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For anyone who might be interested, I just noticed that the latest edition of 
the Journal of World-system Research has been published: 


Here's the Table of Contents:

Symposium: Race in the Capitalist World-System 

Globalization and Race in World Capitalism
                William I. Robinson                                             

                                                        What is Racism?
                Ramon Grosfoguel                                                

                                                        Challenging the Global 
Apartheid Model: A World-Systems Analysis
                Wilma A. Dunaway,                                               
                        Donald A. Clelland                                      

                                                        Genocide, Race, 
Capitalism: Synopsis of Formation within the Modern World-system
                James V. Fenelon                                                

                                                        Cruise Ships: 
Continuity and Change in the World System
                Francisca Oyogoa                                                

                                                        Racialized and Gendered 
Mass Deportation and the Crisis of Capitalism
                Tanya Golash-Boza                                               

                                                        Race in the Capitalist 
World-System: Response to Symposium Essays
                Bill Fletcher, Jr.                                              
Special Issue: Ireland in the World-System

                                                        Introduction: Ireland 
in the World-System
                Aidan Beatty,                                                   
                Maurice Coakley,                                                
                        Sharae Deckard                                          

                                                        An Irish Revolution 
Without A Revolution
                Aidan Beatty                                                    

                                                        Contesting a 
World-Constitution? Anti-Systemic Movements and Constitutional Forms in 
Ireland, 1848-2008
                Thomas Murray                                                   

                                                        Northern Ireland: From 
Imperial Asset to International Encumbrance
                Tommy McKearney                                                 

                                                        Loose Ends: 
Considerations on the Aftermaths of the Celtic Tiger and the Northern 'Troubles'
                Kurt Jacobsen                                                   

                                                        World-Ecology and 
Ireland: The Neoliberal Ecological Regime
                Sharae Deckard                                                  

                                                        Ireland, Europe and the 
Global Crisis
                Maurice Coakley                                                 

                                                        Ireland in the 
World-System: An Interview with Denis O'Hearn
                Aidan Beatty,                                                   
                Sharae Deckard,                                                 
                Maurice Coakley,                                                
                        Denis O'Hearn                                           
Research Articles



                                                        Transitions in the 
Colonial Hudson Valley: Capitalist, Bulk Goods, and Braudelian
                Jonathan Leitner                                                

 Commodity Chains and the Production of Surplus-value on a Global Scale:
 Bringing Back the New International Division of Labour Theory
                Nicolas Grinberg                                                

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