[Marxism] Capturing the Facebook Obsession

2010-10-16 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times October 15, 2010
Capturing the Facebook Obsession

Ben Mezrich is the kind of nonfiction writer we used to call a hype 
artist. He takes relatively mundane subjects — counting cards in Vegas, 
derivatives trading, the New York Mercantile Exchange — and turns them 
into high-octane page-turners, replete with sex, skullduggery and plot 
twists worthy of James Patterson.

His protagonists — invariably young, testosterone-fueled men — are real, 
and he bases his books on true-life events, but he amps those events up 
to the point where the final product is an indistinguishable blend of 
fact and fiction. “In some instances,” he writes in a typical Ben 
Mezrich author’s note, “details of settings and descriptions have been 
changed or imagined.” The phrase “never let the facts get in the way of 
a good story” could have been coined to describe Mr. Mezrich’s approach.

His most recent book is “The Accidental Billionaires,” which he 
describes on his Web site as “the high-energy tale of how two socially 
awkward Ivy Leaguers, trying to increase their chances with the opposite 
sex, ended up creating Facebook.” The two Ivy Leaguers are Mark 
Zuckerberg — widely hailed as the 26-year-old billionaire founder of 
Facebook — and Eduardo Saverin, his former Harvard classmate and 
Facebook co-founder, who originally owned 30 percent. The book is told 
through the prism of both Mr. Saverin and two other Harvard graduates, 
Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, all of whom believe that Mr. Zuckerberg 
deprived them of their rightful share of Facebook’s billions.

“The Accidental Billionaires” also serves as the foundational document 
for the new movie “The Social Network.” Written by Aaron Sorkin, the 
creator of “The West Wing,” it is a brilliant film, possibly the finest 
movie about business ever made. (Sorry, Oliver Stone.) Although people 
associated with the film insist that Mr. Sorkin did his own research — 
and although his take on Facebook is far more sophisticated than Mr. 
Mezrich’s — he nonetheless aligns his script in most important ways with 
the facts as they’re presented by Mr. Mezrich. (Mr. Sorkin and I were 
unable to connect before my deadline.)

Mr. Saverin is by far the most sympathetic character in the movie. Mr. 
Zuckerberg is presented as an arrogant, aloof, socially inept computer 
nerd, who eventually tricks Mr. Saverin into signing documents that 
diminish his stake in Facebook to near-nothingness. Lots of dramatic 
license is taken, inevitable in a two-hour movie that spans a number of 

All of which flies in the face of yet a third account of the origins of 
Facebook. “The Facebook Effect” is a book by an old Fortune magazine 
colleague of mine, David Kirkpatrick, written with the full cooperation 
of Mr. Zuckerberg, and published in June. Mr. Kirkpatrick, a business 
journalist of the old school, would never take the kind of dramatic 
liberties taken by Mr. Mezrich and Mr. Sorkin. In fact, they horrify him.

So Mr. Kirkpatrick has been waging a kind of war against “The Social 
Network,” decrying it in speeches, and in columns in The Daily Beast and 
elsewhere. “A lot of people come out of the movie believing they have 
seen the true take,” he complained to me the other day. He added, “It is 
testimony to the power of Hollywood and a well-crafted movie. It is 

For his part, Mr. Kirkpatrick believes that Mr. Zuckerberg is a 
visionary, who started Facebook — at 19! — out of a “truly intellectual 
motivation about an impactful new form of communication.” Late in his 
book, he approvingly quotes Mr. Zuckerberg as saying that he built 
Facebook to create something “that actually makes a really big change in 
the world.”

Well, maybe. But after seeing “The Social Network” and reading the two 
books, I couldn’t help wondering whether Mr. Kirkpatrick, for all his 
emphasis on “the facts,” had really gotten any closer to the truth about 
Facebook’s beginnings than Mr. Mezrich and Mr. Sorkin. I have my doubts.


At bottom, “The Social Network” is a movie about obsession. That is a 
large part of the reason I’m so smitten with it: that same obsession 
that caused Bill Gates to drop out of Harvard to start Microsoft, that 
drove Steve Jobs to build the first home computer in a garage, that 
motivated Marc Andreessen to create the first commercial browser while 
still in school — that’s the story of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook too, 
at least in Mr. Sorkin’s telling. And that obsessional quality is what 
Mr. Sorkin has captured better than anyone before.

Though Mr. Zuckerberg starts Facebook while still taking a full course 
load at Harvard, he spends most of his waking hours on his new company, 
not his schoolwork. He can’t help himself. Realizing he 

Re: [Marxism] Obama gets input from war criminal

2010-10-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:



 Obama, Rice huddle on arms treaty, other issues
 Fri Oct 15, 10:15 am ET


Friday, Oct 15, 2010 11:16 ET
A political culture free of accountability

By Glenn Greenwald


Wolf Blitzer, CNN, January 10,

Last September 8, I interviewed President Bush's National Security Adviser,
Dr. Condoleezza Rice. I was pressing her on Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's
nuclear capabilities. . . .

We know that he has the infrastructure, nuclear scientists to make a
nuclear weapon, she told me. . . .

Dr. Rice then said something that was ominous and made headlines around the

The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how
quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to
be a mushroom cloud.

ABC News, April 9,

*Sources: Top Bush Advisers Approved 'Enhanced Interrogation'*

In dozens of top-secret talks and meetings in the White House, the most
senior Bush administration officials discussed and approved specific details
of how high-value al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central
Intelligence Agency, sources tell ABC News.

The so-called Principals who participated in the meetings also approved the
use of combined interrogation techniques -- using different techniques
during interrogations, instead of using one method at a time -- on terrorist
suspects who proved difficult to break, sources said.

Highly placed sources said a handful of top advisers signed off on how the
CIA would interrogate top al Qaeda suspects -- *whether they would be
slapped, pushed, deprived of sleep or subjected to simulated drowning,
called waterboarding.*

The high-level discussions about these enhanced interrogation techniques
were so detailed, these sources said, *some of the interrogation sessions
were almost choreographed* -- down to the number of times CIA agents could
use a specific tactic.

At the time, the Principals Committee included Vice President Cheney, former
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Powell, as well as CIA Director George
Tenet and Attorney General John Ashcroft.

As the national security adviser, *Rice chaired the meetings*, which took
place in the White House Situation Room and were typically attended by most
of the principals or their deputies. . . .

Then-Attorney General Ashcroft was troubled by the discussions. He agreed
with the general policy decision to allow aggressive tactics and had
repeatedly advised that they were legal. But he argued that senior White
House advisers should not be involved in the grim details of interrogations,
sources said. . . .

According to a top official, Ashcroft asked aloud after one meeting: Why
are we talking about this in the White House? *History will not judge this

The Principals also approved interrogations that combined different methods,
*pushing the limits of international law and even the Justice Department's
own legal approval in the 2002 memo*, sources told ABC News.

*Then-National Security Advisor Rice, sources said, was decisive.* Despite
growing policy concerns -- shared by Powell -- that the program was harming
the image of the United States abroad, sources say *she did not back down,
telling the CIA: This is your baby. Go do it.*

Associated Press,

*Obama, Rice huddle on arms treaty, other issues*

WASHINGTON -- President Barack *Obama is meeting with former Secretary of
State Condoleezza Rice to talk about a pending arms treaty with
**Russia**and other issues .

A White House official said Rice and Obama have a cordial relationship,
and the president looks forward to Friday's meeting covering a range of
foreign policy topics.

In other words:  *Prosecute Bush officials who broke the law and instituted
a worldwide torture regime?*  *Please.  I'm doing the opposite:  I'm going
to select some of them to occupy the highest
then meet with others in order to drink from the well of their wisdom
a wide range of foreign policy matters.*

I realize this is very childish, shrill 

[Marxism] Overview of Economic Crises

2010-10-16 Thread michael perelman
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I just uploaded another YouTube talk on the overview of economic crises.


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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[Marxism] American Science's Racist History Still Haunts the World

2010-10-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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American Science's Racist History Still Haunts the World
By Michelle Chen Colorlines October 10, 2010

 Early in America's crusade to spread the wonders of modern medicine, a
group of researchers in Guatemala did something unspeakable in the name of
science. Documentation of the project is just now coming to light, more than
60 years later, and it reads like a horror novel: Hundreds of men
systematically infected with syphilis and other sexually transmitted
diseases in an effort, endorsed by both the U.S. and Guatemalan governments,
to research the effectiveness of drug treatment.

 Researchers exposed men to disease with varying degrees of intent. At
first, Guatemalan health official Juan Funes selected prisoners in Guatemala
City as subjects because prostitution at the penitentiary would likely yield
fresh infections. But the researchers used more invasive tactics as well.
The Washington Post reports, 'in other cases, doctors put infectious
material on the cervixes of uninfected prostitutes before they had sex with
prisoners.' When they needed more infections, they took more aggressive
measures-'direct inoculations made from syphilis bacteria poured into the
men's penises and on forearms and faces that were slightly abraded - or in a
few cases through spinal punctures,' according to the research of the
historian who broke the story, Susan M. Reverby (interviewed recently on
Democracy Now!).

 Many, but not all, of these people-who included prisoners, soldiers and
mental patients-were given penicillin to test its effectiveness as an
after-sex treatment of syphilis, a disease that that can result in blindness
or death. Medical personnel carried out similar studies on gonorrhea, which
can lead to intense pain and infertility, and chancroid, which causes
genital ulcers.

 The archival documents suggest the experiments didn't raise significant
ethical qualms in Washington. The surgeon general at the time was quoted as
saying, 'You know, we couldn't do such an experiment in this country.'

 Well, in a way, they could. A bizarre element in the story is the
connection to another shameful chapter in the history of American medicine.
The man behind the infection of incarcerated Guatemalans, Dr. John Cutler,
had a hand in the infamous Tuskegee experiments as well.

full --

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[Marxism] WikiLeaks' Biggest Document Dump Yet Coming Monday:

2010-10-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Monday, the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks will release nearly 400,000
pages worth of classified U.S. Army documents on the war in Iraq, making it
the single largest military leak in U.S. history.

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