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The "Reclaim Australia" rallies appear to have been real fizzers,
especially in Brisbane.  Thee is a real dilemma for the Far Right.  It is
absolute craziness to try and pin the blame for Australia's woes on the
Muslim population (around 2%).  that of course in itself is no obstacle to
right wing politics.  But the real problem is that economically, especially
in tertiary education and agricultural exports, Australia needs the Muslim
markets. That limits their usefulness to the ruling class. Without the
sponsorship of a section of the dominant class, the Far Right look like the
pathetic losers that they are. Apparently they have made an effort to clean
up their act and put the swastika tattoos on the back burner away from the
cameras, but that appears to have made little difference.

At present,. the Far Right seem principally to produce elan among the far
left. And that is the worst of all results for the powerful.  One should be
careful, though, not to exaggerate the rise on the Left, but it is a long
time since I attended a rally where I was almost overwhelmed by a resurgent
militancy among the young.

In the mean time, the agenda of the ruling class lies elsewhere with the
attacks on the welfare state being led by a smooth and polished multi
millionaire, Malcolm Turnbull. He is the very embodiment of cultural
capital and his impressive facade on social issues is for the moment
working to lull the public into a feeling that all is well.  But, of
course, it isn't and that will soon become apparent when the next Turnbull
government produces its first budget. That will come after what looks like
will be  a landslide victory to the Tories.

In the mean time, the Labor opposition is like the kangaroo trapped in the
head lights and destined only to be road kill.


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