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A new study out today from Johns Hopkins inEnvironmental Health Perspectives
<http://www.eenews.net/assets/2016/08/25/document_ew_01.pdf> revealed
associations between fracking <http://www.ecowatch.com/fracking/> and
varioushealth symptoms
nasal and sinus problems, migraines and fatigue in Pennsylvanians living
near areas of natural gas development. The study suggests that residents
with the highest exposure to active fracking wells are nearly twice as
likely to suffer from the symptoms.

This is the third study released by Hopkins in the past year that connects
proximity to fracking sites with adverse health outcomes. Last fall,
researchers found an association between fracking and premature births and
high-risk pregnancies
<http://hub.jhu.edu/2015/10/12/fracking-pregnancy-risks/>, and last month,
found ties between fracking and asthma
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