Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread S. Artesian
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Sewn up and bagged?  Really?  Why even bother to analyze anything, to 
criticize, explicate, even predict what capitalism must do next, since it's 
all been done.

Can you tell me where Marx actually provides a complete theory of crisis? 
An explanation of overproduction with historical detail such as he produces 
in vol 1 concerning the conditions in British factories?

As a matter of fact, that is exactly what is not sewn up, as sewing it up is 
a practical, class activity.

There's nothing strange about this, since there are no mysterious ways to 
Marx's dialectic.  And whatever the so-called proponents of dialectics might 
find interesting, Marxists find the actual manifestations of the processes 
Marx described, analyzed-- but hardly sewed up-- like the tendency of the 
rate of profit to fall, like the contradiction between means and relations 
of production, like the transformation of accumulation itself into an 
obstacle to further accumulation much more interesting, much more Marxist, 
then parsing commas.
Has something to do with those Theses on Feuerbach, I think.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> Rosa is an ignoramus who hasn't read Marx, except for the preface to Vol
> 1, 
> and she distorts that.  Her methodology is 3Ds and an S: denial,
> distortion, 
> disavowal and sophistry.
> Ask her any thing about the labor process, about the relationship of 
> wage-labor to capital, about the accumulation of capital and the tendency
> of 
> the rate of profit to decline and all you get back is how she "doesn't
> have 
> to do that, because Marx did it for us."

And right she is! What else could  puny Rosa add to something that more
people than her have pretty much sewn up and bagged?

Also, I would think that any proponent of dialectics would be more
eager to debate the "mysterious ways" of dialectics with an
Anti-dialectics than the boring topic of declining rates of profit, no?


Why is that, that lack of response significant?  Because those are the 
> issues where dialectic resides; because that's the transposition of the 
> dialectic from Hegel's "spirit" to the actual social organization of labor 
> that Marx executes.

As I understand it, Marx's investigations into capitalist economic relations
on the materialist conception of history, not on some mystical mumbo-jumbo
of "thesis, antithesis, etc."

It's the materialist conception of history, applied to the arithmetic of
and its social evolution, I believe, that places Marxism firmly in the realm
of science,
where it belongs.

It's not a philosophy of logic Marx is deploying, it's the analysis of the 
> real content of history.

What is this "real content of history", please? Or are you saying that just
to bewitch me, oh Wizard?

She's a total phony.

If I had known that my previous comment on a silly statement would elicit
abuse of a person of the left that isn't here to defend herself I would have
kept it to myself. 

No matter.

It is a well known fact that it's not just the capitalists and their minions
prefer to insult and belittle those who would dare disagree with them.
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Re: [Marxism] militias

2010-03-29 Thread S. Artesian
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It has nothing to do with whether or not the the ruling class wants to play 
with fascism.  It's a question of the economic forces that appear as threats 
to the petty-bourgeoisie and the willingness of the big bourgeoisie to use 
those forces-- just like they think the Republicans think they can use the 
tea-baggers to restore a new round of Reaganism.

This doesn't means fascism is right around the corner, or is lurking 
everywhere.  It does mean you have the attorney general of Kansas singling 
out, actually fingering a doctor who then gets shot by an anti-abortionist.

It does mean you get right wingers cutting gas lines to homes they think 
belong to Democratic congressmen, and the Republican leader doesn't express 
outrage at the criminal conduct, doesn't call it terrorism but "urges" those 
well-meaning patriots to "put their anger to work."

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread S. Artesian
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Rosa is an ignoramus who hasn't read Marx, except for the preface to Vol 1, 
and she distorts that.  Her methodology is 3Ds and an S: denial, distortion, 
disavowal and sophistry.

Ask her any thing about the labor process, about the relationship of 
wage-labor to capital, about the accumulation of capital and the tendency of 
the rate of profit to decline and all you get back is how she "doesn't have 
to do that, because Marx did it for us."

Why is that, that lack of response significant?  Because those are the 
issues where dialectic resides; because that's the transposition of the 
dialectic from Hegel's "spirit" to the actual social organization of labor 
that Marx executes.

It's not a philosophy of logic Marx is deploying, it's the analysis of the 
real content of history.

She's a total phony.

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From: "New Tet"  

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Re: [Marxism] militias

2010-03-29 Thread Mark Lause
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All my life, I've been hearing about the danger from the Right...especially
around election time

Again, if you strip away the loud mouths who like going into the woods,
eating bar-b-q and shooting off their guns, there are really a very limited
number of real hard core bat shit crazies.  Most of them hold multiple
memberships that sustain such organizations.

There's just no necessity--as Louis and others have pointed out--for the
American ruling class to play with fascism in any serious way.  There's just
nothing in it for them


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[Marxism] Shame on the Arg "Left" and their behavior on March 24th

2010-03-29 Thread Néstor Gorojovsky
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Those interested in a biased but not inaccurate (particularly as to
what happened on March 24th last in May Square, Buenos Aires)
rendering of the lunacy and politically suicidal behavior of the
anti-Peronist "Left" these days (in Spanish, sorry), please refer to

The author is a left wing Peronist, so that the article has some bias
against the "Left" (though it also explains the reasons of that bias)
and it makes some mistakes, like generalizations of the position of
the Arg Comm Party which were not always as widespread as this report

However, the general picture is not wrong though blurred in the details.

And perhaps those who actually want to know what bad service this
"left" makes to any revolution (not to speak of "socialism") in
Argentina will realize this by carefully reading what did they do to
the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo when they discovered
that these women would not bend to their wishes.

The bias against the "Left" is the first thing serious revolutionary
Marxists in Argentina have to deal with when talking to the working
class. THAT is the service this "Left" is making to foreign
imperialism. Either by stupidity or other reasons. The results are
simple: establishing a gap as wide as possible between the workers and


Néstor Gorojovsky
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread Mark Lause
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I slipped away last week on a short research trip to the Boston area.  The
flight back was surreal, to say the least.

I wound up sitting next to a young student who going to visit friends in the
Midwest.  She told me how they tended to be very left-wing.  I wasn't
wearing a button or anything that might have given away my own politics, so
what were the chances, eh?   Then, after switching planes, another student
boarded the same with a shirt that had a clenched fist and the slogan
"Workers, Unite!"

By the time I got home, I was basking in a certain hope that maybe...just
maybe...things were going to start looking up

As on the health care question, I'm far less concerned about what they're
saying than than they're saying something and how they're saying it


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Re: [Marxism] A Fake Fight Over Fake Health Care Reform

2010-03-29 Thread Charlie
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Louis Proyect wrote:
...does it make sense from the overall needs of the capitalist system 
for such a large proportion of the GDP to be associated with health care?

No, and the Obamacare law sets up a couple of institutions charged with 
reducing "costs." Their mandate is to use pseudo-science, statistical 
chicanery, and stealth regulation and legislation to put through less 
care and to turn the screws on nurses and doctors, which also grinds 
down the quality of care. See, for example, "Obamacare's Cost Scalpel," 
by Alex Nussbaum, Meg Tirrell, Pat Wechsler and Tom Randall, Business 
Week, April 5, 2010 issue:
How does the health-care overhaul propose to control spending? By 
evaluating treatments through "comparative effectiveness research" 
(May require subscription)

Charles Andrews
No Rich, No Poor (Needle Press)

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Re: [Marxism] militias

2010-03-29 Thread nada
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I tend to agree with Louis. They have nothing to do with the 
working-"CLASS" at all, regardless of their relation to it.

There are, however, a wide variety of militias. This one seems to be a 
'retro-1990s' kind, that, without the label, would fit in with the 
so-called "Christian Identity" movement, which is the "religion" of the 
skins head racists. However, as "fringed" as this particular group was 
(4 of the 9 arrested are related to each other) there are groups with 
wider appeal and more dangerous, that are also "militias",  the best 
known are the Minute Men. Groups growing out of, or related too, the 
Tea-bagers are also beginning to show their faces.


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Re: [Marxism] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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pessimism of reason

optimism of will

rational hope as a result, and as a bet

Gary MacLennan escribió:
> Hi Dan
> This is gospel to me. I believe every word!
> I am also sure you are right about Obama and the absence of pressure from
> below.  But there is a sneaking feeling or is it hope at the back of my
> consciousness, that the paradigm may be about to change.  When pressure
> comes from below it will not be channeled thru unions and unto Social
> Democrats, but may take a very radical and even revolutionary form.  The
> gutting of unions that took place in the Volcker period may have the effect
> of weakening the mechanisms by which reformism operates.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread New Tet
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Gary MacLennan wrote:
> Nevertheless the dialectic moves in mysterious ways and hopefully the
> ruling
> class are about to discover that the hard way.

Thanks to Rosa Lichtenstein's deconstruction of dialectics and its
I've come to abjure dialectics as mystical bullshit.

Your statement goes a long way in helping me see the soundness of my
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Re: [Marxism] A Fake Fight Over Fake Health Care Reform

2010-03-29 Thread Jon Flanders
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On Mon, 2010-03-29 at 19:57 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote:
> It may be desired by "employers" but does it make sense from the
> overall needs of the capitalist system for such a large proportion of
> the GDP to be associated with health care? If this system was more
> Spartan, it would find ways to reduce these costs to a minimum.
> Insurance companies are basically parasitic. Of course, that's the
> general drift of American capitalism. Aetna instead of infrastructure
> renewal.

By shifting more of the costs of health care to the workers, two things
are accomplished.

First, workers pay more, through mandated insurance, bigger deductibles
and co-pays. This benefits the profiteers in the health field, and the
employers who provide insurance.

Secondly,by forcing the workers to pay more, the hope is that they will
use the health care system less, driving down prices for
hospitalization, drugs, etc. Taxing employer provided health insurance
is part of this. Once plans hit the taxable amount, up go the
deductibles and co-pays for the workers, to keep the plan below the
taxable level.

Just a note on whether employer based health insurance is a competitive
problem. Employer based insurance has the beneficial effect of tying
workers to their jobs, and making them very hesitant about things like
strikes. A socialized health care system would take that monkey off the
workers back, and heaven forbid US workers take after their French
brothers and sisters, and start striking at the drop of a hat.

Jon Flanders

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] unions again

2010-03-29 Thread New Tet
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Daniel Koechlin wrote:
> Post-industrial Western society in no way resembles 1914 Russia.
> Instead of building minuscule parties of the working-class, we should
> all help build powerful industrial unions of the working class.
> Elections are a farce, class war is the true state of affairs. And the
> corporate elites think they have won the class war. They can have
> Chinese and Bangladeshi workers produce clothes, Western consumers buy
> them and get "green" labels for their contribution to protecting the
> environment. There are no opponents. They can siphon off 90% of the
> surplus value and play the financial markets. There are no opponents.
> They will turn as green as spinach (like McDonalds) in order to remain
> in business. They will rationalize production, they will shed (like a
> snake) a third of the work-force, they will invest billions (Pepsi
> invests 1$ billion) in advertising. 
> According to OECD statistics, only 17% of workers are unionized.
> According to an OECD poll, 64% of workers "would like to join a union
> but are afraid of the negative consequences this would entail".
> Who is winning ? The capitalists ! 

True, but the class struggle is not over by a long shot.

Okay, so there's no party out there to fully represent working class
on the political front, nor a large (or even small) worker's union that will
harness their latent power.

Still, it doesn't mean (at least to me) that the class struggle is over or
the capitalist class has won it.

"Between the working class and the capitalist class, there is an
conflict, a class struggle for life. No glib-tongued politician can vault
over it,
no capitalist professor or official statistician can argue it away; no
parson can veil it; no labor faker can straddle it; no “reform” architect
bridge it over. It crops up in all manner of ways, like in this strike, in
that disconcert all the plans and all the schemes of those who would deny
or ignore it. It is a struggle that will not down, and must be ended, only
either the total subjugation of the working class, or the abolition of the
capitalist class."

We are not yet totally subjugated, comrade.

BTW, please tell us what YOU think is the purpose and objective of a
industrial union of the working class" and why you think such a thing is
possible in spite of the ever-worsening condition of the proletariat? 

What should be its founding principles?

That workers fear the "negative consequences" of attempting to unionize
is understandable, given the din and power of negative and deceitful
propaganda against unionism that's out there.

But what about the negative consequences of not attempting to unionize? 
Does anybody ever talk about that? Is anyone pointing out to us that
when a workers' union fails to acknowledge or abandons the class struggle
in principle and practice it removes the force that animates it?

Besides the potential gains and benefits of organizing around proletarian
what's the downside to not organizing? Is anyone besides yourself discussing

"Intervention and Union Work"
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Re: [Marxism] A Fake Fight Over Fake Health Care Reform

2010-03-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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Intense Red wrote:

>Thus, when you factor in the trend the cost of health care will be lifted 
> from employers, and working people are forced into a privatized system. No 
> wide social safety net, no millions of uninsured people, private insurance 
> companies happily making money, only a voluntary cost (soon to be shed) on 
> business -- "everyone" wins but the workers themselves.

It may be desired by "employers" but does it make sense from the overall 
needs of the capitalist system for such a large proportion of the GDP to 
be associated with health care? If this system was more Spartan, it 
would find ways to reduce these costs to a minimum. Insurance companies 
are basically parasitic. Of course, that's the general drift of American 
capitalism. Aetna instead of infrastructure renewal.

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Re: [Marxism] A Fake Fight Over Fake Health Care Reform

2010-03-29 Thread Intense Red
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 > The current system is (and was) unsustainable and leaves American
 > business at a competitive disadvantage with regards to rival capitalist
 > nations.  Why wouldn't they want "real reform"?

   But doesn't Obama's reforms solve this "problem" for the bourgeoisie?

   The percentage of employers offering health care has been falling for 
many years. I expect this trend to pick up its pace.

   Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Obama's plan basically force people 
under penalty of law to buy health insurance -- if offered by their 
employer, fine; but if not offered by their employer people still have to 
buy it.

   Thus, when you factor in the trend the cost of health care will be lifted 
from employers, and working people are forced into a privatized system. No 
wide social safety net, no millions of uninsured people, private insurance 
companies happily making money, only a voluntary cost (soon to be shed) on 
business -- "everyone" wins but the workers themselves.

"Lottery: A tax on poor people who are bad at math." -- The cartoon B.C.

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Re: [Marxism] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Social democrats simply can't operate like they were able to during the
'golden age' of capitalism... even if they *wanted to*, even if *"forced"* by
a militant mass movement.  Objective conditions have drastically changed
since the early 70s.

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Dan  wrote:

Social Democrats NEVER make good on their electoral promises unless they
> are prompted to do so FROM BELLOW.

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[Marxism] unions again

2010-03-29 Thread Dan
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Post-industrial Western society in no way resembles 1914 Russia.

Instead of building minuscule parties of the working-class, we should
all help build powerful industrial unions of the working class.

Elections are a farce, class war is the true state of affairs. And the
corporate elites think they have won the class war. They can have
Chinese and Bangladeshi workers produce clothes, Western consumers buy
them and get "green" labels for their contribution to protecting the
environment. There are no opponents. They can siphon off 90% of the
surplus value and play the financial markets. There are no opponents.

They will turn as green as spinach (like McDonalds) in order to remain
in business. They will rationalize production, they will shed (like a
snake) a third of the work-force, they will invest billions (Pepsi
invests 1$ billion) in advertising. 

According to OECD statistics, only 17% of workers are unionized.
According to an OECD poll, 64% of workers "would like to join a union
but are afraid of the negative consequences this would entail".

Who is winning ? The capitalists ! 


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Re: [Marxism] A Fake Fight Over Fake Health Care Reform

2010-03-29 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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A young British socialist's take on this very question: .
 There is one problematic part towards the end, but it's an interesting

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

The inability of the ruling class in the USA to act on its *long
> term* interests is interesting. Clearly, the damage to the
> environment threatens the ability of the capitalist system to
> reproduce itself but nothing seems to get done to fix the
> problems.

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Re: [Marxism] A Fake Fight Over Fake Health Care Reform

2010-03-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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Bhaskar Sunkara wrote:
> The current system is (and was) unsustainable and leaves American business
> at a competitive disadvantage with regards to rival capitalist nations.  Why
> wouldn't they want "real reform"?  Why would the insurance industries
> interests come before that of the wider bourgeoisie?  Is the capitalist
> class just afraid of the precedent that a real expansion of the social
> safety net like single-payer would mean?

The inability of the ruling class in the USA to act on its *long 
term* interests is interesting. Clearly, the damage to the 
environment threatens the ability of the capitalist system to 
reproduce itself but nothing seems to get done to fix the 
problems. My guess is that this is a function of a declining 
culture all-around. From John Ford to John Hughes. From FDR to 
Obama. Slouching toward Bethlehem.

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[Marxism] Venezuela: Counter-revolution throws down a new challenge

2010-03-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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Venezuela: Counter-revolution throws down a new challenge
Written by Patrick Larsen Monday, 29 March 2010

In the build up to the September elections, the right-wing 
opposition is preparing on several fronts. Economic sabotage is 
one of them, as are the manoeuvres on the part of right-wing 
elements within the Bolivarian movement itself. Meanwhile, all 
this is having a radicalising effect on the left.

New developments in Venezuela reveal that the counter-revolution 
is organizing to prepare a new prolonged battle against the 
Bolivarian government. On top of the deep economic recession, we 
recently saw new shifts in the alignments in the political 
landscape which can play a decisive role in the warm up to the 
parliamentary elections in September.


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[Marxism] CIA Paper Reveals Plans to Manipulate European Opinion on Afghanistan

2010-03-29 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> By Daniel Tencer
> Among its proposals, the policy paper suggests playing up the plight of
> Afghan women to French audiences, as the French public has shown concern for
> women's rights in Afghanistan.

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[Marxism] Petraeus Backs Down - "I never said Israel policy endangers U.S."

2010-03-29 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> By Natasha Mozgavaya, Haaretz Correspondent
> Commander of the U.S. Military's Central Command Gen. David Petraeus phoned
> his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, this week to deny reports that he
> had blamed Israeli policy for the failure in a regional solution and for
> endangering U.S. interests.

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[Marxism] History of White People

2010-03-29 Thread Anthony Boynton
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I haven´t read the book reviewed in the article Louis posted, but a classic,
but not well-known Marxist writer developed this topic back in the 1970´s.

Allen, Theodore William, Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery:
The Invention of the White Race. Hoboken, N.J.: HEP PO Box M-71, 1975, repr.
as Theodore W. Allen,

Allen, Theodore W., "Commentary on István Mészáros's Beyond Capital,”
Cultural Logic, 2005.

Allen, Theodore W. and Ignatin (Ignatiev), Noel. White Blindspot. Osawatomie
Associates, 1967, repr. as Theodore W. Allen and Noel Ignatin (Ignatiev),
Noel, "White Blindspot" and "Can White Workers Radicals Be Radicalized?"”
(1969) This entry includes Theodore W. Allen's "A Letter of Support," but
does not include Theodore W. Allen's seminal article “Can White Workers
Radicals Be Radicalized?’”

Allen, Ted (Theodore William), “White Supremacy in U.S. History.” A Speech
Delivered at the Guardian Forum on the National Question, April 28, 1973.

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[Marxism] Insurance companies seek to deny coverage of children with pre-existing conditions

2010-03-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times March 28, 2010
Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print

WASHINGTON — Just days after President Obama signed the new health 
care law, insurance companies are already arguing that, at least 
for now, they do not have to provide one of the benefits that the 
president calls a centerpiece of the law: coverage for certain 
children with pre-existing conditions.

Mr. Obama, speaking at a health care rally in northern Virginia on 
March 19, said, “Starting this year, insurance companies will be 
banned forever from denying coverage to children with pre-existing 

The authors of the law say they meant to ban all forms of 
discrimination against children with pre-existing conditions like 
asthma, diabetes, birth defects, orthopedic problems, leukemia, 
cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease. The goal, they say, was 
to provide those youngsters with access to insurance and to a full 
range of benefits once they are in a health plan.

To insurance companies, the language of the law is not so clear.

Insurers agree that if they provide insurance for a child, they 
must cover pre-existing conditions. But, they say, the law does 
not require them to write insurance for the child and it does not 
guarantee the “availability of coverage” for all until 2014.

William G. Schiffbauer, a lawyer whose clients include employers 
and insurance companies, said: “The fine print differs from the 
larger political message. If a company sells insurance, it will 
have to cover pre-existing conditions for children covered by the 
policy. But it does not have to sell to somebody with a 
pre-existing condition. And the insurer could increase premiums to 
cover the additional cost.”

Congressional Democrats were furious when they learned that some 
insurers disagreed with their interpretation of the law.

“The concept that insurance companies would even seek to deny 
children coverage exemplifies why we fought for this reform,” said 
Representative Henry A. Waxman, Democrat of California and 
chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, Democrat of West Virginia and 
chairman of the Senate commerce committee, said: “The ink has not 
yet dried on the health care reform bill, and already some 
deplorable health insurance companies are trying to duck away from 
covering children with pre-existing conditions. This is outrageous.”

The issue is one of many that federal officials are tackling as 
they prepare to carry out the law, with a huge stream of new 
rules, official guidance and brochures to educate the public. 
Their decisions will have major practical implications.

Insurers say they often limit coverage of pre-existing conditions 
under policies sold in the individual insurance market. Thus, for 
example, an insurer might cover a family of four, including a 
child with a heart defect, but exclude treatment of that condition 
from the policy.

The new law says that health plans and insurers offering 
individual or group coverage “may not impose any pre-existing 
condition exclusion with respect to such plan or coverage” for 
children under 19, starting in “plan years” that begin on or after 
Sept. 23, 2010.

But, insurers say, until 2014, the law does not require them to 
write insurance at all for the child or the family. In the 
language of insurance, the law does not include a “guaranteed 
issue” requirement before then.

Consumer advocates worry that instead of refusing to cover 
treatment for a specific pre-existing condition, an insurer might 
simply deny coverage for the child or the family.

“If you have a sick kid, the individual insurance market will 
continue to be a scary place,” said Karen L. Pollitz, a research 
professor at the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University.

Experts at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners 
share that concern.

“I would like to see the kids covered,” said Sandy Praeger, the 
insurance commissioner of Kansas. “But without guaranteed issue of 
insurance, I am not sure companies will be required to take 
children under 19.”

A White House spokesman said the administration planned to issue 
regulations setting forth its view that “the term ‘pre-existing’ 
applies to both a child’s access to a plan and his or her benefits 
once he or she is in a plan.” But lawyers said the rules could be 
challenged in court if they went beyond the law or were 
inconsistent with it.

Starting in January 2014, health plans will be required to accept 
everyone who applies for coverage.

Until then, people with pre-existing conditions could seek 
coverage in high-risk insurance pools run by states or by the 
secretary of health and human services. The new law provides $5 
billion to help pay claims file

Re: [Marxism] Obama appoints Becker to NLRB

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah, but hey, what do you want the guys from the National Right to Work
Committee that Reagan appointed? Surely this guy as a union lawyer is
different from the corporate hacks W sent there as well.

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 11:03 AM, brad bauerly  wrote:

> Actual change?

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Re: [Marxism] Interview with Rudi Dutschke's Widow

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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Berlin to name street after him:,,3283764,00.html

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[Marxism] Interview with Rudi Dutschke's Widow

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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2009 Deutsche Welle interview,,5031510,00.html

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Re: [Marxism] FWD: Free Lynn Stewart

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Cod
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It's also a case that represents a frontal assault on the attorney-client
privilege and the duty of fidelity and zealous representation.

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