Re: [Marxism] Idlib: Putin-Erdoğan Deal is a Sell-Out of the Syrian Revolution!

2020-03-09 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I agree that "This sell-out deal was almost as predictable as night 
becoming day". However, it is one thing to say so AFTER such an event 
has happened or to warn about such a danger AHEAD of it.

If comrades have written such warning/predictions ahead of it, please 
forward the respective link.

Am 06.03.2020 um 14:38 schrieb mkaradjis .:

This sell-out deal was almost as predictable as night becoming day

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
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Re: [Marxism] sub-imperial characteristics - was Erdogan’s imperial play comes undone

2020-03-09 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Naturally this is a broad and complex subject. We have dealt with 
various theoretical aspects of this issue somewhere else (see the links 
I provided in previous emails on the discussion about "sub-imperialism".

At this point I just want to point out two issues concerning the 
concrete application of the theory of sub-imperialism.

1) Which states concretly are sub-imperialist? I already pointed out how 
far Alex Callinicos has gone in applying such characterization. I am 
sure Patrick Bond and other supporters of this theory don't share this 
position. But, as far as I know, Patrick (and others) characterize China 
and Russia as such states.

So if one of the main characteristics of sub-imperialist states is that 
they act as "regional deputy sheriffs", my question is simple: who's 
deputy are they? Who is the boss they are serving?

U.S. imperialism? No one can seriously claim this! Of "global capital" 
which is not related to any Great Power? This seems to me the only 
possible conclusion of such a position. But then, such "global capital" 
above the sphere of national states is a myth which was wrong already in 
past (including the period of globalization in which this claim became 
popular) and which is even obvisously wrong today.

2) What are the political consequences of such a characterization? If 
the U.S. is imperialist (on which surely everyone here agrees) and China 
and Russia are "sub-imperialist" (i.e. qualitatively less imperialist), 
should one side with China/Russia against the U.S.? As we all know 
numerous Stalinists and Bolivarians arrive to such conclusions. Does 
Patrick share such conclusions? As comrades will be aware, I do not.

Am 05.03.2020 um 10:51 schrieb Patrick Bond:

regional 'deputy sheriff' duty when

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
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[Marxism] The One-Choice Election

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Chris Hedges 

I was on the streets with protesters in Philadelphia outside the 
appropriately named Wells Fargo Center during the 2016 Democratic 
Convention when hundreds of Sanders delegates walked out of the hall. 
“Show me what democracy looks like!” they chanted, holding Bernie signs 
above their heads as they poured out of the exits. “This is what 
democracy looks like!”

Sanders’ greatest tactical mistake was not joining them. He bowed before 
the mighty altar of the corporate state. He had desperately tried to 
stave off a revolt by his supporters and delegates on the eve of the 
convention by sending out repeated messages in his name — most of them 
authored by members of the Clinton campaign — to be respectful, not 
disrupt the nominating process and support Clinton. Sanders was a 
dutiful sheepdog, attempting to herd his disgruntled supporters into the 
embrace of the Clinton campaign. At his moment of apostasy, when he 
introduced a motion to nominate Clinton, his delegates had left hundreds 
of convention seats empty.

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[Marxism] MR Online | Johnstone brings her moral compass to our Dantesque world

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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MR Online posts link to review of Diana Johnstone's memoir that appeared 
originally on conspiracist website Dissident Voice. The review states, 
"Johnstone has spent most of her life abroad, in France, the rare 
foreign correspondent (she created a job as foreign correspondent for In 
These Times) who has free rein to explore a story..." Yeah, she's really 
very reliable on France, telling CounterPunch readers that Marine Le Pen 
was a leftist.
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[Marxism] Stock trading halted for 15 minutes after the S&P 500 craters 7%

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Michael Hiltzik: UC teaches its striking grad students how big business behaves - Los Angeles Times

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Jesse Jackson’s Political Revolution

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Useful recounting of Jesse Jackson's earlier attempt to return the DP to 
its New Deal roots but in keeping with Jacobin's dead-end politics 
refuses to conclude that this is an exercise in futility.
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[Marxism] What Bernie Sanders Gets Right About the Media

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 9, 2020
What Bernie Sanders Gets Right About the Media
By Ben Smith

When a BuzzFeed News colleague and I sat down with Bernie Sanders in his 
Capitol Hill office in 2015, he started with a thank you — for doing 
what you do to provide an alternative to the corporate media.

We stammered a bit, and half apologized. We weren’t really doing that, 
sir; our backers were venture capitalists. He’d have to find an 
alternative elsewhere.

Bernie Sanders has been searching for that alternative to for-profit 
media for a long time. Back in 1981, when he became mayor of Burlington, 
Vt., he turned to his staff and said: “We can’t survive. We have to 
develop our own media.”

And while some left-wing media outlets are now emerging, they’re not 
going to flower in time to save his campaign.

That became painfully clear last Wednesday when, after his stunning 
setback on Super Tuesday, Mr. Sanders bent the knee and submitted to a 
barrage of not particularly friendly questions from the most powerful 
progressive on TV, the MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.

He had been avoiding the network, suspicious of its wealthy hosts and 
corporate owners. He told Ms. Maddow in mild exasperation that one of 
his challenges was “taking on the corporate media, if I might say so.”

It was clear the primary voting had shaken the Vermont senator’s whole 
theory of the election — that he could mobilize a huge new cohort of 
young people.

At the same time, the events of the past week have validated much of his 
criticism of the media, the subject of a 1988 town hall with Mr. Sanders 
and the radical provocateur Abbie Hoffman. Mr. Sanders complained that 
Vermont’s television stations had been “prostituted by commercials.” 
(The video is a trip, and worth the click.)

His main point: “The media itself is as important a political issue as 

Mr. Sanders is right about that, and about two other big things: that 
much of the U.S. media still covers elections as if they’re sporting 
events and that the affluent New Yorkers who run and appear on 
television networks are not inclined to like him. The narrative of Joe 
Biden’s comeback was an irresistible story to the media — one that often 
eclipsed the coronavirus, never mind discussion of health care or 
poverty — on cable news in recent days.

The distance between Mr. Sanders’s supporters and media executives could 
be felt with particular intensity in the halls of MSNBC last week. After 
Chris Matthews, the beloved embodiment of MSNBC’s establishmentarian 
centrism, compared Mr. Sanders’s campaign to the Nazi invasion of 
France, Mr. Sanders’s supporters began a drumbeat of criticism that 
helped lead to Mr. Matthews’ ouster. When Joe Biden — the Chris Matthews 
of politics — emerged as the Democratic front-runner on Super Tuesday, 
the on-air relief at MSNBC was palpable.

“What a whole lot of people here see,” said one senior producer, “is the 
same thing as Trump.”

That perspective is widely shared in the news business: That Mr. Sanders 
— and really any politician who is hostile, or even cranky, to the media 
— is following in President Trump’s footsteps.

It’s a canard. Mr. Trump is a star of the corporate media who hacked its 
commercial incentives to his advantage, delivering free lively 
entertainment to cable networks desperate for programming. Mr. Trump 
wants to control that media, and to discredit competing voices. Mr. 
Sanders wants to remake the media in a new model.

“Trump knew how to weaponize that capitalistic greed against them, 
whereas Bernie’s approach has been just to build those other channels,” 
said Krystal Ball, a former MSNBC host who has emerged as a leading 
voice of the pro-Sanders left.

Ms. Ball’s morning show for The Hill website is one of a handful of 
signs that the media landscape is beginning to shift in Mr. Sanders’s 
direction. The show, which she co-hosts with a young Trump-backing 
conservative named Saagar Enjeti, posted impressive numbers on YouTube, 
with more than 3.4 million hours watched over the last month.

The show’s fans span left- and right-wing populism. They include leftist 
insurgents at The Intercept like Glenn Greenwald, who on Twitter called 
the show a “super-perky radical trans-ideological 21st Century 
subversive sequel to the Katie Couric/Matt Lauer morning Today Show in 
its heyday (minus all that unpleasantness).” Among its right-wing 
admirers are Steve Bannon, Mr. Trump’s former campaign adviser, who in 
an interview described Ms. Ball as “hard core,” along with the Fox News 
host Tucker Carlson, who texted that the two “seem to understand, better 
than almost anyone else ta

[Marxism] How the UAW Went From a Militant, Trailblazing Union to a Corrupt, Dealmaking One

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Questioning Our Limits to Leave Scarcity Behind

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Whereas mainstream economics is about expansion and productivity, 
environmentalism has often taken it upon itself to remind people of the 
limits and the consequences of exceeding them. Too many emissions will 
see climate catastrophe. Too much resource extraction will see society 
break down. But is this way of thinking counterproductive? Does 
appealing to external limits deny society the chance to set its own 
path? We spoke to the political ecology thinker Giorgos Kallis about his 
new book, Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should 
Care, to discuss problems with the standard discourse on limits and 
where to look for alternatives.


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[Marxism] Conflicts Over Indigenous Land Grow More Violent in Central America

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 9, 2020
Conflicts Over Indigenous Land Grow More Violent in Central America
By Alexander Villegas and Frances Robles

TÉRRABA, Costa Rica — For decades, members of the Brörán tribe in 
southern Costa Rica longed to take back what they considered ancestral 
land from the farmers who also claimed it. One weekend last month, they 
acted, entering several farms, hanging up signs and vowing to stay put.

It was not long, they said, before group of agitated farmers came out on 
horseback, motorbikes and in pickups. Armed with machetes, sticks and 
firearms, the farmers huddled at the top of the mountain for hours, 
hurling threats, as Indigenous leaders implored the police to come help.

Elides Rivera, a local Indigenous land rights leader, still has the 
voice recording of the call for help she made to a local police 
commander: “I beg you with all, all my heart.”

But soon after, a brawl broke out, and it ended in the death of her 
nephew, Jerhy Rivera, 45, who was an Indigenous activist in the community.

Mr. Rivera’s death came just a few weeks after another Indigenous man in 
a nearby town was shot in a dispute over land, and a year after a land 
rights leader in that town was gunned down in his home.

Over the past five years, conflicts over land and natural resources in 
the region have led to about 200 confrontations and the deaths of 60 
Indigenous people, according to the Business & Human Rights Resource 
Center, a London organization.

Four Indigenous people were killed in an attack in Nicaragua in January, 
and at least a dozen more died in Colombia in just the first two weeks 
of this year, according to the United Nations.

The deaths in Latin America are the result of increasingly violent 
clashes between people who have lived on the land for thousands of years 
and settlers who have arrived much more recently.

From Mexico to Brazil, Indigenous tribes moving against stop ranchers, 
loggers, miners and other business interests — sometimes aggressively — 
are hoping to reclaim their community land.

Sometimes, they are dying for it.

And when they do, the newcomers to Indigenous lands rarely seem to pay a 
legal price.

“I told you these criminals would keep coming,” Ms. Rivera said in a 
follow-up message to the police commander. “Thank you. Today, you let 
them kill Jerhy.”

Mr. Rivera, a father of four, sold chickens and worked to promote 
awareness about his tribe. In 2013, he was beaten in a dispute with loggers.

Mr. Rivera was a member of one of the nearly 800 Indigenous tribes in 
Latin America. Many of them were never colonized after the arrival of 
the Spanish and the Portuguese to the continent, and maintained their 
languages and traditions.

Although some groups enjoy protections similar to that afforded Native 
American reservations in the United States, enforcement can be lax.

That can be particularly true in areas that are remote, or are rich in 
natural resources.

In Nicaragua, home of the Miskitu, the government has spoken against 
illegal land grabs by settlers, but has done nothing to stop it, said 
Laura Hobson Herlihy, a lecturer at the University of Kansas.

Four Indigenous people were killed in the country in January.

“This is a humanitarian crisis,” said Lottie Cunningham, a Miskitu human 
rights lawyer on Nicaragua’s Atlantic coast.

With no legal avenue to turn to, Indigenous communities sometimes team 
up to clear land of newcomers, a process they call “sanamiento.” In 
Costa Rica, it’s called “recovery.”

“They had shirts that said, ‘sanamiento’ across the back,” Ms. Herlihy 
said. “I used to tell them, ‘Dude, that’s a target on your back. That is 
just so dangerous. It gets so many people killed.”

In many cases, settlers occupying Indigenous land did not know that 
their land purchases were against the law. Many invested their life 
savings into the land deals and are unwilling to go without a fight.

Víctor Hugo Zúñiga, a 38-year-old father of three, is one of the 
thousands of non-Indigenous farmers living on disputed land in Costa 
Rica. He says the government gave his father land in the town of Olán 
back in 1972, five years before Indigenous reservations were established.

“We didn’t take it away from any Indigenous person,” he said. “Now after 
45 years of living here, how are we usurpers?”

Costa Rica, like Nicaragua, began offering special protections to 
Indigenous people and their lands in the 1970s.

Marcos Guevara, a professor of anthropology at the University of Costa 
Rica who studied Indigenous issues for more than 30 years, says the 
eruption of violence has been simmering for decades because of 

[Marxism] The real threat of "coronavirus", world hunger, and world politics

2020-03-09 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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A potential of about 70,000 deaths globally from Covid 19 vs. nearly 10
million from hunger and even more from cancer. Which is the greater danger
to world health? Meanwhile, the Chinese government is using this outbreak
to crack down even further and the Chilean government is trying to scare
people off the streets with the virus threat... to no avail as this report

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] The Twilight of the Political Revolution | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On the morning after Super Tuesday, Jacobin/DSA heavyweights Dustin 
Guastella and Connor Kilpatrick proclaimed “After the Nevada Blowout, 
It’s Bernie’s Party Now.” Even before reality crashed their party in 
South Carolina, Texas, Minnesota and elsewhere a week later, I deemed 
their triumphalism a bit premature. Before enumerating the powerful 
institutions that gird the longest still-functioning capitalist party in 
the world, I wrote that “it is pretty obvious that the Democratic Party 
is not an empty shell. Even if most people continue to vote for Bernie 
Sanders up until the convention, they have no other relationship to him 
except as an endorser.” It turned out that I was perhaps a bit swayed by 
the impressive victory in Nevada in failing to warn the democratic 
socialist comrades that the Nevada vote might have been an outlier.


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[Marxism] TO what is Coronavirus being used to stop mass unrest by millions of workers?

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The People Who See Bernie Sanders as Their Only Hope

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 9, 2020
The People Who See Bernie Sanders as Their Only Hope
By Jennifer Medina and Sydney Ember

PHOENIX — “This is a campaign of the working class, by the working class 
and for the working class!”

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont nearly shouted those words to a 
raucously supportive crowd here last week. The line received thunderous 
applause, as it always does.

At campaign events over the past year, Mr. Sanders has spoken to tens of 
thousands of people who come to hear his message of political revolution 
— who come to imagine a country with universal health care, no student 
debt and a $15 minimum wage. Almost every line he says onstage rises to 
a crescendo, inviting cheers of appreciation. With every promise and 
policy proposal, the crowd becomes a sea of waving blue and white signs 
with the “Bernie” logo.

The Sanders campaign has exposed a class divide within the Democratic 
Party: His promises of a leg up are most alluring to those who need it, 
and most confounding to those who do not.

Six more states go to the polls on Tuesday in what is now a head-to-head 
matchup in the Democratic presidential race between Mr. Sanders and 
former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. The path for Mr. Sanders to 
retake a delegate lead is much narrower than it was a week ago, but no 
matter how the primaries turn out for Mr. Sanders, he has built a fierce 
following of voters who want and expect more from their party, from 
their government, from their country.

That’s how Audrey Yanos views Mr. Sanders and this political moment. Ms. 
Yanos, 39, has voted for the Democratic candidate in every presidential 
election in her adult life. But Ms. Yanos has misgivings: Those 
Democrats, she believes, have never done all that much to deliver the 
promise of the American dream. She has begun to feel that the country 
has betrayed people like her.

Mr. Sanders, she says, is different. Ms. Yanos voted for him in 2016, 
and did so again last Tuesday in the Colorado primary, which he won 
easily over Mr. Biden.

“We are struggling all the time, and what we have is not working,” she 
said one evening last week during a brief break between dinner and her 
son’s basketball practice. “We’re all scraping by, one disaster away 
from real catastrophe, and we need someone who understands that.”

That sentiment — that Mr. Sanders understands the catastrophe looming 
for so many people, and that so many other politicians do not — is 
central to Sanders supporters, and crucial to understanding where these 
voters might turn if Mr. Sanders is not the nominee. If the Democratic 
Party wants to keep such voters engaged and committed to showing up in 
the fall, leaders will have to speak more directly to them and better 
address their needs.

Many of his supporters know what it’s like to struggle in one way or 
another. They need prescription drugs but can’t afford them. They are 
buried under relentless student debt. They juggle jobs with caring for 
ailing parents or young children, or both. They want better lives, more 
stable lives, and need some help.

When Mr. Sanders has asked people at his town halls to tell their 
stories — often by prodding them to share their insurance premiums or 
deductibles — their voices have sometimes shaken. Sometimes there are tears.

Audrey Yanos voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016 and again this year in 
Colorado’s primary. “It’s not that I think it will be all rainbows and 
sunshine if he’s elected,” she said. “Things won’t change 
overnight.”Credit...Daniel Brenner for The New York Times
Ms. Yanos was the first person in her family to attend college. She 
considers herself lucky because a scholarship paid for tuition and 
books, so she graduated with about $25,000 in debt, which she paid off 
last year. Financially, she is far better off than her parents were when 
she was a child. And yet she sees no evidence of a booming economy in 
her own life.

“I look around and see so many other people barely holding on,” Ms. 
Yanos said, choking back tears as her kids did their homework at the 
kitchen table. “It’s not that I think it will be all rainbows and 
sunshine if he’s elected, things won’t change overnight. But people 
younger than me, they are going to demand change in their lifetime.”

Everything seemed to be clicking for Mr. Sanders before last week. He 
had finished at the top of the nominating contests in Iowa and New 
Hampshire, then dominated in Nevada. But on Super Tuesday, a surging Mr. 
Biden all but extinguished that momentum, winning 10 of 14 states with 
the support of many black working-class voters. Mr. Biden and Mr. 
Sanders are now head

[Marxism] Let’s get fiscal! | Michael Roberts Blog

2020-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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How to grease the aching wheels of a sickening world capitalist economy? 
 Let’s get fiscal is the universal cry of economists and policy makers. 
 The COVID meltdown and impending global recession is forcing 
authorities to consider fiscal stimulus.

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Re: [Marxism] Jesse Jackson’s Political Revolution

2020-03-09 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Jesse Jackson called the DLC "Defenders of the Leisure Class."  Bill
Clinton resigned as DLC chair to run for president in 1992.  The Clinton
administration promptly betrayed the wide-open opportunity to enact
single-payer healthcare:
David Corn reporting in The Nation magazine, April 26, 1993:
"Health Care Reform - Round 1 BIG PLAYERS VS. SINGLE PAYER"
 . . .
"Several national advocates of a single-payer system, including Dr. David
Himmelstein of Physicians for a National Health Program, sat down with
Hillary Clinton in February.  She listened attentively, asked smart
questions - how would such a system encourage more health providers to
perform primary care rather than specialize? - but she gave no indication
their presentations would make a dent in her plan, some form of managed
competition in which the health care delivery system is organized into
large purchasing cooperatives likely to be dominated by insurance companies.

"It was evident Hillary is thinking a lot about politics.  Can you
realistically tell me, she asked, that there are any big powers that
support single-payer and that can take on the insurance industry’s lobbying
and advertising budget?  “I said, ‘About 70 percent of the U.S. people
favor something like a single-payer system,’” Himmelstein recalls.  “‘With
presidential leadership that can be an overwhelming force.’  She said,
‘David, tell me something interesting.’”

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 8:21 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

> Useful recounting of Jesse Jackson's earlier attempt to return the DP to
> its New Deal roots but in keeping with Jacobin's dead-end politics
> refuses to conclude that this is an exercise in futility.
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[Marxism] Statement on refugees

2020-03-09 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Signed by 500 groups and organizations.  Quite impressive.
ken h

Common statement: Transnational solidarity against racism and war! 
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