[Marxism] Giroux Company's 12 theses

2014-09-04 Thread Brian via Marxism
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Twelve Theses on Education's Future in the Age of Neoliberalism and Terrorism

From inside academia I fear that all this is true.

Brian McKenna

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[Marxism] Part Time Workers PBS News

2014-09-02 Thread Brian via Marxism
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Finally a good story from the dreadful PBS News Hour


Brian McKenna

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[Marxism] The Violence of Organized Forgetting - Giroux 2014

2014-08-30 Thread Brian via Marxism
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The Violence of Organized Forgetting, Henry Giroux 2014

Giroux takes us on a timely tour through this maddening age with this 
passionate book. The Violence of Organized Forgetting  is remarkable for its 
hard won insights into our crushing times -- as interpreted through the lens of 
one of our premier public intellectuals. Giroux focuses on the damning amnesia 
that grips us all, as neoliberalism tightens its deadly grip on our minds. He 
calls it organized forgetting, a malady that strikes at the very the moment 
of crisis. Giroux rips events from their headline entombment (Chicago teacher's 
strike, Boston bombings, Hurricane Sandy etc), and illuminates the hidden 
terrors behind them, meanings rarely countenanced by a subservient media. Like 
C. Wright Mills, Giroux is determined to convert our private sufferings into 
public issues, and he takes no prisoners. Giroux is inventing a new form of 
writing combining three ingredients: 1) He rips events from the headlines, 2) 
refracts them through the latest in critical social theory (the biblio
 graphy itself commands our attention as necessary reading in itself) and 3) 
produces a brilliant alchemy of poetic metaphors and sentences that crystallize 
reality in a new way. Reading Giroux is like listening to music --  its 
powerful emotional effects cannot be articulated. . .it is art with a firm 
moral compass. He quotes fellow artist James Baldwin on the importance of 
remembering, people who remember court madness through pain, the pain of the 
perpetually recurring death of their innocence; people who forget court another 
kind of madness, the madness of the denial of pain and the hatred of 
innocence. Giroux cries from the rooftops: Do not normalize this descent into 
madness; see where you are in history, love your brothers and sisters - and 
help make a revolution.

Brian McKenna

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Feedback on Cancer, Politics and Capitalism

2014-08-29 Thread Brian via Marxism
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Agreed.  Great piece Louis.  And I want to add one more salute to Campbell.

See Forks over Knives to get the low down on his story (as Esselstyn)

Cambell was received lots of blowback from industry and Cornell for his work. . 
it was tough. . .and still is.

read more about his fight in hos latest effort Whole





-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect l...@panix.com
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu; 
Progressive Economics pe...@lists.csuchico.edu
Sent: Fri, Aug 29, 2014 3:11 pm
Subject: [Pen-l] Feedback on Cancer, Politics and Capitalism

  Dear Louis Proyect,
  I am a big fan of your blog. I just read Cancer, Politics and
  Capitalism on Counterpunch. I just had a quick comment for you about
  it. But quickly, having studied chemistry and earth science, and
  after having watched my mother die from lymphoma, I am particularly
  interested in the intersection of hard science research in relation
  to diet and cancer.
  You write in your recent article:
  Nutritionists are always urging us to eat fruits and vegetables,
  especially those with anti-oxidant properties such as blueberries and
  cabbage but there has never been a rigorous study of diet and cancer.
  This has a lot to do with the near impossibility of conducting a
  demographically representative study of the effects of eating “good”
  food and bad.
  One of the most rigorous studies of diet and cancer was conducted by
  Dr. T. Colin Campbell in a book he wrote that summarizes the studies
  findings, called The China Study. Here's a Youtube video of one of
  his presentations:
  Check it out.
  Best, Chris
  Here's Dr. Campbell's full BIO:
  Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry
  (Cornell)  Author of The China Study. Startling Implications for
  Diet, Weight Loss and Long Term Health (Campbell TC and Campbell, TM
  II, 2005)
  T. Colin Campbell, who was trained at Cornell (M.S., Ph.D.) and MIT
  (Research Associate) in nutrition, biochemistry and toxicology, spent
  10 years on the faculty of Virginia Tech's Department of Biochemistry
  and Nutrition before returning to the Division of Nutritional
  Sciences at Cornell in 1975 where he presently holds his Endowed
  Chair (now Emeritus).
  His principal scientific interests, which began with his graduate
  training in the late 1950's, has been on the effects of nutritional
  status on long term health, particularly on the causation of cancer.
  He has conducted original research both in laboratory experiments and
  in large-scale human studies; has received over 70 grant-years of
  peer-reviewed research funding (mostly NIH), has served on several
  grant review panels of multiple funding agencies, has lectured
  extensively, and has authored over 300 research papers. Also, he a)
  coordinated a USAID-supported technical assistance program for a
  nationwide nutrition program for malnourished pre-school age children
  in the Philippines (1966-74), b) organized and directed a
  multi-national project responsible for nationwide surveys of diet,
  lifestyle and mortality in the People's Republic of China
  (1983-present), c) was a co-author and member of National Academy of
  Science's expert panels on saccharin carcinogenicity (1978); food
  safety policy (1978-79); diet, nutrition and cancer (1981-82);
  research recommendations on diet, nutrition and cancer (1982-83); and
  food labeling policy (1989-1990), d) was the organizer and Co-Chair
  (but listed as Senior Science Advisor) of the World Cancer Research
  Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research report on international
  diet and cancer recommendations (1993-1997), e) was the principal
  witness for the National Academy of Sciences in two Federal Trade
  Commission hearings on issues concerning product-specific health
  claims (1984-1986), f) was Visiting Scholar at the Radcliffe
  Infirmary, University of Oxford/England (1985-1986), g) was the
  Senior Science Advisor for the American Institute for Cancer
  Research/World Cancer Research Fund (1983-1987, 1992-1997), h)
  presently holds an Honorary Professorships at the Chinese Academy of
  Preventive Medicine and i) is on the Research Advisory Board of the
  Chinese Institute of Nutritional Sciences in the Chinese Academy of
  Science, the government’s leading institution responsible for
  nutrition research and policy in China and is an Advisory Professor
  of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is the recipient of several
  awards, both in research and citizenship. In 

[Marxism] The Carnage of Capitalsim

2014-08-18 Thread Brian via Marxism
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Source URL: http://www.alternet.org/economy/carnage-capita

The Carnage of Capitalism



August 17, 2014  |  AlterNet [1] / By Paul Buchheit [2]
Capitalism is expanding like a tumor in the body of American society, spreading 
further into vital areas of human need like health and education.

Milton Friedman said in 1980: The free market system distributes the fruits of 
economic progress among all people. The father of the modern neoliberal 
movementcouldn't have been more wrong. Inequality has been growing for 35 
years, worsening since the 2008 recession, as a few well-positioned Americans 
have made millions [3] while the rest of us have gained almost nothing. Now, 
our college students and medicine-dependent seniors have become the source of 
new riches for the profitseeking free-marketers.

Higher Education: Administrators Get Most of the Money

College grads took a 19 percent pay cut in the two years [4] after the 
recession. By 2013 over half [5] of employed black recent college graduates 
were working in occupations that typically do not require a four-year college 
degree. For those still in school, tuition [6] has risen much faster than any 
other living expense, and the average student loan balance has risen 91 percent 
[7] over the past ten years.

At the other extreme is the winner-take-all free-market version of education, 
with a steady flow of compensation towards the top. Remarkably, and not 
coincidentally, as inequality has surged since the 1980s, the number of 
administrators at private universities has doubled [8]. Administrators now 
outnumber faculty on every campus [9]across the country.

These administrators are taking the big money. As detailed by Lawrence Wittner 
[10], the 25 highest-paid presidents increased their salaries by a third 
between 2009 and 2012, to nearly a million dollars each. For every 
million-dollar public university president in 2011, there were fourteen such 
presidents at private universities, and dozens of lower-level administrators 
aspiring to be paid like their bosses. At Purdue [11], for example, the 2012 
administrative ranks included a $313,000-a-year acting provost, a $198,000 
chief diversity officer, a $253,000 marketing officer and a $433,000 business 
school chief.

All this money at the top has to come from somewhere, and that means from 
faculty and students. Adjunct and student teachers, who made up about 22 
percent [10] of instructional staff in 1969, now make up an estimated 76 
percent of instructional staff in higher education, with a median wage [12] in 
2010 of about $2,700 per course. More administrative money comes from tuition, 
which has increased by over 1,000 percent [13] since 1978.

At the for-profit colleges, according to a Senate report [14] on 2009 expenses, 
education companies spent about 23 percent of all revenue on marketing and 
advertising, and almost 20 percent of revenue on pre-tax profits for their 
shareholders. They spent just 17.2 percent of their revenue on instruction.

Medicine: A 10,000 Percent Profit for Corporations

As with education, the extremes forced upon us by free-market health care are 
nearly beyond belief. First, at the human end, 43 percent [15] of sick 
Americans skipped [16] doctor's visits and/or medication purchases in 2011 
because of excessive costs. It's estimated [17]that over 40,000 Americans die 
every year because they can't afford health insurance.

At the corporate end, drugmakers are at times getting up to $100 for every $1 
spent. That's true at Gilead Sciences [18], the manufacturer of the drug 
Sovaldi, which charges about $10 a pill to its customers in Egypt, then comes 
home to charge $1,000 a pill to its American customers. The 10,000 percent 
profit is also true with the increasingly lucrative, government-funded Human 
Genome Project [19], which is estimated [20] to potentially return about $140 
for every $1 spent. Big business is quickly making its move. Celera Genomics 
[21], Abbott Labs [22], Merck [23], Roche[23], Bristol-Myers Squibb [23], 
andPfizer [24] are all starting to cash in.

The extremes of capitalist greed are evident in the corporate lobbying [25] of 
Congress to keep Medicare from negotiating better drug prices for the American 
consumer. Americans are cheated further when corporations pay off generic drug 
manufacturers to delay entry [26] of their products into the market, thereby 
ensuring inflated profits for the big firms for the durations of their shady 

Global Greed

Lives are being ravaged by unregulated, free-market capitalism, in the U.S. and 
around the world. According to the Global Forum for Health Research [27], less 
than 10 percent of the global health research budget is spent on the conditions 
responsible for 90 

Re: [Marxism] The Carnage of Capitalsim

2014-08-18 Thread Brian via Marxism
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try this one






-Original Message-
From: Dennis Brasky dmozart1...@gmail.com
To: mckenna193 mckenna...@aol.com; Activists and scholars in Marxist 
tradition marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
Sent: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 2:06 pm
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The Carnage of Capitalsim

link not working

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Brian via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

Source URL: http://www.alternet.org/economy/carnage-capita

The Carnage of Capitalism

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Re: [Marxism] Eduardo Galeano Disavows His Book ‘The Open Veins’ - NYTimes.com

2014-05-23 Thread Brian via Marxism
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lord knows more kids
 today should be reading the USA trilogy!


 The Big Money by dos passos did it for me.

Brian McKenna


-Original Message-
From: Ernestleif via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Brian mckenna...@aol.com
Sent: Fri, May 23, 2014 8:40 pm
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Eduardo Galeano Disavows His Book ‘The Open Veins’ - 

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Open veins helped form me. As
Did USA. If it's true then I'll miss EG!

Sent from my iPhone

 On May 23, 2014, at 8:13 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism 
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 were you being sarcastic Louis about him sounding like a contra? Admittedly
 I used googletranslate but it seems very clearly a critique by Galeano of
 the Venezuelan contras
 ps kudos to Michael for his quotes; let's hope Galeano hasn't gone down the
 Dos Passos road, but if so it's a very good parallel; lord knows more kids
 today should be reading the USA trilogy!
 2014-05-23 19:56 GMT-04:00 Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 On 5/23/14 7:38 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
 Maybe Galeano now hates his book because Hugo Chavez recommended it (and
 helped increase MR's coffers.) In this interview he sounds like a
 Venezuelan contra:
 En 2011, Galeano declaró en una entrevista en Montevideo que Chávez quizás
 era un dictador, pero “un dictador rarísimo” porque ganó varias elecciones
 “Hugo Chávez es un dictador, sin embargo, es un curioso dictador. Ganó
 ocho elecciones en cinco  años. Y ahora, recientemente, se sometió a un
 referéndum en el que preguntaba a los venezolanos si querían el modelo de
 Estado que él proponía. Es el único presidente de la historia de la
 humanidad en hacerlo. Y ganó con el 60 por ciento”.
 Agregó: “Uno enciende la televisión venezolana y lo primero que ve es a
 miles de ‘periodistas’ diciendo que en Venezuela no hay libertad de
 expresión. Uno enciende la radio venezolana y hay miles de ‘periodistas’,
 analistas, opositores de Chávez, diciendo que allí no hay libertad de
 expresión. Y uno abre el diario venezolano y hay un título enorme que dice:
 “En los últimos cinco años tan sólo un medio de comunicación ha sido
 clausurado. Pero no fue clausurado por el gobierno de Chávez, sino por
 estos ‘demócratas’ (se refería a la derecha de Venezuela)… Extraña
 dictadura y extraños demócratas. Yo creo que en Venezuela hay un divorcio
 genial: el divorcio entre la realidad y la realidad virtual…”
 Un año antes, en 2010, Galeano también habló sobre los medios de Venezuela
 al diario español El País. A pregunta expresa de ese diario sobre los
 “conflictos” de Chávez con la prensa, reflexionó:
 “Hay una demonización de Chávez. Antes Cuba era la mala de la película,
 ahora ya no tanto. Pero siempre hay algún malo. Sin malo, la película no se
 puede hacer. Y si no hay gente peligrosa, ¿qué hacemos con los gastos
 militares? El mundo tiene que defenderse. El mundo tiene una economía de
 guerra funcionando y necesita enemigos. Si no existen, los fabrica. No
 siempre los diablos son diablos y los ángeles, ángeles”.
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