[Marxism] A Definitive Debunking of Donald Trump’s 9/11 Claims

2015-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Nov. 25 2015
A Definitive Debunking of Donald Trump’s 9/11 Claims

How alarmed were New Jersey officials by reports of Muslims dancing in 
the streets of Jersey City and Paterson on Sept. 11, 2001, to celebrate 
the destruction of the World Trade Center?

They feared riots would break out and were ready to send in the National 
Guard and the State Police to preserve order.

But John J. Farmer Jr., then the New Jersey attorney general and the 
state’s chief law enforcement officer, said on Tuesday that he ordered 
an investigation that very day and found the reports to be bogus, more 
wild stories born in the stricken hours after the attacks.

Nevertheless, those ancient, false rumors were recycled as truth over 
the weekend by Donald J. Trump, who has folded them into his calls for 
the national registration of Muslims and possible closing of mosques. 
Speaking in Alabama, Mr. Trump said: “Hey, I watched when the World 
Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., 
where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building 
was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

Reporters were unable to find any evidence for his story, but Mr. Trump 
stuck with it in a television interview on Sunday. “It did happen,” he 
said. “I saw it. It was on television.”

Few people, if any, could address the circumstances more definitively 
than Mr. Farmer, who went on to serve as senior counsel to the Sept. 11 

In an account Mr. Farmer provided Tuesday, he described being in the 
state’s command center, in Liberty State Park in Jersey City, directly 
across the Hudson River from the burning wreckage of the trade center. 
The New Jersey State Police radio antenna had been on top of one of the 
towers, cutting off communications.

“We were forced to rely on runners for intelligence about what was 
happening across the river and in New Jersey,” Mr. Farmer said.

In the vacuum, rumors were flying, he said. Bombers with suicide vests 
were in Times Square. Saboteurs were lurking around power plants. New 
York City’s mayor, Rudolph W. Giuliani, was missing.

And then there was the wisp of a story that Mr. Farmer said was most 
disturbing of all: “That Muslims were dancing on the rooftops and in the 
streets of Jersey City and Paterson.”

Indeed, pockets of radical Islamists had set up in Jersey City in the 
past. The 1993 World Trade Center bombers rented a van and stored 
chemicals and fertilizers in that city.

Open jubilation at the mass death, Mr. Farmer said, might quickly be 
followed by rioting and more deaths. “If true, we would have had to 
mobilize the State Police and National Guard and locked the place down,” 
he said.

“We followed up on that report instantly because of its implications,” 
he added. “The word came back quickly from Jersey City, later from 
Paterson. False report. Never happened.”

Political campaigns are notorious for the damage they do to truth, but 
Mr. Trump’s presidential run has erased any lines that would segregate 
rumors, facts, mistakes and outright falsehoods. This month, he posted a 
graphic on Twitter that purported to show that 81 percent of white 
murder victims were killed by blacks; in fact, 82 percent of whites are 
murdered by whites.

Confronted by Bill O’Reilly, Mr. Trump essentially shrugged: “I 
retweeted somebody that was supposedly an expert, and it was also a 
radio show.” He has said, variously, that 200,000 or 250,000 Syrian 
refugees would be coming to the United States; the Obama 
administration’s actual goal for next year is 10,000, as FactCheck.org 

Indifferent as Mr. Trump is to facts, in retailing the myth of the 
dancing Muslims, he could not face a more sober and careful fact-finder 
than Mr. Farmer.

Now a professor of law at Rutgers University, he led the Sept. 11 
commission’s investigation of the disarray in the nation’s air defenses 
on that morning and exposed as fiction claims by the Pentagon that 
fighter pilots were in hot pursuit of the hijacked airliners. In fact, 
military officials did not know about three of the four hijacked planes 
until after they had already crashed. That became the subject of a book 
by Mr. Farmer, “The Ground Truth,” which was hailed by Jacob Heilbrunn 
in The New York Times as a “precise and reliable accounting of what 

Mr. Farmer said isolating and stigmatizing Muslims now, whatever its 
short-term political appeal, would spawn more alienated Muslim youth and 
potential recruits for the Islamic State.

“Whatever the message, it is just plain wrong to cite thousands of 
Muslims dancing in 

Re: [Marxism] A Definitive Debunking of Donald Trump’s 9/11 Claims

2015-11-25 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 25. November 2015 at 16:41, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Mr. Trump stuck with it in a television interview on Sunday. 
> “It did happen,” he said. “I saw it. It was on television.”

 Aha, on the telly. But was it also on reality? Or only on a reality show? 

 Let's listen to Frank Zappa: 

> I am gross and perverted
> I'm obsessed 'n deranged
> I have existed for years
> But very little has changed
> I'm the tool of the Government
> And industry too
> For I am destined to rule
> And regulate you
> I may be vile and pernicious
> But you can't look away
> I make you think I'm delicious
> With the stuff that I say
> I'm the best you can get
> Have you guessed me yet?
> I'm the slime oozin' out
> From your TV set
> You will obey me while I lead you
> And eat the garbage that I feed you
> Until the day that we don't need you
> Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you
> Your mind is totally controlled
> It has been stuffed into my mold
> And you will do as you are told
> Until the rights to you are sold
> That's right, folks . . .
> Don't touch that dial
> Well, I am the slime from your video
> Oozin' along on your livin' room floor
> I am the slime from your video
> Can't stop the slime, people, lookit me go
> I am the slime from your video
> Oozin' along on your livin' room floor
> I am the slime from your video
> Can't stop the slime, people, lookit me go 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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