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Beneath Congo’s soil lies an estimated (at 2011 prices)
trillion in natural resources, including rich supplies of oil, gold,
diamonds, the coltan used in computer chips, the cobalt and nickel used in
jet engines and car batteries, the copper for bathroom pipes, the uranium
for bombs and power plants, the iron for nearly everything. This wealth is
the source of untold suffering. Today, more Congolese are displaced
their homes than Iraqis, Yemenis, or Rohingyas. Yet their miseries are all
but invisible, in part because the identities and aims of Congo’s myriad
combatants are mystified by layers of rumor and misinformation, which serve
the interests of those profiting from the mayhem.

Congo’s chronic instability has always been rooted in external
interference. Created in the ninteenth century by Belgian imperialists, the
country was ruled during the cold war by the flamboyant, leopardskin-draped
dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, who, in exchange for billions of dollars in CIA
cash, kept the nation’s riches under Western control. After the Berlin Wall
fell, the US, alarmed by Mobutu’s warming relations with Sudan’s Islamist
leadership, backed an invasion by the armies of Uganda and Rwanda that
toppled Mobutu and occupied over 1,000 square miles of eastern Congo, which
they proceeded to plunder for its natural resources. Most of the dirty work
was done by Congolese proxy forces armed, trained, and supported by Uganda
and Rwanda.

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