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(By Timothy Messer-Kruse, the author of the invaluable "The Yankee International: 1848-1876.")

Historically, Trump was right: there really is no moral difference between Lee and Washington or Jefferson. All enslaved others which means not just buying a “slave” as one buys a horse — horses are horses but men and women are only enslaved by a daily active effort to keep them bound and obedient. Jefferson posted ads for the recapture of a 35 year old man named “Sandy” the same year he proposed Virginia pass a bill for the gradual ending of slavery. Washington took time away from his Presidential duties to pursue 22 year old Ona Judge when she escaped and fled north. Washington’s teeth were not wooden, they were skillfully crafted from the human teeth extracted from a living enslaved man’s mouth.

full: https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/08/17/right-but-wrong-trumps-defense-of-confederate-symbols-and-its-threat-to-color-blind-liberalism/
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