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NY Times Sunday Book Review, Feb. 25, 2018
Harlem Wasn’t the Only Place With a Renaissance

The Untold Story of the Other Great Black Renaissance
By Mark Whitaker
Illustrated. 404 pp. Simon & Schuster. $30.

In the spring of 1910, not long after Robert L. Vann had passed his bar exam and opened a law office in downtown Pittsburgh, he had a meeting that would forever alter his fate. Vann had become a lawyer so he could pursue his dream of arguing criminal cases, but he had mostly been spending his time processing wills and property claims. Now five African-American investors had come to him with a proposition: They wanted to retain his legal services to incorporate their newspaper, The Pittsburgh Courier.

It didn’t take long before what was considered a little “pamphlet” evolved into a thriving publication and Vann became a business partner. Within a year he was the editor.

The Courier that Vann created and led for the rest of his life serves as a sort of crucible for the many events and personalities in Mark Whitaker’s engrossing “Smoketown.” Whitaker, a distinguished journalist and author of a memoir, “My Long Trip Home,” as well as an ill-timed biography of Bill Cosby, profiles a number of notable black figures from Pittsburgh and explores the intersection of their lives from the 1920s to the 1950s. He makes no attempt to compare this era with the Harlem Renaissance, though many of these remarkable people were part of that glorious period that lasted a little more than a decade, from the early 1920s to the mid-30s.

Each personality, in separate chapters, provides an entree into a major “Smoketown” social, political or cultural development, be it sports, entertainment, the media or the arts.

Whitaker opens with a riveting scene featuring the great heavyweight champion Joe Louis. He delivers a vivid description of Louis’s victory over Max Schmeling in the summer of 1938, which avenged an earlier defeat. Louis, Whitaker writes, “drilled a right into the German’s jaw and a second into his midsection. A yelp resembling that of a stuck pig, a sound Joe remembered from his boyhood on an Alabama farm, rose from his opponent’s throat.”

Although Louis was not a native of Pittsburgh, by the ’30s his ascendance was due largely to coverage from the sportswriters at The Courier. Similarly, the reporters played a critical role in chronicling the rise of Jackie Robinson and baseball’s integration. And no reporter was more significant in this respect than Wendell Smith.

All during the grueling period when Robinson was breaking the color barrier in the major leagues, Smith was his companion, helping him deal with the daily slights and indignities. More than just a journalist on the story, Smith was counselor, bodyguard and press agent.

Whitaker also looks at Gus Greenlee, a pioneer in the Negro National League and the owner of the Pittsburgh Crawfords; Billy Strayhorn, the composer and alter ego to Duke Ellington; the singer and bandleader Billy Eckstine; and the noted playwright August Wilson, all of whom were natives of the city and whose stories and exploits were often reported on in The Courier.

In addition to this focus on the renowned, Whitaker brings in a number of ordinary folks from East Liberty, Oakland, Homewood and the Hill District to give “Smoketown” the ballast of quotidian voices and memories. There is also mention here of the city’s black nationalist tradition and even a discussion of the political themes in Wilson’s plays, especially “Radio Golf” and “Jitney.”

Whitaker devotes a full chapter to the women at The Courier, including Daisy Lampkin, a society matron and N.A.A.C.P. leader who became the newspaper’s vice president; the secretary Edna Chappell; the gossip columnist Julia Bumry Jones; Hazel Garland, a onetime maid who would become the paper’s editor in chief; and the redoubtable Evelyn Cunningham, who ventured south to cover the burgeoning civil rights movement when she thought her Pittsburgh assignments weren’t challenging enough.

Cunningham reported early on the courage of Rosa Parks and the accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. These contributions, Whitaker writes, “foreshadowed strategies and tactics to come: the broadening of the movement to the cause of voting rights; the search for sympathetic, press-friendly victims who could inspire blacks and stir the conscience of whites.”

“For Evelyn Cunningham,” Whitaker continues, “it was also the beginning of a new life on the road, one that would make her one of the first journalists, black or white, to arrive at the next great battlegrounds of the movement and to introduce the country to two of its towering figures.”

Cunningham’s tireless dedication and insightful reportage exemplified The Courier’s social and political commitment. A decade earlier, during World War II, the paper’s “Double V Campaign” had tied victory abroad with a second victory at home, against racism and discrimination — a stance that put the paper far ahead of the American government.

On this phase of The Courier’s history, Whitaker’s lucid prose is particularly commanding, and you wish he had done more looking ahead to our own era and its blind spots, as when he notes that in the film “Saving Private Ryan,” the “black soldiers who operated antiaircraft decoy balloons over Omaha Beach on D-Day were nowhere to be seen.”

“Smoketown” brilliantly offers us a chance to see this other black renaissance and spend time with the many luminaries who sparked it as well as the often unheralded journalists who covered it, including P. L. Prattis, John C. Clarke, Frank Bolden, Billy Rowe and the photographer Teenie Harris. It’s thanks to such a gifted storyteller as Whitaker that this forgotten chapter of American history can finally be told in all its vibrancy and glory.

Herb Boyd is the author of “Black Detroit: A People’s History of Self-Determination.”
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