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Mike Gonzalez:

It might be argued that the revolution was beaten by the fall of Eastern Europe and the rise of neoliberalism. If that is the case, then it would be the responsibility of socialists to say that and to seek strategies in Cuba, as elsewhere, to allow the majority of working class people to develop methods to defend themselves against the effects of the crisis and to evolve a new strategy for socialism.


Haven't heard from this guy in a while. He reviews a couple of books on Cuba including one that sounds quite useful: Steve Cushion, A Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerrillas’ Victory (Monthly Review Press, 2016).

In terms of seeking strategies that might have led to Cuba's revolution moving forward, Gonzalez recommends of course that the workers rule in their own name, which in the world of state capitalism serves as a kind of liturgy.

Whether that could have led to a deepening of the revolution is open to question. Given the economic isolation of Cuba after the fall of the USSR, there would have been NEP-like compromises for the same reason that they were adopted in the USSR. When a group like the SWP traffics in Platonic ideals, this hardly matters.
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