[Marxism] Were McCain and Romney the lesser evils?

2014-06-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(I remember when a couple of people on Marxmail were posting encomiums 
to Obama in 2008. I would like to tell them "I told you so" but they are 
long gone.)

NY Times, June 29 2014
Obama to Seek Funds to Stem Border Crossings and Speed Deportations

President Obama will ask Congress to provide more than $2 billion in new 
funds to control the surge of illegal Central American migrants at the 
South Texas border, and to grant broader powers for immigration 
officials to speed deportations of children caught crossing without 
their parents, White House officials said on Saturday.

Mr. Obama will send a letter on Monday to alert Congress that he will 
seek an emergency appropriation for rapidly expanding border enforcement 
actions and humanitarian assistance programs to cope with the influx, 
which includes record numbers of unaccompanied minors and adults 
bringing children. The officials gave only a general estimate of the 
amount, saying the White House would send a detailed request for the 
funds when Congress returned after the Fourth of July recess that began 
Friday and ends July 7.

Wave of Minors on Their Own Rush to Cross Southwest BorderJUNE 4, 2014
The president will also ask Congress to revise existing statutes to give 
the Homeland Security secretary, Jeh Johnson, new authorities to 
accelerate the screening and deportation of young unaccompanied migrants 
who are not from Mexico. Fast-track procedures are already in place to 
deport young migrants from Mexico because it shares a border with the 
United States.

Mr. Obama will also ask for tougher penalties for smugglers who bring 
children and other vulnerable migrants across the border illegally, the 
officials said.

“This is an urgent humanitarian situation,” Cecilia Muñoz, the director 
of the White House Domestic Policy Council, said in a telephone 
interview on Saturday. “We are being as aggressive as we can be, on both 
sides of the border,” she said. “We are dealing with smuggling networks 
that are exploiting people, and with the humanitarian treatment of 
migrants while also applying the law as appropriate.”

After the president declared a humanitarian crisis in early June, 
federal emergency management officials have been coordinating with the 
many federal agencies involved in finding detention shelters for the 
unaccompanied youths and in stepping up enforcement measures to deter 
more migrants from coming.

“The uptick in activity at the border and the steps the administration 
has put in place are extraordinary,” a White House official said. “We 
are maxing out our capacities within the existing appropriated monies.”

Federal officials have opened shelters to detain unaccompanied children 
at three military bases and are seeking facilities for other shelters. 
Border authorities are required to turn over unaccompanied minors within 
72 hours to the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees 
the shelters and seeks to locate family members in this country who can 
receive the youths.

While many unaccompanied children may qualify for some legal status 
here, many others would not. Authorities want to eliminate delays in 
deporting children determined to have no legal option to stay, the White 
House officials said.

On Thursday, Mr. Obama directed tough comments to Central American 
parents in an interview on ABC News. “Do not send your children to the 
borders,” the president said. “If they do make it, they’ll get sent 
back. More importantly, they may not make it.”

White House officials said they were not asking Congress to change other 
existing legal protections for children apprehended without their 
parents. The administration is working with the governments of the three 
countries that are home to most of the migrants — El Salvador, Guatemala 
and Honduras — to ensure the children are safe once they are returned, 
the officials said.

Representative Henry Cuellar, a Democrat whose district includes a long 
stretch of the South Texas border, on Saturday visited about 1,000 
migrants detained at the Border Patrol station in McAllen. He urged 
Congress to approve quick changes to laws on the handling of 
unaccompanied minors.

“When it’s Central American countries, there is a different process,” 
Mr. Cuellar said. “One of the things we need to do is tweak the law, to 
give Border Patrol the power to treat anybody the same as we treat 

The influx in the Rio Grande Valley has also included many families, 
especially women with children. To discourage more families from 
embarking on the dangerous journey across Mexico, the administration is 
detaining more of them after they are caught.

House Republican leaders chastised the president last week, saying his 

Re: [Marxism] Were McCain and Romney the lesser evils?

2014-06-29 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.


 The legacy children of the Honduran coup

Many of the youths crossing the US border are fleeing a country torn apart
by coup supported by US government
 June 28, 2014 12:00AM ET
 by Dan Beeton 

Prior to its 2009 coup d’état, five years ago on June 28, Honduras rarely
made headlines in the U.S. Since the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya,
however, the Central American nation has received a lot of bad press. It is
in the spotlight again for the recent surge of unaccompanied Honduran
minors crossing U.S. borders. Of the 47,000 children apprehended by U.S.
Border Patrol since October, 28 percent, or more than 13,000
came from Honduras. This is a whopping 1,272 percent increase over the
number apprehended on the border in 2009.

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