[Marxism] 500 Words on Trump's Future

2017-07-26 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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The article below is by Carl Davidson and I think he has a point.  As a retired 
person with only so much physical activity each day, I am spending lots of time 
following this on cable TV.  I have noted that there isn’t much discussion of 
the current crisis on this list.
ken h

For the credibility of the left, we have to mark out our own turf in this 
upheaval. We have to independently offer our own priorities on what’s wrong 
with Trump.
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Re: [Marxism] 500 Words on Trump's Future

2017-07-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/27/17 12:31 AM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

I have noted that there isn’t much discussion of the current crisis on this 

FT.com, July 26 2017
The deeper that special counsel Robert Mueller digs, the more the 
president panics

Edward Luce

The guns of August are cocked and ready. Donald Trump is wondering aloud 
whether to fire his attorney-general, Jefferson Sessions. Coming from 
the top, such speculation can only end in Mr Sessions’ departure. The US 
president is also musing about who will rid him of the troublesome 
special counsel, Robert Mueller. That, too, must eventually end in Mr 
Mueller’s exit. Both are a question of timing. My hunch is August. But 
it could be months away. Or tomorrow.

The point is that Mr Trump will do what he must to block the 
investigation. His latest escalation was triggered by Mr Mueller’s 
decision to broaden his probe to include the Trump Organisation’s 
financial dealings with Russia. Washington gossips have speculated that 
Vladimir Putin possesses lurid tapes of Mr Trump. The idea of such 
“kompromat” might ignite our prurience. But it always seemed 
far-fetched. In contrast, there is ample cause to scrutinise Mr Trump’s 
history of business dealings with Russian counterparts.

The further Mr Mueller progresses, the more Mr Trump panics. His 
reactions betray his motives. No reasonable observer could conclude that 
Mr Trump is willing to open his books. Having refused to release his tax 
returns, he risks a constitutional crisis to stop US law enforcement 
officers from looking into his business dealings. The two are obviously 
connected. Sooner or later, serious investigators end up following the 
money. Mr Mueller is nothing if not thorough. Mr Trump is nothing if not 

It can only result in a collision. The question is whether the US 
republic can walk away unscathed. Comparisons with Watergate are often 
facile. But Richard Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” in October 1973 is 
too pressing a parallel to ignore. Elliot Richardson, his 
attorney-general, resigned after he had refused to dismiss the special 
prosecutor, Archibald Cox. Then the deputy attorney-general, William 
Ruckelshaus, stepped down for the same reason. Only on the third try 
could Nixon find an official pliable enough to do his bidding. That man 
was Robert Bork.

Mr Trump faces the same problem. Having recused himself from anything 
related to the Russia investigations, Mr Sessions does not have the 
authority to fire Mr Mueller. But his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, is 
unlikely to do so either. It was he who appointed Mr Mueller after 
having fired James Comey, the head of the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation, in May. Mr Trump is thus busy smearing both Mr Sessions 
and Mr Rosenstein. He is preparing his base for the purge to come. Say 
what you like about Mr Trump, but he is easier to read than a traffic light.

It is at this point a constitutional crisis would erupt. America’s 
founding fathers created a system based on laws, not men. But it is down 
to people to uphold the system. In theory, there is nothing stopping Mr 
Trump from doing whatever he likes. Most constitutional lawyers say you 
cannot indict a sitting president — even if he has repeatedly obstructed 
justice. If Mr Mueller were sacked, in other words, no court would 
reinstate him. The same applies to Mr Sessions, and as far down the 
chain as Mr Trump cared to go.

The US republic’s ultimate safety net is public opinion. So far most 
Americans are not inflamed by the Russia investigations. It is hard to 
blame them. People in Washington are obsessed by the day-by-day dramatic 
twists. But most ordinary Americans lack the time to absorb the endless 
waves of detail. Who cares if Mr Sessions held undeclared meetings with 
the Russian ambassador during the campaign? Politics is a dirty game and 
the people who throw mud are usually covered in it themselves.

The other safety net is impeachment. Unless public opinion turns sharply 
against Mr Trump, a Republican-controlled Congress is unlikely to act. 
Nixon had no place to hide after it was revealed he had taped his Oval 
Office conversations. The Saturday Night Massacre was his last-ditch 
attempt to stop the tapes from falling into public hands. It was only 
after they were released that a critical number of Republicans turned 
against Nixon. That was during a far less partisan era than today.

Ironically, one thing protecting Mr Sessions is that he is more Trumpian 
than Mr Trump. In the past few months he has been busy putting “America 
First” into practice by stepping up deportations of illegal immigrants. 
This has won him f