trouble - POLITICO Magazine

2019-10-01 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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You shared the corporate media article trying to persuade and deceive people 
not to support Bernie Sanders.
But you do not share any articles or success by those supporting Bernie 
Sanders.  When unions endorse Bernie Sanders
you do not mention as significant.  One would think this reflects welcome news 
of unons supporting someone openly
who mentions the word socialism in a favorable way.

Today a day after your sharing the hit piece by Robert Allbritton (the wealthy 
banker owner of  Politico) and their
anti-communist editor Matthew Kaminski (former editor of the Wall Street 
Jourmal), you do not share that Bernie Sanders
Campaign raised 19 million dollars in the recent quarter.  That seems some 
promising news that small contributors and no
corporate funds, raised that Huge amount this summer.  Being a poor laborer, I 
did not send any of those funds. But it
shows that millions of people reject the corporate message to not support 

It is not Bernie Sanders who is in trouble - unlike you and myself, Bernie has 
been able to break through the corporate
deceit and messaging, to reach many people and raise class awareness of tens of 
millions.  Let me repeat that, since
some sectarians seeking power control for themselves, envisioning they are 
Lenin or perhaps Stalin, Mao, Fidel -
Bernie Sanders has raised Class Awreness of tens of millions of laborers.  My 
hope is for my Class to have control and
not some pathetic insecure individual as Stalin, to advance a better world.

Whatever my political differences with Bernie Sanders, he is successful in 
getting his message out.   But I write this
not to just respond to sectarian thinking that seems more religious than 
materialist, in developing a militant working
class.  Sectarians isolated with no roots in the working class, always miss the 
"small detail" that one has to interact
with people on what their concerns are.

Actually it is humanity that is in trouble along with all life on this planet.

The very weak and unorganized left in the U. S., so much based in the academia 
professional milieu
are not capable of fighting  the fascists, let alone challenging the ruling 
class and their repressive state apparatus.

Here we have an old stubborn man Bernie Sanders, whom I share political 
differences with -
but I am definitely supporting him - because he seems the only hope that some 
force will end the fossil fuel
and farming animal industires destruction of our environment, to survive.

The other (electable) candidates will serve the greedy capitalists  head long 
march to destruction.
They are just lying politicians who seek personal advancement.

Bernie is not a revolutionary socialist.  But he will do three things for why I 
and many others support him:

1- He will be serious on addressing fossil fuel usage/destruction
2 - He will spend effort to address and reduce significantly nuclear weapons
3 - He will encourage an independent movement and awareness to not rely on 
politicians but to encourage
  people to join groups and be part of independent movements.

The events to come and those of us involved with working people, can then 
hopefully raise awareness of in
the class that will have to address the perceived challenges to come with 
unfolding events around Trump
and his supporters.  That class - my class, can only be fooled for so long, 
until they decide to end capitalist
rule and exploitation.

Sectarian isolated Marcists  are too often like those in some religious cult 
group - ignoring reality for
only what they want.  I wish Bernie well.  His successes are not defeats for 
socialist advocates, or the
working class.

Consider who wants Bernie Sanders to lose - and then what should be asked is: 
why would any person
who considers themselves a socialist of rational thought, want the same as 
them?   I am for a sustainable
environment and against nuclear weapons and organizing a militant aware working 
class.  Bernie Sanders
is both raising those three major concerns - and why Politico's ownership and 
funders, want to stop him.


[Marxism] Kara Walker Takes a Monumental Jab at Britannia - The New York Times

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Using the Tate Modern as her stage, Ms. Walker examines the empire, the 
debate over memorials and the tragedy of Emmett Till. Is London ready?

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[Marxism] China Plays ‘Fight the Landlord’ to Tame Hong Kong

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Oct. 1, 2019
China Plays ‘Fight the Landlord’ to Tame Hong Kong
By Li Yuan

“Fight the Landlord” is one of the most popular card games in China. The 
name comes from the 1950s, when the Chinese Communist Party confiscated 
property from landowners, often violently, in the name of the masses. As 
many as two million people were killed.

China’s state-controlled media is playing a new game of “Fight the 
Landlord,” and its target is one of the biggest landlords in the world: 
the 91-year-old Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing. Hong Kong’s summer of 
protests stems mainly from sky-high housing costs, China’s media argues, 
and Mr. Li and other local real estate tycoons should be held responsible.

“In the current chaotic situation in Hong Kong, many young people are 
venting their dissatisfaction with high housing prices and expensive 
rents at the government,” said an official commentary by the party’s 
Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, which oversees China’s 
police and courts. “They’re probably blaming the wrong target.”

The return of “Fight the Landlord” lays bare the Communist Party’s 
shifting attitudes toward the business world. Hong Kong’s property 
tycoons were once big beneficiaries of an unspoken pact between Beijing 
and business: They could wheel and deal as they liked, so long as they 
helped China achieve its economic dreams and left the politics to the 
Communist Party.

Today, as the party tightens its grip over daily Chinese life, business 
has become another tool for control. Business leaders who aren’t 
sufficiently loyal can suddenly find themselves at risk.

And in Hong Kong, where companies operate under a different set of laws 
but still depend on the mainland for their profits, China’s state media 
is increasingly willing to threaten or humiliate any business leader who 
stands in the way.

The party’s growing reach raises questions about the future of people 
like Mr. Li — and, by extension, of all of Hong Kong. Mr. Li was a 
consummate player of the old game, cultivating ties with Beijing’s most 
powerful leaders even as he increased his wealth. But under Xi Jinping, 
China’s top leader, the party has demanded absolute loyalty, eliminating 
some of the gray areas where business in Hong Kong once stood.

“One of the biggest characteristics of Mr. Xi’s ruling style is that 
he’s not interested in uniting different interest groups,” said Leung 
Man-tao, a Hong Kong writer and commentator who has big followings in 
both the mainland and Hong Kong. “He can’t see the value of gray areas. 
He wants absolute loyalty.”

In the mainland, the party has taken a direct role in how some of 
China’s biggest and most successful companies do business.

This past summer, Chinese officials met with the country’s two most 
powerful internet tycoons, Jack Ma of Alibaba and Pony Ma of Tencent, to 
talk about deeper cooperation between state-owned enterprises and the 
tech giants. Just two years ago, their companies plowed billions of 
dollars into backing one state-owned telecommunications company.

In September, officials in the Chinese city of Hangzhou said they would 
appoint a government representative to serve as a liaison in the top 
offices of companies based there, including Alibaba. They said the goal 
was to improve coordination between government and business.

Businesspeople who don’t get on board risk becoming targets.

Wang Gongquan, a billionaire venture capitalist who advocated more 
liberal political and social policies, was detained in September 2013 
and jailed for five months. Ren Zhiqiang, a property developer, found 
his social media accounts deleted when he used them to criticize the 
party’s tightening control over discourse and is no longer allowed to 
leave the country.

Since the protests began, Beijing has taken a more direct role in Hong 
Kong. State-controlled media has castigated Cathay Pacific and other 
employers whose workers joined the protests. Beijing has urged 
representatives from nearly 100 of China’s biggest state-run companies 
to step up investment and assert more control of companies in Hong Kong, 
according to Reuters.

Now the government is taking on Hong Kong’s property developers, a group 
that has long sought to stay in Beijing’s good graces. Hong Kong’s 
largest pro-Beijing political party in September called on the city 
government to take back land from property developers to build 
affordable housing. Some property companies have said they would turn 
over some plots, though Mr. Li has not made his plans public.

Beijing’s accusations against Mr. Li and the other real estate tycoons 

[Marxism] Book Review: *The Damned Don‘t Cry: Pages from the Life of a Black Prisoner and Organizer*, by Frank Edgar Chapman Jr. | Tony Lindsay | Chicago Defender

2019-10-01 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Interview with Doug Enaa Greene on Blanqui

2019-10-01 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Donald Trump Is Finished

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Tyranny of Economists | The New Republic

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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How can they be so wrong, so often, and yet still exert so much 
influence on government policy?

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[Marxism] Pop Social Darwinism in Contemporary American Capitalist Society: the Marketization of Che as Individualist Symbol - CounterPunch.org

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Speech On Environmental Protections by Karl Liebknecht - COSMONAUT

2019-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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