[Marxism] What's new at Links: Hiroshima, Chavismo, Poulantzas, Cecil the Lion hypocrisy, Scottish Socialists, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Kshama Sawant

2015-08-12 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Hiroshima, Chavismo, Poulantzas, Cecil the Lion, 
Scottish Socialists, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Kshama Sawant

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   Atomic bombings of Japan were a crime against humanity

By *Rupen Savoulian*
August 9, 2015 -- This month marks the 70th anniversary of the atomic 
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  by 
the United States in August 1945.

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   Venezuela: Chavez gone, but Chavismo here to stay

By *Federico Fuentes*
August 5, 2015 -- Had Hugo Chavez not passed away in 2013, the former 
Venezuelan president and revolutionary socialist would have turned 61 on 
July 28. However, though Chavez is gone, his indelible imprint on 
Venezuela’s political landscape endures.

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   Nicos Poulantzas: State, class and the transition to socialism

By *Doug Enaa Greene*
August 5, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
We live in an era where too much of the left, both in the USA and 
abroad, remains stuck to old orthodoxies and failed strategies. Marxism 
is reduced to holy writ and rote, devoid of any ability to either 
interpret or change the world. In order to win, the left desperately 
needs to break away from past habits and recover the ability to raise 
questions anew by using Marxist methodology to formulate strategy. In 
this endeavour, there are a number of thinkers we can profitably learn 
from; one of whom is Nicos Poulantzas. Despite the limitations and 
contradictions within Poulantzas' methods, he was not afraid to ask the 
right questions and to develop new strategies.
To that end, it is worth looking at Poulantzas' work in three areas: the 
state, class and the transition to socialism.

 * Read more 

   Zimbabwe: Media tears for Cecil the Lion; Itai Dzamara and missing
   activists ignored 

*Wonder Guchu*By
August 11, 2015 -- The world today knows more about the Zimbabwean lion 
Cecil, killed by North American dentist Walter Palmer, than they do 
about the Zimbabwean journalist and human rights activist Itai Dzamara, 
who has been missing since March 9 this year.

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   Scottish Socialist Party to affiliate with new left alliance

By the *Scottish Socialist Party*
August 8, 2015 -- The Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) National Council 
members have voted in favour of the party becoming an affiliate of a new 
electoral alliance for the Scottish elections next year. Party 
co-spokesperson Sandra Webster highlighted the potential for socialism 
to grow in this alliance.

   /At our NC ... the comrades present voted to enter an alliance with
   the soon to be renamed //Scottish Left Project. All of our comrades
   should be proud of their passionate discussion and resolution. The
   SSP look forward to being at the heart of the alliance hoping
   socialists may be elected to Holyrood in 2016. I look forward to
   continuing to build the SSP and building a movement that is truly

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Democracy movement calls Bersih 4 mass protest for August

By *Peter Boyle*
August 6, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal///Green Left Weekly/ -- The Malaysian democracy movement, 
BERSIH, has called its fourth major mobilisation — named Bersih 4 — for 
August 29-30, 2015, amid increasingly desperate and repressive attempts 
by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government of PM Najib Razak to suppress 
investigations of his alleged involvement in a multi-billion corruption 
scandal embroiling the debt-ridden state investment fund 1Malaysia 
Development Bhd (1MDB).

 * Read more 

   Barry Sheppard: Screwed by vulture funds, Puerto 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Bernie Sanders; Alexis Tsipras; Lebowtiz, Panitch, Gindin on SYRIZA; Greek civil war vid; Jeremy Corbyn; Bolivia; Tragedy of the commodity

2015-08-05 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Bernie Sanders; Alexis Tsipras; Lebowtiz, Panitch, 
Gindin on SYRIZA; Greek civil war vid; Jeremy Corbyn; Bolivia; Tragedy 
of the commodity

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   United States: Should the left back Bernie Sanders' campaign? Two

   The attitude to the presidential campaign of long-time independent
   US senator and self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders has become a
   major debate on the US left. Some see his decision to run as a
   Democrat as the major dividing line, accusing him of sidetracking
   the left into support for the capitalist Democratic Party. Others,
   while recognising Sanders' shortcomings, point to the wider role his
   campaign can offer in providing a more radical pole of attraction in
   US politics at a time when the left is weak. Below /Links
   International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ makes available two
   views from significant sections of the US socialist left. Readers'
   comments are encouraged in the comments box after the articles.

 * Read more 

   Selahattin Demirtaş: 'How Turkish government endangers peace process
   with Kurds' 

*Selahattin Demirtaş* (pictured) interviewed by *Ezgi Başaran*
July 28, 2015 -- The government of Turkey’s refusal to provide legal 
guarantees for the Kurdistan Workers Party'(PKK), coupled with the 
construction of military fortresses, effectively ended the ceasefire in 
Turkey, Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş 
(pictured) explained.

 * Read more 

   Alexis Tsipras: 'Austerity is a dead end ... the struggle continues'

*Alexis Tsipras *interviewed by *Kostas Arvanitis* (STO kokkino radio), 
published in French in /L’Humanité/, July 31, 2015; translated by *Eric 

 * Read more 

   Michael Lebowitz on SYRIZA and us: Social democracy or revolutionary

By *Michael A. Lebowitz*

 * Read more 

   Video: Struggle and suffering: The 1946-49 Greek Civil War

August 2, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The Greek Civil War was one of the major events shaping modern Greek 
history. The Greek Civil War from 1946-49 was fought between the 
Communist Party and the monarchy aided by the United States. The Civil 
War was one of the first major clashes of the Cold War. Communist 
historian *Doug Enaa Greene* lectured and led a discussion on the roots 
and course of the war for the Center for Marxist Education.
To read a transcript of the talk, see http://links.org.au/node/4514. To 
learn more about the Center for Marxist Education, see 

   Socialist Resistance: Jeremy Corbyn win would be a 'victory for the
   whole left' 

By *Socialist Resistance* (Britain)
July 31, 2015 -- The Jeremy Corbyn campaign for the Labour Party 
leadership is a remarkable phenomenon. He stands a very good chance of 
winningunless the Labour Party establishment can turn around the tide 
over the next six weeks. As things stand, the tide remains with him. The 
Labour leadership is like a rabbit in the headlights. Large numbers of 
people, young people in particular, are joining Corbyn's campaign and 
people are flocking to his rallies and campaign events.

 * Read more 

   Bolivia's green gains the media and critics are not talking about

By *Federico Fuentes*
July 27, 2015 -- Writing for the Associated Press, Frank Bajak argued 
that although Morales is known internationally for his outspoken 
campaigning on climate change, at home he faces constant criticism from 
conservationists “who say he puts extraction ahead of clean water and 
forests”. Bajak said this contradiction was a result of Morales’ 

[Marxism] United States: Should the left back Bernie Sanders' campaign? Two views

2015-08-01 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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 United States: Should the left back Bernie Sanders' campaign? Two

The attitude to the presidential campaign of long-time independent US 
senator and self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders has become a major 
debate on the US left. Some see his decision to run as a Democrat as the 
major dividing line, accusing him of sidetracking the left into support 
for the capitalist Democratic Party. Others, while recognising Sanders' 
shortcomings, point to the wider role his campaign can offer in 
providing a more radical pole of attraction in US politics at a time 
when the left is weak. Below /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal/ makes available two views from significant sections of the US 
socialist left. Readers' comments are encouraged in the comments box 
after the articles.

See the articles at http://links.org.au/node/4535

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Greece, Michael Lebowitz's new book, Jeremy Corbyn, Catalonia, South Africa, Puerto Rico

2015-07-29 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Greece, Michael Lebowitz's new book, Jeremy Corbyn, 
Catalonia, South Africa, Puerto Rico

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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

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article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com 

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   Knife at its throat, Greece yields to Troika brutality

By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona
July 22, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- In 
a summing-up speech to the Greek parliament in the earlier hours of July 
16, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said of the punitive July 12 funding 
deal accepted by Greece after negotiations with eurozone leaders

 * Read more 

   Michael Lebowitz's 'The Socialist Imperative': 'A must-read for

July 28, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Those who open Michael Lebowitz's new book, /The Socialist Imperative,/ 
will find something far different and refreshing than the old apologetic 
Soviet manuals on the smooth workings of a planned economy. What they 
will discover is a collection of writings inspired by Lebowitz's 
lifetime of activism and profound solidarity with the oppressed and 
exploited under capitalism and his revolutionary vision of how to build 
a socialist alternative.

   */The Socialist Imperative: From Gotha to Now/*
   By Michael A. Lebowitz
   New York: Monthly Review Press, 2015.
   264 pages

 * Read more 

   Britain: Why Jeremy Corbyn's Labour leadership bid panics the right

The surprising support for Jeremy Corbyn in the race for the leadership 
of the British Labour Party has electrified the left and is terrifiying 
the right. Below a number of articles from the British left explain why.

 * Read more 

   Catalonia: Unstoppable showdown with Madrid looming

*Dick Nichols*By
July 26, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- If 
a Catalan Rip Van Winkle were to wake up today after a sleep of only six 
years, his disorientation with present-day Catalonia would be as great 
as that of the original Rip Van Winkle after he dozed right through the 
American War of Independence. “Am I hallucinating?”, he might ask, 
struggling to find the right answer to questions like:

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Resistance from below -- reclaiming the past,
   inventing the future? 

By *Dale McKinley*
August 2015 -- Among the most studied and celebrated aspects of the 
anti-apartheid struggle during the 1980s in South Africa was the breadth 
and impact of community resistance.

 * Read more 

   Feminist economists reject EU conditions on Greece

Resolution signed by more than *135 delegates at the 24th Annual 
Conference of International Association for Feminist Economics* as a 
personal expression of concern.

 * Read more 

   Puerto Rico: Washington's 'Greece' -- Party of the Working People
   fights austerity 

By *Rafael Bernabe*
July 2015 -- The Partido del Pueblo Trabajador—the Party of the Working 
People (PPT)—is a political project of the Puerto Rican left addressed 
to working people in the context of the island’s deep economic crisis. 
It would be hard to exaggerate the gravity of Puerto Rico’s present 
social and economic situation, which can only be compared to the impact 
of the Great Depression in the 1930s.

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: ISIS terrorism in Kurdistan; Greece & solidarity; Cuba opens US embassy; Greece & Europe; Greek Civil War

2015-07-22 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: ISIS terrorism in Kurdistan; Greece & solidarity; 
Cuba opens US embassy; Greece & Europe; Greek Civil War

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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com 

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   Turkey: Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) condemns Suruç massacre;
   calls for international solidarity 

By *Nazmi Gur*
July 20, 2015 -- At least 30 people were killed and more than 100 
injured on July 20, when a suicide bomber from the self-styled Islamic 
State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) group attacked a cultural centre in 
the Kurdish town of Suruç, on the Turkish side of the border from 
Kobane. The victims were members of the Federation of Socialist Youth 
Associations (SGDF) who were travelling to help with the reconstruction 
of Kobane that has been in the front line against ISIS. The following 
call for international solidarity was released on July 20 by *Nazmi 
Gur*, vice co-chair of the Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) in charge of 
foreign affairs.

 * Read more 

   Socialist Alliance on Greece: 'This is a coup, cancel the debt!'

Statement of the *Socialist Alliance (Australia) national executive*
July 16, 2015 -- Socialist Alliance condemns the effective imposition of 
colonial status on Greece by the ruling institutions of the European 
Union (EU), which represent the interests of the big banks whose 
speculative excesses contributed in great part to the accumulation of 
the “Greek debt” they are now seeking to recover.

This is a coup and a brutal assault on democracy.

 * Read more 

   Philippines solidarity with the Greek struggle against
   implementation of austerity 

Statement by the *Partido Lakas ng Masa* (PLM, Party of the Labouring 
Masses), Philippines
July 21, 2015 -- Under threat of economic collapse and a humanitarian 
catastrophe, after five months of "negotiations", which have been 
described as “mental water-boarding”, the Greek government has accepted 
the punitive funding deal that represents the interests of the big banks 
and European finance capital and which imposes further austerity and 
debt on the people of Greece.

 * Read more 

   United States/Cuba: Cuban embassy opens in Washington

*Robert Craven and Olivia Marple*
July 20, 2015 -- Amid cheers of “/Cuba sí/, /bloqueo/ /no/” (Cuba yes, 
embargo no), hundreds gathered on Washington, DC’s busy 16th Street to 
bear witness to the symbolic close to one of the more misguided chapters 
of US foreign policy. Trumpeting fanfare sounded as Cuban honour guard 
soldiers raised their country’s flag above what is now Cuba’s embassy in 
the United States.

 * Read more 

   'New Politics' on 'What next in the Greek crisis?'

   [The Greece-EU “agreement” has set off debates on the left on why
   the SYRIZA government "agreed" to such harsh terms and what are the
   next steps for the left in Greece, and across Europe. /Links
   International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ hopes to contribute to
   this by providing essential background information, thoughtful
   comment and presenting the positions of various left organisations.]

By *Barry Finger*

 * Read more 

   Thermopylae or Versailles? Greece deal threatens to destroy European

By *Duroyan Fertl*
July 17, 2015 -- The promise of a peaceful integration of capitalist 
equals lies tattered on the floor of a negotiation room in Brussels. 
There, the SYRIZA-led Greek government finally succumbed to the 
blackmail, economic carpet-bombing and “mental water-boarding” of the 
institutions of European capitalism.

 * Read more 

   Struggle and suffering: The 1946-49 Greek Civil War

   By *Doug Enaa Greene*

   July 17, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renew

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Resounding 'Oxi' to austerity; Solidarity with Greece from Asia-Pacific, Venezuela; Tsipras speech; Varis Yaroufakis; Georg Lukas; Turkey and HDP; Sinn Fein mayors; ISIS

2015-07-22 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Resounding 'Oxi' to austerity; Solidarity with 
Greece from Asia-Pacific, Venezuela; Tsipras speech; Varis Yaroufakis; 
Georg Lukas; Turkey and HDP; Sinn Fein mayors; ISIS; "banks are made of 

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Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com 

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   Greece: Astonishing and resounding 'Oxi' (No) to EU austerity

By *Colin Fox*
July 5, 2015 -- /Colin Fox/, posted at /Links International Journal of 
Socialist Renewal/ -- So much for it being a close vote! The Greek 
people today delivered a resounding blow to the European Central Bank's 
plan to implement further hardship and austerity on the Greek people. 
More than 61.3% of Greeks voted "No" (38.69% voted Yes). This represents 
a huge success for Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and an extraordinary 
vindication of the SYRIZA government and its record since January 25th. 
Despite falling living standards and increased hardship, epitomised by 
the enforced "bank holiday" this week which restricted customers to €60 
per day, the Greek people have again resoundingly backed their radical 
left-wing government.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Vote #OXI -- Alexis Tsipras' speech at the final rally
   before 'Greferendum' [English] 

Athens -- Greece's Prime Minister *Alexis Tsipras* addressed tens of 
thousands of people late on July 3, 2015, in the final rally to call for 
a #OXI (No) vote in the July 5 referendum against the European Union's 
blackmail and austerity.

 * Read more 

   'Your struggle is our struggle': Asia-Pacific left solidarity with
   the people of Greece and SYRIZA 

July 3, 2015 -- Posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist 

We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with the people of Greece and 
the SYRIZA-led government as they prepare for a referendum on July 5, 
2015, on whether to accept the continuation of the program of neoliberal 
austerity or chart a new course free from the debilitating stranglehold 
of the “troika” — the International Monetary Fund, the European Central 
Bank, and the European Commission. We support the call of SYRIZA for a 
"no vote" as the only option for the people of Greece, especially the 
working classes, to assert sovereign control over the country's economy 
and their own future.

 * Read more 

   Turkey: As Erdogan manoeuvres to retain power, country faces
   uncertain future 

By *Dave Holmes*
July 7, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- One 
month after Turkey’s June 7 parliamentary elections, the country still 
does not have a government. Ahmet Davutoglu of the Justice and 
Development Party (AKP) remains caretaker prime minister. President 
Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains the dominant figure in the AKP and is 
actively manoeuvring to retain his party’s leading position. The 
president is supposed to be an impartial figure above party politics but 
Erdogan pays scant regard to such constitutional niceties.

 * Read more 

   Varis Yaroufakis: 'I wear the creditors’ loathing with pride'; New
   minister 'a change in style, not substance'

By *Varis Yaroufakis*, Greece's former minister of finance
July 6, 2015 -- The referendum of July 5, 2015, will stay in history as 
a unique moment when a small European nation rose up against debt bondage.

 * Read more 

   Ireland: Sinn Fein's mayor of Dublin joins those in Belfast, Derry
   and Cork 

July 4, 2015 -- The election of a first-ever Sinn Fein mayor in Dublin 
has underlined the party’s progress in city councils across the island 
ahead of the centennial commemorations of the 1916 Easter Rising.

 * Read more 

   'US fuelled the rise of ISIS' conspiracy theories a back-handed
   attack on Syrian uprising 

[Marxism] Struggle and suffering: The 1946-49 Greek Civil War

2015-07-17 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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Struggle and suffering: The 1946-49 Greek Civil War

By *Doug Enaa Greene*

July 17, 2015 – *Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal*
 -- On March 24, 1945, the famed partisan
leader Aris Velouhiotis wrote the following in a letter to the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

*Why did you do this? Where are we going? Why did we shed so much blood?
Why did they burn our houses for three years? Why are you handing us over
without a battle? What are we going to do now? Where is our popular justice
our self-government?... Reaction has raised its head...You don't see any of
this. You have been isolated from the popular masses and you have lost
their pulse. Wake up. Even at this late stage it's not too late, but soon
it will be and we will then need massive sacrifices in blood and toil.
Don't let reaction permanently gain a foothold.*[1]

Velouhiotis was writing in protest to what he perceived as the sell-out of
the Treaty of Varkiza, that was signed by the KKE only one month before.
Although the Greek Communists had led the resistance to the Nazis and
liberated the bulk of the country from the Nazis, they had agreed to
demobilise their armed units, accept amnesty and to hold a referendum on
the monarchy. The treaty was a political disaster for the KKE, leaving
their supporters defenseless before wanton White Terror at the hands of
“Security Battalions” that had collaborated with the Nazi occupation.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/4514
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: #ThisIsACoup; Greece and EU blackmail; Solidarity with Greece; Gramsci; Kurd cooperation with Arabs, Christians; BRICS bank

2015-07-15 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: #ThisIsACoup; Greece and EU blackmail; Solidarity 
with Greece; Gramsci; Kurd cooperation with Arabs, Christians; BRICS bank

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Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com 

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   Greek parliament's president: 'Nο to ultimatums, Nο to the Memoranda
   of servitude' 

The following speech was delivered early in the morning of July 11, 
2015, by *Zoe Konstantopoulou*, president of the Greek parliament, on 
the question of the government’s proposal to the creditor institutions. 
She voted "present", in effect an abstention.

 * Read more 

   Greece's debt is immoral and should be wiped

By *Stuart Munckton*
July 12, 2015 -- Socialist Alliance, posted at /Links International 
Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- Greece's austerity-and-debt-driven 
crisis has prompted a humanitarian catastrophe. The 
Solidarity Campaign says half of all young people cannot find work, 
there is a growing shortage of essential medicines and child 
malnutrition rates have reached levels not seen since World War II. 
Pensions, meanwhile, have been cut by 15–44%, with 45% of all pensioners 
living below the poverty line. Suicide rates have skyrocketed.
All very sad, no doubt, but surely you cannot just allow reckless 
behaviour by the Greek people without any consequences?

 * Read more 

   Britain's Left Unity on the struggle of the Greek people

Left Unity (Britain) national secretary *Kate Hudson* writes.
July 15, 2015 -- We unreservedly condemn the criminal attacks by the 
states and institutions of the European Union on Greece and its people. 
Not satisfied with the imposition of extreme neoliberalism and the 
destruction of the livelihoods and welfare of millions of people, these 
so-called European "partners" are now proceeding to strip Greece of its 
national sovereignty and self-determination.

 * Read more 

   Martin Hart-Landsberg: Lessons from a defeat in Europe

By *Martin Hart-Landsberg*
July 13, 2015 -- The Troika are celebrating the end of negotiations with 
Greece, proclaiming that thanks to their tireless efforts the Eurozone 
remains whole. And why wouldn’t they celebrate. They have demonstrated 
their power to crush, at least for now, the Greek effort to end 
austerity and its associated devastating social consequences. 
Tragically, SYRIZA has not only surrendered, the nature of its defeat is 
likely to leave the country worse off, at least both economically and 
very likely politically as well.

 * Read more 

   #ThisIsACoup: a 'financial coup d’etat' against Greece

July 13, 2015 -- Twitter hashtag #ThisIsACoup 
trending worldwide on Sunday night, July 12, as European leaders were 
pushing and kicking around and putting pressure on Greece's Prime 
Minister Alexis Tsipras to either accept  their deal or exit the euro 
club in an unprecedented collective action of EU/EURO-blackmail against 
a member state/./

 * Read more 

   Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin: Treating SYRIZA responsibly

By *Leo Panitch* and *Sam Gindin*, Athens
July 13, 2015 -- As against those on the international left so keen to 
put the boot in against the SYRIZA government with the charge that they 
had abjectly "capitulated" already with the plan passed in the Greek 
parliament, it is instructive to read this document from the German 
finance ministry. SYRIZA's unique capacity on the international left to 
build the type of party capable of both mobilising against neoliberalism 
and entering the state to try to actually do something about this has 
always hinged on the way it sought to find room for manoeuvre within a 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Resounding 'Oxi' to austerity; Solidarity with Greece from Asia-Pacific, Venezuela; Tsipras speech; Varis Yaroufakis; Georg Lukas; Turkey and HDP; Sinn Fein mayors; ISIS

2015-07-08 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Resounding 'Oxi' to austerity; Solidarity with 
Greece from Asia-Pacific, Venezuela; Tsipras speech; Varis Yaroufakis; 
Georg Lukas; Turkey and HDP; Sinn Fein mayors; ISIS; "banks are made of 

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   Greece: Astonishing and resounding 'Oxi' (No) to EU austerity

By *Colin Fox*
July 5, 2015 -- /Colin Fox/, posted at /Links International Journal of 
Socialist Renewal/ -- So much for it being a close vote! The Greek 
people today delivered a resounding blow to the European Central Bank's 
plan to implement further hardship and austerity on the Greek people. 
More than 61.3% of Greeks voted "No" (38.69% voted Yes). This represents 
a huge success for Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and an extraordinary 
vindication of the SYRIZA government and its record since January 25th. 
Despite falling living standards and increased hardship, epitomised by 
the enforced "bank holiday" this week which restricted customers to €60 
per day, the Greek people have again resoundingly backed their radical 
left-wing government.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Vote #OXI -- Alexis Tsipras' speech at the final rally
   before 'Greferendum' [English] 

Athens -- Greece's Prime Minister *Alexis Tsipras* addressed tens of 
thousands of people late on July 3, 2015, in the final rally to call for 
a #OXI (No) vote in the July 5 referendum against the European Union's 
blackmail and austerity.

 * Read more 

   'Your struggle is our struggle': Asia-Pacific left solidarity with
   the people of Greece and SYRIZA 

July 3, 2015 -- Posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist 

We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with the people of Greece and 
the SYRIZA-led government as they prepare for a referendum on July 5, 
2015, on whether to accept the continuation of the program of neoliberal 
austerity or chart a new course free from the debilitating stranglehold 
of the “troika” — the International Monetary Fund, the European Central 
Bank, and the European Commission. We support the call of SYRIZA for a 
"no vote" as the only option for the people of Greece, especially the 
working classes, to assert sovereign control over the country's economy 
and their own future.

 * Read more 

   Turkey: As Erdogan manoeuvres to retain power, country faces
   uncertain future 

By *Dave Holmes*
July 7, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- One 
month after Turkey’s June 7 parliamentary elections, the country still 
does not have a government. Ahmet Davutoglu of the Justice and 
Development Party (AKP) remains caretaker prime minister. President 
Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains the dominant figure in the AKP and is 
actively manoeuvring to retain his party’s leading position. The 
president is supposed to be an impartial figure above party politics but 
Erdogan pays scant regard to such constitutional niceties.

 * Read more 

   Varis Yaroufakis: 'I wear the creditors’ loathing with pride'; New
   minister 'a change in style, not substance'

By *Varis Yaroufakis*, Greece's former minister of finance
July 6, 2015 -- The referendum of July 5, 2015, will stay in history as 
a unique moment when a small European nation rose up against debt bondage.

 * Read more 

   Ireland: Sinn Fein's mayor of Dublin joins those in Belfast, Derry
   and Cork 

July 4, 2015 -- The election of a first-ever Sinn Fein mayor in Dublin 
has underlined the party’s progress in city councils across the island 
ahead of the centennial commemorations of the 1916 Easter Rising.

 * Read more 

   'US fuelled the rise of ISIS' conspiracy theories a back-handed
   attack on Syrian uprising 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA defies Troika, Left in Spain advances, Venezuela, Cuba, Armenia, Mexico, Syria

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA defies Troika, Left in Spain advances, 
Venezuela, Cuba, Armenia, Mexico, Syria

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   Spain: Huge advance for left in local/regional elections, but
   'Spanish SYRIZA' sorely needed 

*By Dick Nichols*
July 1, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- On 
Saturday, June 13, the squares in front of scores of town halls across 
the Spanish state were jam-packed with enthusiastic crowds: tens of 
thousands were gathering to celebrate the inauguration of the 
progressive administrations created by the leftward swing in the May 24 
local government elections for the country’s 8122 councils.

 * Read more 

   Greece: 'To authoritarianism and austerity, we respond with
   democracy' -- SYRIZA calls referendum on EU austerity

Speech by *Alexis Tsipras*, prime minister of Greece; translation by 
*Stathis Kouvelakis*

 * Read more 

   Australian Socialist Alliance conference: 'Fight austerity and

By *Alex Bainbridge*, Sydney
June 20, 2015 -- /Green Left Weekly/, posted at /Links International 
Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- The campaign against closure of 
Aboriginal communities and mobilisations against unconventional gas in 
/e/astern Australia are some examples of growing campaigns that are 
successfully challenging the agenda of capitalist governments in 
Australia, according to the 11th national conference of the Socialist 

 * Read more 

   Podemos in solidarity with SYRIZA's struggle against austerity

By *Podemos* (Spain)
June 30, 2015 -- In view of the situation in Greece, and following the 
breakdown in the negotiations by the Eurogroup, Podemos wishes to 
communicate the following:
Last Monday, the Greek government presented a proposal to the Eurogroup 
which included important concessions and was unanimously welcomed by the 
lenders as being reasonable and viable. In the following days, however, 
the international creditors led by the International Monetary Fund did 
not accept the Greek government’s proposal to tax the wealthiest sectors 
of society, restructure the debt and launch an investment plan to revive 
the economy.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Tsipras slams EU's 'blackmail' and its attempt to 'hinder
   democratic processes' 

By *Alexis Tsipras*, prime minister of Greece
June 28, 2015 -- Yesterday’s Eurogroup decision to not approve the Greek 
government’s request for a few days’ extension of the program -- to give 
the Greek people a chance to decide by referendum on the institutions’ 
ultimatum -- constitutes an unprecedented challenge to European affairs, 
an action that seeks to bar the right of a sovereign people to exercise 
their democratic prerogative.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: Millions vote in socialist party primaries

June 28, 2015 -- Millions of members of the governing United Socialist 
Party of Venezuela (PSUV) hit the ballot box on June 28 to vote for the 
left-wing party’s candidates for parliamentary elections to be held in 
December. "Here are these candidates, they are men and women who come 
from the people, they were nominated by the grassroots (of the party), 
now it is up to you to choose,” stated Venezuelan President Nicolas 
Maduro on June 26 during an event to celebrate the close of campaign.

 * Read more 

   Cuba 'will always be ready to help sister nations', says ICAP

June 15, 2015 -- *Kenia Serrano*, president of the Cuban Institute for 
Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) and a member of Cuba's National 
Assembly, attended the recent national consultation of the 
Australia-Cuba Friendship Society. /Green Left Weekly'/s *

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Australian Socialist Alliance, Greek debt illegal, illegitimate and odious; climate & G7, Basque gov't in Navarre, London mass march, Gramsci, Barry Sheppard on Charlest

2015-06-24 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Australian Socialist Alliance, Greek debt illegal, 
illegitimate and odious; climate & G7, Basque gov't in Navarre, London 
mass march, Gramsci, Barry Sheppard on Charleston

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Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
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   Australian Socialist Alliance conference: 'Fight austerity and

By *Alex Bainbridge*, Sydney

June 20, 2015 -- The campaign against closure of Aboriginal communities 
and mobilisations against unconventional gas in /e/astern Australia are 
some examples of growing campaigns that are successfully challenging the 
agenda of capitalist governments in Australia, according to the 11th 
national conference of the Socialist Alliance.

 * Read more 

   Greece-Troika negotiations: last turns of the screw?

By *Dick Nichols*
June 15, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
For a while in late May, it looked as if the negotiations over the terms 
for releasing the last €7.2 billion owed Greece under its second bailout 
package with the European Union, European Central Bank and International 
Monetary Fund (the “Troika”) just might have some chance of success.

 * Read more 

   Basque Country: History made as pro-Basque coalition forms
   government in Navarre 

   By Duroyan Fertl
   June 23, 2015 -- Regional elections held in Spain on May 24 have
   installed an historic pro-Basque state government in the autonomous
   community of Navarre for the first time, bringing to an end 16 years
   of rule by the pro-Spanish, centre-right Navarrese People's Union (UPN).

 * Read more 

   Britain: Huge march against austerity; defiant protest is only part
   of the answer 

*/Socialist Resistance/* editorial
June 22, 2015 -- One home-made banner on the Saturday, June 20, London 
demonstration against austerity seemed to put into words the 
inarticulate howl of anguish of millions. In colourful letters it read 
“Fuck the fucking fuckers”. It was a reminder of just how visceral 
hatred of the Tories [Conservative Party] is and just how 
all-encompassing their social counter-revolution aspires to be. The 
People’s Assembly is claiming 250/,/000 marched from the Bank of England 
to parliament.

 * Read more 

   Gramsci for communists 

By *Doug Enaa Greene*
June 22, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The purpose of the Red History Lecture Series since its inception has 
been to discuss lesser known or neglected socialist and communist 
figures, movements, and events. So it may be rightfully asked – why 
discuss Antonio Gramsci?

 * Read more 

   Barry Sheppard: Racist Charleston massacre has clear political roots

By *Barry Sheppard*
June 20, 2015 --  The mass murder of nine African Americans in 
Charleston, South Carolina, by a white racist has been widely denounced. 
But to understand this hate crime – a terrorist attack – it has to be 
put into a broader political context. The killer, 21-year-old Dylann 
Roof, deliberately spared the life of one woman, telling her he wanted 
her to report on what he had done. He told her, among other things, that 
he decided to kill Black people because they “are taking over the country”.

 * Read more 

   Australia: Socialist Alliance adopts new progam, 'Towards a
   Socialist Australia' 

Adopted by the *11th Socialist Alliance national conference*, June 5-8, 2015
June 21, 2015 -- Posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal/ -- Humanity has reached a critical crossroad. Capitalism cannot 
advance society as a whole. Already, large 

[Marxism] Greece: Committee finds debt 'illegal, illegitimate and odious'; should not be paid

2015-06-17 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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*In June 2015 Greece stands at a crossroad of choosing between furthering
the failed macroeconomic adjustment programmes imposed by the creditors or
making a real change to break the chains of debt. Five years since the
economic adjustment programmes began, the country remains deeply cemented
in an economic, social, democratic and ecological crisis. The black box of
debt has remained closed, and until now no authority, Greek or
international, has sought to bring to light the truth about how and why
Greece was subjected to the Troika regime. The debt, in whose name nothing
has been spared, remains the rule through which neoliberal adjustment is
imposed, and the deepest and longest recession experienced in Europe during

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Ecuador eyewitness, Greece, Baba Jan, Tutu with Ven right?, John Bellamy Foster on China, Basques, Spain, religion

2015-06-17 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Ecuador eyewitness, Greece, Baba Jan, Tutu with Ven 
right?, John Bellamy Foster on China, Basques, Spain, religion

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   Eyewitness Ecuador: Pro-Correa protesters flood Quito in response to
   right wing 

Story and photos by *Ryan Mallett-Outtrim*, Quito
June 15, 2015 -- After Ecuador’s opposition staged a wave of protests 
over the weekend, President Rafael Correa struck back today, calling a 
massive rally of his own in central Quito.

 * Read more 

   Greece-Troika negotiations: last turns of the screw?

By *Dick Nichols*
June 15, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
For a while in late May, it looked as if the negotiations over the terms 
for releasing the last €7.2 billion owed Greece under its second bailout 
package with the European Union, European Central Bank and International 
Monetary Fund (the “Troika”) just might have some chance of success.

 * Read more 

   Pakistan: No run-of-the-mill election campaign for political
   prisoner Baba Jan 

By *Farooq Tariq*, general secretary Awami Workers Party, Pakistan
June 11, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
It was one of best votes for any left candidate during an general 
election held in Pakistan, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan for 
decades. Imprisoned Baba Jan, candidate of Awami Workers Party (AWP), 
won 4641 votes and came second during the Gilgit Baltistan legislative 
assembly election held on June 8, 2015.

 * Read more 

   Desmond Tutu reminded: 'Stand with Venezuela's right, you choose the
   side of the oppressor' 

By *Lucas Koerner*
June 16, 2015 -- In an op-ed published in the Spanish daily /El Pais,/ 
titled "Free the Prisoners of Conscience in Venezuela", the renowned 
South African Archbishop and anti-apartheid militant Desmond Tutu 
foresakes neutrality in order to unabashedly take the side of the 
oppressor, namely the United States and the Venezuelan right wing.

 * Read more 

   John Bellamy Foster: Is China building an 'ecological civilisation'?

By *John Bellamy Foster*
June 12, 2015 -- China's leadership has called in recent years for the 
creation of a new "ecological civilisation". Some have viewed this as a 
departure from Marxism and a concession to Western-style "ecological 

 * Read more 

   Basque Country: Historic day for Iruñea/Pamplona

June 13, 2015 -- It was an historic day in the Basque Country's capital, 
Iruñea/Pamplona. For the first time a pro-independence left mayor was 
elected with the support of four progressive and nationalist parties. 
Euskal Herria Bildu's candidate *Joseba Asiron* will now form government 
to run the city for the next four years after 20 years of repressive 
pro-Spanish right-wing unionist mayors. Thousands gathered outside the 
city hall to celebrate.

   Spain: 'The elections sent us a message: we have to rebuild the
   United Left' 

June 1, 2015 -- *Alberto Garzón*, a Izquierda Unida (IU, United Left) 
candidate in Spain's November general election, was interviewed by 
/eldiario.es /in his office at the Spanish Congress. The interview was 
conducted by *Aitor Riveiro*.

 * Read more 

   Discussion: Michael Cooke on the left and fundamentalists

By *Michael Cooke***

   /For the record then, I have no patience with the position that "we"
   should only or mainly be concerned with what is "ours’" any more
   than I can condone reactions to such a view that require Arabs to
   read Arab books, use Arab methods and the like. As C.L.R James used
   to say, Beethoven belongs as much to the West as he does to Germans,
   since his

[Marxism] Pakistan: No run-of-the-mill election campaign for political prisoner Baba Jan

2015-06-12 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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Pakistan: No run-of-the-mill election campaign for political prisoner Baba

By *Farooq Tariq*, general secretary Awami Workers Party, Pakistan

June 11, 2015 -- *Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal*
 -- It was one of best votes for any left
candidate during an general election held in Pakistan, Azad Kashmir and
Gilgit Baltistan for decades.

Imprisoned Baba Jan, candidate of Awami Workers Party (AWP), won 4641 votes
and came second during the Gilgit Baltistan legislative assembly election
held on June 8, 2015.

The ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) candidate got 8245 votes and
won the seat. The winning candidate is the former ruler of the Hunza estate
who had with billions of rupees at his disposal.

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), which won the seat in the 2009 election,
trailed behind Baba Jan with 3201 votes, while the newly established
bourgeois party of cricketer Imran Khan, Tehreek Insaaf (Justice Movement),
was in fourth position with 2291 votes. The religious Shia party Majlis
Wahadat Muslimeen (MWM) came fifth with 1041 votes, and the candidate of
the party of former dictator General Musharaf, the All Pakistan Muslim
League, was last on 254.
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Left gains in Turkey/Kurdistan, FIFA & Africa, Ukraine attacks workers' rights; Putin, West do deal on east Ukraine? Scotland

2015-06-10 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Left gains in Turkey/Kurdistan, FIFA & Africa, 
Ukraine attacks workers' rights; Putin, West do deal on east Ukraine? 

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article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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   Turkey's left party leader Selahattin Demirtaş' call for 'new way of
   life': radical democracy 

June 8, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/  -- 
The June 7, 2015, general election in Turkey saw the radical left 
People's Democratic Party (HDP) win almost 13% of the vote and around 80 
parliamentary seats.

It passed the 10% threshold for parliamentary representation for the 
first time, with a total of almost 6 million votes. The HDP won all the 
seats in the following Kurdish cities: Batman four, Agri four, Dersim 
two, Hakari three, Sirnak four, Igdir two. The party won 1 million votes 
and 11 seats in Istanbul -– a city with a huge Kurdish population 
although the party also won significant non-Kurdish support there. 
Thirty-one of the HDP’s 80 new MPs are women, the highest proportion of 
any party. HDP candidates included Armenians, Yezidis and Assyrians 
alongside Kurds. The HDP had the only openly gay candidate.

On the other hand, the ruling AKP has lost its parliamentary majority 
and recieved 3 million fewer votes than in 2010. The AKP lost many votes 
to the HDP in areas where it has had a big Kurdish following. Turkey's 
parliament consists of 550 seats; 276 seats are required for a 
single-party majority government. The ruling AKP has only secured 258 
with which to try and form a coalition.

The HDP’s historic gains make the success of the peace process with the 
Kurds within Turkey more likely, and will restrict Turkey’s dubious 
relations with ISIS.

The speech below from HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş' 2014 
presidential bid outlines the HDP's vision for a new Turkey.

 * Read more 

   World soccer corruption, Africa’s ‘illicit financial flows’ and
   elite silences 

By *Patrick Bond*, Durban
June 3, 2015 -- The last week has provided extraordinary examples of how 
corruption erodes the resources and morals of an entire continent – 
Africa – in part because villains in South Africa made alliances with 
wicked brothers in Switzerland, Latin America, the Caribbean and, 
especially, the United States. We now know more about offshore centres 
of both reactionary finance and corrupt-corporate soccer. It’s long 
overdue they are exposed to a spotlight, /even if those pointing that 
light want to leave certain features in the shadows/.

 * Read more 

   Turkey: Kurds, the working class and the new left -- interview with
   Erdem Yörük 

June 6, 2015 -- With Turkey’s June 7 parliamentary elections fast 
approaching, all eyes are on the Peoples’ Democracy Party (HDP) 
contesting its first ever election as a party, rather than a coalition 
of nominally independent candidates: a momentous decision on the part of 
the party leadership, which stands to gain clout in parliament and 
solidify its position as the electoral standard-bearer of the radical 
Left—or fall below the constitutionally mandated 10% barrier and be 
excluded from parliament entirely.

 * Read more 

   Neoliberal Ukraine’s labour 'reforms' threaten workers' rights

By*Vitaly Dudin*
June 4, 2015 -- Neoliberal modernisation in Ukraine is nothing new. The 
processes and forces pushing it forward long predate the ousting of 
Viktor Yanukovych last February. But since the events of 2014, this 
process has been expedited and has arrived at a key issue: the laws 
governing the way people work.//

 * Read more 

   Scottish politics after May 7 Westminster general election

By *Murray Smith*
June 4, 2015 – The day after the May 7 Westminster [British] general 
election, George Kerevan, newly elected Scottish National Party MP for 
East Lothian, was walking throu

[Marxism] Turkey's left party leader Selahattin Demirtaş' call for a 'new way of life': radical democracy

2015-06-09 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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Turkey's left party leader Selahattin Demirtaş' call for a 'new way of
life': radical democracy

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/4458
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Greece & Europe, Turkey, Gramsci, South China Sea, Mexico, Lars Lih

2015-06-03 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Greece & Europe, Turkey, Gramsci, South China Sea, 
Mexico, Lars Lih

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article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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* * *

   'May hope prevail in Greece and Europe': SYRIZA CC statement

May 28, 2015 -- The following is the resolution of the *central 
committee of SYRIZA*, published on May 24 and is binding for the party 
collectively. The resolution is a product of consensus and has been 
voted for.** It is posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal/ for the information of the international left.

* * *

From January 25, the government has been giving an unprecedented 
political struggle. A struggle towards the country’s final exit from the 
dead-end of the memoranda; a struggle to alleviate the burden of those 
fighting to survive after the policies implemented during the last 5 
years; to restart the economy on a path of viable and socially just 
development; for the termination of the vicious circle of dept and 
austerity. A struggle for hope, not only for Greece but for the whole of 

 * Read more 

   Lars Lih: The ironic triumph of ‘old Bolshevism’ -- the ‘April
   debates’ and their impact on Bolshevik strategy

June 1, 2015 -- *Lars T. Lih* challenges a commonly held view of the 
Russian Bolshevik party's conduct during the Russian Revolution of 1917, 
stressing the continuity between the Bolsheviks’ positions before World 
War I and those advanced during the revolutionary upheaval. The text is 
based on a talk Lih gave in 2010 and recently revised. Following the 
text is a note on other places where Lih’s views on this topic are 
available – *John Riddell*.

 * Read more 

   Europe at a crossroads: Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’
   article in 'Le Monde' 

By *Alexis Tsipras*, prime minister of Greece
May 31, 2015 -- On 25th of last January, the Greek people made a 
courageous decision. They dared to challenge the one-way street of the 
Memorandum’s tough austerity, and to seek a new agreement. A new 
agreement that will keep the country in the euro, with a viable economic 
program, without the mistakes of the past.

 * Read more 

   Turkey: People’s Democratic Party (HDP) takes centre stage with bold

By *Dave Holmes*
May 25, 2015 -- The June 7 elections to Turkey’s Grand National Assembly 
are shaping up to be the most important in a long time. The bold 
decision of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) to run as a party and 
strive to exceed the grossly undemocratic 10% threshold needed to win 
representation in parliament has put the group at the political centre 

 * Read more 

   Antonio Gramsci: Why alliances for socialism must be built

   /*Antonio Gramsci – A Great and Terrible World: The Pre-Prison
   Letters, 1908-1926*/
   Edited and translated by Derek Boothman
   Lawrence & Wishart

By *Bill Bonnar*
April 30, 2015 -- The recently published book on Gramsci’s early 
political writings, /A Great and Terrible World/, is a timely reminder 
of the tremendous contribution Antonio Gramsci made to socialist ideas 
in the 20th century.

 * Read more 

   Statement on West Philippine Sea/South China Sea territorial
   dispute: US butt out! 

By *Partido Lakas ng Masa* international desk

   *Philippines must open bilateral talks with China to ease tensions,

   *US butt out, stop intervening in the dispute!*

May 28, 2015 -- Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM, Party of the Laboring 
Masses), posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Given the renewed sabre rattling and war cries between the US and China, 
over the West Philippine Sea and disputed territories, we call on the 
Philippine government to immediately open bilateral talks with China in 
order to ease tensions. While we cond

Re: [Marxism] Paul Mason: urgent meaning of Tsipras Le Monde article

2015-06-01 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Left wins in Spanish local polls, Ireland Yes, Pakistan, Venezuela, Socialist planning, Hijacking 'Anthropocene', Eyewitness Donetsk, John Riddell on Michael Lebowitz

2015-05-27 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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 What's new at Links: Left wins in Spanish local polls, Ireland Yes,
Pakistan, Venezuela, Socialist planning, Hijacking 'Anthropocene',
Eyewitness Donetsk, John Riddell on Michael Lebowitz

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* * *
Spain: Madrid and Barcelona show -- the greater the unity on the left, the
bigger the win 

By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona
May 27, 2015 – *Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal* -- Once
the results of Spain’s May 24 local and regional elections became known the
main lesson for the anti-austerity and anti-capitalist left was simply and
starkly obvious: the more united and more involving of ordinary people its
election campaigns were, the greater its gains and the greater the losses
for the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)—its main rival for the
popular and working-class vote—and for the ruling conservative People’s
Party (PP).
Where the two main poles of the radical left in the Spanish state—Podemos
and the United Left (IU)— managed to merge their forces in projects
organised not as alliances between party apparatuses but as participatory
citizens’ electoral campaigns, the results were at times little short of

   - Read more 

  Ireland: Yes win in marriage equality poll: Historic step for equality

May 23, 2015 -- Ireland has become the first country to legalise same-sex
marriage through a popular vote, with indications from all count centres
across the country showing Yes votes outnumbering No votes by about

   - Read more 

Spain: How did the radical new mayor of Barcelona win Spain’s second city?

May 25, 2015 -- Former anti-eviction activist Ada Colau *was *elected the
new mayor Barcelona in the municipal elections on May 24. Ahead of the
victory of the radical campaigner, who was backed by a coalition including
Podemos and United Left, she spoke to *Il Manifesto* newspaper.

   - Read more 

  Pakistan: Baba Jan contests election from jail

By *Farooq Tariq*, Lahore
May 25, 2015 -- *Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal* -- Baba
Jan, a federal committee member of the Awami Workers Party (AWP), is
contesting the election for the Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly seat
(Hunza-6) from behind bars. He is in jail serving a life sentence handed
down by an anti-terrorism court last year for raising his voice against
police brutality and for the rights of Atabad disaster hit people.

   - Read more 

  Venezuela: Chavismo on the horns of a dilemma

By *Steve Ellner*
May 22, 2015 -- Leftists in Venezuela put forward a number of different
explanations for the pressing economic difficulties and growing discontent
that has beset Venezuela and increases the possibility of an opposition
takeover of the National Assembly in this year’s elections.

   - Read more 

  John Riddell: Socialist planning and the bureaucratic economy

By *John Riddell*
May 17, 2015 -- The following previously unpublished position paper, pulled
from my archives, was written in 1992. I am posting it in conjunction with
my review of Michael Lebowitz’s *Contradictions of "Real Socialism"*. My
comments raised many of the themes found in Lebowitz’s writings of that
time, of which I was then quite unaware. My approach, however, gives more
emphasis to the problem of economic allocation and the role of
non-capitalist markets.

   - Read more 

  Hijacking 'Anthropocene': Anti-green ‘Breakthrough Institute’
misrepresents science 

By *Ian Angus*

*“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it
means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” **—Lewis
Carroll, *Through the Looking Glass

May 19, 2015 -- What can lobbyists do when science contradicts their
political messages? S

[Marxism] Spain: Madrid and Barcelona show -- the greater the unity on the left, the bigger the win

2015-05-26 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona

May 27, 2015 – */Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/* -- Once
the results of Spain’s May 24 local and regional elections became known the
main lesson for the anti-austerity and anti-capitalist left was simply and
starkly obvious: the more united and more involving of ordinary people its
election campaigns were, the greater its gains and the greater the losses
for the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)—its main rival for the
popular and working-class vote—and for the ruling conservative People’s
Party (PP).

Where the two main poles of the radical left in the Spanish state—Podemos
and the United Left (IU)— managed to merge their forces in projects
organised not as alliances between party apparatuses but as participatory
citizens’ electoral campaigns, the results were at times little short of

These citizen’s movements managed to win the city councils of the country’s
two most important cities, Madrid and Barcelona, as well as A Coruña and
Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Zaragoza in Aragon and Cadiz in

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[Marxism] Pakistan: Baba Jan contests election from jail

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Pakistan: Baba Jan contests election from jail

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Solidarity & Greece, New Zealand's Unite, Spartacus, Rojava, Rohingya refugees, Maduro and the market, Ireland

2015-05-19 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Solidarity & Greece, New Zealand's Unite, 
Spartacus, Rojava, Rohingya refugees, Maduro and the market, Ireland

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Greece: 'Europe's moment of truth'; SYRIZA needs solidarity, says
   Tassos Koronakis 

By *Tassos Koronakis*, SYRIZA
May 18, 2015 -- Tassos Koronakis (pictured), secretary of the Central 
Committee of SYRIZA, calls for acts of social and political solidarity. 
From the organisation of rallies and awareness campaigns across Europe, 
to institutional initiatives in local, regional and national 
parliaments, and personal or collective statements of support to the 
efforts of Greece to swift the European paradigm of austerity.

 * Read more 

   Aotearoa/New Zealand: Unite Union's fast-food workers take on
   corporations and win! 

By *Mike Treen*, Unite national director
May 18, 2105 -- Workers in the fast food industry in Aotearoa/New 
Zealand scored a spectacular victory over what has been dubbed “zero 
hour contracts” during a collective agreement bargaining round over the 
course of March and April this year.

 * Read more 

   Spartacus: rebel or 'proto-communist'? 

By *Doug Enaa Greene*
May 15, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- The 
ancient rebellion of Spartacus and tens of thousands of subjugated 
slaves is arguably the most famous slave revolt in history. During his 
lifetime, Spartacus dared to challenge the dominance of the Roman slave 
masters and their Republic. In subsequent generations, the name of 
Spartacus has stood forth as a symbol for resistance and liberation from 
oppression – inspiring the Haitian slave Toussaint L'Ouverture, who led 
a successful revolt in the 1790s; Karl Marx; and Germany's Spartacist 
League of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht.

 * Read more 

   Syria: Rojava offers a way forward 

By *Tony Iltis*
May 9, 2015 -- War planes from the US and its allies bombed the village 
of Birmehli in northern Syria on the night of April‭ ‬30.‭ ‬US Central 
Command spokesperson Major Curtis Kellogg claimed that at least‭ ‬50‭ 
‬fighters from the self-styled Islamic State‭ (‬IS‭) ‬group were killed 
and there was‭ “‬no indication that any civilians were killed‭”‬.

 * Read more 

   Socialists: 'Stop pushing back refugee boats; ASEAN must solve
   Rohingya humanitarian crisis!' 

May 16, 2015 -- Socialist Party of Malaysia, posted at /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- Together with all 
concerned Malaysians, the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM, Socialist Party 
of Malaysia) would asserts that for the 8000 or so Rohingya [refugees] 
 at our doorstep, pushing 
back the boats into the sea should never be considered an option. 
Instead they should be allowed onto Malaysian shores while negotiations 
take place at ASEAN level on how best to resolve this humanitarian crisis.

 * Read more 

   Maduro and the market: Can Chavistas keep the revolution on track?

By *Steve Ellner*
May 13, 2015 – It’s a point of honour for Venezuela’s government that 
despite the sharp plunge in oil prices and acute shortages of goods, 
President Nicolás Maduro has ruled out austerity measures. In a recent 
TV interview conducted by former vice-president José Vicente Rangel, 
Central Bank president Nelson Merentes explained why, when he asked: “Do 
you remember what happened on February 27, 1989?”

 * Read more 

   Ireland: People Before Profit Alliance, Anti-Austerity Alliance:
   'Build an active, democratic, principled left'

April 27, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The following statement, for the May 1, 2015, conference organ

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Ireland left unity; UK election & Scotland; Naomi Klein: Spain; SYRIZA; Lenin 1921; Social democracy; US left; Ukraine

2015-05-13 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Ireland left unity; UK election & Scotland; Naomi 
Klein: Spain; SYRIZA; Lenin 1921; Social democracy; US left; Ukraine

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Ireland: A new part called hope -- Right2Water unions begin new left
   process (with videos) 

By *Rory Hearne*

May 8, 2015 -- Hope has been in short supply in Ireland in recent years 
but, thankfully, it has emerged in recent months. But this hope has not 
come in the so-called "recovery", which is deeply uneven across the 
country and from which the majority of people remain excluded.
No, the real hope emerged, first in the mass protests against water 
charges, and now in the possibility of a new political movement built 
from the grassroots of these unprecedented protests.

 * Read more 

   Britain: Tory majority with 36.9% vote; Scotland moves left as SNP
   demolishes Labour 

By *Stuart Munckton*
May 9, 2015 -- Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative Party won a 
clear victory in Britain's May 7 general elections. In Scotland, 
however, the Scottish National Party (SNP) dramatically rose from six 
seats to 56 out of 59, in a clear sign of opposition to the brutal 
austerity backed by the major parties in Westminster.

 * Read more 

   Ireland: Sinn Fein backs Yes vote on marriage equality

May 13, 2015 -- Sinn Féin video featuring Gerry Adams TD, councillor 
Emma Murphy and mayor of Dublin South Fintan Warfield calling on people 
to vote Yes to marriage equality in a referendum on May 22, 2015.

   Scottish socialists: UK election a 'bitter-sweet' result

By *Colin Fox*
May 11, 2015 -- In the end the polls got it wrong, badly wrong. And all 
the commentators who placed so much faith in them looked foolish. There 
was no hung parliament. No horse trading between Westminster parties, no 
weeks of instability before a coalition government was formed. The 
Tories thumped Labour and won a clear majority.

 * Read more 

   Naomi Klein: To fight climate change we must fight capitalism

*Naomi Klein* interviewed by *Agnès Rousseaux* and *Sophie Chapelle*, 
for /Basta!/ magazine.

May 10, 2015

*/Basta!/ : We seem to be heading straight toward climate disaster. We 
know what will happen if we do nothing about climate change, yet nothing 
really changes. Why is it so?
**Naomi Klein:* It’s not that we’re doing nothing – we’re actually 
actively doing exactly the wrong things. We have an economic system that 
defines success and progress as infinite economic expansion. Any kind of 
expansion is deemed good. Our emissions are going up much faster than 
they were in the 1990s.

 * Read more 

   Lessons from Spain: grassroots democracy and the movements against

By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona*

May 11, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- If 
some people I know from the more cynical or disillusioned end of the 
Spanish left spectrum were to reflect on the topic of our discussion 
tonight---“Grassroots democracy and the movements against capitalism: 
lessons from Spain”—they might be tempted to make a rather acid 
commentary, maybe something like this.

 * Read more 

   SYRIZA: 'The mandate of the Greek people is not negotiable'

May 8, 2015 -- The political secretariat of SYRIZA met on May 5 and, 
with its unanimous decision, stressed amongst other things that the 
"government’s red lines are the Greek people’s red lines. They 
constitute the necessary prerequisite for the exit from the crisis 
whilst abiding by terms of social justice and economic development“.

 * Read more 

   Lenin's Comintern compromise of 1921 

By *John Riddell*
May 5, 2015 -- In 1921, a 

[Marxism] Ireland: A new party called hope -- Right2Water unions begin new left process (with videos)

2015-05-12 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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Ireland: A new party called hope -- Right2Water unions begin new left 
process (with videos)


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[Marxism] Lessons from Spain: grassroots democracy and the movements against capitalism

2015-05-11 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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Lessons from Spain: grassroots democracy and the movements against

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Scotland & UK Labour, Vavi on May Day, BDS gains, Philippine left, Greece, Malaysia, Irish left, S.Africa & xenophobia, Okinawa

2015-05-06 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Scotland & UK Labour, Vavi on May Day, BDS gains, 
Philippine left, Greece, Malaysia, Irish left, S. Africa & xenophobia, 

* * *
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article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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* * *

   Why Scottish votes will be decisive in the outcome of the May 7 UK
   general election 

By *Alister Black*, Edinburgh

May 4, 2015 -- Britain's May 7 general election is set to be the closest 
in living memory. In the polls, the two leading parties, Labour and the 
Conservatives (Tories), are within points of each other. The polls have 
not shifted despite the best efforts of Tory Prime Minister David 
Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband to secure a breakthrough.

Why are the polls so close?

 * Read more 

   'Don't moan, mobilise! Don't mourn, organise!' -- Zwelinzima Vavi's
   May Day message 

May Day 2015 speech by *Zwelinzima Vavi*, Durban

May 1, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Today we march in concert with millions of workers all over the world to 
celebrate International Workers’ Day. We stand with workers in Greece, 
in Syria, in Bangladesh, in Argentina, in Zambia, in Canada and in every 
other country of the world to pronounce our determination to step up the 
struggle against exploitation and oppression. For while the global elite 
get richer and richer, the working class continues to be condemned to 

 * Read more 

   South Africa: SRCs of five more universities join academic boycott
   of Israel 

May 4, 2015 -- We gather here today as the Student Representative 
Council (SRC) presidents of five of South African universities, namely: 
University of South Africa, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 
Durban University of Technology, Mangasutho University of Technology and 
the University of the Western Cape. This day will go down in history as 
we announce the resolutions adopted by our University Student 
Representative Councils to join the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

 * Read more 

   Philippines: Political crisis and the impasse of the Philippine left

An important discussion is taking place in the Philippine left about its 
intervention in the 2016 elections, the revival of the mass movement and 
the coalition of a section of the progressive movement, the Akbayan 
party, with the governing Liberal Party.

Several leaders of Akbayan have called for an end to this alliance, 
including Walden Bello, who recently resigned as Akbayan's leader in 
parliament, former chairperson of Akbayan Ric Reyes, who has now 
resigned from the party after its congress in April voted to continue as 
a coalition partner of the government, and SENTRO, the labour 
organisation aligned with Akbayan.

The following paper is a contribution to the discussion.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Referendum on the cards if EU deal not reached

By *Dick Nichols*
May 4, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- On 
April 27, in a three-hour appearance on private TV channel Star TV, 
Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras spoke extensively about the 
challenges confronting the government led by SYRIZA, the Coalition of 
the Radical Left.

 * Read more 

   British election: Labour Party prefers Tory government than deal
   with Scottish nationalists 

May 2, 2015 -- With just days to go before a potentially historic 
Westminster general election on May 7, a further rise in support for the 
Scottish National Party (SNP) is already creating a crisis in British 
politics which will likely have implications for Ireland. Most recent 
polls indicate that the SNP will sweep almost all of the 59 Westminster 
seats in Scotland, and is well placed to win the balance of power in 
London. The development appears to have taken the British establishment 

[Marxism] Philippines: Political crisis and the impasse of the Philippine left | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2015-05-05 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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An important discussion is taking place in the Philippine left about its 
intervention in the 2016 elections, the revival of the mass movement and 
the coalition of a section of the progressive movement, the Akbayan 
party, with the governing Liberal Party.

Several leaders of Akbayan have called for an end to this alliance, 
including Walden Bello, who recently resigned as Akbayan's leader in 
parliament, former chairperson of Akbayan Ric Reyes, who has now 
resigned from the party after its congress in April voted to continue as 
a coalition partner of the government, and SENTRO, the labour 
organisation aligned with Akbayan.

The following paper is a contribution to the discussion.

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[Marxism] Ireland: Left discusses how to win a radical new republic

2015-05-01 Thread glparramatta . via Marxism
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Ireland: Left discusses how to win a radical new republic

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Nepal appeal, Socialist Alliance councillor, Bizhan Jazani, ANZAC film, Greece, S.Africa, Spain, Marta Harnecker

2015-04-29 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Nepal appeal, Socialist Alliance councillor, Bizhan 
Jazani, ANZAC film, Greece, S.Africa, Spain, Marta Harnecker

* * *
Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Nepal: Urgent appeal for earthquake victims

By *Bharat Nepal*, Sydney
April 28, 2015 -- As you all know a very devastating earthquake hit 
Nepal on April 25. More than 5000 people were killed and more than 6000 
are still missing. Outside of Kathmandu is also badly affected, however 
due to remoteness damage has still not been fully appraised. If you can 
please support by donating to the following account, all money raised 
will be sent to National Disaster Relief Fund in Nepal.

Organisation name: Australia Nepal Public Link Inc.
National Australia Bank
BSB 082 342
A/c. no. 83 719 7693
Please state: Earthquake support as transaction ID

 * Read more at http://links.org.au/node/4398

   Australia: ‘People are capable of running society themselves’--
   socialist councillor Sue Bolton 

April 23, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Socialist Alliance councillor *Sue Bolton *spoke to *Dave Holmes *about 
her work as an elected socialist local councillor in Moreland, a 
municipality in Melbourne, Australia.

*You were elected to the Moreland City Council for Socialist Alliance in 
October 2012. Many of the themes and issues raised in your campaign 
struck a chord with a wide range of people.*
There were two main reasons why I was elected. One was that our campaign 
theme, “community need not developer greed”, struck a chord with 
residents who didn’t know either Socialist Alliance or me because many 
residents are directly effected by developer greed.

 * Read more 

   Devotion and resistance: Bizhan Jazani and the Iranian Fedaii

   By *Doug Enaa Greene*

   April 30, 2015 -- The popular image of the Iranian Revolution in the
   United States focuses on a series of stereotypical bearded mullahs,
   an exotic and backward oriental society, and of course the seizure
   of the US embassy by frenzied masses. While it is true that the
   current government of Iran is a theocratic Islamic state that
   hijacked the revolution that brought down the US-backed Shah. There
   is another story, of brave and dedicated communist revolutionaries
   who sought the liberation of their people from capitalism,
   imperialism and the establishment of a revolutionary socialist
   state. Communists like the brilliant Bizhan Jazani, who thought
   seriously and sincerely about how to make a revolution in Iran.

 * Read more 

   ANZACs: New film reveals what should not be forgotten -- or forgiven

Film by *John Rainford* and *Peter Ewer*
April 24, 2015 -- As the 100th anniversary of the ANZAC's ill-fated 
Gallipoli campaign approaches, this timely short film cuts through the 
myth making, and shows with damning facts how lives were used as fodder 
as strategic and tactical blunders led to the slaughter of so many.

 * Read more 

   Greece: European powers tighten the noose

By *Stathis Kouvelakis*
April 25, 2015 -- Events in Greece have taken a dramatic turn, and 
insolvency is at the gates. On April 20, the Greek government issued a 
decree forcing local authorities to place cash reserves at the Bank of 
Greece. Two days later, Dimitris Mardas, the deputy minister of finance 
in charge of state revenue, declared that €400 million was missing to 
pay for pensions and salaries at the end of the month. A few hours 
later, he said the money was found and that he was now trying to 
constitute cash reserves. But according to sources, Mardas informed 
SYRIZA members of parliament at a meeting that same day that the state 
reserves wouldn’t be able to make all payments in May.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Xenophobia or Afrophobia? 

[Marxism] ANZACs: New film reveals what should not be forgotten -- or forgiven | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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Film by *John Rainford* and *Peter Ewer*

April 24, 2015 -- Green Left TV//Green Left WeeklyLinks 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- As the 100th anniversary 
of the ANZAC's ill-fated Gallipoli campaign approaches, this timely 
short film cuts through the myth making, and shows with damning facts 
how lives were used as fodder as strategic and tactical blunders led to 
the slaughter of so many.

It reveals the context behind the Gallipoli campaign - a war fought 
because the world had been cut up into colonies by the major powers who 
were now battling for the spoils.

The film shows exactly why the terrible ANZAC Cove campaign should never 
be forgotten — and the crimes of the warmongers responsible never forgiven.

Watch at http://links.org.au/node/4396
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: ANZACs, Scotland & Labour, Marta Harnecker, Saudi Arabia & Yemen, Swaziland, Thailand

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 What's new at Links: ANZACs, Scotland & Labour, Marta Harnecker, Saudi
Arabia & Yemen, Swaziland, Thailand

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please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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Australia & New Zealand: The imperialist reality behind ANZAC myth (updated
2015)  Australian readers will be subjected
to a more than a week of pro-militarist, jingoistic apologetics for
imperialism leading up to ANZAC Day. Here's some "honest history":
http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/858 More later in the week.

Scotland: Labour’s love lost? Behind the Scottish Labour Party's looming

By *Andrew Perchard*
April 16, 2015 -- In the midst of last year’s Scottish independence
referendum campaign, a friend and fellow historian of modern Britain,
visiting from the north west of England, recounted his Damascene moment in
grasping the national conversation in Scotland.

   - Read more 

  Marta Harnecker: The origins of capitalist exploitation

By *Marta Harnecker*, translated by *María Poblete* and *Federico Fuentes*
April 17, 2015 -- *Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal* --
This text incorporates much of booklet #2 from the original series *Cuadernos
de Educación Popular* (Booklets for Popular Education), which was titled
“What is socialism?” and was written by *Marta Harnecker* in collaboration
with *Gabriela Uribe*. This series was published in Chile during the
Popular Unity government, lef by Salvador Allende, and was reprinted in
various countries and languages. T

   - Read more 

Saudi Arabia’s lesser known exports after oil: Wahhabism and pro-imperialism

By *Rupen Savoulian*
April 19, 2015 -- Saudi Arabia’s aerial offensive against Yemen has
continued for the fourth week at the time of writing. Yemen is undergoing a
humanitarian crisis, with millions of Yemenis lacking basic access to food,
clean drinking water and health care. The Saudi bombardment has only
worsened the plight of the Yemenis, with schools destroyed, hospitals and
health-care facilities targeted, and electricity supplies cut off. Basic
infrastructure is being shattered, thus precipitating a catastrophic health
situation for Yemeni residents.

   - Read more 

  Scottish Socialist Party launches 2015 manifesto

April 16, 2015 -- A commitment to a £10 an hour minimum living wage for
all, defiance of austerity and the eradication of insecure zero-hour
contracts are at the heart of the Scottish Socialist Party’s manifesto,
launched today at the Augustine Church in Edinburgh.

   - Read more 

  The ticking time bomb of Swaziland 

By *Terry Bell*, Cape Town
April 19, 2015 -- The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC),
campaigning groups and labour-supporting members of the European parliament
this month launched protests about the continued harassment and jailing of
trade unionists and democracy campaigners in Swaziland. ITUC general
secretary Sharan Burrow has noted that, in Swaziland, “Violations against
the fundamental rights of workers have become systemic.”

   - Read more 

  Thailand junta's backward, anti-democratic draft constitution

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*\April 19, 2015 -- Thailand's military junta’s new
draft constitution is a pathetic, backward, anti-democratic and infantile

   - Read more 

  Middle East: Saudi Arabia's US-backed war on Yemen

By *Tony Iltis*
April 13, 2015 -- The United States is providing crucial support to
regional ally Saudi Arabia ― a big buyer of US arms ― as it launches a new
war in the Middle East by attacking neighbouring Yemen. A Saudi-led
coalition of Western-aligned, mainly Sunni Islamist, Arab government's
launched air, naval and ground military offensive against Yemen on March 25.

   - Read more 

[Marxism] Marta Harnecker: The origins of capitalist exploitation | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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By *Marta Harnecker*, translated by *María Poblete* and *Federico Fuentes*

April 17, 2015 -- *Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal* --
This text incorporates much of booklet #2 from the original series *Cuadernos
de Educación Popular* (Booklets for Popular Education), which was titled
“What is socialism?” and was written by *Marta Harnecker* in collaboration
with *Gabriela Uribe*. This series was published in Chile during the
Popular Unity government, lef by Salvador Allende, and was reprinted in
various countries and languages. The text has been revised, some errors
have been corrected, and supplementary examples and text boxes have been
added, in order to make it easier to comprehend some of the complex ideas
it tackles.

In this *Booklet for Popular Education* we hope to study the fundamental
mechanism that explains why, under capitalism, you have a small group of
people who possess a lot of wealth and enjoy an easy life, while a
significant portion of workers find themselves in a very difficult
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Scotland & UK election; Ian Birchall on John Riddell; Kurds; Castro on Obama; Kobayashi Takiji; Indonesia; Green parties in UK; Malaysia; Venezuela; Chicago; Netherlands

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parties in UK; Malaysia; Venezuela; Chicago; Netherlands SP; France; 
Namibia; Bolivia

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   How should leftwingers in Scotland vote in the UK general election?

April 14, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The following articles were published in the April issue #86 of the 
/Scottish Left Review//, /as part of a round-up of the various positions 
being proposed by sections of the Scottish left to advance a left agenda 
during and after the British general election to be held on May 7, 2015.

 * Read more 

   Ian Birchall on John Riddell's 'To the masses': Essential resource
   on communism's early years 

   */To The Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist
   International, 1921/*
   edited and translated by John Riddell
   Brill, Leiden & Boston, 2015
   1299 pages, €399.00

April 12, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The following review by British socialist historian *Ian Birchall* 
introduces a major addition to our knowledge of the revolutionary 
movement of Lenin's time: *John Riddell*'s /To the Masses: Proceedings 
of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921/. Birchall's 
review is scheduled for publication in /Revolutionary History/, a 
journal with 43 published volumes.

 * Read more 

   Kurdish liberation movement committed to ‘democratic socialism for
   the 21st century’ 

*Meral Cicek*interviewed by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation 
*Florian Wilde*during the 
World Social Forum in Tunis, translated by 
*Leandros Fischer*

April 9, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
 -- *Meral Cicek* (above) is from Cologne 
and is the chair of Kürt Kadın İlişkiler Merkezi, the Kurdish Centre for 
Women´s Affairs in Erbil.

 * Read more 

   Raúl Castro: 'Cuba will continue to defend the ideas for which our
   people have sacrificed' 

By *Raúl Castro Ruz*, president of Cuba
April 14, 2015 -- It was high time I spoke here on behalf of Cuba. I was 
told at first that I could make an eight-minute speech; although I made 
a great effort, along with my foreign minister, to reduce it to eight 
minutes, and as I’m owed six summits from which we were excluded, six 
times eight, 48 (laughter and applause), I asked President Juan Carlos 
Varela [of Panama] a few moments before entering this magnificent hall, 
to allow me a few minutes more, especially after we have been hearing so 
many interesting speeches, and I am not only referring to that of 
President Obama, but also that of Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, 
President Dilma Rousseff and others.

 * Read more 

   Kobayashi Takiji: Class struggle and proletarian literature in Japan

   /*The Crab Cannery Ship: and Other Novels of Struggle*/
   By Kobayashi Takiji
   Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2013, 328 pages 

By *Doug Enaa Greene
*April 15, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
In 2008, one of the best-selling novels in Japan was an 80-year-old 
novel, /Kanikosen/ (/Crab Cannery Ship/) by the communist author 
Kobayashi Takiji, detailing the wretched working conditions on a fishing 
ship and the crew's strike and determination to overthrow their 
oppressors. The novel, previously selling a moderate 5000 copies per 
year, shot up to sales of 500,000, along with the release of four manga 
versions reaching many more readers.

 * Read more 

   Indonesia: People's Democratic Party hol

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Free the Basque prisoners, Bolivia, COSATU disintegration, La Via Campesina on migration

2015-04-08 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Free the Basque prisoners, Bolivia, COSATU 
disintegration, La Via Campesina on migration

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article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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   Global campaign: ‘Free Otegi, bring Basque prisoners home’

By *Emma Clancy*
March 28, 2015 -- An international campaign for the release of jailed 
Basque pro-independence leader Arnaldo Otegi was launched at a 
conference in the European Parliament in Brussels on March 24. A 
statement calling for Otegi’s release was announced at the conference, 
which has been endorsed by international figures including former Latin 
American presidents, Nobel Prize winners, political representatives and 
former political prisoners.

 * Read more 

   Bolivia: Voters reaffirm ‘process of change’ but warn governing MAS

By *Richard Fidler*
April 6, 2015 -- Up to 90% of the electorate voted in Bolivia’s 
“subnational” elections March 29 for governors, mayors and departmental 
assembly and municipal council members throughout the country. These 
were the second such elections to be held since the new constitution 
came into force in 2009, the first being in 2010.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Slow-motion disintegration of COSATU likely to

By *Terry Bell*, Cape Town
April 6, 2015 -- The fact that COSATU general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi 
has refused to accept his dismissal from the federation should have come 
as no surprise to readers of this blog. This column has pointed out for 
months now that the central executive committee (CEC) of COSATU has no 
constitutional authority to finally dismiss, suspend or expel any office 
bearer or affiliate; that only a national congress may do that.

 * Read more 

   La Via Campesina declaration on migration and rural workers


By *La Via Campesina*, World Social Forum, Tunis 2015
March 25-28, 2015 -- The migration of peoples across arbitrary barriers 
is an integral part of human history. Rooted in the search for better 
living conditions, this movement of peoples from one place to another 
was later transformed into a social, economic and political process that 
has largely served to benefit ruling elites -- the slave traders of the 
past and the multinationals of the present. Today, as capital demands 
exceptional freedoms for itself -- combined with greater restrictions on 
the poor -- wars, social exclusion, economic injustice and the global 
climate crisis are forcing millions of human beings to seek refuge 
across internationally imposed boundaries.

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Vavi expelled, WWI, Cuba health, Kurds, Sinn Fein, Podemos gains, Paris COP21, Pilger wrong, SYRIZA, power in Middle East

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What's new at Links: Vavi expelled from COSATU, WWI, Cuba health, Kurds, 
Sinn Fein, Podemos gains, Paris COP21, Pilger wrong, SYRIZA, power in 
Middle East

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   South Africa: United Front condemns COSATU's expulsion of Zwelinzima

March 31, 2015 -- As expected, yesterday the Central Executive Committee 
(CEC) of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) decided to 
expel Zwelinzima Vavi from his position as its general secretary. The 
United Front (UF) regards this decision as the final nail in the 
regrettable terminal decline of what was once a mighty, principled, 
independent and militant federation of workers’ trade unions.

 * Read more 

   1915: When socialist women united against WWI

By *John Riddell*
March 28, 2015 -- Eight months into World War I, socialist women united 
across the battle lines in adopting the first international socialist 
appeal to stop the war. Their statement, translated below, ended, “Down 
with capitalism, which sacrifices untold millions to the wealth and 
power of the propertied! Down with the war! Forward to socialism!”

 * Read more 

   Cuba eradicates syphillis, HIV transmission to babies

March 20, 2015 -- Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) will 
visit Cuba soon to review if the country can be certified to have 
eliminated the transmission of HIV and syphilis from mother to child.

 * Read more 

   Kurdistan: Political and cultural revolution unfolds in Rojava

By *Evangelos Aretaios*
March 15, 2015, 2015 -- News of the fight of the Syrian Kurds has 
reached many in Europe and the US over the last year as TV channels 
around the world have covered the resistance of the Kurds against 
/Daesh/ (self-proclaimed “Islamic State”) in Kobane. The fighting was 
indeed a great human endeavour, often portrayed in heroic, almost 
mythological terms. Behind the men and women fighters of this heroic 
resistance lies a large but still unknown political and cultural 
revolution that is in full effervescence in Rojava, Syrian Kurdistan.

 * Read more 

   Ireland: Sinn Féin launches a 'People's Pact' for Westminster

March 30, 2015 -- Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams TD points out that 
Sinn Féin's progressive politics is the only alternative to austerity.

 * Read more 

   Spain: Podemos leads left gains in Andalusia poll

By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona
March 25, 2015 --The March 22 regional elections in Andalusia, Spain’s 
most populous and second-poorest region, opened this year's critical 
election calendar.

 * Read more 

   Paris COP21: Seattle-style shutdowns or another climate cul de sac?

By *Patrick Bond*, Tunis
March 29, 2015 -- Looming ahead in eight months’ time is another 
"Conference of Polluters" (technically, the Conference of the Parties to 
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP). The 
last 20 did zilch to save us from climate catastrophe. Judging by early 
rough drafts of the Paris COP21 agreement recently leaked, another UN 
fiasco seems inevitable.

 * Read more 

   Ireland: Sinn Féin fights welfare attacks in north, power sharing

March 19, 2015 /-/- On March 9, Sinn Féin announced it would oppose the 
new welfare reform bill in the Northern Ireland Assembly, accusing its 
government partner – the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) – of acting in 
bad faith on protecting welfare recipients.

 * Read more 

   John Pilger wrong on former Yugoslavia 

By *Chris Slee*
March 27, 2015 -- In his article, "New threats of war an

[Marxism] South Africa: United Front condemns COSATU's expulsion Zwelinzima Vavi | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2015-03-31 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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March 31, 2015 -- As expected, yesterday the Central Executive Committee 
(CEC) of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) decided to 
expel Zwelinzima Vavi from his position as its general secretary. The 
United Front (UF) regards this decision as the final nail in the 
regrettable terminal decline of what was once a mighty, principled, 
independent and militant federation of workers’ trade unions.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Greek debt audit, PKK not terrorist, Malaysia, NUMSA & Alliance, SYRIZA & Comintern, Brazil, Ukraine, Jodi Dean on Naomi Klein, Swaziland, Kshama Sawant

2015-03-25 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Greek debt audit, PKK not terrorist, Malaysia, 
NUMSA & Alliance, SYRIZA & Comintern, Brazil, Ukraine, Jodi Dean on 
Naomi Klein, Swaziland, Kshama Sawant

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   Greece: Radical Eric Toussaint to audit Greek debt

By *Eric Toussaint*, translated by *Christine Pagnoulle* and *Vicki Briault*
March 21, 2015 -- The president of the Greek parliament, Zoe 
Konstantopoulou, has set up a commission to audit the Greek debt and has 
asked me to play an active part in it. I have accepted the role to 
assume its scientific coordination.

 * Read more 

   Join the campaign to remove PKK from list of ‘terrorist’ groups

By *Dave Holmes*

March 24, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The Melbourne-based Australians for Kurdistan committee has launched a 
campaign calling for the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to be removed 
from the Australian government’s list of terrorist organisations.

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Urgent appeal -- Release of ALL the anti-GST protesters

By *Socialist Party of Malaysia/Parti Sosialis Malaysia* (PSM)
March 24, 2015 -- PSM, posted at /Links International Journal of 
Socialist Renewal/ -- Police used excessive force in the recent 
crackdown on protesters against the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which 
is scheduled to be implemented on 1 April 2015. On March 23, 2015, the 
Coalition Against GST, which is led by the Socialist Party of Malaysia 
(PSM), the Oppressed People’s Network (JERIT) and a number of civil 
society groups, staged a sit-in protest at the Customs Office in Kelana 
Jaya, to demand answers to more than 100 questions raised by many 
Malaysians regarding the GST. The director of the Customs Office refused 
to answer these questions and the police reacted violently against the 
peaceful sit-in.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: NUMSA and the troubled ANC-led Alliance

March 20, 2015 -- The expulsion of the National Union of Metal Workers 
of South Africa (NUMSA) from the Congress of South African Trade Unions 
(COSATU) in November 2014 was a watershed moment in the post-apartheid 
labour movement. The expulsion was a product of, and has deepened 
further, the crisis in the Alliance between the African National 
Congress (ANC), Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the 
South African Communist Party (SACP), as well as the internal crises of 
each of the three component parts of the Alliance.

 * Read more 

   SYRIZA win sparks interest in Comintern’s workers’ government
   debate: some resources 

By *John Riddell*

March 17, 2015 -- Efforts by working people to gain governmental power 
in our new century, most recently in Greece, have drawn attention to the 
Communist International’s historic discussion on this issue at its 
Fourth World Congress in Moscow in 1922.

 * Read more 

   Brazil's right wing exploits scandal to promote coup calls

March 14, 2015 -- Government supporters say the opposition is inventing 
a crisis in order to undemocratically remove President Dilma Rousseff, 
of the Workers Party of Brazil, from power. The political forces 
organising marches on March 15, 2015, against the democratically elected 
government of Dilma Rousseff began conspiring immediately after it 
became known that she had won the run-off election in October 2014 
against the candidate of the Brazilian elites, Aecio Neves.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: IMF package foreshadows a permanent 'winter'

By *Michael Roberts*
March 17, 2015 -- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has announced a 
new bailout package for Ukraine. It will disburse up to $17.5 billion 
over the next three years, subjec

[Marxism] Join the campaign to remove PKK from list of ‘terrorist’ groups | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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By *Dave Holmes*

March 24, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The Melbourne-based Australians for Kurdistan committee has launched a 
campaign calling for the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to be removed 
from the Australian government’s list of terrorist organisations.

The PKK was first listed in 2005; its listing comes up for review this 

In the light of the frontline role the PKK has played in fighting the 
“Islamic State” killers in Syria and Iraq and in mobilising support 
within Turkey for Rojava (the Kurdish-majority liberated zone in 
northern Syria), to label the PKK as “terrorist” is simply ridiculous.

The ban should be dropped and supporters of the PKK should be able to 
openly organise without harassment from the authorities.

Read more and sign the open letter at http://links.org.au/node/4344
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[Marxism] Brazil's right wing exploits scandal to promote coup calls | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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March 14, 2015 -- TeleSUR English, posted at /Links International 
Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- Government supporters say the 
opposition is inventing a crisis in order to undemocratically remove 
President Dilma Rousseff, of the Workers Party of Brazil, from power. 
The political forces organising marches on March 15, 2015, against the 
democratically elected government of Dilma Rousseff began conspiring 
immediately after it became known that she had won the run-off election 
in October 2014 against the candidate of the Brazilian elites, Aecio Neves.

The right-wing political opposition in Brazil has been reluctant to 
accept the results of that election, seeking to implement their 
neoliberal agenda by whatever means they can. The opposition, like their 
right-wing contemporaries in the rest of Latin America, have become 
frustrated at their repeated electoral defeats. The left-wing Workers 
Party (PT) has been in power since Rousseff’s predecessor, Luis Ignacio 
Lula da Silva, was elected president in 2002.

*Who is behind the impeachment campaign?*

Leaders of the Free Brazil Movement (MBL), one of the main organisers of 
the March 15 marches, told /Folha de Sao Paulo/, “The main aim of the 
movement, at this moment, is to overthrow the PT, the biggest nemesis of 
freedom and democracy that haunts our country." In light of this goal, 
the MBL has been pushing for impeachment proceedings against Rousseff. 
Supporters of the government consider this an attempt to hold a “third 
round” of elections. They accuse opponents of wilfully ignoring the fact 
that Rousseff won the election with 51.64 per cent of the vote, in an 
election that was affirmed by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA & Europe; NGOs & capitalism; Britain's Green Left; Women and technology; FMLN win; Paul Le Blanc on Tamás Krausz's Lenin

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA & Europe; NGOs & capitalism; Britain's Green 
Left; Women and technology; FMLN win; Paul Le Blanc on Tamás Krausz's Lenin

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   Eyewitness Greece: The SYRIZA factor in European politics

*Dick Nichols*By
March 12, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
What does SYRIZA’s victory means for politics in Europe, at both 
all-European and national levels? Both are closely intertwined, and 
since SYRIZA’s January 25, 2015, electoral victory there have been 
having increasingly rapid feedback effects.

 * Read more 

   Mining, energy, climate, capitalism: Why don’t NGOs connect the

March 14, 2015 -- Despite making powerful criticisms of multinational 
mining corporations, an NGO-organised conference in Cape Town ignored 
essential links with related struggles. In southern Africa, the Zulu and 
Xhosa word/Indaba/ is used for important gatherings or conferences.

 * Read more 

   Britain: A short history of Green Left current within the Green

By *Mike Shaughnessy*
March 12, 2015 -- /London Green Left Blog/, posted at /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- The Green Left grouping 
was formed in 2006 when a small number of members of the Green Party of 
England and Wales met at spring conference and drafted the Headcorn 
Declaration . Later in the 
year, in June, 37 members met in London to formally adopt the name Green 
Left (the original prototype grouping was called Green Revolution) and 
amended and adopted the Headcorn Declaration. I was one of those members.

 * Read more 

   Women and the technological revolution 

By *Reihana Mohideen*
March 16, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
We are told that women may soon bid farewell to existing methods of 
birth control and welcome a new type of contraception in the form of 
microchip implants. An MIT start-up backed by the Bill Gates Foundation 
plans to start pre-clinical testing for the birth control chip this year 
and pave the way for a possible market debut in 2018.

 * Read more 

   El Salvador: Left wins national elections, right blocks final

March 9, 2015 -- The left-wing Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front 
(FMLN) has won 86 of the 262 mayorships of El Salvador in March 1 
elections, including the capital San Salvador, according to preliminary 
reports, TeleSUR English said on March 4. The ruling FMLN also announced 
it won a legislative majority in the National Assembly and the Central 
American Parliament.

 * Read more 

   Paul Le Blanc on Tamás Krausz's 'Reconstructing Lenin': Sorting
   through Lenin’s legacy 

   */Reconstructing Lenin: An Intellectual Biography/*
   By Tamás Krausz
   New York: Monthly Review Books, 2015
   564 pages;

Review by *Paul Le Blanc*
March 10, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
This edition of Tamás Krausz’s study of Russian revolutionary Vladimir 
Ilyich Lenin is compelling and imposing in more than one way. It is not, 
strictly speaking, an intellectual biography. So much is offered in this 
remarkable volume, however, that many readers will not complain that 
they are not actually treated to a chronological narrative tracing the 
evolution of Lenin’s thought.

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
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[Marxism] Eyewitness Greece: The SYRIZA factor in European politics | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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By *Dick Nichols*

The following talk -- “The Greek elections -- what next? SYRIZA and the 
fight against austerity” – was presented to the Department of Political 
Economy and the Australia-Greece Solidarity Campaign, March 10, 2015, at 
the University of Sydney’s New Law School. Dick Nichols is /Green Left 
Weekly/’s and /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/’s 
European correspondent, based in Barcelona, and a member of the 
Australian Socialist Alliance. Nichols is currently touring Australia an 
presenting eyewitness account of the SYRIZA election victory.

* * *

March 12, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
What does SYRIZA’s victory means for politics in Europe, at both 
all-European and national levels? Both are closely intertwined, and 
since SYRIZA’s January 25, 2015, electoral victory there have been 
having increasingly rapid feedback effects.

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[Marxism] Paul Le Blanc on Tamás Krausz's 'Reconstructing Lenin': Sorting through Lenin’s legacy | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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   */Reconstructing Lenin: An Intellectual Biography/*
   By Tamás Krausz
   New York: Monthly Review Books, 2015
   564 pages; Order HERE

Review by *Paul Le Blanc*

March 10, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
This edition of Tamás Krausz’s study of Russian revolutionary Vladimir 
Ilyich Lenin is compelling and imposing in more than one way. It is not, 
strictly speaking, an intellectual biography. So much is offered in this 
remarkable volume, however, that many readers will not complain that 
they are not actually treated to a chronological narrative tracing the 
evolution of Lenin’s thought.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Venezuela & Greece; Yiannis Bournous, Dave Renton, Eric Toussaint, Spyros Lapatsioras, John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropouloson on SYRIZA; Tamás Krausz's Lenin; Barry

2015-03-10 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Venezuela & Greece; Yiannis Bournous, Dave Renton, 
Eric Toussaint, Spyros Lapatsioras, John Milios and Dimitris P. 
Sotiropouloson on SYRIZA; Tamás Krausz's Lenin; Barry Sheppard on 
Malcolm X; Finland & IWD, Podemos

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   Venezuela and Greece strengthen partnerships

March 7, 2015 -- Venezuela has proposed trade and economic agreements 
that would make Athens one of Caracas' main trading partners. Venezuela 
and Greece solidified their bilateral partnership this week, when 
Venezuelan officials visited the Mediterranean country to meet the new 
SYRIZA government.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Yiannis Bournous' thoughts on the new situation and SYRIZA's

By *Yiannis Bournous*
March 7, 2015 -- The SYRIZA-led government’s February 24 agreement with 
the Eurogroup [of European Union finance ministers] is not the end of 
negotiations. It doesn’t even postpone conflict. On the contrary, it 
opens up a long new period full of sharp clashes inside and outside our 

 * Read more 

   Give Greece a chance 

 For a democracy from below, let's fight austerity everywhere.

Statement by the *Alter Summit* network of unions and social movements

 * Read more 

   Tamás Krausz's living Lenin 

   */Reconstructing Lenin: An Intellectual Biography/*
   By Tamás Krausz
   New York: Monthly Review Books, 2015
   564 pages

Review by *Doug Enaa Greene*

 * Read more 

   David Renton: On SYRIZA and the Independent Greeks; and compromises
   and alliances 

By *David Renton*
March 7, 2015 -- Six weeks ago, when SYRIZA formed a coalition with the 
Independent Greeks (ANEL) the most common view among my friends was that 
this was SYRIZA’s first betrayal and that others would inevitably follow.

 * Read more 

   Eric Toussaint: SYRIZA, Podemos and the way towards power for the

By *Eric Toussaint*, translated by *Adam Clark-Gimmig*
February 18, 2015 -- Experience proves that left-wing movements can come 
to be in government, but nevertheless not hold power. Democracy, in 
other words the exercise of power by the people and for the people, 
requires much more. The problem is currently being faced in Greece with 
SYRIZA, and will have to be faced in Spain with Podemos (if that party 
wins the general elections in late 2015), as it was faced in the past, 
in Venezuela with the election of Hugo Chávez as president in December 
1998, in Bolivia with Evo Morales in 2005, in Ecuador with Rafael Correa 
in December 2006, or several decades earlier with Salvador Allende in 
Chile in 1970

 * Read more 

   SYRIZA's only choice: A radical step forward

By *Spyros Lapatsioras*,[1]*John Milios*[2] and *Dimitris P. 

   /“One must know how to employ the kairos of one's forces at the
   right moment. It is easy to only lose a little, if one always keeps
   foremost in the mind the idea that unity is never the trick, but the

March 7, 2015 -- The transitional “bridge agreement” of February 20 is a 
truce intended by the Greek government and welcomed by the other side 
(the European “institutions”). Within the truce period (the next four 
months), the conditions for negotiating the next agreement will be shaped.

 * Read more 

   Barry Sheppard: Recovering the revolutionary legacy of Malcolm X

By *Barry Sheppard*
March 5, 2015 -- February 21 marked the 50th anniversary of the 
assassination of Malcolm X, one of the greatest leaders of the 1960s 
Black liberation movement in the United States.

 * Read more 

   Revolutionary roots 

Re: [Marxism] SYRIZA leaders on "new situation" in Greece

2015-03-09 Thread glparramatta--- via Marxism
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Serious and substantial comments are welcome to be left at the original
link at Links (http://links.org.au/node/4324). See Links full coverage of
SYRIZA at http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/328

>Bournous is a party line hack.

>> On 8 Mar 2015, at 01:31, glparramatta via Marxism
>> "Greece: Yiannis Bournous' thoughts on the new situation and SYRIZA's
responsibilities" http://links.org.au/node/4324

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[Marxism] SYRIZA leaders on "new situation" in Greece

2015-03-07 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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"Greece: Yiannis Bournous' thoughts on the new situation and SYRIZA's 
responsibilities" http://links.org.au/node/4324

See also "SYRIZA's only choice: A radical step forward" 

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA; South Africa: NUMSA & COSATU; Germany, 1918-1923; US left discuss elections; Chicago; Malaysia; David Renton; ALBA

2015-03-03 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA; NUMSA & COSATU; Germany, 1918-1923; US left 
discuss elections; Chicago; Malaysia; David Renton; ALBA

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   Greece wins breathing space, but made to pay high cost; SYRIZA's
   support grows 

By *Duroyan Fertl*
February 28, 2015 -- Greece’s new SYRIZA government submitted its list 
of proposed economic reforms to the Eurogroup (the finance ministers of 
eurozone nations) on February 23 as a precondition for its international 
creditors to approve a four-month loan extension. The deal was signed on 
February 20.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: NUMSA's message to Australian workers

NUMSA national treasurer *Mphumzi Maqungo*'s**address to the Australian 
Workers Union, Australia
March 3, 2015 -- I greet you in the name of the National Union of 
Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA). I am here to give you an update 
since our general secretary, Irvin Jim, addressed your 2013 conference. 
I am happy to report that, despite the shrinking of South Africa's 
manufacturing sector, NUMSA has continued to grow.

 * Read more 

   Germany, 1918-1923: the fire and the spirit of revolution

By *Doug Enaa Greene*

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'We are not prepared to remain paralysed', eight
   militant COSATU unions declare 

*Group of eight COSATU unions statement *
March 1, 2015 -- South Africa continues to be ravaged by the crisis of 
poverty, unemployment and inequality and the black and African working 
class are its worst victims. Black working class women and youth are in 
a state of hopelessness, desperation and despondency. Increasing numbers 
of school leavers are swelling the accumulating pool of the unemployed.
The congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is in a state of 
paralysis and that has given our government an opportunity to pursue its 
neoliberal policy direction, as articulated in the National Development 
Plan. This was not going to be easier for the state if the federation 
remained the militant defender of the working class that it has been 
throughout its history.

 * Read more 

   United States: Conference to explore left electoral possibilities

By *Robert C.*
February 17, 2015 -- Activists and candidates from around the United 
states will come together on May 2-3, 2015, in Chicago to share their 
experiences and to launch a network for future cooperation at the Future 
of Left/Independent Electoral Action Conference.

 * Read more 

   United States: Chicago unionists force Democrat mayor into runoff

By *Samantha Winslow*
February 25, 2015 -- On election night, February 24, 2015, the Chicago 
Teachers Union (CTU) and its new independent electoral organisation 
didn’t knock out Democratic Party mayor Rahm Emanuel—but they did take 
him down a notch, forcing him into a runoff with the union’s preferred 
candidate, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia.

It’s the first runoff in a Chicago mayoral election in 20 years.

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Socialist leader released on court orders after arrest for

By *Peter Boyle*
February 27, 2015 -/- /On February 19, 15 policemen descended on the 
home of Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) general secretary S. 
Arutchelvan (Arul) in Kajang, a suburban satellite of the capital city 
Kuala Lumpur. Arul gave /Green Left Weekly/ and/Links International 
Journal of Socialist Renewal/ this interview via email.

 * Read more 

   David Renton: Learning to think like a revolutionary

By *David Renton*
February 23, 2015 --- When I was young, I used to believe that I knew 
what a revolution would look like.

 * Read more <

[Marxism] David Renton: Learning to think like a revolutionary | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2015-02-27 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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"It follows that you should always start if you can by assuming good 
faith in your fellow socialists. They are linked to you and you are 
linked to them, and they are entitled to a sympathetic hearing. The 
mistake of Yanis Varoufakis is not that he has spent too little time 
studying game theory. The problem with Alexis Tsipras is not that power 
has been thrust on him unexpectedly; rather he and his allies have spent 
three years preparing in their minds of this moment, and they have 
thought already as best they could the problems of every eventuality. 
If, for example, they do not believe that voluntary policies of Eurozone 
exit are a panacea, then we do not need to invoke bad faith or the 
simple label of “reformism” to explain their failure (especially not 
those of us who have long been sceptical of the politics of capitalism 
within one country which underpin the Grexit plans)

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA and the debt deal, UK Greens, Malaysia socialist detained, S. Africa energy

2015-02-24 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA and the debt deal, UK Greens, Malaysia 
socialist detained, S. Africa energy

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   No, SYRIZA has not surrendered 

By *Tom Walker*
February 2015 -- Surrender! Capitulation! Betrayal! Syriza hasn't even 
been in office for a month, but already the obituaries are being 
written. Some on the left, of course, had written them long before 
January's election. Syriza, you see, has failed to declare the 
revolution. So far, so familiar.

 * Read more 

   SYRIZA: 'For us, "structural reforms" are the fight against
   corruption and corporate tax evasion' 

[February 25, 2015 -- *Paul Mason*, writing on the February 24 SYRIZA 
government letter to the Eurogroup, outlining the reforms it intends to 
carry out, comments: "As flagged before it looks like [the Greek 
government] will be allowed to carry out the humanitarian aspect of 
Syriza’s so-called Thessaloniki Programme – i.e. anti-poverty measures. 
This, plus one of the most aggressive anti-tax avoidance offensives ever 
planned in the western world, is the centrepiece of Yanis Varoufakis’ plan.

 * Read more 

   Greek drama: A preliminary review of the first four weeks of the
   SYRIZA government 

By *Isidoros Diakides*, Greek Solidarity Campaign (Britain) co-chair
February 24, 2015 -- The Greek epic has already acquired all the 
features of an exciting action thriller, with all the appropriate drama 
(and hubbub), with constant surprises, twists and turns. And we still 
are at the opening scenes.

 * Read more 

   Britain: Greens surge on back of anti-austerity anger

By *Derek Wall,* London
February 23, 2015 --  A Green surge has hit Britain. Thanks to an 
ongoing growth spurt, the Green Party of England and Wales has now hit 
54,000 members, on top of nearly 10,000 members in the Scottish Green Party.

 * Read more 

   SYRIZA's debt deal: breathing space or capitulation? Three

February 23, 2015 --  The interim deal between European authorities and 
the SYRIZA government of Greece has caused controversy on the left, with 
accusations of "capitulation", sell out" and worse from some sections. 
Below are three assessments from the left that offer a more sober analysis.

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Solidarity statement -- 'Free Arul! Abolish the Sedition

February 21, 2015 -- The undersigned organisations add our voices to 
those in Malaysia now calling for the immediate release of Socialist 
Party of Malaysia (Parti Sosialis Malaysia, PSM) secretary general S. 
Arutchelvan (Arul), who was arrested on the evening of February 19, 
2015, on charges of "sedition".

These charges, and the arrest of Arul, are a travesty of justice and 

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Renewable energy or irradiation and gas fracking?

By *Patrick Bond*
February 18, 2015 -- After an explosive start to his State of the Nation 
Address, South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma turned to nuclear, coal, 
fracking and offshore drilling projects – but what about the country’s 
free sunshine, wind and tides?

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Demand the release of socialist leader arrested on
   sedition charges! 

By *Jeyakumar Deveraj*
February 20, 2015 -- At about 6 pm, February 19, 15 policemen from the 
Dang Wangi police station descended on the house of the Parti Sosialis 
Malaysia (Socialist Party of Malaysia, PSM) secretary general S. 
Arutchelvan [Arul] in Kajang, and arrested him. According to the 
arresting officer, Arul was being arrested under Section 4(1)(c) of the 
/Sedition Act/, which reads: "Any person who prints, publishes ... or 

[Marxism] SYRIZA: 'For us, "structural reforms" are the fight against corruption and corporate tax evasion' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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February 24, 2015 -- SYRIZA’s *Yiannis Bournous* (pictured 
above), responsible for international matters, interviewed 
by**/Esquerda.net/; *

What assessment do you make of the February 20 agreement with the 

The document adopted at the Eurogroup gives Greece an extra four months 
to present a developed plan of structural reforms. The document gives us 
breathing space, both in terms of time and economic conditions.

Even if some of the considerations in the document can be dubbed 
ambiguous, politically and technically, the important thing is that we 
have cancelled the deal made by the previous government to impose new 
austerity measures – including a further  reduction of pensions, more 
tax increases on the working classes and the

middle class, cutting job protections and measures on housing evictions.

This is the first time a heavily indebted country has secured some 
slack, both financial and timewise, allowing us to breathe, thanks to 
what [Greek finance minister Yanis]**Varoufakis called the “creative 
ambiguity” of its formulation. On the other hand, [German finance 
minister Wolfgang] Schäuble failed in his plan to stifle Greece on 
February 28 – which was the deadline for the [last tranche of 
"bail-out"] loans under the memorandum – and lead the country to a dead 
end without liquidity and then impose the conditions he wanted on the 
new government. Fortunately, the plan failed and we have a new 
discussion phase which will take four months.

Full interviews at http://links.org.au/node/4306
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[Marxism] Thoughts on reform, revolution, social change and elections in light of SYRIZA's win and the revolutionary advances in Latin America

2015-02-18 Thread glparramatta--- via Marxism
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Thoughts on reform, revolution, social change and elections in light of
SYRIZA's win and the revolutionary advances in Latin America

By Mike treen


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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Venezuela coup attempt foiled; MaThoko's post box; Ukraine; SYRIZA & Australia; Greece; Nikolai Bukharin

2015-02-18 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Venezuela coup attempt foiled; MaThoko's post box; 
Ukraine; SYRIZA & Australia; Greece; Nikolai Bukharin

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   Asia-Pacific socialists condemn latest US-backed coup attempt in

[If your organisation would like to sign this statement please email 
int@gmail.com .]

February 17, 2015 -- We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn 
the recent coup attempt that sought to overthrow the democratically 
elected government of Venezuela in order to reverse the achievements of 
the socialist Bolivarian process.
The failed coup attempt was crafted around a plan that involved creating 
an economic assault on the country, creating an international debate 
around a supposed humanitarian crisis, a political coup involving 
officials who would turn on the government, and finally a military coup 
that would lead to the installation of the transitional program. The 
coup plotters even planned to bomb Miraflores [presidential] Palace and 
the TeleSUR offices in Caracas, as well as conducting assassinations of 
both members of the opposition and the government, including President 
Maduro, during the ensuing chaos once the coup unfolded.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: US-backed coup plot thwarted 

February 12, 2015 -- A coup plot against Venezuela's government has been 
foiled, with both civilians and members of the military detained, 
President Nicolas Maduro revealed on February 12 in a televised address. 
Those involved were being paid in US dollars, and one of the suspects 
had been granted a visa to enter the United States should the plot fail, 
Maduro said.

 * Read more 

   Radical objects: MaThoko’s post box and the LGBT movement in South

By *John Marnell*
February 17, 2015 -- Sometime in the early 1980s, an unassuming house in 
KwaThema, a township just outside of Johannesburg, became a safe haven 
for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Like 
the other houses in the township, it was small – only four rooms – and 
simple, matchboxes made on the cheap by the apartheid state. It belonged 
to Thokozile Khumalo, known affectionately as /MaThoko/, who for the 
next decade opened her home and her heart to countless young people.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: Kyiv, Russia sign shakey ceasefire

By *Tony Iltis*
February 14, 2015 -- Leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France 
emerged from negotiations in Minsk, Belarus on the morning of February 
12, after 16 hours of talks, and announced that agreement had been 
reached for a ceasefire in Ukraine's civil war.

 * Read more 

   Australia: SYRIZA’S victory and building a green-left alternative

By *Susan Price*
February 14, 2015 -- What lessons can we learn from the recent victory 
of SYRIZA for building the anti-austerity movement and a political 
alternative to neoliberalism here in Australia? Australian Greens 
senator Lee Rhiannon, in her recent article in /New Matilda/, writes 
that the left in Australia should wake up and take notice of what is 
happening in Europe. I couldn’t agree more.

 * Read more 

   Mike Treen: SYRIZA victory in Greece a blow to austerity

By *Mike Treen*, director UNITE union (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
February 5, 2015 -- The longer the SYRIZA government can survive and 
resist the better chance working people throughout Europe can act to 
remove right wing austerity governments and mobilise their own power 
through their unions and communities to create an alternative to the 
Europe of capitalism, recession and despair.

 * Read more 

   Nikolai Bukharin: ‘The favourite of the whole party’

By *Doug Enaa Gre

[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA, solidarity with Greece, Anwar Ibrahim, Thomas Sankara, Podemos, IMF & Ebola, Ukraine, Cuba, S. Africa, Scotland

2015-02-10 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA, solidarity with Greece, Anwar Ibrahim, 
Thomas Sankara, Podemos, IMF & Ebola, Ukraine, Cuba, S. Africa, Scotland

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   Greece: European elites declare war on SYRIZA government; Thousands
   rally in Athens 

By *Dick Nichols*
February 8, 2015 – If anyone was still wondering whether European 
politics and a Europe-wide class struggle actually exist, reactions from 
all political quarters to the first two weeks of Greece’s new SYRIZA-led 
government would have cleared up any lingering doubts.

 * Read more 

   Malaysian socialists condemn bogus guilty verdict on Anwar Ibrahim

By *S. Arutchelvan*, secretary general, PSM
February 10, 2015 -- The Parti Sosialis Malaysia (Socialist Party of 
Malaysia, PSM) is appalled at the disgraceful judgement by the highest 
court in the nation on [opposition leader] Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy II 
case. Any person following the trial in the Federal Court would have 
made a overwhelmingly foregone conclusion that Anwar is innocent and he 
should be free man today. This hope was dashed and now in shambles.

 * Read more 

   Thomas Sankara and Burkina Faso's 'Black Spring'

   /*Thomas Sankara: An African Revolutionary*/
   By Ernest Harsch,
   Ohio University Press, 2014.
   163 pages

Review by *Ernest Tate*
February 9, 2015 -- A press report in 1983 that a popular uprising in 
Upper Volta, a small and poor land-locked country in Western Africa, had 
led to an obscure, but charismatic army officer becoming head of state 
was truly inspiring news for all those looking for some kind of 
breakthrough against imperialism in that part of the world.

 * Read more 

   Vincenç Navarro: Why Podemos is a big threat to Spain's political

January 28, 2015 -- Following SYRIZA’s victory in the Greek election on 
January 25, a number of commentators have turned their attention toward 
Spain, where the left-wing Podemos party, which originally emerged from 
the /Indignados/ protest movement, has been receiving strong polling 
numbers since the end of 2014. Here *Vicente Navarro* writes on the 
growth of Podemos and his role in shaping the party’s economic program.

 * Read more 

   Africa: How the IMF worsens the Ebola crisis

By *Jérôme Duval*, translated by *John Catalinotto*
February 6, 2015 -- Although the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 
claims it is part of the solution, the IMF is really part of the problem 
of underdevelopment and has been for decades. The latest proof of this 
is that the conditions imposed on countries in need have had serious 
impacts on the development of these countries’ public health services. 
In some countries this means letting epidemics destroy the lives of 
thousands of people. The latest example involves the Ebola epidemic.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: US/NATO pushes to arm Kyiv's bloody war in the east

By *Roger Annis*

February 6, 2015 -- The Kyiv and NATO-driven civil war in Ukraine is 
taking new and dangerous turns. The United States is threatening to 
significantly increase its military support to Kyiv's army and the 
extreme-right militias allied with it, notably in the form of advanced 
heavy weapons, including artillery systems and anti-tank weaponry. The 
NATO countries as a whole are increasing their military presence in 
eastern Europe, including creating rapid-deployment infantry bases.

 * Read more 

   European Greens on SYRIZA win: 'We want to cooperate with the new
   Greek government' 

January 26, 2015 -- The following statement on the victory by SYRIZA in 
the January 25 Greek election was issued by *Monica Frassoni* and 
*Reinhard Bütikofer*, co-chairs of the

[Marxism] Greece: Why SYRIZA made the deal with the Independent Greeks (ANEL) | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2015-02-06 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Haris Triandafilidou*

February 5, 2015 --[...] The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) – SYRIZA’s 
preferred coalition partner – had made it clear repeatedly that it was 
not available for negotiations and had categorically refused to form a 
coalition. A meeting set up for the day after the election between 
Tsipras and the secretary-general of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumpas was 
rejected by the latter, suggesting that the KKE had nothing to talk 
about.2February 5, 2015 -- [...]

Neither “To Potami” (“the river”) – a party wrongly depicted as 
left-wing liberal by the international media– nor the former parties of 
government: the ND and PASOK, were options as coalition partners.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA win: dramatic changes, international repercussions (Podemos, Sinn Fein, Greens); Socialists & WWI; Scotland after referendum; Eleanor Marx; Kobane; NUMSA; Thailan

2015-02-03 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA win: dramatic changes, international 
repercussions (Podemos, Sinn Fein, Greens); Socialists & WWI; Scotland 
after referendum; Eleanor Marx; Kobane; NUMSA; Thailand

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   Socialists and World War I: Turn the imperialist war into a civil

By *Doug Enaa Greene*
February 2, 2015 -- It has been a hundred years since the outbreak of 
the First World War. The centennial of the “war to end all wars” has 
seen countless commemorations of the millions of heroic soldiers who 
made the supreme sacrifice for king and country.

 * Read more 

   Eyewitness Greece: SYRIZA announces dramatic changes, prepares for
   debt battle with EU 

By *Dick Nichols*, Athens
January 30, 2015 – It was the French Catholic daily /La Croix /that last 
week best described the size of the challenges facing Greece’s incoming 
SYRIZA government—they are “labours of Hercules”, a reference to the 
mythical Greek hero whose 12 feats against impossible odds made him 
immortal in the ancient world.

 * Read more 

   Kurdistan: Why Kobanî did not fall 

By *Dilar Dirik*
January 27, 2015 -- One year ago, today, Kobanî declared itself as an 
autonomous canton. Today, after 135 days of fearless resistance, the 
people of Kobanî have liberated the city from the so-called Islamic 
State (ISIS). Since September 2014, the YPG and YPJ (People's and 
Women's Defence Units) have been leading – there are no other words to 
describe it -- an epic and unbelievable resistance against the latest 
wave of attacks by ISIS.

 * Read more 

   Scottish independence: when, not if -- how Westminster lost Scotland

   */Disunited Kingdom: How Westminster Won a Referendum but Lost
   By Iain MacWhirter
   Cargo Publishing, 2014,
   174 pages

Review by *Alex Miller*
February 4, 2015 – The independence referendum on September 18, 2014, 
has been hailed by many as the most important single event in the recent 
history of Scotland.

 * Read more 

   Eleanor Marx and the dawn of socialist feminism

   /*Eleanor Marx: A Life*
   /By Rachel Holmes
   Bloomsbury 2014, £25

Review by *Alex Miller*
February 2, 2015 – This new and very well-written biography tells the 
story of the life of Eleanor Marx (known to her family and friends as 
“Tussy”). Tussy was the third and youngest daughter of Karl and Jenny Marx.

 * Read more 

   Spain needs its own SYRIZA 

February 2, 2015 -- The victory of SYRIZA in the January 25, 2015, 
general election in Greece has led to widespread discussions across the 
Europe on the way forward for the left. In Spain, the rapid rise in the 
polls of the Podemos party has excited many. The following is one 
viewpoint on the meaning of the SYRIZA win for the Spansih left.

 * Read more 

   Ireland: Sinn Féin leader calls for discussions on building left
   alternative; Anti-austerity campaign boosted

By *John Hedges*
January 29, 2015 -- Sinn Féin national chairperson Declan Kearney calls 
in the February issue of /An Phoblacht/ for formal discussions on 
building an Irish left alternative in the wake of the success of SYRIZA 
in Greece.

 * Read more 

   Interview: South African metalworkers' leader Irvin Jim at the
   centre of a storm 

January 28-30, 2015 -- In this three-part interview, *Irvin Jim*, leader 
of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) -- the 
largest trade union in South Africa with 340,000 members that is calling 
for a return to the principles of the /Freedom Charter -- /describes his 
early life and radicalisation and explains why his union withdrew its 
support for the g

[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA wins: Greek election special -- results, 40-point program, international support; eyewitness reports, SYRIZA radical enough?

2015-01-27 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA wins: Greek election special -- results, 
40-point program, international support; eyewitness reports, SYRIZA 
radical enough?

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   Greece: SYRIZA’s win -- the numbers behind the victory

By *Dick Nichols*, Athens
January 27, 2015 -- The victory of SYRIZA, Greece’s Coalition of the 
Radical Left, in the January 25, 2015, general election caused enormous 
outpouring of joy on the streets of Athens and confirmed general 
expectations.The final result was 36.49% and 149 seats. SYRIZA will now 
form government in alliance with the socially conservative, but 
anti-Brussels, Independent Greeks.

 * Read more 

   Greece: SYRIZA wins! SYRIZA's 40-point program

January 26, 2015 -- SYRIZA has won a great victory in the Greek general 
It became clear in the final days of the campaign that SYRIZA was headed 
for such a momentous victory. Their rallies across Greece – in town 
squares, factories and universities – were thoughtful and inspirational. 
The working class was making its mind up about SYRIZA. Now it has 
decided and the results are clear – this is nothing short of an 
overwhelming expression of the people’s will for change, by and for the 

 * Read more 

   Greece: Is SYRIZA radical enough? 

By *Ed Rooksby*
January 22, 2015 -- It would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, 
but a party of the radical left is on the cusp of power in an EU 
country. The latest opinion polls indicate that SYRIZA will triumph in 
the Greek national elections to be held on January 25 and although it 
may not win an absolute majority in parliament it would (assuming it can 
find coalition partners) certainly be the dominant force in any 
coalition government that emerged.

 * Read more 

   Eyewitness Greece: Looming SYRIZA win alarms elite; Big rally: 'Hope
   is on its way' 

By *Dick Nichols*, Athens
January 23, 2015 -- In the days ahead of Greece's January 25 general 
election, all signs point to victory for the Alexis Tsipras-led 
Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA). The big unknown is whether the 
party will win an absolute majority in the 300-seat Greek parliament, 
freeing it from the need to negotiate with minority parties and ending 
the chance of a further national poll in case negotiations fail.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Venezuela welcomes SYRIZA victory; International left

[Please return regularly for updates.]
January 28, 2015 -- Venezuela's government has congratulated Alexis 
Tsipras, leader of the left-wing SYRIZA party, who won a huge victory in 
Greece's parliamentary elections on January 25, 2015, reports TeleSur 
English. Tsipras has been inaugurated as the country's prime minister.

 * Read more 

   Eyewitness Greece: Solidarity in action -- a visit to a
   Solidarity4All clinic 

By *Vivian Messimeris*, Athens
January 25, 2015 -- Today we visited one of the solidarity clinics that 
operates in the suburb of Peristeri. We met with some of the volunteers 
that work in the clinic that included two doctors as well as other 
activists. The clinic is staffed by 60 volunteers, including 20 doctors, 
and offers free medical consultations and pharmaceuticals.

 * Read more 

   Eyewitness Greece: Interview with Hara Petsiou, cleaner fired from
   Ministry of Finance 

By *Vivian Messimeris*, Athens
January 25, 2015 -- Vivian Messimeris is part of the /Green Left Weekly/ 
and /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ team covering the 
January 25 election in Greece. She spoke to *Hara Petsiou* (pictured), a 
cleaner sacked from her job at the finance ministry. The sacked cleaners 
are fighting for their jobs.


[Marxism] Greece: SYRIZA wins! SYRIZA's 40-point program | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2015-01-25 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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January 26, 2015 -- SYRIZA has won a great victory in the Greek general 
It became clear in the final days of the campaign that SYRIZA was headed 
for such a momentous victory. Their rallies across Greece – in town 
squares, factories and universities – were thoughtful and inspirational. 
The working class was making its mind up about SYRIZA. Now it has 
decided and the results are clear – this is nothing short of an 
overwhelming expression of the people’s will for change, by and for the 

The last question that remains is if SYRIZA will achieve a majority 151 
seats out of Greek parliament’s 300 seats. So far they are just short on 
149, but final results will take some time.

* * *

Due to enormous demand /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ is reposting the official 
program of the Greek coalition of the radical left, SYRIZA. The 
following was translated from the daily bulletin of Italy’s Communist 
Refoundation Party.

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[Marxism] Greece: Is SYRIZA radical enough? | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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It is precisely the moderation of SYRIZA’s stance, however, that has 
attracted fierce criticism from other left-wing groups. The Greek 
Communist Party (KKE) for example denounces SYRIZA for "opportunism" 
while the Front of the Greek Anticapitalist Left (Antarsya), though much 
less sectarian than the KKE, refuses to combine forces with SYRIZA, 
arguing that the latter’s program is insufficiently "radical".

Internationally too, there’s no shortage of left critics issuing dire 
warnings in relation to SYRIZA’s "reformism", convinced that all it 
aspires to do is to manage, rather than seriously challenge, the system. 
Even among many of its supporters there is a general consensus that 
SYRIZA "is not as radical as we would want" and that backing it in the 
forthcoming election represents a necessary reining in of the left’s 
political ambitions under current conditions.

These criticisms are mistaken, however, for three closely related reasons.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA set for victory, Paul Le Blanc on Marxism, Nigeria, NUMSA in USA, Cuba renewables, Rojava, Lars Lih, Scottish Greens, South Africa, Mike Marqusee

2015-01-20 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA set for victory, Paul Le Blanc on Marxism, 
Nigeria, NUMSA in USA, Cuba renewables, Rojava, Lars Lih, Scottish 
Greens, South Africa, Mike Marqusee

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   Alexis Tsipras in 'El Pais': 'SYRIZA win will be a compass for

By *Alexis Tsipras*
January 16, 2015  On January 25 Greece will shut the door on the 
past. SYRIZA’s victory is the hope of the worlds of labour and of 
culture in all of Europe for change. To make the necessary step forward. 
From the darkness of austerity and of authoritarianism, into the light 
of democracy, of solidarity and of sustainable development.

 * Read more 

   Paul Le Blanc: Explorations in plain Marxism: revolutionary theory,
   practical action 

By *Paul Le Blanc*
January 15, 2015 – The ideas of Karl Marx are often put forward as an 
invaluable resource for those wishing to understand the world in order 
to change it for the better. Yet various people who speak as Marxists 
often insist upon divergent ways of understanding even the most basic 
concepts associated with Marxism – such as /capitalism/ and the /working 

 * Read more 

   Nigeria: 'Je Suis Baga'? The world ignores the tragedy of Baga

By *Baba Aye*
January 17, 2015 – The fishing community of Baga, by Lake Chad in Borno 
state, Nigeria, was under siege by Boko Haram for a week at the 
beginning of January/. /Amnesty International described the ensuing 
bloodbath as Boko Haram’s “deadliest massacre”, estimating that some 
2000 persons were killed. Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan, who 
condemned the “dastardly terrorist attack” against /Charlie Hebdo 
/cartoonists within hours of the tragic event in Paris, did not say a 
word about this tragedy.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: NUMSA's Irvin Jim builds solidarity in USA for a
   socialist South Africa 

January 11, 2015 -- *Irvin Jim*, general secretary of the National Union 
of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA), South Africa's largest trade 
union, has toured the United States to report on the fight for socialism 
in South Africa. He delivered this presentation on January 11, 2015, at 
the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 1199 offices in New 
York City.

   Cuba: The 'solarisation' of Granma province

By *Laurie Guevara-​Stone*
January 14, 2015 -- US President Barack Obama’s recent announcement that 
he wants to begin normalising relations with Cuba generated news around 
the world. But the Cuban province of Granma may soon be making headlines 
for another reason: its embrace of renewable energy. While Cuba is an 
island full of sun, rivers and windy coasts, only 4 per cent of the 
island’s electricity is generated from renewable energy. The island 
hopes to soon change that, with a goal of generating 24 per cent of its 
energy from renewables by 2030, and Granma is leading the way.

 * Read more 

   Unfolding revolution in Rojava: Interview with Özgür Amed,
   journalist and researcher 

*Özgür Amed* interviewed by *Dylan Murphy*
January 17, 2015 – The following interview was conducted in partnership 
between the /Rojava Report/. *Özgür Amed* is a journalist, columnist, 
teacher and activist from Diyarbakir, where he gives courses on cinema 
and works with local civil society organisations as a project 
coordinator. He writes regular editorials for the newspapers /Ozgur 
Gundem/ and /Ozgur Politika/, contributes to various journals, assists 
foreign journalists working in Kurdistan and provides analysis of the 
region to foreign media outlets. He also conducts research on the 
Kurdish movement and its author of a book of humour, /Works of 
Kurdology/ (/Kürdocul İşler/).

 * Read more 

   Heroic class leadership: Lars T. Lih's ‘Leni

[Marxism] Nigeria: 'Je Suis Baga'? The world ignores the tragedy of Baga | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2015-01-17 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Baba Aye*

January 17, 2015 – /Links International Journnal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- The fishing community of Baga, by Lake Chad in Borno state, Nigeria, 
was under siege by Boko Haram for a week at the beginning of January/. 
/Amnesty International described the ensuing bloodbath as Boko Haram’s 
“deadliest massacre”, estimating that some 2000 persons were killed. 
Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan, who condemned the “dastardly 
terrorist attack” against /Charlie Hebdo /cartoonists within hours of 
the tragic event in Paris, did not say a word about this tragedy.

The attacks on Baga and more than 16 towns and villages in its Local 
Government Area started on January 3. The insurgents overran the 
headquarters of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) of the 
Chadian, Nigerien and Nigerian armies. Fleeing soldiers, men, women and 
children from Baga were pursued into the villages and bushes, killed and 
buildings set ablaze.

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[Marxism] Paul Le Blanc: Explorations in plain Marxism: revolutionary theory, practical action

2015-01-14 Thread glparramatta--- via Marxism
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Paul Le Blanc: Explorations in plain Marxism: revolutionary theory,
practical action

By Paul Le Blanc

January 15, 2015 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The
ideas of Karl Marx are often put forward as an invaluable resource for
those wishing to understand the world in order to change it for the
better. Yet various people who speak as Marxists often insist upon
divergent ways of understanding even the most basic concepts associated
with Marxism – such as capitalism and the working class.

There are also perplexing divergences around such conceptions as ideology,
class-consciousness, and the seemingly bizarre concept of labour
aristocracy. As if this wasn’t enough, relatively new concepts – identity
and intersectionality – have been thrown into the mix.

It’s almost enough to make activists throw up their hands, shout an
expletive or two, and walk away. Of course, one can simply jump into
activity to make the world a better place while saying “to hell with all
these stupid theories.” But this could reduce chances of understanding the
world well enough to be able to actually change it positively. Practical
action can be most effective if it is guided by certain structures of
understanding that correspond to the way the world actually works.

In what follows, controversies among Marxists will be touched on in a
manner contributing – I hope – to the development of effective
revolutionary socialist perspectives.


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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Sri Lanka, Charlie Hebdo, Greece & SYRIZA, Direct vs. representative democracy, Venezuela brigade, Haiti, Revolutionary sport, Mexico, Marx and nature

2015-01-13 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Sri Lanka, Charlie Hebdo, Greece & SYRIZA, direct 
vs. representative democracy, Venezuela brigade, Haiti, Revolutionary 
sport, Mexico, Marx and nature

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   Sri Lanka: Behind Maithripala Sirisena's defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa

By *Chris Slee*
January 12, 2015 -- Maithripala Sirisena has taken office as president 
of Sri Lanka, after winning the election held on January 8. Sirisena 
obtained 51.28% of the vote, defeating incumbent president Mahinda 
Rajapaksa, who got 47.58%.

 * Read more 

   (Updated Jan. 13) Socialists condemn 'Charlie Hebdo' massacre, warn
   of Islamophobia in its wake 

Statement by Australian *Socialist Alliance national co-conveners* on 
the Paris massacre
Sydney, January 9, 2015 -- The Socialist Alliance Australia condemns the 
massacre of journalists, cartoonists and others at and around the 
offices of the Paris-based publication /Charlie Hebdo/. However 
offensive anyone may have found some of the cartoons published by 
/Charlie Hebdo/, this act of brutal violence is not justified.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Yanis Varoufakis on the economic crisis and why he is
   standing for SYRIZA 

January 13, 2015 -- Beginning at 3.55 minutes, *Yanis Varoufakis*, 
professor of economic theory at the University of Athens, discusses the 
European economic crisis and expalins why he has chosen to be a SYRIZA 
candidate for parliament in the January 25, 2015, general election.

   France: 'Charlie Hebdo' would have run the headline: ‘Satraps who
   you have escaped’ 

By *Thomas Cantaloube *and *Mathilde Mathieu*
January 14, 2015 –To govern is to choose. By accepting the participation 
of dictators, jailers of opponents and enemies of the freedom of the 
press from all corners of the planet at the January 11 demonstration in 
memory of the victims of the Paris [/Charlie Hebdo/] attacks, the 
François Hollande-Manuel Valls government has once more demonstrated its 

 * Read more 

   Discussion: How do we rule? Direct and representative democracy and
   revolutionary power 

By *Doug Enaa Greene*
January 14, 2015 – I want to begin by stating that I am a firm and 
unapologetic advocate of the necessity of the dictatorship of the 
proletariat [to replace the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie we presently 
suffer under]. To deny the necessity of that dictatorship is to leave 
power in the hands of those who wield it – the exploiting capitalist 
class. And without the establishment of the dictatorship of the 
proletariat, you cannot lay the foundations of a society that provides 
for human needs and allows for the full development of human potential.

 * Read more 

   Report on 15th Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network brigade to

By *Paul Dobson*, brigade leader, Caracas
January 12, 2015 -- Following months of organisation and planning, the 
Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network’s 15th solidarity brigade touched 
down in Maiquetía International Airport in Caracas on December 1, 2014, 
at a highly important time for the Bolivarian revolution.

 * Read more 

   Haiti: Promised rebuilding unrealised; authoritarian rule challenged

/Important achievements in earthquake rehabilitation were achieved with 
the public health initiatives taken by Haiti's Ministry of Public Health 
in cooperation with large international missions and many smaller, vital 
health care projects. The contributions of Cuba and Partners In Health 
stood out./

By *Travis Ross* and *Roger Annis*

 * Read more 

   Revolutionary sport: exclusive excerpt from 'Sport in Capitalist

   */Sport in Capitalist Society/*/*: A

[Marxism] Mike Marqusee's articles at Links

2015-01-13 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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Mike Marqusee was always keen to allow his excellent articles to be 
posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, which can be 
found collected at http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/594

Short obit here: http://www.mikemarqusee.com/?p=1663
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[Marxism] Socialists condemn 'Charlie Hebdo' massacre, warn of Islamophobia in its wake | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2015-01-09 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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Statements from Australia, France and India. More to come


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[Marxism] What's new at Links: SYRIZA and the greek election; Sri Lanka's election; Claudio Katz on Cuba; POUM; Mexico's OPT

2015-01-07 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: SYRIZA and the greek election; Sri Lanka's 
election; Claudio Katz on Cuba; POUM; Mexico's OPT

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   Greece: If SYRIZA wins the election, what might happen next?

By *Lisa Mittendrein* and *Valentin Schwarz*
December 2014 -- With Greece facing a snap general election on January 
25, 2015, there is the genuine prospect of a radical left government 
coming to power in a European Union country. SYRIZA, a party born from a 
coalition of Eurocommunists, the far left, social movements and 
anti-globalisation activists, is riding high. The general sentiment 
among SYRIZA officials and activists is that they will win the election 
and form the next government.

 * Read more 

   Marxist economist Claudio Katz on the Cuban Revolution and its
   economic reforms 



By *Claudio Katz*, introduction by *Richard Fidler*
December 29, 2014 -- The release December 17 of the remaining three of 
five Cubans held for 15 years in US prisons is an historic victory for 
the Cuban people, their government and supporters around the world.Ramon 
Labañino, Geraldo Hernández and Antonio Guerrero joined Fernando 
González and René González, released earlier, in an emotional reception 
in Havana with President Raúl Castro.

 * Read more 

   The POUM: Those who would? +video 

By *Doug Enaa Greene*
January 7, 2015 -- For generations of leftists, the most recognizable 
images of the Spanish Civil War is from May 1937 comes from George 
Orwell's/Homage to Catalonia/ of anarchist and POUMist workers defending 
the Telephone Exchange in Barcelona from the Communist Party. This image 
is said to represent the betrayal of Spain's libertarian communist 
revolution by agents of Moscow. In the decades since May 1937, a great 
number of polemics have been exchanged on what went wrong and on many 
“what ifs” on how the revolution could have won in the streets of Barcelona.

 * Read more 

   Mexico: First congress of the Organización Política del Pueblo y los

By *Nevin Siders*
January 5, 2015 -- The People’s and Worker’s Political Organization 
(Organización Política del Pueblo y los Trabajadores, OPT) held its 
first national congress in Mexico City on the weekend of December 12 and 
13, 2014. Since its founding in 2011, the party has grown to have local 
units registered in 16 of Mexico’s 32 states. According to convention 
organisers, 200 members attended the convention held in the headquarters 
of the Mexican Electricians Trade Union (SME), which was the protagonist 
for its founding in 2011 and has continued to press for it as an 
alternative to the parties of capital and their hangers-on.

 * Read more 

   Brian Senewiratne: The choice in Sri Lanka's presidential election

By *Brian Senewiratne*, Brisbane
January 5, 2015 -- There are two main candidates – Mahinda Rajapaksa and 
“common opposition candidate” Maithripala Sirisena. The January 8, 2015, 
election was called by Rajapaksa two years before it was due because of 
a slide in his popularity as judged from the recent provincial council 
elections. He has claimed, with some strange reasoning, that even if he 
loses, he will continue as president for two more years (if he wins, the 
two years will be added to the six-year term – making it eight years).

With the opposition in disarray and unable to find a credible candidate, 
Rajapaksa was so sure of victory that he even said that he would be the 
only candidate. He failed to see that the possible candidate was 
Maithripala Sirisena, his own health minister and general secretary of 
the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).

 * Read more 

   Lionel Bopage: ‘Let us take a principled stand for the future of Sri

By*Lionel Bopage*

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Venezuela, Greece, IMF reform?, World War I, Too Many People?

2014-12-31 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Venezuela, Greece, IMF reform?, World War I, Too 
Many People?

* * *
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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

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   Venezuela: After Chávez, has the Maduro government stalled the

By *Steve Ellner*

December 24, 2014 -- Nearly two years after the death of Hugo Chávez, 
the key question that many on the left are debating, in Venezuela and 
elsewhere, is whether his successors have been true to his legacy, or 
whether the “revolutionary process” initiated more than a decade ago has 
now stalled or even been thrown into reverse.

 * Read more 

   Greece: The snap election and myths surrounding the country’s
   economic ‘recovery’ 

*Yanis Varoufakis* interviewed for /Il Manifesto/ newspaper by *Thomas 
Fazi*, translated by /Revolting Europe//, /December 30, 2014/


Posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- With a 
snap general election due January 25, a Greek economist close to SYRIZA 
dismantles some myths surrounding the Greek economy and believes victory 
for the left-wing opposition is increasingly likely.

* * *

After the announcement that, on January 25, 2015, Greece will return to 
the polls (due to the failed third and decisive parliamentary vote for 
the new president), the prospect of a victory of Coalition of the 
Radical Left (SYRIZA), the strength of the radical left led by Alexis 
Tsipras that is topping the opinion polls, is becoming more concrete. 
This is rocking the markets and the European establishment, which have 
already expressed their disappointment at the decision of Greece's Prime 
Minister Antonis Samaras to attempt the election of a president.

 * Read more 

   Has the International Monetary Fund reformed?

By *Patrick Bond*, Durban
December 22, 2014 -- In a /Washington Post 
/ op-ed 
on December 17, 2014, "The IMF's Perestroika Moment 
", Boston 
University political economists Cornel Ban and Kevin Gallagher suggested 
"conventional wisdom" about the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is 
"outdated" because the IMF is no longer "a global agent of economic 
orthodoxy". Hmmm.

 * Read more 

   How the top brass undermined WWI soldiers' attempts to 'live and let

See also "*The soldiers' Christmas truce -- A bas la guerre! Nie wieder 
Kreig! Das walte Gott! Peace on Earth!* "

By *Barry Healy*
December 24, 2014 -- Australians have begun the grim journey through the 
centenary of World War I. Our newspapers have special articles and 
multi-page wrap arounds commemorating every significant date. This is 
driven by a multi-million dollar government fund designed to whip up 
militarisation in contemporary Australia by obscuring the truth about WWI.

 * Read more 

   'Une planète trop peuplée?' Preface to the French edition of 'Too
   Many People?' 

December 17, 2014 -- Québec publisher Les Éditions Écosociété has 
translated and published the book that Simon Butler and Ian Angus 
co-wrote, /Too Many People? Population, Immigration and the 
Environmental Crisis/ (Haymarket Books, 2011).

The French edition, titled /Une planète trop peuplée? Le mythe 
populationniste, l’immigration et la crise écologique,/ features a new 
preface by Serge Mongeau, who is the founder of Écosociété and was a 
candidate for Québec solidaire in the 2008 Québec general election.

Below is a translation of that preface, followed by the original French 
text, both published with permission from Les Éditions Écosociété.

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Marta Harnecker, Cuban Five free, South Africa United Front, Matzpen, Pakistan, Greece, Vavi letter to SACP, Belgium

2014-12-23 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Marta Harnecker, Cuban Five free, South Africa 
United Front, Matzpen, Pakistan, Greece, Vavi letter to SACP, Belgium

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Marta Harnecker: Decentralised participatory planning

By *Marta Harnecker*, translated by *Federico Fuentes

[Paper presented at the International Scientific Academic Meeting on 
Methodology and Experiences in Socio-environmental Participatory 
processes, Cuenca University, November 13-15, 2014.*]

December 19, 2014 -- These words are aimed at those who want to build a 
humanist and solidarity-based society. A society based on the complete 
participation of all people. A society focused on a model of sustainable 
development that satisfies people's genuine needs in a just manner, and 
not the artificial wants created by capitalism in its irrational drive 
to obtain more profits. A society that does all this while ensuring that 
humanity’s future in not put at risk. A society where the organized 
people are the ones who decide what and how to produce. A society we 
have referred to as Twenty-First Century Socialism, Good Living or Life 
in Plenitude.

 * Read more 

   Cuban Five now all free! Will the US blockade of Cuba now end?

By *Julie Webb-Pullman*
December 18, 2014 -- Cubans and many others around the world are 
jubilantly celebrating the return to Cuba on December 17 of Gerardo 
Hernández, Ramón Labañino and Antonio Guerrero, the final three members 
of the Cuban Five to be released from US prisons, in a prisoner swap for 
US spy Alan Gross.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: United Front takes steps to redefine politics

By *Dinga Sikwebu*
December 22, 2014 -- Since its December 2013 special national congress’ 
call for trade union federation Cosatu to sever its ties with the ANC, 
the decisions of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa 
(NUMSA) have received poor analysis. Most misrepresented has been the 
union’s resolution for NUMSA to lead in the establishment of a United Front.

 * Read more 

   Matzpen: Revolutionary anti-Zionism in Israel

By *Doug Enaa Greene*

December 23, 2014 – Shortly after the June 1967 war, revolutionary 
socialists, both Jewish and Palestinian, published a joint statement 
denouncing the war and calling for an end to Zionism. The Jewish 
socialists were perceived as traitors by Israeli society.

 * Read more 

   Cuba to stand by its communist principles, Castro says; ‘US got
   isolated trying to isolate Cuba’ -- Rene Gonzalez

December 20, 2014 -- Cuba's leader Raul Castro said the country would 
not give up its political values for which it has fought. Calling for 
mutual respect in the new development of relations with the United 
States, Castro stated Cuba would continue its socialist route.

 * Read more 
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   Farooq Tariq and Tariq Ali on the 'Talibanisation' of Pakistan and
   the Afghan war blowback 

By *Farooq Tariq*
December 19, 2014 -- It was the most deadly attack on any school by 
religious fanatics: 146 were killed in a Peshawar Army Public School, 
including 136 children, ages ranging from 10 to 17 years. The attackers 
asked the children to recite the /Kalma/ and then fired at them. It was 
an attack on Muslim children by Muslim fanatics.

 * Read more 

   Greece: What a SYRIZA government will do 

December 20, 2014 -- Below is the governmental program of the Coalition 
of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) announced by **Alexis Tsipras **at the 
Thessaloniki International Fair, September 15, 2014. According to the 
latest opinion poll, SYRIZA

[Marxism] Farooq Tariq and Tariq Ali on the 'Talibanisation' of Pakistan and the Afghan war blowback | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-12-19 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Farooq Tariq *

December 19, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- It was the most deadly attack on any school by religious fanatics: 
146 were killed in a Peshawar Army Public School, including 136 
children, ages ranging from 10 to 17 years. The attackers asked the 
children to recite the /Kalma/ and then fired at them. It was an attack 
on Muslim children by Muslim fanatics.

/Tehreek Taliban Pakistan/ claimed responsibility and sent a group photo 
of the seven militants who took part in the “operation” holding guns and 
bombs. This was in response to the posting online of the dead faces of 
the seven who were killed by the army in the counter attack, not before 
they caused maximum damage.

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[Marxism] Marta Harnecker: Decentralised participatory planning based on experiences of Brazil, Venezuela and the state of Kerala, India

2014-12-18 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Marta Harnecker*

[Paper presented at the International Scientific Academic Meeting on 
Methodology and Experiences in Socio-environmental Participatory 
processes, Cuenca University, November 13-15, 2014.*]

December 19, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- These words are aimed at those who want to build a humanist and 
solidarity-based society. A society based on the complete participation 
of all people. A society focused on a model of sustainable development 
that satisfies people's genuine needs in a just manner, and not the 
artificial wants created by capitalism in its irrational drive to obtain 
more profits. A society that does all this while ensuring that 
humanity's future in not put at risk. A society where the organized 
people are the ones who decide what and how to produce. A society we 
have referred to as Twenty-First Century Socialism, Good Living or Life 
in Plenitude.

Full article http://links.org.au/node/4208

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[Marxism] Portugal: Left Bloc in struggle to regain unity after convention

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Portugal: Left Bloc in struggle to regain unity after convention

By Dick Nichols

December 13, 2014 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal --
After its ninth national convention, held in Lisbon on November 22-23,
2014, it really looked as if Portugal’s Left Bloc were in serious
trouble—split right down the middle. And split not over insuperable
differences of political perspective but over its leadership model and
who, as national coordinator, should be its public face.

This was the first time in its 15-year existence that a Left Bloc
convention had not produced a solid majority (usually around 80%).


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[Marxism] Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s 'The Era of the People': 'Citizens’ revolution' and ecosocialist vision

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s 'The Era of the People': 'Citizens’ revolution' and
ecosocialist vision


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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Social democracy & neoliberalism, NUMSA, Podemos, red-red-green gov't, Lenin & Kautsky, 'pink tide', Ukraine, Thailand, Karl Liebknecht

2014-12-09 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Social democracy & neoliberalism, NUMSA, Podemos, 
red-red-green gov't, Lenin & Kautsky, 'pink tide', Ukraine, Thailand, 
Karl Liebknecht

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http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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   Social democracy and neoliberalism: victim or vanguard?

By *Damien Cahill*, Sydney
December 4, 2014 --Earlier this year Ed Miliband, leader of the British 
Labour Party, addressed a specially organised gathering of business 
leaders with the following words: "I would be a prime minister who 
champions the rights of the consumer and the rights of businesses to 
succeed and make profits in a competitive market at the same time." That 
such sentiments could be expressed by a Labour leader in the neoliberal 
era is unremarkable. Social-democratic parties have been falling over 
themselves during the last few decades to reassure capital that, not 
only have they jettisoned their socialist inheritance, they are also 
firmly on board with the neoliberal agenda.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: NUMSA rejects dirty tricks campaign, bogus document

The *National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa* (NUMSA) responds to 
the "Exposed: Secret Regime Change Plot to Distabilize South Africa" 
December 3, 2014 -- Over the last 10-days, a document that alleges that 
NUMSA leaders are involved in an underground plot to destabilise South 
Africa has been doing its rounds. The document which is entitled 
"Exposed: Secret Regime Change Plot to Distabilize [sic] South Africa" 
names two elected national officer bearers of the National Union of 
Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), Irvin Jim and Karl Cloete as the 
kingpins of the plot.

 * Read more 

   Pablo Iglesias (Podemos) on working-class consciousness and politics

Spanish leftist leader *Pablo Iglesias*, from the political party 
Podemos, explains his approach to the masses. During its campaign for 
the 2014 European election, Podemos was criticised by some on the left 
for avoiding traditional terms such as "class struggle", "bourgeois", 

   Germany: Red-red-green government in Thuringia

By *Victor Grossman*
December 7, 2014 -- Political parties in Germany are represented by 
colours: the Christian-Democrats (CDU), due to clerical ties, are black, 
the Greens of course are green, the Social Democrats (SPD) are 
traditionally red. When the redder Die Linke (Left) party came along 
critics said the SPD should switch to "pink". But it didn't, so the new 
government in the eastern state of Thuringia is a "red-red-green 
coalition" -- the very first in Germany with the Die Linke on top!  A 
true sensation! The coalition squeezed  to victory -- by one single 
wavering vote.

 * Read more 

   Lars Lih on Lenin and Kautsky: 'The strange case of the closeted

December 4, 2014 -- According to some comrades in the Socialist Workers 
Party (UK), Lenin was a hypocrite who did not say what he thought. In 
this article, based on a speech to a London Communist Forum, *Lars T. 
Lih* puts the record straight.

 * Read more 

   Latin America: Why predictions of an ebb in the 'Pink Tide' proved

By *Federic Fuentes*
December 7, 2014 -- Since the start of the year, numerous newspapers 
have dedicated article after article to predictions of a looming demise 
of the so-called "Pink Tide". The term is used to refer to the wave of 
left-of-centre governments elected to power in Latin America during 
recent years. A number of these governments were up for re-election this 
year, and pollsters and commentators alike argued that for many, their 
time in government was up.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: A year after Maidan, 'nothing has changed for the better'

By *Andriy Manchuk*

[Marxism] Philippines: Successful Asian Socialism Conference; Bonifacio Day in Manila (video) | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-12-06 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Reihana Mohideen*, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) international desk

December 2, 2014 -- A very successful Asian Socialism Conference was 
held in the Philippines, November 28-29, followed by a rally on November 
30. Around 350 delegates participated in the conference, well exceeding 
our target of 250 leaders who had registered prior to the conference. A 
contingent of around 3000 rallied and marched on November 30 to mark 
Bonficacio National Hero's Day.The conference was organised by the 
Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses, PLM).

A strong feature of the conference was the participation of women 
leaders of the Philippine Socialist Feminist movement.The conference 
brought together the socialist feminists, revolutionary LGBT activists, 
with a strong contingent of socialist workers, intellectuals from the 
University of the Philippines, urban poor leaders and out-of-school 
youth, and students from high schools and campus.

Many thanks to all our international guests whose presence and 
presentations made the conference such a tremendous success: Comrades 
Woody Aroun, from the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa 
(NUMSA), who showed that class struggle unionism was alive and well; 
Comrades Pradeep Gyawali CPN-UML and Manarishi Dhital UCPN-Maoist from 
the Nepali left who demonstrated that parties can get together and 
discuss their differences in the most comradely fashion; Comrades Nasir 
Hashim and Letchumanan from Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM); Comrades 
Vivin Sri Wahyuni and Wahida Baharuddin Upa from Peoples Democratic 
Party (PRD) Indonesia, and; Comrade Alex Bainbridge from Socialist 
Alliance, Australia.

Full article, photos and video at http://links.org.au/node/4177
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Re: [Marxism] Links Magazine in Australia: a sinkhole of Great Russian chauvinism

2014-12-05 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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Louis Proyect, as his norm, responds to any coverage of Ukraine that 
does not accord with own one-sided support for the US-backed far-right 
Kiev regime and its brutal war with a mixture of personal attack, mock 
outrage and ridiculous characterisations (while generally avoiding the 
main substance of the article/s involved).

Any regular reader of Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal 
knows that it runs a range of opinions on many subjects, Ukraine 
included. As the humble editor, I don't always agree entirely with what 
we run. But it is true that we don't hold the ludicrous position that to 
defend the national rights of Ukraine requires it to viciously attack 
the rights of the people of the east or to present their legitimate 
defence of their particular rights, and their general resistance to the 
US-IMF imposed austerity across all Ukraine, as some sort of 
Putin-directed intervention. We don't see millions of Ukrainians as 
Russian dupes or agents.

Readers can gauge this for themselves from our entire coverage of 
Ukraine at http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/187

The fact that most of Louis' outbursts result in silence suggests to me 
there are not too many people on this list who accept his inaccuate 
presentation of the views that conflict with his on this issue.

Terry Townsend.

P.S. Those who would prefer not to rely on Louis' characterisations of 
Links' content can subscribe to weekly updates at 
http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373 Readers are also welcome to leave 
their views in the comments section below each article at Links.

>As many of you are aware, Terry Townsend, the editor of Links Magazine 
in Australia, is indistinguishable from Annis, Kagarlitsky, and Clarke. 
In this article by a member of the crypto-Stalinist Borotba, there are 
some real howlers.

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[Marxism] South Africa: NUMSA rejects dirty tricks campaign, bogus document | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-12-04 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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The *National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa* (NUMSA) responds to 
the "Exposed: Secret Regime Change Plot to Distabilize [sic] South 
Africa" document

Full statement http://links.org.au/node/4180
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Ebola, capitalism & Cuba; Slovenia; Malaysia & Thailand; Asian socialism conf.; Mexico crisis; Raj Patel; Pope meets movements

2014-12-02 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Ebola, capitalism & Cuba; Slovenia; Malaysia & 
Thailand; Asian socialism conf.; Mexico crisis; Raj Patel; Pope meets 
movements; Ukraine site

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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*Return daily for new articles

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   Ebola crisis: Cuba shows the world how it is done

By *Rupen Savoulian*
November 24, 2014 -- The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr 
Margaret Chan, was speaking about the terrible crisis afflicting the 
poor West African countries Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, namely, 
the growing outbreak of the Ebola virus disease. This condition is a 
fatal disease, transmitted from undomesticated animals to people, and is 
transmitted by contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person.

 * Read more 

   Building a united left in Slovenia: interview with Miha Kordis( MP

*Miha Kordis(*interviewed by *Denis Rogatyuk*
November 2/7/, 2014 -- Miha Kordis( (pictured above) is a member of the 
Slovenian national parliament for the Initiative for Democratic 
Socialism (IDS), a radical left political party, which is part of the 
United Left electoral front.
*Miha, could you tell us about recent developments of the United Left in 


 * Read more 

   Malaysia: 'Thailand's dictator is NOT welcome! Democracy NOW for

Joint statement by the *Socialist Party of Malaysia* and others (see below)
December 1, 2014 -- We, the undersigned organisations, condemn the 
Najib-led Malaysian government for receiving the official visit of 
military coup leader from Thailand, Prayuth Chan-ocha. The reception for 
Prayuth is an act that recognises and lends legitimacy to the illegal 
government in Thailand that grabbed power through a military coup and 
the suppression of democracy since May this year.

 * Read more 

   Philippines: Successful Asian Socialism Conference

By *Reihana Mohideen*, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) international desk
December 2, 2014 -- A very successful Asian Socialism Conference was 
held in the Philippines, November 28-29, followed by a rally on November 
30. Around 350 delegates participated in the conference, well exceeding 
our target of 250 leaders who had registered prior to the conference. A 
contingent of around 3000 rallied and marched on November 30 to mark 
Bonficacio National Hero's Day.The conference was organised by the 
Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses, PLM).

 * Read more 

   Dan La Botz: 'We are all Ayotzniapa!' Mexico crisis deepens

By *Dan La Botz*
November 29, 2014 -- The Mexican government confronts a major political 
crisis on two fronts. The first is as a result of the massacre and 
kidnapping that took place on September 26 when police and other 
assailants in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero killed six, wounded 25 and kidnapped 
43 students. Since the massacre and kidnapping, there have been 
demonstrations in Guerrero, Mexico City and several other states, some 
of them massive and some violent. Mexicans are appalled at the abduction 
of these young people and indignant at both the involvement of local 
officials and police and the national government's failure to deal with 
the issue.

 * Read more 

   Raj Patel on nutrition, gender and food security in Africa

November 27, 2014 -- *Raj Patel*, the author of /Stuffed and Starved: 
The Hidden Battle for the World Food System/ and /The Value of Nothing/, 
speaks on "Nutrition, Gender and Food Security in Africa". Patel is a 
research professor in the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University 
of Texas, a visiting professor at the Unit for the Humanities at Rhodes 
University in South Africa and a fellow at the Institute for Food and 
Development Policy. His current writing and film project is "Generation 
Food". The event is sponsored by UT's Bernard

[Marxism] Challenging the globalisation of indifference: Pope Francis meets with popular movements | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-11-28 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Judith Marshall*

November 21, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- I have recently returned from three fascinating days in Rome where I 
participated in a World Meeting of Popular Movements. This event brought 
to the Vatican a throng of articulate delegates from among the poor and 
excluded of the 21st Century, people fighting for land, for housing, for 
work and for dignity. Pope Francis was a central force in creating this 
gathering in Rome. Our meeting with him in the Old Synod Hall of the 
Basilica was a high point.

The meeting brought together 150 delegates. Thirty of them were Bishops 
from various parts of the world whose ministries include strong 
accompaniment and support for movements of the poor. The other 120 came 
from various popular movements working on the thematic issues of the 
meeting -- Terra, Labor, Domus. Men and women fighting for land, work 
and housing were present from every continent. In a statement from the 
organisers, the logic was clear.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/4172
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[Marxism] Building a united left in Slovenia: interview with Miha Kordiš MP

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Building a united left in Slovenia: interview with Miha Kordiš MP


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[Marxism] What's new at Links: NUMSA, COSATU & South Africa; Reds must be green; Rojava; Ebola; climate activism; GDR; Ukraine

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NUMSA, COSATU & South Africa; Reds must be green; Rojava; Ebola; climate 
activism; GDR; Ukraine

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   Zwelinzima Vavi: The 'root cause' of the crisis in COSATU

Speech by *Zwelinzima Vavi*, general secretary of the Congress of South 
African Trade Unions (COSATU), to mark the 40th anniversary of the 
/South African Labour Bulletin/
November 21, 2014 -- COSATU, posted at /Links International Journal of 
Socialist Renewal/ -- First let me say congratulations to the /South 
African Labour Bulletin/ on its remarkable achievement of 40 years of 
uninterrupted critical publishing. Thank you for the honour of this 
invitation. For 40 years you have provided a voice to the voiceless; you 
exposed the brutality of the capitalist system that continue to brutally 
exploit workers; you have created space for policy debates that shaped 
the policies not only of trade unions but of the liberation movement as 
a whole.

 * Read more 

   Why greens must be red and reds must be green

November 16, 2014 -- In these videos *Ian Angus* argues for a movement 
based on socialist and ecological principles, to save humanity and the 
rest of nature from capitalist ecocide.

 * Read more 

   Rojava: Syria's secret revolution (BBC Our World)

November 14, 2014 -- BBC -- Is the Middle East's newest country a 
territory called "Rojava"? Out of the chaos of Syria's civil war, mainly 
Kurdish leftists have forged an egalitarian, multi-ethnic mini-state run 
on communal lines.

   Ebola epidemic exposes the sickness of the global economic and
   political system 

By the *Peoples Health Movement*
November 2014 -- On August 8, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) 
declared the Ebola outbreak a "public health emergency of international 
concern". The declaration came four months after the WHO reported a 
major Ebola outbreak in Guinea in West African. The epidemic broke in 
Guinea and spread to three of its neighbours -- Liberia, Sierra Leone 
and Nigeria. The cumulative number of cases and deaths as at November 12 
stood at more than 13,000 cases and 5160 deaths. Most public health 
experts agree that the official figures are a major underestimation of 
the extent and spread of the disease.

 * Read more 

   Climate activism: 'It's not enough to criticise. Build movements
   that confront the crisis' 

By *Gemma Weedall*
[This is based on a presentation Socialist Alliance's Gemma Weedall gave 
to Socialism 2014, a conference organised by the Socialist Party of 
Malaysia. ]
November 20, 2014 -- /Green Left Weekly/ -- Climate change is the 
biggest and most urgent threat facing humanity today. We are seeing 
global temperatures rise at an unprecedented rate, with 13 of the 14 
warmest years on record having occurred in the past 14 years. In fact, 
if you are under 37 years of age, you have never seen a year of below 
average temperature.

 * Read more 

   United States: Lorain County labour defends political independence

By *Bruce Bostick*
November 17, 2014 -- In Ohio's most trade union-dense county, the 
dominant Democratic Party machine declared war on what has historically 
been its own base: labour. So last year, in opposition to the machine, 
the labour federation in Lorain County, the Central Labor Council (CLC), 
ran and elected several independent candidates.

 * Read more 

   Heaven or hell? Books look back on the German Democratic Republic

   /*Stasi Hell or Workers' Paradise? Socialism in the German
   Democratic Republic -- What Can We Learn From It?*/
   By John Green & Bruni de la Motte
   Artery Publications, 2009
   50 pp.

   /*Red Love: The Story of an East German Family*/
   By Maxim Leo
   Pushkin Press, 2013

[Marxism] Zwelinzima Vavi: The 'root cause' of the crisis in COSATU

2014-11-24 Thread glparramatta--- via Marxism
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Speech by Zwelinzima Vavi, general secretary of the Congress of South
African Trade Unions (COSATU), to mark the 40th anniversary of the South
African Labour Bulletin

November 21, 2014 -- COSATU, posted at Links International Journal of
Socialist Renewal -- First let me say congratulations to the South African
Labour Bulletin on its remarkable achievement of 40 years of uninterrupted
critical publishing. Thank you for the honour of this invitation. For 40
years you have provided a voice to the voiceless; you exposed the
brutality of the capitalist system that continue to brutally exploit
workers; you have created space for policy debates that shaped the
policies not only of trade unions but of the liberation movement as a

The question posed to me today on the face of it is very easy to answer. I
could simply say yes and sit down, because of course all of us in this
room know that the future of COSATU is currently on a knife edge, and that
whatever happens to the federation will have a massive impact on the
labour movement as a whole. So yes, labour is at a turning point.

The big question is -- which way will it turn?

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Catalonia, Crisis theory, Volodymyr Ishchenko, Ukraine, climate, US red-green elections, Post-Berlin Wall, Rojava revolution, Vavi on NUMSA, Gerry Adams, Scotland, Brita

2014-11-18 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Catalonia, crisis theory, Volodymyr Ishchenko, 
Ukraine, climate, US red-green elections, post-Berlin Wall, Rojava 
revolution, Vavi on NUMSA, Gerry Adams, Scotland, Britain's communists

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   Rebellious Catalan vote rocks Spanish establishment

By *Dick Nichols*
November 12, 2014 -- On November 9, 2.305 million residents of Catalonia 
defied a November 4 Spanish Constitutional Court ban and voted on what 
future political status they wanted for their country, which is 
presently one of the 17 "autonomous communities" (regional governments) 
within the Spanish state.

 * Read more 

   Mike Treen: A critique of crisis theory 

November 10, 2014 -- The following is based on talks given by *Mike 
Treen*, national director of the New Zealand Unite Union, at the annual 
conference of the socialist organisation Fightback, held in Wellington, 
May 31-June 1, 2014, and a seminar hosted by Socialist Aotearoa in 
Auckland on October 12.

 * Read more 

   Volodymyr Ishchenko on Ukraine: Maidan, the far right and civil war

By Volodymyr Ishchenko
November 4, 2014 -- How significant was the participation of the far 
right in Maidan? Unfortunately, this question quickly falls  victim to 
extreme politicisation due to two phenomena: first, active propaganda 
aimed at discrediting Maidan by its opponents, including the Russian 
media, and second, by whitewashing attempts by Maidan's (left-) liberal 
or moderate nationalist supporters.

 * Read more 

   Climate: Are US-China announced emissions cuts enough to halt global

By *Maxime Combes*
November 14, 2014 -- An unheard of agreement. Seen by some as historic, 
taking the words of US President Barack Obama and not putting them into 
perspective. On November 12, the media and commentators welcomed almost 
unanimously the joint US-China announcement on greenhouse gas emissions. 
But what is it really?

 * Read more 

   United States: Impressive red-green electoral campaigns in New York,

 * Read more 

November 13, 2014 -- In a mostly dismal election year, *Howie Hawkins 
*and *Brian Jones* gave the US left something to cheer about with their 
Green Party campaign for the governor and lieutenant governor of New 
York. (Jones is also a member of the International Socialist 
Organization). By getting almost 5 per cent and 200,000 votes, 
Hawkins-Jones had the most successful independent left-wing campaign in 
New York state in more than 50 years.

   Eastern Europe: For whom the Wall fell? Balance sheet of the
   transition to capitalism 

By *Branco Milanovic*
November 3, 2014 --  As I was leaving Berlin less than a week before the 
25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and as celebrations 
there were going strong, I decided to look at the balance sheet of 
transition countries (even if the term is no longer fully adequate) over 
the past quarter century.

 * Read more 

   The Rojava revolution's radical democracy

November 10, 2014 -- *Saleh Muslim Mohamed* (pictured), co-president of 
the Democratic Union Party (PYD) representing the independent 
communities of Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) and its armed wings, the 
People's Defence Units (YPG) and Women's Defence Units (YPJ), visited 
the Netherlands. Muslim spoke about the fight of Rojava against the 
Islamic State (ISIS) and the development of democratic autonomy during 
the Rojava revolution. *Jonas Staal* interviewed him afterwards.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'I can't defend the expulsion of NUMSA' -- COSATU
   general secretary 

November 13, 2104 -- Congress of South Afr

[Marxism] What's new at Links: NUMSA explled from COSATU, Podemos, Syria, Lift PKK ban, Burkina Faso, European economy ... more

2014-11-11 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: NUMSA explled from COSATU, Podemos, Syria, Lift PKK 
ban, Burkina Faso, European economy ... more

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article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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   South Africa: NUMSA's expulsion from COSATU is 'an attack on the
   poor and an attack on workers' 

Statement by the *National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa*
November 9, 2014 -- What we have warned the South African workers and 
broader public about has come to pass. The National Union of 
Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) with its 350/,/000 members was 
expelled as an affiliate by the Congress of South African Trade Unions 
(COSATU) in the early hours of Saturday morning (after 1 am), November 
8, 2014, at a Special Central Executive Committee meeting (SCEC). This 
expulsion took place through a vote which was 33 for our expulsion and 
24 against.

 * Read more 

   Spain: Podemos on road to sweeping away two-party system

By *Julian Coppens, *Extremadura, western Spain**

November 7, 2014 -- About 8000 members of the new organisation Podemos 
packed the Palacio Vistalegre in Madrid on October 18 and 19, 2014, for 
the final stages of the Citizens' Assembly "Si se puede" (Yes we can). 
The assembly, with 150,000 taking part online, discussed draft documents 
for the foundation of the Spanish state's newest and fastest growing 
political force.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: The political significance of NUMSA's expulsion from

By *Dale McKinley*, Johannesburg
November 10, 2014 -- It is arguably the most important political 
development of South Africa's post-1994 era. In the early hours of 
November 8, South Africa's largest union, the National Union of 
Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), was expelled by the majority of 
the leadership belonging to South Africa's largest union federation, the 
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). The political 
significance of NUMSA's expulsion derives from three key, inter-related 
areas of impact.

 * Read more 

   Syria: As Nusra plays at ISIS-lite, the US excels as Assad's

By *Michael Karadjis*

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'We will continue to mobilise the working class for
   socialism', NUMSA's defiant response to COSATU

 * Read more 

   Germany: Lift the ban on the PKK! 

By *Florian Wilde*, Die Linke member
November 3, 2014 -- The West has suddenly begun supporting various 
Kurdish organisations in its fight against the Islamic State. So why is 
the largest Kurdish organisation of all, the Kurdistan Workers Party 
(PKK), still outlawed? This article discusses current developments in 
Kurdistan and gives a brief overview of the history of the Kurdish 
liberation movement and the PKK's illegal status in Germany. It argues 
for a radical left strategy focused on defeating the ban on the PKK.

 * Read more 

   Burkina Faso's revolution: 'Blaise dégage! Sankara vit!' (Get out
   Blaise! Sankara lives!) 

By *Amber Murray*
November 3, 2014 -- An incredible political transformation has 
been taking shape in the /"/Land of the Upright or Incorruptible 
People", Burkina Faso. Twenty-seven years after the assassination of 
revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara, Burkinabés turned out in their 
hundreds of thousands, for several days of protest, chanting "/trop 
c'est trop/" (enough is enough), echoing in the process a long history 
of trade union activism against political repression in the country, as 
well as protests staged through the Balai Citoyen collective. After four 
days of the popular anger, President Blaise Compaoré vacated his post.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'Labour movement is at a crossroads', nine COSATU
   affiliates decl

[Marxism] Another attempt: South Africa: 'We will continue to mobilise the working class for socialism', NUMSA's defiant response to COSATU | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal,

2014-11-09 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] South Africa: 'We will continue to mobilise the working class for socialism', NUMSA's defiant response to COSATU | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-11-09 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Irvin Jim*,**National Union of Metaworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) 
general secretary

November 9, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- Below are the speaking notes Jim's presentation to the Congress of 
South African Trade Unions (COSATU) Central Executive Committee meeting 
to discuss the union's expelsion from the federation, on November 7, 
2014. After meeting through the night, delegates voted 33-24 in favour 
of expelling NUMSA, South Africa's biggest trade union, the largest 
union in the federation and a vocal critic of President Jacob Zuma's 
neoliberal regime.

* * *


I stand here as the General Secretary of the biggest affiliate of this 
federation, as a founding member at the Congress of 1985. I will be 
reminding comrades here of our common history.

I stand here because the Central Executive Committee of this federation 
has offered Numsa an opportunity to explain to you why we should not be 
expelled or suspended from this organisation. I am going to fulfil that 
task thoroughly. I will explain in great detail exactly why Numsa should 
not be expelled or suspended and why, instead, this federation should 
obey its own constitution and allow workers, as owners of the 
federation, to decide on its future.

Full article at 
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[Marxism] Spain: Podemos on road to sweeping away two-party system | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-11-07 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Julian Coppens, *Extremadura, western Spain**

November 7, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- About 8000 members of the new organisation Podemos packed the Palacio 
Vistalegre in Madrid on October 18 and 19, 2014, for the final stages of 
the Citizens' Assembly "Si se puede" (Yes we can). The assembly, with 
150,000 taking part online, discussed draft documents for the foundation 
of the Spanish state's newest and fastest growing political force.

In the two weeks since the assembly membership has grown from 150,000 to 
215,000. The latest opinion polls shows Podemos rising from third in 
direct voting intention to first, displacing both the governing 
right-wing People's Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers Party 
(PSOE) -- Spain's main social-democratic party with more than 100 years 
of history.

In one of the greatest examples of spontaneous organisation anywhere in 
recent decades, more than 900 Podemos circles (local branches) have been 
formed throughout Spain.

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[Marxism] {Disarmed} What's new at Links: Gough Whitlam, Communist resistance to the Nazis, Rojava, Europe, Syria, Thomas Sankara, Ireland, Brazil, 'extractivism', Scotland, South Africa, NUMSA

2014-11-04 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Gough Whitlam, Communist resistance to the Nazis, 
Rojava, Europe, Syria, Thomas Sankara, Ireland, Brazil, 'extractivism', 
Scotland, South Africa, NUMSA

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   Australia: How and why the Gough Whitlam government's far-reaching
   reforms were won 

By *Jim McIlroy*
November 1, 2014 -- The passing of former Australian Prime Minister 
Gough Whitlam at the age of 98 on October 21 provoked a wave of emotion 
from the community, both young and old. At a time when the federal 
government is trying to smash the remnants of the progressive reforms 
initiated during Whitlam's Australian Labor Party (ALP) government --- 
in office from December 1972 to November 1975 --- the Whitlam era seems 
like a period from another political universe.

 * Read more 

   Rojava's autonomous cantons: What a revolution looks like

/"A YPJ fighter (right) next to a very similar picture of a female 
fighter in the Spanish revolution in the 1930s. The comparison is apt. 
The presence of such a high proportion of female front line fighters is 
evidence of a profound social transformation that has been happening in 
liberated Rojava and  within the Kurdish revolutionary movement." /

By *Tony Iltis*
November 1, 2014 -- On November 1, protests were held worldwide in 
solidarity with Kobanê. Protests took place in most countries on every 
continent. Even in Afghanistan, protests were organised in six cities by 
left-wing anti-occupation groups. After withstanding more than six weeks 
of intense siege by the terrorist group that calls itself "Islamic 
State" (IS), Kobanê (also called Kobani), a small majority-Kurdish town 
on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey, has become one of the most 
well-known places on the planet.

 * Read more 

   European economic stagnation: diagnoses and treatments

By *Dick Nichols*

November 4, 2014 --For 48 hours it looked as if Thursday, October 16, 
2014 might join similar October Thursdays in 1907, 1929 and 1979 as 
another dramatic moment when share market panic triggered economic 

 * Read more 

   Critique of Patrick Cockburn's 'Whose side is Turkey on?'

By *Michael Karadjis*
October 31, 2014 -/- /The November 6 /London Review of Books/ has 
published Patrick Cockburn's latest article, 'Whose side is Turkey On?'. 
Now, as I support the struggle of the Syrian Kurds, led by the 
Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed militia, the YPG, against 
ISIS' genocidal siege, I have no interest in defending Turkey's shabby 
role in this, even if I think both the US and Turkey, in their current 
difference on this issue are both being totally cynical in their 
different ways. So this critique will not deal with these issues.

 * Read more 

   Burkina Faso: 'Thomas Sankara: An African Revolutionary', new book
   by Ernest Harsch (audio) 

*Ernest Harsch* interviewed by *Jim Lance*
October 10, 2014 --*Thomas Sankara*, often called the African Che 
Guevara, was president of Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in 
Africa, until his assassination during a military coup that brought down 
his government. Although his time in office was relatively short, 
Sankara left an indelible mark on his country's history and development.

 * Read more 

   Ireland: Mass protests, opinion poll confirm dramatic change in
   Irish politics 

November 1, 2014 -- Sinn Fein has topped an opinion poll in the 26 
Counties for the first time in the history of polling in the state, 
gaining four points to move up to 26%. The Millward Brown survey for 
tomorrow's /Sunday Independent/ questioned 1000 people over the past 10 
days. It shows independents also making gains, they increased their 
support by two points to stand at 23%.

[Marxism] Rojava’s autonomous cantons: What a revolution looks like | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-11-01 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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/"A YPJ fighter (right) next to a very similar picture of a female 
fighter in the Spanish revolution in the 1930s. The comparison is apt. 
The presence of such a high proportion of female front line fighters is 
evidence of a profound social transformation that has been happening in 
liberated Rojava and  within the Kurdish revolutionary movement."/

By *Tony Iltis*

November 1, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- On November 1, protests were held worldwide in solidarity with 
Kobanê. Protests took place in most countries on every continent. Even 
in Afghanistan, protests were organised in six cities by left-wing 
anti-occupation groups.

After withstanding more than six weeks of intense siege by the terrorist 
group that calls itself “Islamic State” (IS), Kobanê (also called 
Kobani), a small majority-Kurdish town on the Syrian side of the border 
with Turkey, has become one of the most well-known places on the planet.

The defenders of Kobanê mostly belong to the Syrian-Kurdish militias, 
the Peoples Defence Units (YPG) and Womens Defence Units (YPJ). The YPG 
has both male and female fighters. The YPJ is, as its name suggests, all 
female. Despite having held three cantons in Rojava as liberated zones 
since July 2012, until recently these militias were as obscure as Kobanê 

However, the besieged town’s resistance, and its increasing significance 
in the new, vaguely defined and open-ended Western air war against IS, 
has brought these fighters to the world’s attention.

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[Marxism] Communist resistance in Nazi Germany (article and video) | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-10-30 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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/Historian Doug Enaa Greene, as part of the Center for Marxist 
Education's Red History Lecture Series, speaks on "Communist Resistance 
in Nazi Germany"./

By *Doug Enaa Greene*

October 29, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- In 1943, a member of the Communist Party, sentenced to die for 
resistance activities as a member of the Red Orchestra, wrote these 
final words to his father:

   /Be strong! I am dying as I lived: as a fighter in the class war. It
   is easy to call yourself a Communist as long as you don't have to
   shed blood for it. You only show whether you really are one when the
   hour comes when you have to prove yourself. I am one, father...The
   war won't last much longer and your hour will have come. Think of
   all those who have already travelled down this road that I must go
   down today and will still have to travel down it and learn one thing
   from the Nazis; every weakness will have to be paid for with ...
   blood. So be merciless! Remain hard/![1]

I think these words express the spirit that motivated thousands of 
communist resisters to Hitler: a hardened sense of responsibility, 
militant anti-fascism and a readiness to sacrifice everything. It is a 
chapter of our history that too many Marxists and communists have 
forgotten and, if nothing else, I want to tell this story of communist 
resistance against all the odds.

From 1933-1945, the Communist Party of Germany maintained the most 
sustained resistance to Nazism and as a result at least 25,000 party 
members were killed. While there were plenty of heroes and martyrs among 
the Communist Resistance in Nazi Germany, the party made a number of 
deadly mistakes both before Hitler's rise to power and afterwards. We 
need to ask ourselves what these errors were and understand them in 
order to utilise the lessons for current struggles.

Full article and video at http://links.org.au/node/4122
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Scottish socialists, Cuba & Ebola, Evo Morales' win, Left Unity, Tamil debate, Canada, Louis-Auguste Blanqui, ‘Socialism or barbarism’, Kurdistan ... more

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What's new at Links: Scottish socialists, Cuba & Ebola, Evo Morales' 
win, Left Unity, Tamil debate, Canada, Louis-Auguste Blanqui, ‘Socialism 
or barbarism’, Kurdistan ... more

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   Spirited Scottish Socialist Party conference tackles post-referendum

By *Dick Nichols*

October 29, 2014 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Edinburgh’s Augustine United Church is a cold place when the wind is 
howling, as it was when the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) held its 2014 
annual conference there on October 25.However, any feeling of chill 
disappeared when the 200-plus SSP members present got down to tackling 
the challenges of an inspiring new period in Scottish politics, marked 
by unprecedented popular engagement in activism and debate over 
Scotland’s future.

 * Read more 

   Cuba: Teaching the world about containing Ebola

By *Conner Gorry*, Havana
October 24, 2014 -- West Africa needs what Cuba has: a well-trained, 
coordinated healthcare system. Anything less and Ebola wins.

 * Read more 

   Evo Morales’ victory demonstrates how much Bolivia has changed

By *Federico Fuentes*
October 20, 2014 -- The failure of opposition forces and critics to 
recognise or accept that a political revolution that has taken place 
explains why they are so far out of touch with the majority of Bolivian 

 * Read more 

   Britain: Left Unity leader Kate Hudson on creating a new party for
   the left 

October 27, 2014 -- Left Unity is a new political group in Britain 
created out of a call last year by filmmaker Ken Loach for a new party 
to the left of Labour, which has moved rightwards in recent years and 
supports anti-worker austerity measures. The call was supported by 
thousands of people and Left Unity held its founding conference in 
November last year./Green Left Weekly/'s *Denis Rogatyuk* spoke with 
Left Unity's national secretary *Kate Hudson*, a veteran campaigner who 
is also general secretary of the /C/ampaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

 * Read more 

   'Dialogue' or Tamil self-determination: a response to Michael Cooke

By *Chris Slee*
October 27, 2014 -- Michael Cooke's article "Election Monitoring in 
Lanka "[1] contains a lot of useful 
information on the history and politics of Sri Lanka, including topics 
ranging from the burning of the Jaffna library by Sri Lankan police in 
1981 to the murder of journalists, the repression of trade unionists and 
the instigation of anti-Muslim riots under the current government of 
President Mahinda Rajapaksa. However the article has some serious flaws. 
In particular, Cooke does not deal adequately with the national question 
in Sri Lanka.

 * Read more 

   Canada: Rulers, media exploit random violence by troubled people to
   justify 'war on terror' 

By *Roger Annis*, Toronto
October 24, 2014 -- Today, the /Vancouver Sun/ has published a 
description of the troubled man who killled a guard in Ottawa two days 
ago and then entered Canada’s parliament building carrying his gun. He 
was shot and killed by police. The /Sun/ reporters speak to people who 
knew Michael Zehaf-Bibeau while he lived in Vancouver during recent 
years and they describe an angry and troubled man grappling with mental 
illness and drug addiction. He has lived in Vancouver, Calgary and 
Montreal at various times in the past three years. He died at age 32.

 * Read more 

   The will to act: The life and thought of Louis-Auguste Blanqui

By *Doug Enaa Greene*
October 24, 2014 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
“I am accused of having said to thirty million French people, 

[Marxism] The will to act: The life and thought of Louis-Auguste Blanqui | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

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By *Doug Enaa Greene*

/Dedicated to my father/

October 24, 2014 -- "I am accused of having said to thirty million 
French people, proletarians like me, that they had the right to 
live".[1] These words are the opening remarks of then 27-year-old 
revolutionary, Louis-Auguste Blanqui's defence speech when he was tried 
for treason by the French state in 1832. Blanqui's words were nothing 
less than a declaration of war upon the rule of the bourgeoisie on 
behalf of a mercilessly exploited proletariat.

Blanqui delivered no idle boast. For 50 years of his life, he would 
organise multiple conspiracies and launch a half-dozen failed 
insurrections to topple the rule of capital and inaugurate a socialist 
republic. All of these efforts would fail and Blanqui would spend 37 
years of his life in prison, enduring torture, disease and deprivation.

Yet Blanqui was never conquered. Although Blanqui's conception of 
insurrection never prevailed, and his theories were eclectic and ill 
conceived, I would argue that Blanqui possesses an open view of history 
where revolutionary will and action unveils new possibilities -- virtues 
lacking in much of the contemporary left. Before outlining the key 
insights of Blanqui's thought, I would like to begin by discussing the 
life of this remarkable, courageous and incorruptible communist 

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Naomi Klein & climate, Kurdistan & women, Marta Harnecker, Thailand, China's strikes, global wealth, Ireland, Tamils Malalai on Kobane

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   Naomi Klein: 'Only mass social movements can save us' from climate

   /*This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate* /
   By Naomi Klein
   \Alfred A. Knopf, 2014

Review by *John Riddell*
October 20, 2014 -/- /Despite endless conferences, treaties and solemn 
promises, greenhouse gas emissions have risen 61% since 1990, and the 
rate of increase is accelerating. As Naomi Klein tells us in her new 
book, /This Changes Everything/, we are now experiencing an "early 
twenty-first century emissions explosion".

 * Read more 

   What kind of Kurdistan for women? (+ video)

By *Dilar Dirik*
October 20, 2014 -- "Azadî", freedom. A notion that has captured the 
collective imagination of the Kurdish people for a long time. "Free 
Kurdistan", the seemingly unattainable ideal, has many shapes, depending 
on where one situates oneself in the broad spectrum of Kurdish politics. 
The increasing independence of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) 
in South Kurdistan (Bashur) from the central Iraqi government, as well 
as the immense gains of the Kurdish people in West Kurdistan (Rojava) in 
spite of the Syrian civil war over the last year, have revived the dream 
of a free life as Kurds in Kurdistan.

 * Read more 

   (Video) Marta Harnecker talks about 21st century socialism to
   TeleSUR English 

October 17, 2014 -- *Greg Wilpert* interviews the well-known 
theoretician of the Latin American left *Marta Harnecker*. The 
Chilean-born author and activist is known worldwide for her writings on 
Marxist philosophy, Venezuela and Hugo Chavez, and the challenges facing 
the Latin American left in the 21st century.

 * Watch 

   Thailand: Elections postponed, anti-reformists show their true

By*Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
October 18, 2014 -- While the dictator Prayut (or Prayuth) Chan-ocha 
(pictured above) was huddled with the Chinese and Japanese 
representatives in Italy, he had previously told reporters not to 
"speculate" when elections would be held again in Thailand. Many 
analysts are predicting that elections will not take place at least 
until 2016, thus rubbishing the initial promises of the junta to hold 
elections next year. Meanwhile a panel of anti-reformist junta lackeys 
were pontificating about the legacy of the 14th October 1973 uprising 
against the military and how this would "influence" the present 
anti-reform process.

 * Read more 

   Review: Behind China's wildcat strike wave

   */I//nsurgency Trap: Labor Politics in Postsocialist China/*
   By Eli Friedman
   Cornell University Press/ILR Press, 2014.

By *Jane Slaughter*
October 15, 2014 -- China is the world centre of wildcat strikes---given 
that no strike in China is officially allowed under the law. The 
government doesn't issue statistics, but one source found 1171 strikes 
and worker protests from June 2011 through 2013.

 * Read more 

   Global wealth: 1% own 48%; 10% own 87% and bottom 50% own less than

By *Michael Roberts*
October 15, 2014 -- This time last year, I outlined the results of the 
/Global Wealth/ report published by Credit Suisse Bank. Compiled by Tony 
Shorrocks and Jim Davies, formerly at the UN, that report showed that 
the top 1% owned 41% of all the personal wealth in the world; the top 
10% owned 86% and the bottom 50% of owned less than 1% of all the 
wealth. This staggering level of inequality certainly attracted interest 
and my post on this was the most popularly viewed one on my blog ever.

 * Read more 

   Irish Republ

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Kurds vs. ISIS, Hong Kong, marriage equality, Ireland water revolt, Catalonia, World Bank, Gulf states, Bolivia & climate, Haiti

2014-10-15 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Kurds vs. ISIS, Hong Kong, marriage equality, 
Ireland water revolt, Catalonia, World Bank,Gulf states, Bolivia & 
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   Kurdish leader: 'We are the only humanist shield against barbarity'

October 6, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
*Gharib Hassou* is representative in Iraqi Kurdistan of the Syria-based 
Democratic Union Party (/Partiya Yekitîya Demokrat/, PYD), the main 
force of Kurdish resistance in Syria. He is interviewed by *Stéphane 
Aubouard* in Erbil for the French left-wing newspaper /l'Humanité./ 
Translated by *Isabelle Métral*. (Note: DAESH is also know as "Islamic 
State" (IS) or ISIS).

 * Read more 

   Accusing Hong Kong activists of being tools of US policy is ignorant
   and dangerous 

By *Dave Lindorff*
October 10, 2014 -- A number of progressive and left-leaning writers  
have jumped on a report by Wikileaks that the neocon-dominated National 
Endowment for Democracy (NED) and various other US-government linked 
organisations with a history of subversion and sowing discord abroad are 
operating in Hong Kong and on that basis are making the leap of "logic" 
that the democracy protests in Hong Kong must therefore be a creation of 
US policy makers.

 * Read more 

   Malalai Joya: 'Fiery salutations to the brave women of Kobane'

By *Malalai Joya*, Afghanistan
October 12, 2014 -- These days the bravery and resilience of the women 
of Kobane has amazed people around the world. To defend their soil from 
the criminal ISIS murderers, they are neither looking at the US and 
NATO's support, nor appoint the West and the US to defend their homeland 
from terrorists and foreigners, like a handful of mercenary analysts in 
Afghanistan. The noble men and women of Kobane selflessly defend their 
honour, freedom, and homeland with their own hands and have accepted to 
make all kinds of sacrifices for this purpose.

 * Read more 

   Two cheers for marriage equality 

By *Colin Wilson*
October 10, 2014 -- This week has seen a striking victory for US 
campaigners for LGBT equality. On Monday, October 6, the Supreme Court 
decided not to hear appeals from five states that sought to uphold bans 
on same-sex marriage. This is the end of the road for opponents of 
marriage equality in states as conservative as Utah, where over half the 
population are Mormons, and where marriage licences were issued to 
jubilant same-sex couples from Monday.

 * Read more 

   Water revolt in Ireland: Socialist candidate wins by-election as
   100,000 march 

By *Henry Silke*, Dublin

October 13, 2014 -- Saturday, October 11, saw a major revolt in Ireland 
over the implementation of the controversial water charge. An estimated 
100,000 people marched in unseasonal sunshine, while former member of 
the European parliament (MEP) Paul Murphy was elected in the Dublin 
South West by-election. Murphy stood for the Socialist Party's (CWI) 
electoral front, the Anti Austerity Alliance (AAA).

 * Read more 

   Catalan national struggle enters critical stage

By *Dick Nichols*
October 12, 2014 -- On September 29, the normally sluggish Spanish legal 
system had an attack of extreme speed. Its Usain Bolt-like behaviour was 
sparked by the regional government of Catalonia formally decreeing the 
long-awaited November 9 non-binding consultation of Catalan opinion 
[referendum] on the future political status of the region.

 * Read more 

   The 'World versus Bank' seen from South Africa

By *Patrick Bond*, Durban
October 11, 2014 -- In Washington DC and 10 countries across the globe, 
protests on October 10 targetted the World Bank during its annual 
meeting. Many are asking, isn't 70 a dignified age for institutional 
/retirement/, especially f

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Venezuela attack, Gender justice in Kolkata, Honk Kong, Kobane Kurds, Grenada, Bulgaria, Jean-Luc Melenchon

2014-10-08 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Venezuela attack, Gender justice in Kolkata, Honk 
Kong, Kobane Kurds, Grenada, Bulgaria, Jean-Luc Melenchon

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   Venezuela: Chavista leader Robert Serra assassinated in likely
   right-wing terror attack 

By *Ewan Robertson*, Merida
October 2, 2014 --- Robert Serra (27), a legislator of the governing 
United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), and the National Assembly's 
youngest parliamentarian, was found dead in his Caracas home on October 
1. Authorities confirmed that Serra and his partner Maria Herrera had 
been murdered in their residence.

 * Read more 

   India: Eyewitness account, images of Kolkata's huge movement for
   gender justice 

Story by *Kasturi*, photos by *Ronny Sen*
September 24, 2014 -- One of the slogans churned out of the womb of 
turbulent Paris in the May days of 1968 was "Don't trust anyone over 
30". The student uprising of May '68 with its audacity and exaggeration 
might have failed. But the /mahamichhil/ (grand rally) called by 
students which took command over the heart and pulse of Kolkata on 
September 20 was a literal, vivid, living embodiment of this slogan.

 * Read more 

   Eyewitness Hong Kong: The 'Umbrella Revolution' unfurls

By *Sean Starrs*
October 1, 2014 -- The largest student demonstrations and occupations in 
Hong Kong's history are unfurling in what is increasingly being called 
the "Umbrella Revolution", in reference to the sea of umbrellas being 
used as cover against both pepper-spraying riot police and the rays of 
the sun.

 * Read more 

   Kurds: Statement by People's Democratic Party (Turkey) on
   developments in Rojava 

By the *foreign affairs commission of the People's Democracy Party* 
October 3, 2014 -- Today the peoples of the Middle East face the threat 
of a large-scale massacre. Peoples of the region, particularly Syrian 
and Iraqi peoples, are putting up an historic resistance to ISIS terror. 
Heavy attacks by ISIS, especially on the Kobane Canton of Rojava, are 
being resisted by the people of Kobane and YPG forces. The defence of 
Kobane, under the siege from four sides, continues.

 * Read more 

   Socialist Alliance: Solidarity with Rojava revolution! West prefers
   IS killers to humane, pro-woman, democratic revolution

/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- /This resolution 
was adopted by the Australian Socialist Alliance National Council on 
October 4, 2014. Below that is the text of a leaflet being distributed 
by Socialist Alliance members at solidarity mobilisations in Australia.

 * Read more 

   Grenada: 'A big revolution in a small country'

   */We Move Tonight: The Making of the Grenada Revolution/*
   By Joseph Ewart Layne
   St. George's, Grenada: Grenada Revolution Memorial Foundation, 2014
   Paperback 203 pp.
   ISBN: 9781492724582

Review by *Laurence Goodchild*

 * Read more 

   India: 100,000 marchers in Kolkata say: 'Hok kolorob' (Let there be

By *Tithi Bhattacharya*

October 1, 2014 -- On September 20, 100,000 people marched in Kolkata 
[formerly Calcutta], India, against police violence and for gender 
justice. I have known the city all my life and have not known of a 
demonstration of that size since the 1960s.

 * Read more 

   Bulgaria: Wealthy EU governments target 'freedom of movement' for
   poor workers 

By *Raya Apostolova*
September 30, 2014 --The election in Bulgaria scheduled to take place on 
October 5, 2014, comes in the midst of a deep political crisis and 
social disarray. Bulgaria's right-oriented vote in the past two decades 
has resulted in non-existent public services and social destabilisation. 
Thousands of Bulgarian workers journey to Ge

[Marxism] Socialist Alliance: Solidarity with Rojava revolution! West prefers IS killers to humane, pro-woman, democratic revolution | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-10-05 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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/"At least a third of the defence forces of Rojava are female. They are 
in the frontlines and in the command. Many women have perished after 
resisting heroically to the end. Such examples by women are demolishing 
social taboos and challenging feudal, patriarchal values in society. 
Rojava has also mounted a big ongoing campaign against domestic violence."/

* * *

/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- /This resolution 
was adopted by the Australian Socialist Alliance National Council on 
October 4, 2014. Below that is the text of a leaflet being distributed 
by Socialist Alliance members at solidarity mobilisations in Australia.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/4090

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2014-10-04 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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2014-10-04 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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Story by *Kasturi*, photos by *Ronny Sen**

September 24, 2014 -- One of the slogans churned out of the womb of 
turbulent Paris in the May days of 1968 was "Don’t trust anyone over 
30". The student uprising of May ‘68 with its audacity and exaggeration 
might have failed. But the /mahamichhil/ (grand rally) called by 
students which took command over the heart and pulse of Kolkata on 
September 20 was a literal, vivid, living embodiment of this slogan.

As I stood with a video camera on a spot on the Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 
with hope to capture the moments and more than 50,000 faces that made 
history with each footstep, all I could see was an ocean of people most 
of who had perhaps not even reached their 25th year, and many of who 
were walking their very first rally. Those slightly older, those 
weathered yet young at heart paced alongside them in solidarity. "Such a 
student gathering – so huge, determined and disciplined – I have not 
seen in my life", wrote poet Sankha Ghosh, "This really moved me. It’s 
very early to say if this will mark the beginning of a new era but I 
will reiterate this is one of the biggest student rallies I have seen in 
my life."

Full articles and orginal photos at http://links.org.au/node/4086

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Scotland, climate demo, Cuba & ebola, France, Fred Magdoff, Kurds, Sweden, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Syria,

2014-10-01 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Scotland, climate demo, Cuba & ebola, France, Fred 
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   Scotland: Independence loss contains seeds of future victory

By *Murray Smith*
September 25, 2014 -- After a campaign that lasted two years, Scotland 
voted on September 18, for or against independence, yes or no. And it 
was the No that carried the day, by a majority of 55 per cent to 45 per 
cent. So it was a victory for the British political establishment and a 
defeat for the forces of independence. And as good democrats, the losers 
have accepted the verdict.

 * Read more 

   World's largest climate justice march amid New York's corporate

By *Patrick Bond*, New York City
September 24, 2014 -- The world's largest ever march against climate 
change on Sunday, September 21, brought 400,000 people to the streets of 
New York, starting a lively parade at Central Park. On Tuesday, 
September 23, 120 of the world's political leaders -- notably not 
including China's and India's -- gathered 25 blocks away at the United 
Nations. The message they got from society was symbolised by the march 
route: instead of heading towards the UN building, the activists headed 
the other way, west.

 * Read more 

   Africa: Cuba deploys 'world's finest medics' to Ebola-hit Sierra

By *Ségolène Allemandou*
September 22, 2014 --Cuba is joining the fight against Ebola by sending 
a 165-strong army of doctors and specialists to West Africa. Despite 
decades of financial hardship, the communist country remains at the 
forefront of the world's medical expertise and know-how.

 * Read more 

   France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the Movement for the 6th Republic

/The first of a three-part video (other parts below) features the 
address of *Jean-Luc Mélenchon*, former spokesperson for the French Left 
Party and initiator of the Movement for a Sixth Republic, at the 2014 
year's Humanity Fair, which is hosted every year by the daily newspaper 
/L'Humanité/, of the French Communist Party./

 * Read more 

   Fred Magdoff: Some suggestions for an ecologically sound and
   socially just economy 

By *Fred Magdoff*
September 2014 -- Two weeks ago I returned from my fiftieth class 
reunion at Oberlin College in Ohio. The brief discussions I had there 
with environmental faculty and students left me feeling a bit dazed. So 
many good and intelligent people, so concerned, and doing what they 
think and hope will help heal the environment---this college has one of 
the best environmental education programs in the country.

 * Read more 

   Kobanê: Heroic defence resists 'Islamic State' assault; 'Kobanê will
   be a grave for IS' 

By *Dave Holmes*
September 27, 2014 --Besieged since September 15, the northern Syrian 
Kurdish-majority city of Kobanê (Arabic name: /Ayn al-Arab/) has mounted 
an heroic, all-out resistance to the murderous 'Islamic State' (IS, 
formerly referred to as "ISIS") gangs.

 * Read more 

   Sweden: Far-right gains cause political crisis; Beware of 'Swedish

By *Farooq Sulehria*
September 25, 2014 -- Sweden went to elections on September 14 to elect 
a new government for the next four years. As expected, an informal 
red-green coalition gained outpolled (43.7% votes) its rival "bourgeois 
alliance" (39.3%). The red-green alliance includes the Social Democratic 
Party, the Left Party (the reformed Communist Party) and Greens. It has 
represented the ideological polarisation in Swedish electoral politics 
since the 1990s. It represents the mainstream Swedish left.

 * Read more 

   Aotearoa/New Zealand: The tasks before the left and labour movement

By *Mike Treen, *Unite Un

Re: [Marxism] Further on Scotland

2014-09-27 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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See also "Scotland: Independence loss contains seeds of future victory" 
at http://links.org.au/node/4076.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Scotland referendum, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Brazil, COSATU, NATO, US SWP & Zionism, Catalonia, US Labor Party

2014-09-24 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Scotland referendum, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Brazil, 
COSATU, NATO, US SWP & Zionism, Catalonia, US Labor Party

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   Scotland: 45% vote Yes despite ruling class panic; Business as usual
   is not an option; Labour for Independence statement

By *Alister Black*, Glasgow
September 20, 2014 --- After two years of campaigning, Scotland's 
independence referendum has ended. It saw victory for the No side, the 
opponents of independence, with 55% compared to 45% who backed a Yes to 
independence. The referendum saw an unprecedented level of political 
engagement and debate throughout Scotland. This was reflected in the 
huge and unprecedented turnout of 84.59%, reversing the trend of recent 
decades of dwindling poll turnouts. Some rural areas even recorded 100% 

 * Read more 

   Aotearoa/New Zealand: Corporate parties, media gang-up to defeat
   Internet MANA 

By *John Minto*
September 22, 2014 -- It was always going to be a hard task for MANA 
party leader  Hone Harawira to hold onto his Te Tai Tokerau seat when 
the political establishment united in a coalition to defeat him and the 
chance for Internet MANA to bring more MPs into parliament.

 * Read more 

   'Democratise the land!': Brazil's Landless Rural Workers' Movement's
   letter to presidential and state governor candidates

By the *National Direction of the */*Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais 
Sem Terra*/, São Paulo

 * Read more 

   Brazil: Marina Silva's rise is a result of the left's failures

By *Federico Fuentes*
September 16, 2014 -- A fortnight out from Brazil's October 5 national 
election, the big news has been the significant surge in support for 
Marina Silva, a former Workers' Party (PT) government minister and 
environmental activist, with some polls predicting she could end up 
winning the presidential race.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Workers need to speak with 'one voice', but whose

By *Terry Bell*, Cape Town
September 14, 2014 --  The labour movement is coming under increasing 
pressure as the global economic crisis continues to bite. On the South 
African front the pressure is growing as the Congress of South African 
Trade Unions (COSATU) labour federation fails to deal with the internal 
divisions that threaten to tear the federation apart. Or at least 
further fragment the country's largest union organisation.

 * Read more 

   NATO's new cold war redraws left, liberal views on imperialism and

By *Roger Annis*
September 18, 2014 -- Just under 25 years ago, the Cold War ended with a 
capitalist triumph. The nationalised economies and political structures 
of the Soviet Union and eastern Europe collapsed and a transition to a 
harsh, anti-social capitalism began. In the years that followed, an 
eastward expansion was undertaken by the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization (NATO), the military alliance of the imperialist countries 
of Europe and North America. Many of the countries of eastern Europe 
joined the alliance, in explicit defiance of agreements by NATO with 
post-Soviet Russia not to expand in this way.

 * Read more 

   Decline and fall: The US SWP's final embrace of Zionism

By *Art Young*
September 18, 2014 -- At its peak in the 1960s and early 1970s the 
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in the United States was the largest group 
to the left of the Communist Party and a major pole of attraction for 
radicalising youth. It was also the most dynamic and creative Marxist 
organisation in the USA.

 * Read more 

   Catalonia and the Spanish state on collision course

By *Dick Nichols*
September 17, 2014 -- This year's September 11 Catalan national day 
(/Diada/) demonstrati

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Scottish independence & socialism, religion, Slovenia, Front de Gauche, Iraq, ASEAN, Barry Sheppard on the 60s

2014-09-17 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Scottish independence & socialism, religion, 
Slovenia, Front de Gauche, Iraq, ASEAN, Barry Sheppard on the 60s

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   Pamphlet: The case for an independent socialist Scotland

By *Colin Fox*, Scottish Socialist Party national co-spokesperson and 
Yes Scotland advisory board memberSeptember 14, 2014 -- /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- On September 18, 2014, 
Scotland will go to the polls to decide whether to remain part of the 
300-year-old political union that is the "United Kingdom of Great 
Britain and Northern Ireland" or become the world's newest independent 
country. The decision will have far reaching consequences either way.

 * Read more 

   A lesson in humility for 'New Atheists' 

   */Christianity, Islam and Atheism: Reflections on Religion, Society
   and Politics/*
   By Michael Cooke.
   Sydney: Resistance Books, 2014.
   *Order HERE.

Review by *Ben Courtice*
September 11, 2014 -- For a time I stopped referring to myself as an 
atheist in public. I was intensely embarrassed by seeing ads on buses 
promoting atheism around the time of the World Atheist Conference in 
Melbourne. For a while I simply became "not religious" for public 
purposes. I found it embarrassing because public evangelism is the one 
thing that particularly galls me about religion.

 * Read more 

   Scotland: What explains the surge in support for independence?

*Alister Black *interviewed by *Dick Nichols*

September 9, 2014 -- In Scotland, a remarkable popular movement, the 
campaign for independence, is heading towards the September 18 
referendum on whether the country will remain part of the United Kingdom.

 * Read more 

   The fight for socialism in Slovenia: interview with Anej Korsika
   (Initiative for Democratic Socialism) 

*Anej Korsika* interviewed by *James Robertson*
September 1, 2014
*James Robertson**: Let's start with a brief history of the Initiative 
for Democratic Socialism (IDS) and its role in the formation of the 
Zdruz(ena levica (UL, United Left) earlier this year. What are the 
origins of IDS?**
Anej Korsika:* The Initiative for Democratic Socialism, to use the old 
cliche, has a short history and a long past. Officially, the party was 
founded on March 8 this year. However when one wants to grasp the 
gradual formation of the party, one needs to take into consideration a 
much longer timeline.

 * Read more 

   France: Front de Gauche debates 'uniting the people' vs 'uniting the

By *Liam Flenady*, Brussels
September 14, 2014 -- About 200 activists from France's Front de Gauche 
(Left Front) gathered in Paris on September 6 to discuss the group's 
future. The front has been in limbo over the past few months after 
disagreements about strategy led to a weak performance in the European 
and local council elections in May.

 * Read more 

   Socialist Alliance: 'No Australian military involvement in Iraq';
   'End Australian partnership with NATO' 

 * Read more 

   France: Jean-Luc Melenchon's closing speech to Parti de Gauche's
   Summer University 

September 13, 2014 -- In August, the Parti De Gauche (Left Party) held 
it's annual "Summer University" in Grenoble, France. On August 22, 2014, 
the party's leader *Jean-Luc Melenchon* held an impromptu press 
conference and at the end of the program of meetings, round-tables and 
presentations summed up the highlights of the four-day event, describing 
strategic changes at the party and its program for the next year.

 * Read more 

   Asia: ASEAN integration and its impact on labour

September 14, 2014 -- Presented by *Sonny Melenci

[Marxism] Barry Sheppard on Daniel Bensaid's and Ernie Tate's memoirs of the 'tumultuous' 1960s | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-09-12 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

   */An Impatient Life, a Political Memoir/*
   By Daniel Bensaid
   London: Verso, 2013

   */Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s:/*/*a Memoir: volume 2,
   Britain 1965-1970*
   /By Ernest Tate
   London: Resistance Books, 2014


Reviewed by *Barry Sheppard*

September 9, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- These books cover the impact of the worldwide youth radicalisation 
that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s upon two sections of the Fourth 
International, one in France and the other in Britain. In both 
countries, this was a period of tumultuous events, including the US 
invasion of Vietnam and the international movement that erupted against it.

To present the context both books deal with it is necessary to go back a 
bit and provide a brief explanation of the developments in the Fourth 
International during the 1950s and early 1960s.

Full review at http://links.org.au/node/4045

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