[Marxism] Venezuelan Workers Fight the Coup Attempt and Maduro’s Austerity Measures | Left Voice

2019-05-28 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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On May 10, 150 Venezuelan workers representing trade unions from all over
the country met in Caracas with the goal of organizing a working-class
opposition against imperialism, Juan Guaidó’s coup attempt and President
Nicolás Maduro’s austerity measures.

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[Marxism] Who Is the Trotskyist Fraction? | Left Voice

2019-05-15 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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The international situation, the class struggle and the tasks of
revolutionaries: A series of articles presenting the Trotskyist Fraction –
Fourth International.

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[Marxism] Class Struggles and New Political Phenomena Around the World | Left Voice

2019-05-15 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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With the yellow vest movement in France and the uprisings against
pro-imperialist dictatorships in Algeria and Sudan, the oppressed have
burst onto a tumultuous international scene.

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[Marxism] Algerian Students: “We Are Not Going to Stop” | Left Voice

2019-05-02 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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This is an interview with Algerian student activist Yani Aïdali, originally
published in our French sister publication Révolution Permanente.

Yani Aïdali, who studies archeology at the University of Algier 2, is both
a militant of the Socialist Workers Party in Algeria (part of the same
international organization as the French New Anticapitalist Party, or NPA)
and one of the leaders of the massive movement in Algiers. He says the
youth are not ready to go back home. They have taken down Prime Minister
Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and they want to keep going.

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[Marxism] MayDay: Argentina’s Workers’ Left Front Organizes Massive Rally Against IMF | Left Voice

2019-05-02 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Thousands of workers, women, and youth gathered on International Workers’
Day at a rally organized by the Workers’ Left Front (or FIT according to
the Spanish acronym) in Buenos Aires.


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[Marxism] [VIDEO] The Militant Origins of International Workers’ Day | Left Voice

2019-05-02 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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The first May Day was established in response to a momentous workers’
struggle which took place in Chicago in 1886. The historical events that
day lead to the creation of a unified day of action when workers join
together against capitalist exploitation. What happened that May first,

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[Marxism] Venezuelan Socialists Reject the Coup Attempt Without Supporting Maduro | Left Voice

2019-05-02 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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On Tuesday morning, Venezuela’s self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan
Guaidó began a coup attempt against the government of Nicolás Maduro. The
following statement was published by the Workers’ League for Socialism
(LTS) in Venezuela.

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[Marxism] Statement | Oppose the Coup of Trump and Guaidó: Workers Must Lead the Fight Against Imperialist Aggression and the Misery to Which They Are Subjected

2019-03-23 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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No Imperialist Intervention in Venezuela! Declaration of the revolutionary
organizations of workers, women and youth from Latin America, Europe and
the United States that make up the Fracción Trotskista—Cuarta Internacional
(FT-CI) / Trotskyist Fraction—Fourth International (TF-FI).

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[Marxism] Two Socialists Elected In Neuquén Province, Argentina | LeftVoice

2019-03-20 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Last Sunday, revolutionary socialists won two seats in the parliament of
the Neuquén province in Argentina. One of them is a leader of the Zanon
workers who occupied their factory in 2002 and now produce under workers’

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[Marxism] Ilhan Omar and the Perils of Criticizing Israel | LeftVoice

2019-03-19 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Accusations of anti-Semitism continue to plague Rep. Ilhan Omar despite
their obvious lack of credibility. While she has had some private support
inside the Democratic Party, the attacks levied against her show that the
party is struggling to remain both relevant to young voters and connected
to Israeli lobbyists in its determination to support imperialism.

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[Marxism] AOC and Sanders: Internationalism or State Department Socialism? | Left Voice

2019-03-12 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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A renewed U.S. left is forging its own identity—and anti-imperialism needs
to be front and center. Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders’ soft imperialism
runs counter to the building of an internationalist left.

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[Marxism] The Monroe Doctrine in Venezuela and the Necessity of an Anti-Imperialist Position

2019-03-09 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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The attempted coup d’état in Venezuela was orchestrated by the U.S.
Department of State. This imperialist offensive is part of the Trump
administration’s shift in U.S. policy toward Latin America. We need a
massive anti-imperialist campaign against this.

A revolutionary policy for the situation in Venezuela must be based on the
understanding that an imperialist country is orchestrating a right-wing
coup in a country that is oppressed by imperialism. This is not about
“authoritarianism vs. democracy,” as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently put
Imperialist countries always talk about “democracy” when intervening in

The revolutionary, anticapitalist and anti-imperialist left must side with
the oppressed country against the oppressor country, regardless of the
regime that exists in the oppressed country. For example, Saddam Hussein
led a regime in Iraq that was much more repressive than Maduro’s, yet all
the anti-imperialists of the world mobilized against the invasions of Iraq,
first in 1991 and then in 2003...

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[Marxism] In a World Full of Crisis, the Women’s Movement Prepares to Take the Streets

2019-03-08 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Protests, marches and strikes for International Women’s Day are being
organized in a world marked by pronounced divisions.

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[Marxism] The Working Class Is Back

2019-03-06 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Editorial for Left Voice magazine #4: We don’t want to be stuck in an
endless cycle of resistance to the endless deprivations of capitalism. We
want to win.

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[Marxism] Argentine Socialists Protest US-Backed Coup in Venezuela

2019-03-01 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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On Wednesday, the Frente de Izquiera y los Trabajadores (Workers’ Left
Front), as well as other socialist parties, organized a rally in front of
the U.S. embassy to repudiate the U.S.-led coup attempt in Venezuela.

Speakers from the various political parties highlighted the need to fight
U.S. intervention in Venezuela and opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s
self-declaration as the country’s president.

The speakers argued that to justify the coup with democracy and human
rights is dripping with hypocrisy, since it is the United State that is
responsible for oppressing the people of the world, including by organizing
coups and ousting democratically elected leaders around the world.

The statement calling for the march also disputed the idea of a “dialogue”
proposed by the European Union and the Catholic Church. At the same time,
the statement did not support Maduro’s government. It says, “Our
repudiation of the imperialist coup does not imply any political support
for the Bolivarian regime, which is responsible for having led the
Venezuelan people to a dead end.”

See more [TXT + IMG + VID]
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[Marxism] Over 1,600 Attend Talks by Argentinean Socialist Feminist Andrea D’Atri across Europe

2019-02-28 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Andrea D’Atri, a feminist and socialist from Argentina, the founder of the
women’s organization “Pan y Rosas”, has been touring Europe for three
weeks. Meetings in Rome, Munich, Madrid, Barcelona, Bordeaux, Toulouse and
Paris attracted over 1,600 people. This Saturday, she concluded her tour
with a meeting in Berlin.

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[Marxism] Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez Legitimize Regime Change in Venezuela

2019-02-28 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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U.S. foreign policy has never been about fostering “democracy” or helping
the masses take their destiny in their own hands.

With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rise to prominence and Bernie Sanders’ 2020
presidential run kicking off, Venezuela provides an important test, both
for them and their supporters on the socialist left.

Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders have failed both tests. Neither of them have
taken a clear stand against U.S. meddling, and neither advocate real

While both Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders would likely oppose a crude military
invasion of Venezuela, each in their own way are legitimizing the
opposition and remaining deadly silent on the threat of a coup. Neither are
willing to truly examine the role of U.S. imperialism or envision a
socialist Venezuela. The U.S. left must do better than that.

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[Marxism] [VIDEO] The Revolutionary Life of Lucy Parsons

2019-02-27 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Radical labor activist and anarchist Lucy Parsons fought fiercely for a
future in which workers would free themselves from the yoke of capitalism.
She was a formidable orator and agitator who dedicated her long and
complicated life to improving working conditions and organizing workers
against their oppressors.

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[Marxism] ‘Humanitarian Aid’ As a Weapon of Regime Change in Venezuela

2019-02-27 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Last Saturday, the U.S.-backed leader of the Venezuelan right-wing
opposition, Juan Guaidó, was defeated in his attempt to break the army’s
support for the government of Nicolás Maduro. After this failure, a
military intervention by the United States cannot be ruled out.
*The Truth Behind the ‘Humanitarian Aid’ Provided by U.S. Imperialism*

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[Marxism] Slavoj Žižek, Nancy Fraser, Fredric Jameson and more join Trotsky’s grandson in repudiating Netflix’s "Trotsky"

2019-02-20 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Leon Trotsky’s grandson, Esteban Volkov and Mexico and Argentina
CEIP-LT *Centro
de Estudios, Investigación y Publicaciones Leon Trotsky* began a petition
repudiating the slanderous mini-series "Trotsky". The show was first
produced in Russia and aired on Channel One in 2017, then in 2018 it was
purchased and aired on Netflix.

Distinguished academics, writers, journalists, artists and political
activists from around the world have joined in repudiating this defamatory
show, including authors Slavoj Žižek, Robert Brenner, Fredric Jameson,
Michael Löwy and Susan Weissman. The Socialist Feminist authors of the
book: "Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto" have also signed: Cinzia Arruza,
Tithi Bhattacharya and Nancy Fraser. Other prominent politicians have
signed on as well, including a member of Argentine National Congress and
former Presidential candidate, Nicolas del Caño of the PTS, as well as the
Brazilian PSOL’s mayoral candidate: Marcelo Freixo.

If you would like to add your name to the signatories of this letter or you
need information about the Statement, email leftvoiceem...@gmail.com

This statement was originally published in the CEIP-LT website

Netflix and the Russian Government Join Forces to Spread Lies About Trotsky

US entertainment company Netflix recently broadcast the mini-series
Trotsky, directed by Alexander Kott and Konstantin Statsky. The show, which
first premiered on the popular state-controlled Channel One of the Russian
Federation in November 2017 claims to be a portrait of the Russian
revolutionary Leon Trotsky but is really little more than a political
attack disguised as historical drama. While the historical inaccuracy of
the series is obvious to even the most amateur historian, its very
existence raises an important question. Why is it, a hundred years after
the Russian Revolution, that Vladimir Putin’s state-run broadcaster has
chosen Leon Trotsky as the subject for this big-budget TV production?

Knowing Putin’s own Stalinist past as a director of the KGB and his
undisguised nostalgia for Tsarist Great Russia, one could hardly expect
Russian state TV to commission a series that honestly and objectively
portrays the life and work of the man who was, along with Lenin, the most
important leader of the October Revolution. What is Putin’s aim in giving
in this show a new lease of life to the falsehoods surrounding Trotsky? Why
heap further abuse on past revolutionaries when Russia has already restored
capitalism and nothing seems to seriously challenge the new Russian
bourgeoisie or Putin, who has run the country for the last 18 years? And
why would Netflix, a media outlet reaching millions of people in the world,
choose to stream a series like this?

Here are some of the main historical falsifications presented in the show:
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[Marxism] Nov 19: The Day Socialists Filled A Soccer Stadium in Argentina

2016-11-21 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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See full article, pics and videos:

Saturday November 19 was a historic day for the Argentine left. It marks
the day of the largest left rally in the past 30 years. Called by the Left
and Workers Front (Frente Izquierda de los Trabajadores-FIT in Spanish),
the mobilization brought together more than 20,000 people including factory
workers, university students, teachers, nurses and families.

See full article, pics and videos:
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[Marxism] ARGENTINA Trotskyists to Pack Stadium of 20,000

2016-11-18 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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The Left and Workers’ Front is preparing for a historic rally that will be
an unprecedented show of the growth of its forces at Atlanta Stadium in
Buenos Aires, Argentina. It will be the first time in 30 years that the
Trotskyist left has held a rally of this scale in Argentina.

The Left and Workers’ Front
 is an electoral
coalition of three Trotskyist political forces: the PTS (Partido de los
Trabajadores Socialistas—Party of Socialist Workers), PO (Partido
Obrero—Workers’ Party) and IS (Izquierda Socialista—Socialist Left). The
three organizations are united under a program that emphasizes class
independence in an anti-capitalist struggle to build a socialist workers’
Read full: http://www.leftvoice.org/Trotskyists-to-Pack-Stadium-of-20-000

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[Marxism] Althusser vs. Althusser

2016-11-01 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Over the past few years there has been renewed interest in his thought 
worldwide, a phenomenon which has several explanations: his historically 
decisive significance in intellectual debate in France and Great Britain, 
the recovery of the *later Althusser* who supported a *materialism of the 
Encounter*, and finally the development of diverse reflections on the 
relations between structuralism, post-structuralism and post-Marxism.

In this article, we reflect on aspects of Althusser’s thought using some of 
his works as a point of reference. We also utilize Warren Montag’s *Althusser 
and his contemporaries [Philosophy’s perpetual war]* [1], published in 
2013, which is an important contribution to our knowledge of the 
development of his thought and critical analysis of Althusser.

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[Marxism] Women’s Emancipation in Times of Global Crisis

2016-10-31 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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The crisis of global capitalism reminds us that the rights oppressed people
have obtained are not set in stone, but are subject to cuts imposed by
bourgeois governments and international financial institutions. Our rights
are subject to the ups and downs of power relations in global capitalism.
The economic crisis deepens social polarization, reviving the most
reactionary sectors of society to express their virulent xenophobia,
homophobia, and misogyny. Knowing this, how can we fight for women’s

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[Marxism] Argentina: ‘Scioli’s bid reveals the failure of Kirchnerism’ interview with Nicolas del Caño (Left and Workers' Front) in Buenos Aires Herald

2015-10-12 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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‘Scioli’s bid reveals the failure of Kirchnerism’

*Workers’ Leftist Front (FIT) presidential runner Nicolás del Caño talks to
the Herald*

Nicolás del Caño is the candidate of the Workers’ Leftist Front (FIT) for
the October 25 presidential elections. In August, the 35-year-old Socialist
Workers’ Party (PTS) candidate managed to defeat his internal rival,
historic Workers’ Party (PO) leader Jorge Altamira.

The FIT — created in 2011 — is now seeking to improve on the 3.41 percent
of the vote mustered in the primaries, a commendable percentage for a
Trotskyist front in Argentina, and will try to snatch the fourth place from
Progressives candidate Margarita Stolbizer. Del Caño talked about the
challenges that the front faces with the Herald in his office in the
Congress last week.

Full interview:
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[Marxism] Argentina: Nicolás Del Caño and the Left in the Presidential Debate

2015-10-09 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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For the first time ever last Sunday, Argentina’s presidential debate was
publicly broadcasted on live television. Front-running candidate — and
Kirchner’s favorite — Daniel Scioli was a no-show. During the debate,
dissident peronist Sergio Massi and Cambiemos leader Mauricio Macri (Mayor
of Buenos Aires) failed to gain ground. Left and Workers’ Front (FIT)
leader Nicolás del Caño (MP) made a strong case.

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[Marxism] Left deputy Nicolas del Caño about M31 strike in Argentina

2015-03-31 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Argentina: Nicolás del Caño, “A strong strike, despite the union
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[Marxism] Argentina: nationwide strike and roadblocks

2015-03-31 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Argentina: strike and roadblocks access highways to Buenos Aires
As announced yesterday by rank-and-file delegates and left unionists, the
national strike day began with road blocks at highways and bridges that
link surrounding areas to the city.

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[Marxism] Concerning the debate on the German revolution of 1923

2015-02-16 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Regarding the discussion which appeared previously on the list, concerning
the German revolution of 1923 (a key revolutionary process of SXX,
systematically debased), I am sending an article written by Emilio
Albamonte and Matias Maiello “Trotsky and Gramsci: debates on strategy
concerning the revolution in the ‘West’

*Trotsky, Gramsci and the strategy for the revolution in the West*

Left intellectuals in general, including those who recognise that Trotsky
made important contributions to Marxist theory, almost invariably resort to
the thesis proposed by Michael Burawoy that says: “Trotsky’s analyses were
time and again shipwrecked on the rock of the Western proletariat. It would
be another Marxist, Antonio Gramsci, who would carry Marxism forward,
incorporating Trotsky’s understandings into a broader interpretation that
would try to come to terms with the failure of the revolution in the West.”
] [2

The Italian revolutionary developed as one of the central tenets of his
thought the question of the conditions for revolution in the West,
counter-posing the ‘war of position’ with the ‘war of manoeuvre’ in order
to explain the failure of the first revolutionary wave of the 20th Century
in Europe and the steps necessary in order to confront fascism.

Gramsci and Trotsky’s concepts have some points in common, but also many
differences of a fundamental nature. As we intend to demonstrate in this
article, it would be the founder of the Red Army who would develop a
comprehensive outlook on the problems of strategy in the Western countries.

The starting point for this comparison is necessarily located in the German
revolution of 1923, a true turning point for revolution in the West, which
was at the same time the first great defeat for the Communist International
(CI). It marked the beginning of a kind of ‘ebb’ in strategic thinking in
the ranks of the CI and the gradual abandonment of the main conclusions of
its first four congresses.

The first steps in this revision took place during the Fifth Congress of
the CI over the tactics of the united front and the ‘workers’ government’. [
]This was a consequence of denying the defeat in Germany and refusing to
draw its strategic lessons.

Gramsci’s underestimation of these polemics and of the lessons of the 1923
German revolution has not been analysed by any of his principal
interpreters. However, these debates are crucial for understanding the
fundamental problems of revolution in the West in the inter-war period.
This gap in the thinking of the Italian revolutionary could be considered
to be the most important source of ambiguity in his strategic view,
regarding his understanding of the united front, the concept of ‘war of
position’ and many of his formulations of his *Prison Notebooks*.

None of the Trotskyist currents that emerged after the split in the Fourth
International in 1953 has revisited this debate in depth in order to
understand Trotsky’s revolutionary legacy. Rather, there were those who
opportunistically tried to use his defence of the workers’ government
tactic in 1923 to justify subordination to Stalinist and petit-bourgeois
leaderships, and to extend support to, and even enter into, bourgeois
governments. On the other hand, there were sectarians who interpreted
Trotsky’s political position in those years as an opportunist error. Many,
like Isaac Deutscher, did not give great importance to this part of
Trotsky’s life because they thought that he had exaggerated the
revolutionary possibilities in Germany.
However, his political intervention as a member of the executive committee
of the Third International and his conclusions on the events in Germany in
1923 show the real stature of Trotsky as a strategist – matching his
intervention in Petrograd six years earlier – and his ability to develop
the concept of the united front and the tactic of the workers’ government,
starting from the establishment of a complex relationship between attack
and defence drawn from Carl Clausewitz’s best developments. Overall, this
would become a key component of his political work and his thoughts on
strategy, without which it would be impossible to understand his
revolutionary legacy…


[Marxism] Syriza’s program: Anti-austerity, Not Anti-capitalist

2015-02-13 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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The Meaning of Syriza’s Victory in GreeceAUTHOR ROBERT BELANO


*Syriza wins by wide majority*

The overwhelming victory of Syriza (Coalition of the Radical Left) in
Greece broke a decades-long hold on power by the two historical parties of
the Greek ruling class, the social democratic Pasok and the center-right
New Democracy. Syriza’s leader, Alexis Tsipras took power on promises to
reverse the widely-despised austerity program and re-negotiate Greece’s
international debt repayment with the so-called troika of the EU, IMF, and
European Central Bank (ECB).

Immediately after the election, markets plummeted across Europe as the
European imperialist bourgeoisie was sent into a panic at the prospect of
the new government refusing to pay Greece’s creditors.

However, despite its calls to end austerity and promote social justice,
what Syriza represents is an attempt to salvage capitalism in Greece, not
overthrow it.

*Greece in the Era of Capitalist Crisis*

The election of Tsipras points to the widespread rejection by the Greek
people of the austerity regime imposed by the troika, which has placed the
burden of the capitalist crisis squarely onto the backs of the working
class and the poor.

Unemployment in Greece today stands at 26%. Among youth, the figure is an
astonishing 50%. One-half of the entire population lives below the poverty
line. This situation has been made all the more dire by privatizations of
social services, wage cuts, and an increase in the minimum retirement age,
all dictated by the major European imperialist powers.

The Greek people have bravely fought the austerity regime, with workers,
students, and other oppressed sectors leading massive demonstrations and
taking part in more than 30 general strikes in the past six years —
repeatedly clashing in the streets with the police, the repressive forces
of the state, and the fascist right-wing.

*Syriza’s program: Anti-austerity, Not Anti-capitalist*

Syriza’s program is primarily one of Keynesian, not anti-capitalist
measures, with demands such as an increase in the minimum wage, the
rehiring of laid off state workers, and the restoration of pension plans,
coupled with the demand to end austerity.

What Tsipras promised above all in the days leading up to the elections was
a guarantee of political stability and economic security. He assured the
governments of Europe that Greece would not back out of the EU nor would it
take unilateral steps on the debt.

Tsipras states that the priority of the Syriza government is to
renegotiate the Greek debt along with its partners thereby seeking to
position itself as a respectable party, one which will not challenge the
fundamental institutions of capitalism, but will negotiate repayment terms
which are more favorable to Greece.

Further, Syriza has pledged to keep the police and the armed forces—the
forces which protect the capitalist state—intact. Syriza’s new interior
minister, Nikos Voutsis, has said that while he opposed the police
treatment of demonstrators, he would respect their work. This is the same
police force which has repeatedly attacked and violated the rights of
striking workers and immigrants, and which counts among its ranks several
officers with links to the neo-nazi Golden Dawn party.

What Syriza aims to create is a government of national unity, not a
government of the workers and the oppressed. Its minister of health has
even gone so far as to say that Syriza no longer considers itself to be a
left-wing party. Above all, Syriza seeks to contain the massive upheaval
and unrest that has arisen since the Greek crisis began in 2008.

*Alliance with the Nationalist Right*

Falling just shy of the 151 seats needed to form an absolute majority in
parliament, Syriza looked to form a coalition in order to be able to form a
government. Within 48 hours of Syriza’s victory, the party declared that it
would form a coalition with the right-wing party ANEL (Independent Greeks)
party which opposes the austerity regime of the troika on nationalist
principles. Tsipras later announced that the government’s new Minister of
Defense would be ANEL leader Panos Kammenos, who favors a continued
membership in Nato and calls for a strengthened national defense program.

While sharing an opposition to the austerity program, nearly all of ANEL’s
platform would be abhorrent those who voted Syriza into power. A supporter
of the Greek Orthodox Church, ANEL has declared its fierce opposition to
gay marriage and LGBT rights. It has also pledged to crack down on illegal
immigration and speed the deportation of undocumented 

[Marxism] Argentina: The Takeover of the RR Donnelley Factory. “Behind Every Worker is a Family” (Counterpunch)

2014-10-10 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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The Takeover of the RR Donnelley Factory: “Behind Every Worker is a Family”


 In late September, I was invited to Buenos Aires to speak about the recent
Spanish translation of a book on the Bolshevik vision of women’s liberation
that I first published in 1993, Women, the State, and Revolution: Soviet
Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936.  The book, translated and
published by Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses), a socialist women’s
organization, received a new life when it was published in Spanish in
Argentina, and then, in Portuguese by Boitempo in Brazil.  Workers and
students embraced the ideas that the Bolsheviks had put into practice
almost a century ago.  In Buenos Aires, I spoke to a crowded auditorium of
700 workers, students, and faculty.  Workers came from the Lear plant, from
the transportation sector, and from other factories.   One of the most
moving comments was made by an older domestic worker who came up to the
stage.  She explained that she spent her entire life cleaning the houses of
wealthy people.  “The Bolsheviks talked about the socialization of
household labor,” she said.  “Today, only women do this work.  And if a
woman is wealthy enough, she pays another women like me to do it.”  One of
the members of Pan y Rosas later told me that some of the women workers in
the audience cried when they heard about the early socialist vision for
transforming daily life and human relationships.

read More..

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[Marxism] Argentina. RR Donnelley: demonstration and road-block against the illegal closure

2014-08-13 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Argentina. RR Donnelley: demonstration and road-block against the illegal
closure of the multinational company’s factory in Buenos Aires Province


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[Marxism] Argentina. RR Donnelley: workers occupied the factory to put it into production

2014-08-13 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Argentina. RR Donnelley: workers occupied the factory to put it into
production against the illegal closure of the multinational company’s


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[Marxism] Argentina: Workers Occupy RR Donnelley Factory After Illegal Closure

2014-08-13 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Argentina: Workers Occupy RR Donnelley Factory After Illegal Closure


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[Marxism] ‪Argentina: ‎LEAR‬ workers injured by federal police repression (txt and images)

2014-07-30 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Video: Police repression of Lear
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Lear?src=hash workers
yesterday in Argentina https://twitter.com/hashtag/Argentina?src=hash:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xndV1Fjspmclist=UUrpMfcQNog595v5gAS-oUsQ …
https://t.co/WkguVyXpmB | background info: http://is.gd/m7Grl0


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[Marxism] Argentina: Out with the old, in with the new (unions) / Buenos Aires Herald

2014-07-20 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Out with the old, in with the new (unions)
Workers from Lear auto parts firm are seen staging a protest yesterday in
downtown Buenos Aires.
*By Mariano Parada López*
*For The Herald*

*From Lear, Gestamp conflicts emerge left-wing, independent groups*

Around 650 workers at the car-parts company Lear are pressuring their
bosses to respond to the dismissal of 100 of their colleagues. They have
organized several demonstrations in the past two weeks, as well as a picket
that was eventually countered by security forces last Tuesday. So far the
firm has not allowed the shop stewards to enter the factory.

A similar situation is playing out for the workers of Gestamp, which also
manufactures car parts. They have demanded that the company rehire 70
dismissed workers. Meanwhile, employees of the printing firm RR Donnelley
joined Lear workers at a recent rally to protest the layoff of 123 of their

Early in the year, SUTEBA — a Buenos Aires province teachers’ union —
staged a lengthy strike against what they regarded as an insufficient pay
hike (i.e. below the official inflation rate) offered by Governor Daniel
Scioli’s administration. Roberto Baradel, the head of the teachers’ union,
denied that left-leaning parties had been behind the conflict, despite some
observers having considered the strike to have been propelled by left-wing
activists within SUTEBA.

These labour conflicts follow a common trend: new union organizations
emerge, rejecting old leadership, before rallying for support from nervy
businessmen. The result has been the renaissance of leftist trade unionism,
which has also absorbed so-called “independent” workers.

“The working-class is waking up,” said Silvio Fanti, a Lear worker and
member of the local union representing the 650 employees. While he admits
there are some union members in Lear who are part of left-wing parties, he
said he himself is an “independent.” Fanti has worked at the car-part
manufacturer for 15 years and became a regional shop steward in 2011, when
his group won the internal elections against the pro-government SMATA auto
workers union led by Ricardo Pignanelli.

Fanti accuses SMATA officials of turning their backs on Lear workers in
their demands for better working conditions. “Trade unions don’t want
independent members, and even less so left-wing activists,” Fanti told the
Herald. “We work with a lot of different people, but it doesn’t mean we’re
all left-wing,” he added. “There are local committees which are claiming
their independence from the trade unions. The working-class is waking up
and demanding fairer working conditions,” he said.

Fanti says he’s certain there will be more “democratic” trade unions as a
consequence of the emergence of these regional committees, and accused
SMATA of sharing the same interests as the company.

Roberto Amador from Gestamp largely agreed: “The union wouldn’t listen to
us. They told us in April that nothing was going to happen but then the
firm fired 23 people, all of whom were opposed to the union.” He said the
unions claim they’re powerless, suggesting that anyone with a critical
opinion of them is considered a “leftist.” A PTS party activist, Amador
told the Herald that a committee member was threatened: “One of the shop
stewards received a letter which said he would be killed.”

Local delegates have been operating within Gestamp since 2007. The
committee was comprised of pro-Pignanelli activists until 2012, when three
“independent” shop stewards were voted in. According to Amador, the
election came as a result of a new generation of workers: “There were lots
of young people hired by Gestamp who didn’t trust the ruling bloc. It’s not
a case of the leftist parties agitating for change, but because of our own
colleagues within many SMATA factories who are expressing their anger.”

The relationship between the union and the local committee is quite
different at RR Donnelley. “The union has declared that it is opposed (to
the dismissals). Union support is really important for us,” stressed Jorge
Medina, a shop steward.

The eight members of the local committee at Donnelley, who form the “Brown
List,” are against the ruling “Green List” linked to the Buenos Aires
Province Graphics Union, still led by Raimundo Ongaro, a long-term union
leader and the founder of the CGT de los Argentinos in the 60s. Despite
their political differences, Medina has not criticized Ongaro: “We’re
permanently in touch with the union. They’ve publicly denounced the
dismissals and called on the entire union to be on the alert.” Both Lear
and Donnelly workers recently held a protest in front of the US Chamber of
Commerce in Buenos Aires.

*Economic restraints*

If the increasing mistrust of unions is one of the pillars of local

[Marxism] Spanish State: We must fight for a revolutionary constituent process. For a Workers’ Republic

2014-06-24 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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King Juan Carlos I has abdicated in favor of Prince Felipe. He is doing it
in the context of severe exhaustion of the institution of the monarchy and
the worst crisis of the Regime of ’78. Ever larger fissures are opening up,
like the emergence of the Catalan question or the debacle of both parties
that are supporting this regime, the PP and the PSOE, that last May 25 did
not add up to half of the votes. This crisis is incited from below, by the
growing anger of millions of workers, groups of the poor, and young people,
that is expressed in hundreds of mobilizations and strikes.

Read full article:

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[Marxism] “Progressive” Governments Against the Workers

2014-06-24 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Only days after the opening of the Soccer World Cup, the president of
Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, had to come out on national media outlets to
silence critics of the multi-million dollar expenses for the mega-event.
Her government became the target of millions of angry people. Stimulated by
the triumph of the “garis” (street sweepers) in Rio, the working class
gained confidence and a wave of protests has been unleashed, having as its
main actors the Subte workers of Sao Paulo, who are themselves being
severely attacked. On the day of the tournament’s inauguration, the
airports of Rio announced a strike of 24 hours for a salary raise. Since
the beginning of the year, discontentment has grown, with massive
mobilizations from the “sin vivienda” (the homeless), from aboriginal
peoples, the youth, and with real rebellions in the outskirts of big cities
due to disastrous infrastructure, floods, and precarious public services.
It is no wonder the (PT) Workers’ Party wasted more than US$ 15 million for
the soccer world cup and there are strong denunciations of corruption
against the official party and its opponents. Thousands of families have
lost their homes to make way for the construction of gigantic stadiums,
shopping malls, and luxurious hotels. Who can afford a ticket to one of
these games? Neither the poor nor the workers, as participating in one of
these events means a cost of four times more than the minimum salary
(US$310). The Workers’ Party (PT) responded to the discontentment
militarizing the streets and by turning their backs on the suffering of the
Brazilian people. It has been decades since the last time a Soccer World
Cup has been punctuated by such a class struggle in a hosting country. This
Thursday, June 12th, the Leftist Front and the workers along with other
currents will protest in front of the Brazilian embassy the struggle of our
sisters and brothers of the working class and we will request the
reinstatement of the fired subway workers in San Pablo. We are going to
denounce the government and the Brazilian political caste involved in the
World Cup negotiations that functions in the service of the rich and

*And What About Argentina?*

Austerity measures and corruption define the Kirchners’ government, which
following Rousseff’s style, has disguised itself as a progressive
government. For instance, Amado Boudou, accused of appropriation of the
ex-printing company Ciccone, had to go to court to be investigated by Judge
Ariel Lijo. The vice-president explains his “bad luck” as a shady campaign
tactic by Clarín (it is the largest newspaper in Argentina, published by
the Grupo Clarín media group) and just in case he is threatening to expose
and denounce other government officials. Boudou should be judge like any
other Argentinian citizen, and at least he should resign from office since
it is from there where favors and impunity can be acquired. It is the
political bosses’ “modus operandi” to use their seats to to ensure that
they will never go to jail. We have seen this type of corruption already in
the case of the bribes in the Senate to vote on labor reform under
President De La Rua and the explosion of Military Industries in Río Tercero
during the Menem government. Of course Cristina Kirchner “did not let
Boudou’s leave the nest.” It is this government—the one commanding
austerity measures against workers. After January’s brutal devaluation, the
government has poured all its energy into responding to businessmen’s
requests, among these the tax hikes, salary ceilings, as well as the
negotiation with the Paris’s Club, starting a new cycle of debts. Thursday,
June 12, the Supreme Court of the United States can give a verdict on the
dispute of the “vultures funds.” The government has committed itself to
postponing the resolution in order to gain more time to reach a settlement
payment for these speculators, the same ones recently assured by Cristina
that they would not be given a penny. The crisis in the automotive
industry, mainstay of the “model,” is being paid for the workers via
thousands of suspensions and salary cuts. Employers do not want to lose a
single penny of their earnings. It has also been shown by the food
companies that, despite maintaining its high level sales, they refuse the
40% salary increase requested by the workers.

*Nervous Businessmen and Unions’ Bureaucrats*

The main ally of the government is the union bureaucracy of the CGT, which
purports to act as a force aiding employers to break the workers’
resistance. The recent meeting of industrial unions led by the Kirchnerist
Ricardo Pignanelli of SMATA takes the Gestamp’s case as a witness to
denounce what he called, in the best dictatorship style: “the infiltration
of the left” in factories and 

[Marxism] Argentina: XIVth Congress of the PTS (The PTS resolves to publish a daily newspaper and votes candidates for the next presidential election)

2014-06-24 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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XIVth Congress of the PTS


The PTS resolves to publish a daily newspaper and votes candidates for the
next presidential election

Sunday 22 June 2014

By: Press Secretary (PTS)

A daily digital multimedia newspaper, an official shortlisted Presidential
candidates, a campaign for the non-payment of the external debt and a call
for a referendum to decide on the latter were amidst the resolutions voted
by the XVIth PTS Congress, held in Buenos Aires on 20-22 June, 2014.

The resolution passed at the Congress reads: “Facing with the collapse of
the government’s centre-left project and the fact that the opposition
agrees with the government in key issues like the payment of the external
debt and that the adjustment has to be paid by the working people, it is
necessary for the left to express its policies daily. Last October the left
obtained more than million votes and for that reason in the coming months
the PTS is going to embark in issues an on-line daily newspaper to be
released in September. This will be a multimedia digital paper, the first
of its kind produced by the left. Main political debates, both national and
international will be covered in the paper. Workers’ struggles narrated by
its protagonists will also be reflected on our pages. It will also include
current affairs, culture and entertainment sections”.

On Saturday 21 June, the Congress voted to shortlist MP Nicolás del Caño,
provincial MP Christian Castillo, provincial senator Noelia Barbeito and
trade union leader and former FIT legislator FIT for Neuquén, Raúl Godoy
for President and Vice president for the 2015 election. The resolution
says: “the party in government and those in the opposition: the Frente
Renovador, the FA-UNEN(the coalition between Coalición Cívica, Proyecto
Sur, the Socalist Party, UCR, and others in the City of Buenos Aires), the
PRO and the centre-left, all of them have already started to nominate their
candidates for the next election to succeed Cristina Fernández. They are
preparing for the election while they agree with the government in paying
the external debt at the expenses of the working people. We ratify our
support to the Left and Workers’ Front, the only independent national
coalition that puts forward an alternative for the political independency
of the workers. Therefore we endorse our allies in the FIT to be

In addition, a “National Campaign for the non-payment of the debt” was
approved and a demand of a “binding referendum so the people can decide on
this burning issue”. The foundation for this resolution says, “The
extortion is not coming only from the vulture funds but from the entire
mechanism of the external debt. We are not calling for the non-payment of
the foreign debt as an isolate measure but as part of an integral plan of
national sovereignty against imperialism”. The delegates also voted a
campaign of solidarity with workers sacked and suspended in the car parts
maker Lear and in the printing plant Donnelly, both American firms. “We are
not going to allow for vulture capitals, who make millions all over the
world, to pick on us (activists). For that reason the left is supporting
the struggles of the workers at Lear and Donnelly, as part of our policy to
express solidarity with the workers’ struggles and those who are
confronting the offensive of the capital as in Neuquén Ceramics Factory and

More than 300 hundred delegates from all over the country participated in
it, many of them are trade union representatives from steel works, food
industry plants, printing plants, sugar refineries, teaching and public
sector workers, and secondary, higher education and university students.
The PTS saw an increase of its membership by 40% since its previous
congress celebrated in April 2013.

In the last session of the PTS Congress the delegates voted José Montes, a
worker at the Shipyard Río Santiago, as president of the PTS. José is a
comrade that encapsulates the working class tradition of our party and its
history of struggle. Likewise, a new National Committee was voted, which is
composed among others by: Christian Castillo, Nicolás del Caño, Raúl Godoy,
Claudio Dellecarbonara, Myriam Bregman, Alejandro Vilca, Lorena Gentile,
Noelia Barbeito, Andrea D’Atri, Nathalia González, Natalio Navarrete, Juan
dal Maso, Hernán Puddu, Patricio del Corro, Ana Laura Lastra, Carlos
Artacho, Fernando Rosso, Ruth Werner, Federico Noa, Paula Bach, Fernando
Scolnik, Lautaro Jiménez, Luana Simioni, Octavio Crivaro, Claudia Cinatti,
Matías Maiello, Laura Vilches, Ernesto Bustos, Alejo Lasa, Laura Lif,
Guillo Pistonesi, Jonatan Ros, Fredy Lizarrague y Emilio Albamonte, among
trade union leaders of key workplaces and student 

[Marxism] [Trotskyist Fraction] Marx Is Back, a mini-series of fiction based on the Communist Manifesto!

2014-06-01 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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Marx Is Back, a mini-series of fiction based on the Communist Manifesto! by
: PTS, Argentina

22 May 2014 | Marx Is Back takes place in todays' Argentina, which
suffers like other countries the blows of economic crises. Workers of a
printing house are facing suspensions and lay-offs; a group of workers are
organizing to fight back as the union officials try to push them aside. At
the same time, Martin, part of the workers' group, starts to read (...)

Marx Is Back takes place in todays’ Argentina, which suffers like other
countries the blows of economic crises. Workers of a printing house are
facing suspensions and lay-offs; a group of workers are organizing to fight
back as the union officials try to push them aside. At the same time,
Martin, part of the workers’ group, starts to read the Communist Manifesto
and ends up meeting Karl Marx himself, is he dreaming or is it reality ?
All through the episodes Marx appears in the story, exposing his
revolutionary ideas regarding social classes, the crises, the State and

The famous actor Carlos Weber (Marx en el Soho) plays the role of Karl
Marx in this story along with a group of young actors from the independent
national scene.
The series was produced by the IPS (Instituto del Pensamiento Socialista)
and directed by the Contraimagen group and the TVPTS (online TV channel).
It was initiated by the PTS (Socialist Workers’ Party), a member of the
Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (Left and Workers’ Front), as
part of its work to spread Marxist ideas throughout the country.

Coming out fittingly on May 1st, International Workers’ Day, this fictional
mini-series aims at uniting actual history with the fundamental ideas of
the classic Marxist pamphlet The Communist Manifesto.

The 4 episodes will be issued online throughout May, each Thursday, in
Spanish with subtitles available in English, French and Spanish. They’ll be
available on www.tvpts.tv, www.pts.org.ar, and social networks.

*Choose english subtitles*
*Chapter 1*

*Chapter 2*

*Chapter 3*

*Chapter 4*

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[Marxism] [Trotskyist Fraction] Argentina: May 24th. Crowded Meeting of combative unionists in the northern suburbs

2014-06-01 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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  Argentina: May 24th. Crowded Meeting of combative unionists in the
northern suburbs 25 May 2014 | A big step against the cuts of the bosses
and the government and against the attacks of the unions bureacracy. Dozens
of delegations of industrial workers, teachers and public servants
participated. Kraft foods, Pepsico, Volkswagen, Stani, Donelley, Printpack,
Gestamp and Siderar, workers were among the (...)

*A big step against the cuts of the bosses and the government and against
the attacks of the unions bureacracy*

*Argentina: May 24th. Crowded Meeting of combative unionists in the
northern suburbs*

Dozens of delegations of industrial workers, teachers and public servants
participated. Kraft foods, Pepsico, Volkswagen, Stani, Donelley, Printpack,
Gestamp and Siderar, workers were among the delegations.

Videos (Spanish)

Articles (Spanish)

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[Marxism] [Trotskyist Fraction] A new leftist and socialist alternative is emerging in Mexico

2014-06-01 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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  A new leftist and socialist alternative is emerging in Mexico
by : Sandra Romero , Sergio Moissens

30 May 2014 |

*Mexico: A big victory*
*A new leftist and socialist alternative is emerging in Mexico*

*The Socialist Workers Movement wins its registration as a national
political group*

This Wednesday, May 21, the General Council of the National Electoral
Institute (INE) unanimously approved the application of the Socialist
Workers Movement (MTS), a sister organization of the PTS, in Mexico, to get
its registration as a National Political Group (APN). Securing the legal
standing is the result of an intense, militant campaign that the previous
Workers League for Socialism (LTS), together with workers, students, young
people, women and sexual diversity activists, promoted in the streets,
public squares, schools, industrial areas, workplaces, and we have now come
together in this new alternative of the socialist and revolutionary left,
the Socialist Workers Movement (MTS). During our entire campaign to obtain
registration as an APN, we persevered and emphasized the existing
antidemocratic and restrictive legislation, that prevents us workers from
having a political representation of our own. For that reason, we supported
the right of the organizations of workers and of the left (like the
Political Organization of the People and the Workers, the OPT, that the
Mexican Electricians Union [SME] is promoting), to be able to get full
political rights.

We received the support and the solidarity of different cultural, human
rights and intellectual personalities, who publicized their demand that the
INE make a positive decision on our application for registration. Among the
prominent people that supported us are the writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II,
the social activist Norma Andrade, the journalist Carlos Fazio, the social
activist Alejandro Solalinde, the union activist José Luis Hernández Ayala,
Héctor Valadez for the National Political Council of the OPT, the activist
against the telecommunications law Jesús Robles Maloof, and more than 8,000

With this intense militant activity, our intervention in the most prominent
struggles of the young people and the workers, and the conquest of legal
standing, a new revolutionary organization has emerged in Mexico. An
alternative of the workers, the young people, the students, the women, we
that need our own political organization, independent of the parties that
serve the bosses, like the PRI, the PAN and the PRD, that approved all the
structural reforms (in energy, education, and labor), and to the left of
political projects like the MORENA of López Obrador that, although they
question some of the most anti-democratic aspects of the regime, do not
propose an independent, anti-capitalist and revolutionary perspective to
put an end to exploitation, oppression and repression from the regime.

Our registration as an APN will be at the service of the victory and
development of the biggest workers’ and young people’s struggles of the
country. And, at the same time, at the service of putting Trotskyism on the
offensive in Mexico and an anti-capitalist, socialist and revolutionary
alternative for all the exploited, oppressed people and those who have been
wronged by this repressive and exploiting regime. We have big challenges
ahead. The Socialist Workers Movement has the big challenge of expanding
its influence to the vast national territory, from Chiapas to Sonora. On
this road, we already have the adherence of nuclei of comrades in Sinaloa,
Chihuahua, Oaxaca and Guerrero, but we want to go ever farther. Armed with
a new periodical publication, the Tribuna Socialista, new electronic media
and new tools of Marxist theory and politics, our goal is that winning
legal status will be a lever to get stronger in the movement of workers and
young people. It is a matter of setting up a socialist organization on a
national level, that, in addition to intervening with revolutionary
politics, facing the national and international reality, fighting
tenaciously to defend all and every one of the democratic rights of the
masses, will put all its efforts to forge within the Mexican workers’
movement, organized in the service sector, industry, construction, and
precarious employment, a socialist alternative that will fight to overthrow
the exploitation of man by man and class society. With the banners of Leon
Trotsky, Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, and all the revolutionary Marxists that
form part of our legacy, our challenge is that socialism should again
become real in very broad groups of the workers’ and young people’s
vanguard in Mexico.

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