Re: [Marxism] Jerusalem Post: the 'Rachel Corrie' had been boarded

2010-06-05 Thread Mikhail Rodsky
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Yeah, like that's going to happen.

M. (a former UNITE HERE! organizer BTW)

P.S. don't put too much faith in a business union.

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:56 AM, S. Artesian wrote:

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 Might be intersting if UNITE refused to staff British Airways' flights to
 Tel Aviv, no?

 - Original Message -
 From: Jay Moore

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Re: [Marxism] Sex and the City 2

2010-06-05 Thread Michael Smith
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 Joaquín Bustelo wrote:
  Not only don't I find it funny, I don't understand how someone over
  the age of 12 might find it funny. 
Seems to be perennial, doesn't it, this question of 

One hears it all the time -- I don't see how anybody 
finds X funny. Oddly, one seldom hears the exact 
counterpart line -- I don't see how anybody finds Y 
unfunny. We can all imagine somebody finding something 
unfunny that we find funny, but it's very hard to imagine 
finding something funny that we find unfunny. Interesting. 

The two positions tend to get overgeneralized. The 
person who finds X funny is said to have low tastes, 
or a bad character. The person who finds Y unfunny is 
said to have no sense of humor. 


Michael Smith

Everyone has his favorite passage from the 
Theodosian Code. -- M I Finley

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[Marxism] Dignity and Solidarity: A Gift From Edward Said

2010-06-05 Thread Rustbelt Radical
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New Post: Dignity and Solidarity: A Gift From Edward Said 
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 

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Re: [Marxism] Jerusalem Post: the 'Rachel Corrie' had been boarded

2010-06-05 Thread S. Artesian
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I have no faith whatsoever.  I was being a bit sarcastic.

- Original Message - 
From: Mikhail Rodsky

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[Marxism] Latino faces too dark for mural

2010-06-05 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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¡No quieren vernos ni pintados!

Arizona School Asks That Black And Latino Faces On Mural Be Lightened

When Arizona introduced its new immigration law, aimed toward battling 
illegal immigration, its many critics–including President Obama–angrily 
protested, claiming it was racist (or that it would encourage racism). 
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vehemently denied it. Today, Arizona has 
once again made the news–and once again, it’s about racism.

A group of artists who painted a public mural in Prescott, Ariz. has 
been asked to lighten the faces of the children depicted in the mural. 
R.E. Wall, director of the Prescott Downtown Mural Project, told the 
Daily Courier he and the other artists “heard regular racial slurs from 
the passengers of cars driving by” while they were working on the mural.

The “Go on Green” mural covers two walls outside Miller Valley 
Elementary School, and it aims to advertise a campaign for 
environmentally friendly transportation. It features portraits of four 
children, and a Hispanic boy as the predominant figure.

According to USA Today, Principal Jeff Lane said he asked Wall to make 
the children’s faces appear lighter, but solely for artistic reasons:

“We asked them to fix the shading on the children’s faces,” he said. “We 
were looking at it from an artistic view. Nothing at all to do with race.”

Furthermore, City Councilman Steve Blair reportedly led a campaign to 
have the mural removed entirely. According to the Daily Courier, Blair 
made several controversial remarks on his KYCA radio talk show:

On his May 21 show, for instance, Blair said, “I am not a racist 
individual, but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of 
that mural, based upon who’s president of the United States today and 
based upon the history of this community when I grew up, we had four 
black families – who I have been very good friends with for years – to 
depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would 
have to ask the question, ‘Why?’”

Blair also said he is not a “a racist by any stretch of the imagination, 
but whenever people start talking about diversity, it’s a word I can’t 

Under pressure, Wall is altering the mural. But the racial dispute in 
Arizona, no doubt, is in full swing

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Re: [Marxism] Jerusalem Post: the 'Rachel Corrie' had been boarded

2010-06-05 Thread Les Schaffer
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Manuel Barrera wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Hey Manuel:   see that Rule #1 up there. when you reply to a post, you 
delete all the quoted text except what you really need to keep a 
discussion coherent. you just sent two messages in a row with the quoted 
text intact. please follow this simple rule. thanks


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[Marxism] Israel's silicon army

2010-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Israel's silicon army
by Spencer Ackerman

As it retreats into greater indifference toward global opinion, Israel 
has come to rely on cynical appeals to American technophiles and 
evangelical Christians. Spencer Ackerman on Netanyahu’s last allies.


Start-Up Nation by Dan Senor, the former aide to the US Iraq viceroy L 
Paul Bremer, and Saul Singer is a quintessential light airport read: a 
page-turner about how a country under external threat makes a virtue out 
of necessity. What makes Israel a good testing ground for a network of 
rechargeable electric-car batteries? The fact that its neighbours close 
their highways to Israeli motorists, and there’s not a lot of Israel to 
drive on. That spirit of defiance is similar to the one displayed by a 
Massachusetts man named David Khoury, who moved back to his family’s 
village in the West Bank to open a microbrewery as a demonstration of 
faith in the Palestinian economy.

But the broader message of Start-Up Nation is more problematic. There’s 
a cliche-fueled narrative early on about how an uncredentialled Israeli 
whizkid made millions by selling online-payment giant PayPal a reliable 
algorithm for figuring out a potential client’s financial solvency. How 
did Shvat Shaked, who “didn’t have the brashness of an entrepreneur”, 
outperform titans of industry? “Hunting down terrorists,” he explains. 
Shaked’s detective skills taught him that the frequency of a person’s 
online footprints was a sign of reliability: like a terrorist, someone 
looking to game PayPal isn’t going to leave an extensive Googleable trail.

That sort of anecdote forms the stock response to the book’s central 
question: why is the Israeli economy so dynamic? Their answer: because 
conditions of constant peril compel critical thinking in the military, 
and military service sets the tone for Israeli culture. The Israeli 
investor and “unofficial economic ambassador” Jon Medved presents the 
excited authors with a graph showing foreign business flowing into 
Israel during the Second Intifada. Singer and Senor are quick to inform 
us that he wasn’t suggesting “a correlation between violence in Israel 
and its attractiveness to investors”, because that would be absurd. What 
they show instead is that Israel can assert a kind of normality amidst 
perpetual war – with the help of the world’s premiere capitalists.

Senor and Singer present no explicit political agenda, but their 
presumptions are that the status quo within Israel will continue. The 
trouble with their book from a business perspective is that there aren’t 
many countries that live under conditions analogous to Israel. To really 
embrace Start-Up Nation as a road map for achieving national economic 
vitality requires a willingness to believe that your society, too, is on 
the cusp of ever-present perpetual war, since relentless conflict is the 
only engine Start-Up Nation identifies for Israel’s success. Who would 
want to live under those conditions?

Well, maybe there are people outside of Israel who believe such an 
unhappy fate confronts their country. Like the guy in the airport 
bookstore with his BlackBerry clipped to his braided belt. He’s not the 
most political guy in the world, but he thinks Israel is under attack 
from the Arabs, and that unlike the Arabs, the Israelis are 
Christian-friendly fellows who understand the value of the dollar. 
They’re not running around with their faces covered blowing up 
pizzerias, and he thinks they have to fight guys who do. He’s worried 
that this is the future of the United States. He’s worried that if it 
is, his small business may not survive. He’s worried that the socialist 
in the White House doesn’t understand that you enjoy peace only after 
winning victory. Whatever the authors’ intentions, Start-Up Nation is a 
book that presents Israel as safe for gentiles – or, at least, for those 
that can be persuaded to vote in Republican primaries.


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[Marxism] Head of Israeli Military Intelligence, Lt. General Beavis Ben Butthead

2010-06-05 Thread James Holstun
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After skedaddling out of Lebanon with Hezbollah's antitank rockets sticking up 
their asses, and after the Keystone Kops Assassination Follies in Dubai, Israel 
has really outdone itself with its ham-handed response to the Gaza flotilla. 
Here are the latest fabrications from Israeli Military Intelligence Chief, Lt. 
General Beavis Ben Butthead:

We really need to acknowledge more forthrightly the vital role of ridicule in 
anti-Zionist struggle.


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[Marxism] Letter to John Weeks

2010-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Hello, John

I don't know if you remember me but I chaired the debate between you and 
Paul Berman just after the Sandinistas were voted out of office. 
Originally Michael Moore had agreed to debate Berman but I was persuaded 
that you would be a better choice because you were an expert. Worst 
decision of my life, I am afraid.

I just took a look at your website ( that was 
announced on Jerry Levy's mailing list, a gathering place for Marxist 
economists. Out of curiosity, I went there and found a paper that you 
and your wife wrote in 1992 making the discovery that the FSLN was not 
really revolutionary socialist, like you--a professor emeritus--I 
suppose. It was the same argument I heard from James Petras around that 
time. One imagines that if you or him had been president of Nicaragua, 
then the country would have been saved.

But leaving aside your politics, which someone described to me as Maoist 
(unfortunately after the event), the real question I have always had is 
why you were so unprepared. You winged it for 20 minutes or so, while 
the filthy Paul Berman had a well-prepared presentation. I remember it 
like yesterday, you informing an audience of solidarity activists that 
the FSLN was just like the PRI in Mexico--something in clear distinction 
to the cozy relationship the USA enjoyed with Mexico.

Anyhow, I hope you are enjoying your professor emeritus status. My 
advice is to take up gardening or basket-weaving and turn down any 
invitations to speak at such debates in the future for the sake of the 
radicals who might mistakenly invite you.

Yours truly,

Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] IDF faked photos

2010-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] Lula to Obama: Drop Dead

2010-06-05 Thread nada
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Joaquín description of the Brazilian and Iranian nuclear industry is 
spot on, which is why there is there huge disconnect among the public 
and 'leaders' as to the reasons why both countries want a closed fuel 
cycle (to be fully closed they would have to recycle their spent fuel, 
another story, though) so they are not beholden to the US ability to 
withdraw technology and fuel once it is given. This was also one the 
reasons there was much opposition to the Indian 1-2-3 agreement within 
India by those that wanted to develop an *indigenous* nuclear fuel AND a 
reactor industry. It's why in large part they are using proven Russian 
reactors and not American ones. Why they are reluctant to use the S. 
Korean models because they are too close to the US...and thus those 
nasty strings.

But Joaquín is very wrong about what he believes could be a bomb with 
low enriched uranium. In fact he's wrong about how 'easy' it is to 
fission U235 in low concentrations (LEU). There is an architecture to 
uranium placement and concentration that allows for fission to occur. 
Yes, the higher the concentration, he 'easier', rather faster, fission 
can occur. But it is actually a very difficult process to achieve. If 
you dumped a pile of LEU onto a barge and splashed it with a 
moderator...that is water...very pure, deminerialized water, you might 
be able to get a 'slow burn' of the U235 which would in essence be a 
sort of dirty weapon with very limited effect. But probably not.

Fuel rods are designed and positioned to GET a reaction. Not getting a 
reaction is what happens when the water moderator (water is used to slow 
down the neutrons so they can collide with the U235 and cause fission) 
can't access the U235 in *exactly* the right way or the pellets are 
designed wrong; positioned wrong; of a wrong U235-U238 'mix' or are 
other wise out of alignment.

As soon as the difference in fuel pellets in the rod changes, the 
reaction generally stops. If you piled in a few thousand tons of LEU in 
exactly the right proportion built to reactor specs and then figured out 
a way to dump water over them you would get a run-away reaction but they 
would not explode. This is where Joaquín is very wrong. The architecture 
of an A-bomb requires Highly Enriched Uranium (over 96%) to achieve not 
just the 'runaway fission reaction but one that does it so fast, so 
uncontrollable that you get an explosion. It's never been done.

Scientists know this because of A-bomb development going back to the 1940s.

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Re: [Marxism] IDF faked photos

2010-06-05 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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The photographic evidence is of course absurd, but they aren't fake
(though I chose to run with the story on The Activist).  You can tell
by the dates on the image tags that the cameras just weren't
configured with the correct time and date settings.  The activists
aren't denying that there weren't small knives, night vision, etc. on
the boat.

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] IDF Faked Photos

2010-06-05 Thread David Thorstad
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Louis Proyect wrote:

This is hilarious. It is a spoof, though, isn't it? Some of us may not 
be Web aficionados in the know about such things. But if it's a spoof, 
why are there so many comments by people who take it seriously? If 
Israel actually presented these photos and claimed they were retrieved 
from the Zionist attack on the flotilla, where and when? The site itself 
didn't specify any of this, so one can only conclude it's dark humor.

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[Marxism] Autopsies Suggest Flotilla Activists Shot Execution-Style at Close Range

2010-06-05 Thread Dennis Brasky
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 Posted by Joshua 
 Holland 6:45 pm
 June 4, 2010
  Report: Autopsies Suggest Israelis Shot Flotilla Activists
 Execution-Style at Close Range

 So says the* 

 Israel was tonight under pressure
 to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the 
 Gaza flotilla after autopsy results 
 on the bodies of those killed, obtained
 by the Guardian, revealed they were peppered with 9mm bullets, many fired at
 close range.

 Nine Turkish men on board the Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 times
 and five were killed by gunshot wounds to the head, according to the
 vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine, which carried out
 the autopsies for the Turkish ministry of justice today.

 The results revealed that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four
 times in the temple, chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan
 Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm,
 in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back.
 Two other men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either
 in the back of the head or in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of
 the council of forensic medicine.

 The findings emerged as more survivors gave their accounts of the raids.
 Ismail Patel, the chairman of Leicester-based pro-Palestinian group Friends
 of al-Aqsa, who returned to Britain today, told how he witnessed some of the
 fatal shootings and claimed that Israel had operated a “shoot to kill

 He calculated that during the bloodiest part of the assault, Israeli
 commandos shot one person every minute. One man was fatally shot in the back
 of the head just two feet in front him and another was shot once between the
 eyes. He added that as well as the fatally wounded, 48 others were suffering
 from gunshot wounds and six activists remained missing, suggesting the death
 toll may increase.

 The new information about the manner and intensity of the killings
 undermines Israel’s insistence that its soldiers opened fire only in self
 defence and in response to attacks by the activists.

 full ---

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Re: [Marxism] IDF Faked Photos

2010-06-05 Thread Juan Fajardo
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On 6/5/2010 9:42 AM, David Thorstad wrote:

 Israel actually presented these photos and claimed they were retrieved
 from the Zionist attack on the flotilla, where and when?


- Juan

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Re: [Marxism] Lula to Obama: Drop Dead

2010-06-05 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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On 6/5/2010 12:06 PM, S. Artesian wrote:
 And I have a different question:  where in the history of the development of
 capitalism in Brazil do we see the processes that amount to the ill-defined
 at best notion of semi-colonialism?

OK call it imperialist if you want. I'm still for Lula against the 
Americans and the Europeans.


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[Marxism] Latino faces too dark for mural

2010-06-05 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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¡No quieren vernos ni pintados!

Arizona School Asks That Black And Latino Faces On Mural Be Lightened

When Arizona introduced its new immigration law, aimed toward battling 
illegal immigration, its many critics–including President Obama–angrily 
protested, claiming it was racist (or that it would encourage racism). 
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vehemently denied it. Today, Arizona has 
once again made the news–and once again, it’s about racism.

A group of artists who painted a public mural in Prescott, Ariz. has 
been asked to lighten the faces of the children depicted in the mural. 
R.E. Wall, director of the Prescott Downtown Mural Project, told the 
Daily Courier he and the other artists “heard regular racial slurs from 
the passengers of cars driving by” while they were working on the mural.

The “Go on Green” mural covers two walls outside Miller Valley 
Elementary School, and it aims to advertise a campaign for 
environmentally friendly transportation. It features portraits of four 
children, and a Hispanic boy as the predominant figure.

According to USA Today, Principal Jeff Lane said he asked Wall to make 
the children’s faces appear lighter, but solely for artistic reasons:

“We asked them to fix the shading on the children’s faces,” he said. “We 
were looking at it from an artistic view. Nothing at all to do with race.”

Furthermore, City Councilman Steve Blair reportedly led a campaign to 
have the mural removed entirely. According to the Daily Courier, Blair 
made several controversial remarks on his KYCA radio talk show:

On his May 21 show, for instance, Blair said, “I am not a racist 
individual, but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of 
that mural, based upon who’s president of the United States today and 
based upon the history of this community when I grew up, we had four 
black families – who I have been very good friends with for years – to 
depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would 
have to ask the question, ‘Why?’”

Blair also said he is not a “a racist by any stretch of the imagination, 
but whenever people start talking about diversity, it’s a word I can’t 

Under pressure, Wall is altering the mural. But the racial dispute in 
Arizona, no doubt, is in full swing

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Re: [Marxism] Lula to Obama: Drop Dead

2010-06-05 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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On David's comments about achieving critical mass with LEU, I defer to 
his expertise.

I did not mean to be taken literally about throwing together a pile of 
the stuff and in being an atom bomb as that is normally understood, 
and I failed to make that clear.

Yet although it is not a bomb like Hiroshima, what I heard one physics 
geek explain recently, which is what my comment was based on, is that a 
properly configured nuclear pile could be made to blow up and scatter 
lethal amounts of radiation for miles around, citing Chernobyl and 
saying, in effect, imagine if you didn't do this by accident but 
*consciously* set out to create the biggest possible mess.

He was arguing against the idea that less-than-almost-pure U-235 wasn't 
militarily useful in what he calls asymmetrical warfare.

Perhaps David would be willing to evaluate whether this is a real-world 
scenario or scare propaganda.


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Re: [Marxism] Jerusalem Post: the 'Rachel Corrie' had been boarded

2010-06-05 Thread Manuel Barrera
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It was a mistake, this one is on purpose. simply be nice


 Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 08:44:38 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Jerusalem Post: the 'Rachel Corrie' had been boarded
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 Manuel Barrera wrote:
  Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Hey Manuel:   see that Rule #1 up there. when you reply to a post, you 
 delete all the quoted text except what you really need to keep a 
 discussion coherent. you just sent two messages in a row with the quoted 
 text intact. please follow this simple rule. thanks
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[Marxism] Long-time Zionist apologist upset with Israel

2010-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Published on The New Republic (

Operation Make the World Hate Us
The assault on the 'Mavi Marmara' was wrong, and a gift to Israel's enemies.

 * Leon Wieseltier
 * June 3, 2010 | 11:16 am

Israel does not need enemies: it has itself. Or more precisely: it has 
its government. The Netanyahu-Barak government has somehow found a way 
to lose the moral high ground, the all-important war for symbols and 
meanings, to Hamas. That is quite an accomplishment. Operation Make the 
World Hate Us, it might have been called.

I leave it to others to make the operational criticisms of the Israeli 
action, and will say only that even my amateurish understanding of the 
tactical challenge posed by the interdiction of the boats suffices to 
suggest that there were other ways to do this. I also will not pretend 
to a perfect grasp of what happened on board the Mavi Marmara. I have 
pondered the videos that both sides have released, and concluded that 
the Israeli soldiers sliding down that rope had no intention of 
attacking the people on board and that the people on board had no way of 
being confident of this. I cannot expect Palestinians and their 
supporters to believe the best about the Israeli army. (This is what 
Israeli hardliners call “the restoration of deterrence.”) I do not doubt 
that some of the activists on the ship welcomed a confrontation with 
Israel, but the Israelis should not have obliged them. In any event, 
what took place on that deck looks to me like a tragic misunderstanding. 
Yet there was no reason to think that anything else would have transpired.

The important point is that the killing of civilians on the Mavi 
Marmara—I understand that they were “armed” with metal bars and a knife, 
but still they were civilians, and soldiers are trained to respond 
unlethally to the recklessness of a mob—cannot be extenuated by 
reference to “asymmetrical warfare” and Israel’s right to defend itself. 
This was not warfare, at least of the physical sort. Israel was not 
under attack. A headline in The Washington Post yesterday reported that 
“Israel says Free Gaza Movement poses threat to Jewish state.” Such a 
claim is absurd. It is true that the movement has grown in recent years, 
and is now troublesome to Israel’s policy in Gaza; and it is also true 
that the Turkish charity that sponsored the “Freedom Flotilla” has ties 
to Islamicist groups. But this is hardly what Israel likes to call, in 
the Iranian context, and there quite plausibly, an “existential threat.” 
The extension of the definition of a security threat to include hostile 
activities that have little or no bearing upon security is an ominous 


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[Marxism] Israeli savagery continues unabated

2010-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Maryland native loses eye; shot with tear gas canister in Gaza
Flotilla solidarity action

1 June 2010: A US solidarity activist was shot in the face
with a tear gas canister while standing peacefully in a
demonstration at a West Bank checkpoint Monday. Emily
Henochowicz is currently in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem,
recovering from two surgeries which were necessary to remove
her left eye, insert three metal plates, and wire her fractured
jawbone together. Henochowicz was shot at one of the many
global demonstrations held in protest of Israel’s murder of at
least 10 civilians aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in
international waters early Monday.

21-year old Henochowicz, a Maryland native, was hit in the face
with a tear gas projectile fired directly at her by an Israeli
soldier during the demonstration at Qalandiya checkpoint Monday.
Israeli occupation forces fired volleys of tear gas at unarmed
Palestinian and international protesters, causing mass panic
amongst the demonstrators and those queuing at the largest
checkpoint separating the West Bank and Israel.

For further information, please contact:
at Hadassah Hospital: Robin Brown 00972(0)548196551
Ellen Stark - Media Office 00972(0)546180056
Photographs can be found at:

They clearly saw us, said Sören Johanssen, a Swedish ISM volunteer
standing with Henochowicz. They clearly saw that we were
internationals and it really looked as though they were trying to hit
us. They fired many canisters at us in rapid succession. One landed
on either side of Emily, then the third one hit her in the face.”

Henochowicz is an art student at the prestigious Cooper Union,
located in East Village, Manhattan. She was at a demonstration near 
Qalandiya checkpoint terminal, located on the border between the 
Occupied West Bank and Occupied East Jerusalem.The demonstration was one 
of dozens across the United States, Europe and the Middle East 
protesting the Flotilla attack and calling for an end to the siege on Gaza.

Tear gas canisters are commonly used against demonstrators in the
occupied West Bank. In May 2009, the Israeli State Attorney's Office
ordered Israeli Police to review its guidelines for dispersing
demonstrators, following the death of a demonstrator, Bassem Abu
Rahmah from Bil'in village, caused by a high velocity tear-gas
projectile. Tear-gas canisters are meant to be used as a means of
crowd dispersal, to be shot indirectly at demonstrators and from a
distance. However, Israeli forces frequently shoot canisters directly
at protesters and are not bound by a particular distance from which
they can shoot.

Israeli occupation forces boarded the Mavi Marmara, one of six ships
on the Freedom Flotilla at 5 a.m. this morning, opening fire on the
hundreds of unarmed civilians aboard. No-one aboard the ships were
carrying weapons of any kind, including for defense against a feared
Israeli attack in international waters. At least 10 aid workers
aboard the ship have been confirmed dead, with dozens more injured. The
assault took place 70 miles off the Gaza coast in international
waters, after the flotilla was surrounded by three Israeli warships.

The Freedom Flotilla, carrying 700 human rights activists from over
40 countries and 10,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid, was headed for the
besieged and impoverished Gaza Strip. The Israeli blockade on Gaza,
combined with the illegal buffer zone, has put a stranglehold on the
territory. 42% of Gazans are unemployed, and food insecurity hovers
around 60% according to figures from the Palestine Centre for Human


The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led 
non-violent resistance movement committed to ending Israel's illegal 
occupation of Palestinian land. We call for full compliance with all 
relevant UN resolutions and international law. For specific media 
inquires such as interview requests, photo usage, etc. please email the 
ISM Media Office at To unsubscribe from this 
group, send email to

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Re: [Marxism] Is Imperialism a different mode of production?

2010-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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s.artesian wrote:
 What's the big deal.  Marx wrote like that. 

I wouldn't object to that as long as he remembered to clip extraneous text.

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[Marxism] RT: US secretly paid media to spin news against Cuban Five

2010-06-05 Thread Joseph Catron
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Five Cuban men convicted on charges of espionage over ten years ago and put
in prison may have been the victims of a smear campaign by the US

Of course I'm not shocked that such a thing could happen. What surprises me
is that it apparently didn't take more than a FOIA request to uncover it.
Kudos to the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five for doing the legwork
on this one, but it's enough to make me wonder what consistent, disciplined
investigation of the government - the kind of thing journalists would do, in
my fantasy land - might uncover.

Here's more media coverage, such as it is:

And here's the Committee's full dossier:

Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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[Marxism] How Germany became divided after WWII : Stalin didn’t do it

2010-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

(A discussion about the Berlin Wall broke out in the comments section of 
my blog posting on John Weeks. That inspired me to post an excellent 
review of Carolyn Eisenberg’s “Drawing the Line” from the Nation 
Magazine in 1996, when it was still readable. Nothing can substitute for 
reading Eisenberg’s book, but Kai Bird’s review comes close.)


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Re: [Marxism] Siezed and detained by Israel, US activist describes experiences

2010-06-05 Thread Matthew Russo
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The mistake is to assume that this a generalization about imperialism.  It
is no such thing - only a reference to a specific, and very peculiar,
instance: Israel.

The generalization concerns ideology and politics:  Where is the center of
Zionism - in Israel of the United States?  I say it is in the U.S., and that
U.S.-Israel form a political and ideological identity.  Israel is the United
States in the Middle East.

Regardless of the road to the defeat of imperialism, Israel will never be
defeated, the Zionist regime will never be on its last legs a la South
Africa, so long as the above is true.

To make the above not true, Zionism must be defeated in the USA, in its
homeland, where it reflects the settler state legacy of the USA, and
therefore everything retrograde and troglodyte about the USA in particular.
That settler state legacy is actually in an important contradiction with the
objective requirements for the continuation of US imperialism today, and the
agony of the US-Israeli connection is a particular externalization and
objectification of that contradiction.

As this is a contradiction embedded in the very foundation of the USA, it is
doubtful that US imperialism can overcome it, or break its special
connection with Israel.


On 6/4/2010 1:50 PM, Matthew Russo wrote:
 The bottom line: Israel will never be defeated in the Middle East so long
 it is not defeated here in the U.S.A.  The neocons are the intellectual
 ideological core of the American Radical Right.

I think the opposite is the case, not just in the Middle East but on a
world scale. The idea that imperialism needs to be defeated in the
imperialist countries first is a statement that imperialism  will never
be defeated, unless the last century or so is some weirdo bizarre
aberration, that will be turned on its head. The ONLY hope for humanity
is in the victory of the global South against the North.


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Re: [Marxism] Is Imperialism a different mode of production?

2010-06-05 Thread Shane Mage
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Jun 5, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Sounds about right. Too bad they are not interested in the concrete
 reality of relationships between countries like the USA and India
 involving the WTO, Bhopal, and other messy details.

In asserting that the relationships are between *countries*, rather  
than among divergent and competing capitalist interests, aren't you  
begging the question, by asserting of the validity of the term  
imperialism as descriptive of geopolitical relations without  
reference to the categories of political economy defined and  
determined in Das Kapital?

Shane Mage

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each  
according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each  
according to his greed.

Joe Stack (1956-2010)

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Re: [Marxism] Is Imperialism a different mode of production?

2010-06-05 Thread Manuel Barrera
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On the other hand, maybe this will 
  So the challenge is to all those who think being for Lula against Europe
 and America
  has any meaning whatsoever when Lula himself is hardly against Europe,
 against America.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] WAC Maan: The Lesson of the Flotilla Bloodbath: End the Occupation

2010-06-05 Thread Roni Ben Efrat


Position paper of WAC-MAAN about the deaths on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza


The Lesson of the Flotilla Bloodbath: End the Occupation 


WAC-MAAN, which organizes within its ranks both Jewish and Arab workers,
strongly condemns the Israeli raid on the Freedom for Gaza flotilla, which
has resulted in nine dead and dozens of wounded.


Israel's attempt to divert the argument away from its blockade on Gaza, and
over to the resistance that its troops encountered while attacking the
flotilla, is futile and grotesque. As if soldiers sent to prevent civilians
from breaking an unjust siege can be compared with 1.5 million Palestinians
caught in a three-year humanitarian catastrophe! 


WAC holds that Israel's stubbornness, and its refusal to pay the price of
peace-namely, an end to the occupation and recognition of the Palestinian
people's right to a sovereign state-is the main reason for the continuing
bloodshed. In its suffering, the Palestinian people's cause has become the
banner of the international community.


The international community agrees on the need to end the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict by an Israeli withdrawal and the implementation
of UN resolutions. Nevertheless, the powers that pull the strings in the
region continue to put their narrow interests first. The American
administration under Barack Obama at first proposed to bring about a
dramatic change in American policy, but in effect it continues to support an
axis of corrupt, dictatorial regimes. In the Palestinian arena, it deepens
the schism between Fatah and Hamas by strengthening the regime of Abu Mazen
and Salam Fayyad. 


As for Hamas, which rules Gaza, it shows no concern for the real situation
of the Palestinian people. Relying on support from Iran, it opts for total
struggle against Israel and the pro-American regimes. In the view of the
Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas axis, the campaign to remove the siege of Gaza
translates into proof of the rightness of their cause. 


Israel has exploited the situation, postponing a solution to the conflict
with the excuse that there is no partner for peace. The right-wing Netanyahu
government refuses to make progress in negotiations, opposing any
arrangement based on withdrawal to the 1967 borders and recognition of
Palestinian sovereignty over East Jerusalem. Seventeen years after signing
the Oslo Accords, Israeli governments continue to act as if the bloody
struggle could go on forever. They grind the PA into the dust, thus
strengthening the radical axis. 


Today it is clear that Israel's aggressive policy has hurt the status of the
US in Iraq and Afghanistan. A change in Israeli policy has become a
strategic American interest. However, Obama has avoided taking any practical
step toward showing Israel that the rules have changed. There is a good
chance that now, in the light of the flotilla attack, he will exploit
Israel's new isolation to press Netanyahu into changing the composition of
his government. Washington wants to see him at the head of a new coalition
based on the Likud, Kadima and Labor. 


Yet the hope that such a step will bear fruit, enabling meaningful
negotiations, is based on wishful thinking. In the past 17 years Israel has
known many governments-of Labor, Likud and also Kadima. All failed the
reality test. All avoided confronting the settlers. All entered negotiations
with the PA as a mere delaying tactic to soften criticism from the West. 


WAC calls for broad-based international action that will force Israel to
agree to the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state, within the June
1967 borders. If the efforts of the current crisis focus on a compromise
with Israel for investigating the flotilla attack, without bearing down on
the core issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the region will
continue to deteriorate. Israel's present dispute with Turkey, following the
flotilla debacle, shows how slippery is the slope down which we slide. 


The Middle East is divided today between fundamentalist regimes and
dictatorial, pro-American regimes. Between these stones its peoples are
ground. Utterly missing, in the public discourse, are the oppression and
poverty from which the workers suffer-whether in Egypt, where they
demonstrate for a raise in the minimum wage, holding loaves of bread aloft
before the parliament of Hosni Mubarak; or in Iran, where they struggle
against privatization and joblessness under Ahmadinejad. In Turkey also the
workers have gone to the streets in recent months, against privatization and
unemployment. The workers of the Middle East do not have a party to
represent them. Their voice is not heard.


Israel too can hardly be said to seek the good of its citizens. It has no
scruples about implementing a policy of privatization, cuts in social
services and destruction of the social safety net, all for the benefit of a
coterie of tycoons, the real string-pullers. In recent years the number of
people who are both employed and poor