[Marxism] Russian Foreign Ministry openly threatens to start leaking back

2017-03-26 Thread Marx Mail00 via Marxism
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Ministry spox made the following comments during Q a few days ago (23rd):

To tell the truth, over the past few years we’ve seen many strange things 
happen in Washington in connection with preparations for visits or talks by our 
foreign ministers. The US Department of State has more than once asked us not 
to announce planned visits until the last minute. This is not our tradition. We 
have been operating openly for years, but we have respected the requests we 
have received from our colleagues in Washington in the past few years. But what 
happened after that? First, the US Department of State asked us to keep the 
planned visit quiet and not to announce it until the last possible minute, 
until we coordinated the date. We did as they asked. But a day or two later the 
information was leaked by the US State Department and sometimes by the US 
administration. Frankly, this put Russia and the media in a strange situation, 
because they didn’t know who to believe – the official agencies or the many 

It is difficult to say if this diplomatic communication is a US tradition or 
the latest technique. But it definitely doesn’t correspond to our traditions. 
We believe that everything we coordinate should be made available to the media 
in accordance with diplomatic procedure. When we coordinate a visit and the 
date for announcing it, the information should be made public calmly and as 
agreed. This is what we do in relations with our colleagues from other 

As I said, such cases in our relations with the US Department of State have 
become a bad tradition over the past few years. So, I can say in response to 
your question that we will make the date and format of contacts between the 
Russian and US foreign ministers public after we coordinate them. We won’t keep 
them quiet. At this point, I don’t have any information I can share with you. I 
can say that this visit and such contacts are possible in principle, but it 
would be premature to talk about timeframes.

Also, I would like to say that if the practice of leaking information that 
concerns not just the United States but also Russia, which has become a 
tradition in Washington in the past few years, continues, there will come a day 
when the media will publish leaks about the things that Washington asked us to 
keep secret, for example, things that happened  during President Obama’s terms 
in office. Believe me, this could be very interesting information.

Our American colleagues must decide if they respect the diplomatic procedure, 
if they keep their word on the arrangements made between us, primarily 
arrangements made at their own request, or we create a few very nice surprises 
for each other.


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Re: [Marxism] UN Syria Commission clears YPG/J and SDF of ethnic cleansing charges

2017-03-18 Thread Marx Mail00 via Marxism
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> On Mar 18, 2017, at 8:14 PM, John Obrien via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> the jihadists in Syria - are not for tolerance but seek power and control - 
> motivated not by progressive political views - but by reactionary religious 
> views.

Quibbles about words like “progressive” and “reactionary” aside, this statement 
by Obrien is true *by definition* and therefore vacuous: the predicate 
("seeking power and control"; "motivated by religious views") is implied by the 
choice of the subject of the sentence ("jihadists”).

The fact that Obrien believes the subject “jihadists” truthfully represents all 
those fighting Assad says everything one needs to know about his ignorance of, 
and bias regarding, the conflict in Syria.
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Re: [Marxism] How a Russian Steel Oligarch and Putin Ally Is Profiting from Keystone XL

2017-02-15 Thread Marx Mail00 via Marxism
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> On Feb 15, 2017, at 8:43 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/02/15/how-a-russian-steel-oligarch-and-putin-ally-is-profiting-from-keystone-xl/

This jumped out for me:

“Zhukova [Abramovich’s wife], as it turns out, was a donor to Hillary Clinton’s 
presidential campaign, giving $2,700 to the campaign and another $33,400 to the 
Democratic National Committee for its 2016 electoral efforts.”

Is Zhukova a U.S. citizen?

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