Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Economic warfare in in Venezuela | MR Online

2017-10-24 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Richard Fidler wrote

A warning, however. Pasqualina's article (a chapter in her book) 
contains no statistics beyond 2013, that is, before the precipitous drop 
in hydrocarbons prices on the world (and Venezuelan) market. That 
changed a lot, if not everything. A few months ago, she published an 
article arguing that Venezuela was not really dependent on hydrocarbon 
exploitation, or at least not nearly as dependent as is commonly 
thought. See Mitos sobre la economía venezolana (I) (versión ilustrada), 
She also argued that manufacturing production had held up well in the 
recent period, another unconventional reading. She promised a follow-up 
article outlining what she thinks is the road to be taken now toward 
"overcoming the so-called rentist petroleum model," but to date I am 
unable to locate it.


Looking quickly through the first 122 pages of the book 
it appears that all subsequent chapters to that point are updated either 
through the fiscal year 2014, the calendar year 2015,or where feasible 
up through April 2016, presumably about the time it was published.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Economic warfare in in Venezuela | MR Online

2017-10-24 Thread Richard Fidler via Marxism
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A warning, however. Pasqualina's article (a chapter in her book) contains no 
statistics beyond 2013, that is, before the precipitous drop in hydrocarbons 
prices on the world (and Venezuelan) market. That changed a lot, if not 
everything. A few months ago, she published an article arguing that Venezuela 
was not really dependent on hydrocarbon exploitation, or at least not nearly as 
dependent as is commonly thought. See Mitos sobre la economía venezolana (I) 
(versión ilustrada),
 She also argued that manufacturing production had held up well in the recent 
period, another unconventional reading. She promised a follow-up article 
outlining what she thinks is the road to be taken now toward "overcoming the 
so-called rentist petroleum model," but to date I am unable to locate it.


-Original Message-
From: Marxism [] On Behalf Of Ralph 
Johansen via Marxism
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Economic warfare in in Venezuela | MR Online

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[Ellner intro cut]

What is written here raises a lot of questions: This book The Visible Hand of 
the Market: Economic Warfare in Venezuela has been written to correct for 
pervasive misinformation peddled by global politicians and media. It purports 
to detail how national food, medicines and hygiene products monopolies have 
contrived to produce disruption, disaffection and chaos.

Chavez's death and the little-known Maduro's accession, severely weakened as he 
narrowly won against all the forces arrayed against him, presented the 
oligarchy with their golden opportunity. They haven't carried it off. The book 
lists their main weapons: 1) planned shortage of essential materials; 2) 
induced inflation; 3) boycott in the supply of basic goods; 4) covert trade 
embargo and 5) international financial blockade, with gigantic transnational 
corporations and imperial power behind it all. Add to this bitter, protracted 
counter-revolutionary obstruction in the streets.

Despite massive opposition from banking, industry, market forces, the media and 
many in the bureaucracy, the wealthy classes and powerful US imperialist 
opposition, and of course with the positive support of the mass of the less 
well-off and abjectly poor sectors of the country, could it be of significance 
that because the military still supports the Bolivarian project throughout all 
the opposition's antics (unlike Chile in 1973) that it is still standing? Few 
know at close hand the machinations of corporate power as do the military, 
Chavez after all was one of them, and the oligarchy has failed to win them over.

Are the failure of disruptive tactics, street warfare, divisions in opposition 
leadership, and elections just completed favorable to the government (winning 
18 of 21 gubernatorial contests), a sign of a turnaround and the spluttering 
defeat of the counter-revolution? Are the essential moral and material 
resources of the regime and above all of the people, and course-correction in 
the design of the revolution going forward enough? Petrol prices are rising 
again. What next? As in pre-revolutionary Russia, people must be hungering for 
reliable, honest, resolute leadership, information and a road map. This book, 
ordered by Maduros to be distributed massively as part of the new offensive, 
and its prompt translation into English, the language of imperial power, could 
conceivably have enormous consequences in aid of the revolution.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Economic warfare in in Venezuela | MR Online

2017-10-24 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Louis Proyect wrote

Introduction by Steve Ellner

For several years, university professor Pasqualina C. Curcio has 
presented a wealth of empirical information in order to refute the 
notion that market logic, government incompetence and a flawed socialist 
model are responsible for the severe problems of shortages and inflation 
that afflict Venezuela. In The Visible Hand of the Market: Economic 
Warfare in Venezuela, Curcio discards the various explanations put 
forward by the Venezuelan opposition and the corporate media and 
concludes that the shortages have been induced as has the nation’s 
triple-digit inflation. The shortages are the result of hoarding and 
contraband, not due to the decline in national production or the failure 
of the government to provide the commercial sector with the necessary 
foreign currency to pay for imports. In fact, for the years that she 
analyzes between 2003 and 2013, the correlations claimed by government 
adversaries were not borne out by the facts: declining national 
production did not produce shortages nor did the state’s failure to sell 
sufficient dollars to finance imports. Furthermore, the types of goods 
that are in short supply are those controlled by oligopolistic 
companies, as opposed to small-sized businesses. All this demonstrates 
that what Curcio calls “planned shortages,” or economic sabotage, are 
largely responsible for the pressing economic problems facing the 
nation, similar to the case in Chile under Allende and in other 
leftist-governing nations throughout history.


What is written here raises a lot of questions: This book The Visible 
Hand of the Market: Economic Warfare in Venezuela has been written to 
correct for pervasive misinformation peddled by global politicians and 
media. It purports to detail how national food, medicines and hygiene 
products monopolies have contrived to produce disruption, disaffection 
and chaos.

Chavez's death and the little-known Maduro's accession, severely 
weakened as he narrowly won against all the forces arrayed against him, 
presented the oligarchy with their golden opportunity. They haven't 
carried it off. The book lists their main weapons: 1) planned shortage 
of essential materials; 2) induced inflation; 3) boycott in the supply 
of basic goods; 4) covert trade embargo and 5) international financial 
blockade, with gigantic transnational corporations and imperial power 
behind it all. Add to this bitter, protracted counter-revolutionary 
obstruction in the streets.

Despite massive opposition from banking, industry, market forces, the 
media and many in the bureaucracy, the wealthy classes and powerful US 
imperialist opposition, and of course with the positive support of the 
mass of the less well-off and abjectly poor sectors of the country, 
could it be of significance that because the military still supports the 
Bolivarian project throughout all the opposition's antics (unlike Chile 
in 1973) that it is still standing? Few know at close hand the 
machinations of corporate power as do the military, Chavez after all was 
one of them, and the oligarchy has failed to win them over.

Are the failure of disruptive tactics, street warfare, divisions in 
opposition leadership, and elections just completed favorable to the 
government (winning 18 of 21 gubernatorial contests), a sign of a 
turnaround and the spluttering defeat of the counter-revolution? Are the 
essential moral and material resources of the regime and above all of 
the people, and course-correction in the design of the revolution going 
forward enough? Petrol prices are rising again. What next? As in 
pre-revolutionary Russia, people must be hungering for reliable, honest, 
resolute leadership, information and a road map. This book, ordered by 
Maduros to be distributed massively as part of the new offensive, and 
its prompt translation into English, the language of imperial power, 
could conceivably have enormous consequences in aid of the revolution.

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