[Marxism] The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning's detention

2010-12-15 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking
classified documents to WikiLeaks, has never been convicted of that
crime, nor of any other crime.  Despite that, he has been detained at
the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months -- and for
two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait -- under conditions
that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of
many nations, even torture.


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[Marxism] Wikileaks Wrap-Up

2010-12-06 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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For a summary of Wikileaks-related news from the last day or so, see here:


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Re: [Marxism] Wikileaks Wrap-Up

2010-12-06 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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It's not really clear what's happening here (or, rather, why it's
happening). Surely these attempts to harass Assange and Wikileaks aren't
having any success, and will no doubt be futile (simply arresting and/or
assassinating the guy, on the other hand, might have some effect). All
it's doing is adding to Wikileaks' fame. The only thing I can imagine is
that the goal might be to distract people from the content of the leaked
documents, instead focusing on Wikileaks itself. I don't watch TV news,
but even that seems to be totally unsuccessful.

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Re: [Marxism] Doug Henwood on Bill Gates's genius

2010-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Well put. A small correct, though:

On 12/02/2010 10:43 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Stallman developed EMACS, the most widely used Unix text editor, 
 and went on to form the GNU foundation which distributes EMACS and 
 other free software.

The name of the organization founded by Stallman is the Free Software
Foundation. Besides advocacy, its main contribution is the GNU Project,
to create a completely free (as in 'free speech') operating system,
which constitutes the majority of the well-known GNU/Linux (frequently
though misleadingly called simply Linux) operating system. There's no
organization named GNU, however.

Stallman is a very cool guy. He makes no bones about being sympathetic
to the Bolivarian Revolution, for instance, and there is a very strong
free software movement in Venezuela (where the government is mandated to
use only free software, partly for national security reasons).

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Re: [Marxism] Doug Henwood on Bill Gates's genius

2010-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Stallman's personal website is worth checking out now and then, by the way:

In particular, check out his various blog posts about his trip to
Venezuela in 2004:

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Re: [Marxism] Kentucky governor rebuilds Noah's Ark (no kidding!)

2010-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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That's nothing. I like the congressman who says he doesn't believe in
global warming because God promises in the Bible that there will never
be another worldwide flood. That's *dangerously* aggressive ignorance.

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Re: [Marxism] Doug Henwood on Bill Gates's genius

2010-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 12/02/2010 06:08 PM, Richard Fidler wrote:
 And check out Richard Stallman and the free software movement,
 That's those Greenlefts that Louis was castigating earlier today

If I could change one thing about Lou, I'd make him less fond of ad
homonym attacks. But anyway...

In regards to free software versus open source terminology, Stallman
and the Free Software Foundation have essentially lost the battle,
though they won't admit it. Everyone else, sympathizers included, have
accepted open source software as a synonym for free software, even
if Mr. GPL himself can't get over his old rivalry with (the admittedly
despicable) Eric S. Raymond (who plays Christopher Hitchens to Richard
Stallman's Not-a-Completely-Reactionary-Piece-of-Shit).

I'm as dedicated to the philosophy of free software as anyone, yet I'll
still use the term open source, as it's undoubtedly more readily
understood and *technically* descriptive. Imagine if the terms
socialism and communism meant all the same things they do today,
except the term communism came first. It's not that, except not.


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Re: [Marxism] Wikileaks

2010-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 11/30/2010 01:08 PM, Dan wrote:
 -On North Korea, Chinese Foreign Minister clearly states that the
 Chinese have little influence on what ges on in Pyongyang, that they
 profoundly distrust Kim Il-JUng, that they believe him to be an
 alcoholic, that they think he is firmly in charge of the military and
 that he alone makes the crucial decisions to provoke the West. China
 also believes that Kim Il-Jung wants to go down in the history books as
 a true nationalist and that his son who will succeed him, will be
 tasked with restoring good relations with the West.

I assume you meant Kim Jong-Il?

 And that they don't seem to have any better material than the truely
 staggering contribution of ** (OK, supposedly private Manning) who
 gave them the Iraq War Diaries, the Afghanistan War diaries, the video
 of an incident in IRaq, the video of an incident in Afghanistan (as yet
 unpublished), the US emabssy cables and a mysterious last important

Wikileaks released a lot of stuff before they became famous for the
stuff mentioned above. None of it was so big, of course. Wikileaks, or
some successor(s), will continue releasing leaked information on the
Internet in the future. Their next big release will supposedly be leaked
documents from major corporations. Tell me something big isn't
happening, here.

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[Marxism] Stephen Colbert, the person, interviewed by Reddit

2010-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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I don't know about the rest of you, but I really like Stephen Colbert.
Despite his regular gushing about the greatness of American soldiers, I
like him rather more than John Stewart these days (who I have ambivalent
feelings towards, as others here also do). See Colbert's
question-and-answer session after his recent in-character speech before
Congress for instance, if you don't believe me:

Anyway, he just gave an interview to Reddit (a decentralized news
aggregate and forum of sorts). That is, he answered 11 questions posed
by the site's community. Before what was the become the unfortunate
Rally to Restore Sanity was even announced, the Reddit community
organized a campaign to convince Colbert to hold a Restoring
Truthiness rally in mockery of Beck's Restoring Honor rally, by
donating money to a charity Colbert promotes (which gives money to
public schools requesting funding for specific projects, mostly primary
schools) in order to get his attention. It gives insight into his
motives behind the show he puts on which mocks the personality-driven
talk shows on American 24-hour news stations that are so big these days.


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Re: [Marxism] Washington considers espionage charges against Assange

2010-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 11/30/2010 04:48 PM, MARGARET WYLES wrote:
 Sorry, but something is not adding up for me.  If he's got information, why
 is he piecemealing it out?  Isn't he afraid he might not be in a position to
 do so if he waits?  And if it really is important information that the
 public should know about, might it not be prudent to release it all
 immediately?  This is starting to resemble a publicity campaign for a new
 movie.  Coming Soon to news outlets everywhere..

Publicity is exactly the point of releasing it piecemeal, as has been
stated previously. Good!

As for the problem of what might happen if Assange waits too long,
Wikileaks has released a gigantic (as far as archives of text go)
encrypted document called Insurance. All Assange or anyone he's told
it to needs to do is release the password publicly and all the
information contained is available at once.

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Re: [Marxism] Wikileaks

2010-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 11/30/2010 05:23 PM, Intense Red wrote:
 While listening to NPR today prattling on about theories of how to 
 squelch Wikileaks, the idea that made me laugh was the suggestion the US 
 gov't should seize their assets. These people just don't get the 
 Internet. :-)
But with that said, I have to wonder how the ruling class will try to 
 deal with this. To me, net neutrality issues will be critical along with 
 advocating the idea of the 'net as a commons that all have access to. 

Net Neutrality is very important, but the death of even it won't change
the fundamental rule of the Internet expressed by John Gilmore: The Net
interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. See also, the
Streisand Effect:

The age where a piece of information can be removed from public
accessibility is quite possibly over.

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Re: [Marxism] Washington considers espionage charges against Assange

2010-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 11/30/2010 05:30 PM, MARGARET WYLES wrote:
 As for the problem of what might happen if Assange waits too long,
 Wikileaks has released a gigantic (as far as archives of text go)
 encrypted document called Insurance. All Assange or anyone he's told
 it to needs to do is release the password publicly and all the
 information contained is available at once.

 So Assange is a publicity genius as well.

Is that a bad thing?

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Re: [Marxism] Washington considers espionage charges against Assange

2010-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 11/30/2010 07:45 PM, S. Artesian wrote:
 Wait a minute... what does any of that matter?  What matters are the 
 documents, the content of the documents.

It's a fair point that we have to remember to question the motive behind
the documents being leaked, you have to grant Margaret Wyles that much.
I just don't see the suspicious signs she does. Instead, I see a brave
person doing the smartest and most savvy things he can in his situation.
It's not like these leaks are covering up any even more damaging leaks.

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Re: [Marxism] The Economy is not coming Back

2010-09-23 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 09/23/2010 02:56 PM, Dan wrote:
   Yes, I miss Sartesian's incisive commentary on this list. And his 
 immersion in Marx's take on things.

I found I often (perhaps more often than not) disagreed with Sartesian's
more contentious points of view, but I almost always valued them and his
ability to argue for them. I would like it if the moderator would offer
to make some kind of rapprochement with Mister S.A.. I think the list is
weaker for his absence.

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[Marxism] Jon Stewart Interviews Tim Kaine

2010-09-09 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Yesterday (Wednesday), Jon Stewart interviewed DNC chairman Tim Kaine.
Stewart prods Kaine just enough to make allow him to make a complete
fool of himself. Other parts of the episodes weren't so great (the
segment on Iran, in particular), but the interview was perfect.

(warning: link currently doesn't work. should probably work soon.)

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Re: [Marxism] WikiLeaks Founder Accused of Rape in Sweden, Calls it Dirty Trick

2010-08-21 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 08/21/2010 08:50 AM, Michael Perelman wrote:
 The accusations have been withdrawn.

As far as I know, the original accusations (which were never specified)
haven't been withdrawn. What has been withdrawn was the warrant for his
arrest. According to the Swedish police, he isn't even a suspect (anymore?).

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Re: [Marxism] The Woman Question

2010-07-20 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 07/20/2010 12:15 PM, Manuel Barrera, PhD wrote:
 Well, I'm not sure if this is a trick question,

It wasn't a trick question, nor was it sarcastic or otherwise hostile.


John, huh? Interesting...

 but assuming it's not,
 of course I mean more than opposing her sentence, which is death by stoning,
 a) to opposing her sentence of death by any means (witness reports that the
 IRI may decide to sentence her to death by hanging), b) to recognizing that
 this case and the campaign around it revolves around the broader struggle
 for democratic rights and opposition to the IRI, c) to understanding that
 much of the dynamic associated with the recent mass movement in Iran has
 been influenced by women and women's issues (e.g. opposition to the Hijab
 among others) and not the least, d) how women in the U.S. and Europe and
 around the world can connect with the struggle in Iran precisely because of
 the focus on democratic rights, especially the rights of women. In short,
 opposing the death penalty in this case, connects with so many other issues
 of importance to working people and the oppressed.

My point, I guess, was that I was trying to ask you what your implicit
criticism is of those you apparently think don't sufficiently oppose it.
In other words, what changes on their part an integration of women's
rights includes making the connection that opposing the death penalty
for an Iranian woman would entail.

 Of course, it also raises rather important issues for the working class
 movement around the defense of Iran against imperialism (not the same as
 defense of the IRI necessarily), which we have seen occur in the related
 issue of Afghanistan and the Taliban where imperialism has tried to justify
 their war by claiming to defend women against backward pseudo-Muslim

This is what my specific concern was about, whether you believe that
leftists should be active in the campaign against her execution and
overall peril. We could then move on to questions like whether such a
campaign is inherently imperialist.

 So, yeah, I thought it a useful case to bring forward  to generate more
 fruitful discussions on the issues of women's liberation and Marxism than to
 continue discussing whether people (women or men) were being disingenuous or
 sexist  surrounding a discussion of sexism and the Left.

It's a topic worthy of discussion, but it does kind of get away from the
original topic, sexism here in our culture, among the left, towards a
discussion of sexism over there in a country none of us are from and
that is currently in the crosshairs of imperialism.

 Perhaps I reached
 too far although, as I mentioned earlier, I was glad to see some discussion
 regarding the woman question (sic).

Well, I sympathize with your motive. It would have been nice if some
meaningful discussion had come about as a result of the whole stink,
instead of personal accusations and defensiveness.

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Re: [Marxism] Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: THANK YOU MY BROTHAH!!!!!

2010-07-19 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 07/19/2010 12:07 PM, Homo Indeterminatus wrote:
 It seems to me you could simply have said that, in your view, baseless 
 accusations of sexism have been made on the list in the past. Names were 

I disagree. On the Internet (and in real life), I've come to doubt
anyone who says that accusations of sexism have been made that were
baseless, unless they can give specific details.

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Re: [Marxism] Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: THANK YOU MY BROTHAH!!!!!

2010-07-19 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 07/19/2010 12:58 PM, Mark Lause wrote:
 I don't doubt
 Jeffrey's experience in the 1980s, but fifteen years earlier or thereabouts,
 black SWP and YSA members DID say such things this very very explicitly to

Most of my time in the 80s was spent transitioning from an egg and sperm
to a kindergartener in 1990. I did very little political organizing.

I think you're thinking of Louis.

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Re: [Marxism] Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: THANK YOU MY BROTHAH!!!!!

2010-07-19 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 07/19/2010 01:14 PM, Mark Lause wrote:
 Apologies.  If you weren't in the organization until much later, I'm not at
 all surprised you didn't hear such things.

I was never in the SWP or YSA. It was Lou who said he never heard those
things, in a response to a post by me.

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Re: [Marxism] Tea Party Leader Mocks NAACP Coloreds In Online Screed

2010-07-18 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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The National Tea Party Federation, an organization that represents the
Tea Party political movement around the country, has expelled
conservative commentator Mark Williams and his Tea Party Express because
of an inflammatory blog post he wrote, federation spokesman David Webb
said Sunday.

Appearing on the CBS program Face the Nation, Webb said that Williams
and the Tea Party Express -- which has held a series of events across
the country to generate support for the movement -- no longer were part
of the National Tea Party Federation.


It will probably be important to watch if the Tea Party Express faction
continues and takes any supporters with them.

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Re: [Marxism] Tea Party Leader Mocks NAACP Coloreds In Online Screed

2010-07-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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The worst thing about this racist parody? How fucking lazy it is.

 What kind of racist would want to
 end big money welfare?  What they need to do is start handing the bail
 outs directly to us coloreds!  Of course, the National Association for
 the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that
 should be granted the right to disperse the funds.

Give me a break.

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[Marxism] BP claim the leak has been stopped

2010-07-15 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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This article in the NY Times supposedly adds the following don't
celebrate too soon bit of information:

The last valve on the new cap has been closed, and the flow of oil and
gas into the sea has stopped. That doesn't mean it's over. It is unclear
whether the steel casing deep in the well can contain the pressure. The
risk is that it could burst, which would eventually cause a rupture on
the sea floor that would make things much messier to deal with. However,
they're monitoring the pressure buildup carefully and if the pressure
holds over the next 48 hours (indicating there is no leak below the sea
floor), they'll assess what to do next. If it doesn't hold at the
expected readings, then they'll re-attach the pipe used for producing to
the surface and start collecting again. Regardless of what happens the
relief well still has to be completed to permanently plug the well with
cement, which could take a couple more weeks.

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] `Capitalism' Not So Sacred to Americans as Mood Sours

2010-07-14 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 07/14/2010 08:19 AM, michael perelman wrote:

But the success of that PR campaign is nothing new. The decreasing
popularity of capitalism is.

 Actually, the survey is quite positive for capitalists.  The use of the 
 term free enterprise was the result of a PR campaign from the 40s or 
 50s to make capitalism sound more appealing than capitalism.

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Re: [Marxism] BitTorrent advice

2010-07-13 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 07/13/2010 06:03 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Just for argument's sake, if Random House decides to sit on the memoir I 
 did with Pekar, what would be the legal and technical ramifications of 
 putting the book on BitTorrent? Contact me at l...@panix.com. I really 
 don't want this being discussed on the list for obvious reasons.

I'll start with technical: If there is sufficient interest in your
memoir, it would be a simple matter of getting it out there in the
swarm: in other words, get one copy of the book uploaded and others will
take care of the rest. Doing so is simple. If, on the other hand, the
person wishing to download a copy will only occasionally come around,
it's more of a problem. There will have to be at least one person
running a BitTorrent client who keeps a copy available indefinitely.

Since I don't know your situation, I don't know if doing so would be
legal or not. You could almost certainly get away with it, though. You
might not want to have any direct involvement in doing so, in the
unlikely case that Random House decides to investigate and somehow links
it to, say, your computer (I don't know what kind of relationship you
have with them). Lawsuits based on file-sharing activity are extremely
rare. Almost certainly, anyone providing something illegally online will
simply get a demand to cease doing so.

If the total file size isn't too large, you could put it up on one of
the many free and anonymous file hosting sites. They generally limit the
size to under around 50-100MB. You can split the file(s) up into
50-100MB pieces, but it's a small hassle to download each one and you
can't cue them up to download one after another or simultaneously, so
too many pieces gets extremely irritating and time-consuming for the

You could try recruiting some people to keep your memoir in their
BitTorrent seed (ie, upload) list. I'd be willing to (I have a great
ISP, which won't give any information on you or give you any reprimand
unless ordered to by court) but I don't run my client 24/7 so,
practically speaking, you'd need more than one person like myself.
Multiple people would also protect each of them.

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Re: [Marxism] Anti-death group says others abandon fight for Mumia Abu-Jamal;

2010-07-13 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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It's the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal in particular that first won me over to
the anti-death penalty side. I know I'm not the only one.

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Re: [Marxism] Cockburn Joins Right Wing POW-MIA Hysteria

2010-06-13 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 06/13/2010 12:37 PM, Tom Cod wrote:
 Recently Alexander Cockburn solidified his drift into neo-con right wing

I'm hearing about this guy a lot on this list. What was he like beforehand?

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Re: [Marxism] Money from salvage oil to protect wildlife?!

2010-06-09 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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The PR will probably last for about as long as it takes for the press
release to become old news (a week?). At any rate, the PR value
certainly isn't going to increase with time. If anything real comes of
this announcement (doubtful), I don't see how it wouldn't be a good thing.

On 06/09/2010 06:59 AM, brad wrote:
 Great, now the longer the spill happens the more money for wildlife
 and PR for BP.

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Re: [Marxism] Dalai Lama: I am a Marxist

2010-05-22 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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The Dalai Lama is living proof that the character of a movement or
regime (or, in his case, a regime in exile) is not defined by the
philosophy of its leader.

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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Cockburn: stop picking on Rand Paul

2010-05-22 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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If I may add to the idea of the ambiguous middle class:

In the advanced capitalist countries, we can indeed separate virtually
everyone into those who own means of production and those who don't. But
clearly we have more than two groups when it comes to wealth and status.
The middle class, then, occupies that murky space between the two basic
classes created by capitalism. The easiest way to define it would be to
say that it's a synonym for the petty-bourgeoisie, or those who are both
owners and workers. But since they enjoy roughly equal social and
economic status with what sociologists like to call professional
workers and what a Marxist might call the labor aristocracy, it seems
unavoidable to include them as well. So, roughly, in my mind, the middle
class is the proletarian elite and the bourgeois peasants.

If you ask me, the nature of the labor aristocracy is one of the most
difficult questions out there.

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Re: [Marxism] The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment

2010-05-22 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Speaking of the Paul family, his father has a long history of
association with the racist far-right. He had various newsletters
bearing his name that made blatantly racist comments for decades. He
makes the absurd claim that he didn't know this sort of thing was being
printed in his newsletter because he didn't read it. Even more absurdly,
everyone seems to believe him.

Here's a bit about it from Wikipedia:
On January 8, the day of the New Hampshire primary, The New Republic
published a story by James Kirchick quoting from selected newsletters
published under Paul's name. The publications had various names
bannering Ron Paul prominently in the title, such as The Ron Paul
Survival Report. Kirchick said that the writings showed an obsession
with conspiracies, sympathy for the right-wing militia movement, and
deeply held bigotry, and were saturated in racism, charges echoed by
Kevin Drum of the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog. Kirchick
noted that one article referred to African-American rioters as
barbarians and suggested that the Los Angeles riots of 1992  only
stopped when it came time for blacks to pick up their welfare checks.
Other issues gave tactical advice to local militia groups and advanced
various conspiracy theories.

Many, even worse examples can be found here:

On 05/22/2010 08:11 PM, caroltheart...@aol.com wrote:
 The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment
  Lurking beneath the Paul family's libertarian
  politics is a strategy of pandering to populists
  like Pat Buchanan

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Re: [Marxism] Obama and Kagan as generation X'ers

2010-05-19 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 05/19/2010 10:02 AM, Heath Eddy wrote:
 Anyone know when the change in generations between
 the Baby Boomers and Gen X occurred?

Aren't you forgetting the Pepsi Generation? /sarcasm

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Re: [Marxism] Communist debate group chooses Stalin as next topic

2010-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 05/17/2010 09:29 AM, Mehmet Cagatay wrote:
 utilizing their time by contemplating on socialist alternatives rather than 
 to fool around with all the distracting stupidities that young minds are 
 supposed to concern.

I resent the notion that those two are mutually contradictory. I'll keep
my sex, drugs and rock and roll, thank you very much.

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Re: [Marxism] Communist debate group chooses Stalin as next topic

2010-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 05/17/2010 10:28 AM, Mehmet Cagatay wrote:
 As regards to drugs, I only had a brief experience with weed and it didn't go 
 well. You get a similar intoxication with alcohol without the unpleasant 
 bonus of headache. So you'd better stick to wine, beer and whiskey imho.  

I consider it to always be worth pointing out that there's zero basis
for not counting alcohol in the drug category.

I started writing quite a bit about the qualities of other sorts of
drugs besides weed and booze, but decided I was probably getting far too
off-topic for this list, so I took it out. You're welcome, Louis.

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Re: [Marxism] Is this a Trotskyist list, Or what limits

2010-05-10 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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First, I'd like to belatedly comment that the accusation that Trotsky
was a Nazi German collaborationist is just stupid beyond description.
It's like the allegations that Saddam Hussein had ties to the terrorist
attack on 9/11. It's such a fucking moronic thing to allege and so
beyond worth discussing that I don't have words to describe it (I think
I just spoke a redundant sentence; forgive me).

Second, I'd like to mention that I consider myself a sort of
learning-to-be-scientific socialist; a communist, but a
Marxist-in-training. So forgive any deep deficiencies in my logics.

On 05/10/2010 09:45 AM, waistli...@aol.com wrote:
 Your question tend to prove such is needed. An indigenous American Marxism  
 would look like America and our unique experience as a pure capitalist 

I hold the notion that one of the very biggest mistakes revolutionary
socialists, specifically Marxists, have made in this country was to
abandon the IWW in favor of founding a Comintern Communist party;
abandoning an organic, vibrant, powerful, revolutionary working class
movement in order to try to parrot the Russian revolution, a revolution
with profound weaknesses rooted in the backwards nature of Russian society.

An indigenous American Marxist movement would have, from the time of its
event, learned a great deal from the Russian experience but been most
healthy to differ greatly from it. As much as I respect Lenin,
considering him to be the only Marxist after Engels and The Man Himself
to have made theoretical contributions worthy of being considered cannon
(specifically, I think his theory of imperialism completed classical
Marxism), an indigenous American Marxist movement would have learned
more from Luxembourg than Lenin.

 1. We would evolve a somewhat different assessment of political fascism  
 since the first successful fascist movement took place in America. 

I don't know if we're on the same page on this at all, but I see fascism
as a phenomenon that's mostly remained foreign to USAmerica, to this
day. We had an indigenous American Far-Right movement, an ideology based
on the supremely of one race over others, long before Mussolini and
Hitler. More importantly, we've never had a situation where our
bourgeoisie has been threatened enough by a revolutionary proletariat to
have any need for fascism. We've had sympathies among the elite, and
sympathies among the most creatively ideological racists for fascism,
but never really a truly, substantial fascist movement. Allegations
that, say, the Tea Parties are fascist are delusional.

To reiterate: our far-right is indigenous, not derived from the fascist
movement in Europe.

 4. We would most certainly possess an entirely different assessment of the  
 path of development of the proletarian movement because our country never  
 evolved a social democratic movement or political trend. What is called the  
 lesser of two evils syndrome is really a peculiar development in America  
 without a social democratic body politic. Social Democracy evolved against 
 the  backdrop of the break down of economic and political feudalism and the 
 need of  the rising bourgeoisie to enlist the proletarian masses in support 
 of its  revolution against old feudal production relations. The sooner we 
 stop trying to  shoehorn American history into European political frameworks 
 the better. 

I don't really have anything more to add to the rest of this post. I'd
just like to state that strongly I agree with the basic sentiment.

Aimless rambling over,

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Re: [Marxism] Obama improves image of US Empire

2010-04-21 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/20/2010 07:27 PM, Lajany Otum wrote:
 Judging by the graph, only about 13% of Mexico views our world influence

 Wow!! I didn't know that the world influence of the subscribers to the 
 marxism list
 was large enough to register, favourably or otherwise, on a BBC  poll in 

What makes you assume that by our I was grouping myself with this
list? I could have meant my fellow brown-haired La Monte Young fans who
live in towns that start with the letter M.

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Re: [Marxism] Obama improves image of US Empire

2010-04-21 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/21/2010 05:49 PM, Greg McDonald wrote:

 Wow! you into Lamonte Young? He's the shit.

Indeed, the man's ridiculously brilliant. I became a fan of his through
my obsession with The Velvet Underground. A recording of the Theatre of
Eternal Music makes an excellent cell phone ringtone. :)

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Re: [Marxism] Obama improves image of US Empire

2010-04-20 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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I'm pretty sure this is the article linked to:

Poll shows US image improving abroad

By Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in New York

Published: April 19 2010 01:31 | Last updated: April 19 2010 01:31

International opinion of America’s role in the world has turned positive
for the first time in more than five years, according to an annual poll
for the BBC World Service.

In 20 of the 28 countries polled, the United States was viewed
favourably, with an average of 46 per cent of the 30,000 adults surveyed
saying its influence in the world was positive compared with 34 per cent
saying its influence was negative.

More than a year after Barack Obama’s inauguration, “it appears the
‘Obama effect’ is real,” said Steven Kull, director of the Program on
International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, which
conducted the survey with Globescan, a polling group.

“Its influence on people’s views worldwide, however, is to soften the
negative aspects of the United States’ image, while positive aspects are
not yet coming into strong focus,” he added.

Negative ratings of the US dropped nine points, while positive ratings
rose a more modest four points, but it overtook China, which 41 per cent
saw as a positive influence. “While China’s image is stuck in neutral,
America has motored past it in the global soft power competition,” Mr
Kull said.

Iran was the least favourably viewed nation, with just 15 per cent –
including majorities in Mexico and Pakistan – saying it had a positive
influence, followed by Pakistan with 16 per cent and North Korea with 17
per cent.

The poll identified Germany as the world’s most favourably viewed
country, with 59 per cent positive ratings, followed by Japan on 53 per
cent and the United Kingdom with 52 per cent. Views of the UK’s
influence in the world declined significantly in 11 countries, however,
rising in only three countries.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. You may share using our
article tools. Please don't cut articles from FT.com and redistribute by
email or post to the web. [Go to hell, Financial Times! --Jeff]

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Re: [Marxism] Obama improves image of US Empire

2010-04-20 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Also, this article has more information:


Judging by the graph, only about 13% of Mexico views our world influence

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Re: [Marxism] Christopher Hitchens -- An 'Expert' on George Orwell

2010-04-18 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Funny, I always thought that everyone agreed that Old Major represented
both Marx and Lenin. Isn't that what you guys assumed?

On 04/18/2010 05:03 AM, Paul Flewers wrote:
 In a big article on George Orwell's Animal Farm in the Guardian's literary
 review supplement (17 April 2010), Christopher Hitchens writes:
 'There is, however, one very salient omission. There is a Stalin pig and a
 Trotsky pig, but no Lenin pig. Similarly, in Nineteen Eighty-Four we find
 only a Big Brother Stalin and an Emmanuel Goldstein Trotsky. Nobody appears
 to have pointed this out at the time (and if I may say so, nobody but myself
 has done so since; it took me years to notice what was staring me in the
 This statement is factually incorrect. I had an edited collection of essays
 on Orwell published in 2005, George Orwell: Enigmatic Socialist. In my
 contribution, 'I Know How But I Don't Know Why: George Orwell's Conception
 of Totalitarianism', I wrote:
 'The taciturn, devious and ambitious Napoleon is clearly Stalin, and the
 more inventive and vivacious Snowball is an equally obvious Trotsky... There
 is, however, no porcine Lenin, as Major (Marx) dies just before the animals
 take over the farm, although the displaying of Major's skull is reminiscent
 of the rituals around the embalmed Bolshevik leader.'
 John Molyneux wrote in his contribution, 'Animal Farm Revisited', an article
 originally published in 1989:
 'It is clear that Napoleon represents Stalin, just as Old Major is Marx and
 Snowball is Trotsky. Who then represents Lenin? Since Orwell depicts the
 Rebellion as led by two pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, one is forced to the
 conclusion that Napoleon also represents Lenin. Thus in Animal Farm the
 figures of Lenin and Stalin are merged into one character.'

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Re: [Marxism] Stalin Archive now on the Revolutionary Democracy website

2010-04-18 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/18/2010 09:31 AM, Marxist Front wrote:
 These colossal victories would not have been possible without the defeat of 
 the oppositions led by Trotsky and Bukharin whoopposed socialist 
 industrialisation and collectivisation. By the time ofthe death of Stalin a 
 large people’s democratic camp had been built up in central and eastern 
 Europe and Asia alongside the USSR.

This stuff is delusional and not worth debating I have a question
though: Does this new Stalin archive contain works that marxists.org
doesn't? Because I'm sure they'd love to have it.

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/17/2010 01:11 PM, S. Artesian wrote:
 the movement as a social movement should not be viewed as an opportunity to 
 win angry people over to the left.

But if we agree that many people sympathize with the Tea Party because
there's no Left alternative, because the Tea Parties are the only game
in town for those fed up with the US government... Then isn't winning
these people over exactly what we want to do?

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Re: [Marxism] T.A.M.I

2010-04-09 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/09/2010 08:39 AM, S. Artesian wrote:
 For those whose lives were saved by rock 'n roll, the Shout Factory has 
 released a DVD of the entire TAMI show-- the one were James Brown made the 
 Stones afraid to follow him on stage.

I have no idea what makes that at all relevant to this list, but thank
you for reminding me of it. :) I wanted to get it but forgot the name.
Also, I'm pleased by any Velvet Underground reference.

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Re: [Marxism] Red baiting in the Australian climate movement

2010-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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I have some small, partially-developed thoughts on this matter...

If the Left were to be entirely honest, it couldn't say that humanity
has no hope of surviving extermination under the capitalist system. The
bourgeoisie haven proven itself capable of fighting its nature, in able
to preserve its existence, in the past -- I think we all agree that this
is the legacy of Social-Democracy after the First World War. Of course,
its success in doing so against proletarian revolution in the 20th
Century was not a sure thing, and its success in doing so against
environmental extinction in the 21th Century is not a sure thing either
-- and this time, it means not just their end, but all of humanity's.

On the other hand, and I know I'm preaching to the choir here, the only
way the survival of the human race is possible is with a mass movement
against the logic of capitalism, against profit-above-all-else. Because
of this, claims that fighting for capitalist solutions are the only
realistic and therefor responsible means of saving humanity are
incredibly dangerous. What is needed is rutheless criticism of the logic
of capitalism; let the capitalists work to prove us wrong!

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[Marxism] Wikileaks

2010-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Has anyone tried to browse the Wikileaks website? I can't seem to find
where you can browse/search the documents on their site, only a list of
Recently released documents on the homepage.

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Re: [Marxism] Tea Party Poll

2010-04-06 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/06/2010 05:19 AM, brad bauerly wrote:

 Which begs the question as to the
 material circumstances driving this movement (other than economic hard times
 for middle and working income folks).

We might want to start by investigating why 15% of all Blacks are
apparently Tea Party supporters.

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Re: [Marxism] Tea Party Poll

2010-04-06 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/06/2010 12:43 PM, S. Artesian wrote:
 I think the poll is shite.

No arguments here. I hear the Tea Partiers are against taking the census
because it asks for your ethnicity, income and religion. Maybe their
more bored members agreed to rebel against the tyranny of demographic
data by lying about their race when asked.

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Re: [Marxism] militias

2010-03-31 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 03/30/2010 07:02 PM, Jeff wrote:
 No, they are good ol' Fascists that the corporate interests are NOT using,
 but they are HOPING that they will be used soon! That's why they arm
 themselves: for the coming race war that many of the more open fascists
 have been talking about for years. And now with Obama they see it coming

On Stormfront, a White Nationalist website, there was quite a debate
during the 2008 election over whether an Obama victory would really be a
bad thing, or if it would be good because it would finally bring about
the longed-for race war. I haven't checked what their current assessment
is, but I do know they're quite energized by the Tea Party movement.

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[Marxism] Kucinich on Democracy Now

2010-03-18 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Since nobody else mentioned it, Dennis Kucinich was on Democracy Now!
again today, defending his new position in support of the bill:

Kucinich echoes his critics who say his loyalties are to the Democratic
party, not the lefty rhetoric he's most known for, when he explains
outright that he changed his position when he realized that his one vote
could actually keep the bill from passing.

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Re: [Marxism] Video of KKK Rally: 2010 South Georgia (last week)

2010-03-02 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Not to criticize you for sending this, which I think was worthwhile, but
for the first time in history I saw an insightful comment on a Youtube

white power's all mainstream nowadays. these freaks don't come close to
illustrating the hold racism actually has on the American conscience.

How relevant are these last-generation white supremacists? Are their
rallies growing in size? Does anybody outside their small numbers care?

Greg McDonald wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] General Strike in Greece

2010-02-22 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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How common is such a thing in Greece? A general strike of any substance
is so out of the question here (even a symbolic one is a big deal), that
I don't have an adjective available to describe what news of one would
be like, but Greece is obviously no United States.

Politicus E. wrote:
 A general strike has been called for on Feb. 24th, which will mark a
 continuation of the wave of strikes that began Feb. 10th. This general
 strike is being supported by the main social democratic union
 confederations ADEDY and GSEE;  together, they represent a substantial
 fraction of the labour force.  The customs workers, taxi and lorry
 drivers, are good recent examples of organizations that have
 participated in this strike wave.

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Re: [Marxism] Suicide Bomber

2010-02-18 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Shane Mage wrote:
 Well, we all condemn him too.  But does that mean it *wasn't*, at  
 least in part, a reaction against evils perpetrated by the United  
 States government?

Perhaps, but my point is that the same is true of the 9/11 attacks, yet
saying so has been verboten to this day. Just try saying so at a Teabag

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Re: [Marxism] Gays Against Gays in the Military

2010-02-09 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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What term would you have used?

David Thorstad wrote:
 I have signed this petition, even though the cover note refers to an 
 LGBT community that I believe is a pc figment of the imagination, and 
 does not exist in the real world.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] More idiocy at Counterpunch

2010-01-08 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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nada wrote:
 But the idea that this is 'mutilation' is *insulting* to the real 
 *victims* of genital mutilation and which often done to young teenage 
 girls against their will.

If chopping off a portion of a body part isn't mutilation, what is?

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Re: [Marxism] Why can't Marxmail use sensible subject headings?

2009-12-28 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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mkarad...@theplanet.net.au wrote:
 I've never understtod the aversion nearly all subscribers have about
 simply changing a silly subject heading when something completely
 different is being discussed there. Perhaps there is some reason other
 than inertia, and someone can enlighten me.

If someone does change the subject line, please include the the old
subject at the end for people like me who read Marxmail irregularly and
follow threads by filtering messages by subject name. For example:
New-Subject (was Old-Subject)

Once the subject change is established, the old subject can be removed
from future posts.

Just a suggestion, of course. I don't make the rules around here.

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Re: [Marxism] Fw: Dr. Kevorkian

2009-12-13 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Jeff wrote:
 His one lesser, but unforgivable action, was to advocate for the organs of
 executed criminals in the US to become available for transplant, rather
 than denouncing the death penalty and anything associated with it.

Organ donation should be mandatory for all carcases. Frankly, to deny
something potentially life-saving to ill people because of some
religious or romantic attachment to an otherwise useless hunk of meat is
profoundly immoral.

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Re: [Marxism] Don't Ask, Just Tell

2009-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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David Thorstad wrote:
 After Don't Ask, Don't Tell is repealed (as it inevitably will

That Obama hasn't ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell is rather perplexing. My
half-baked theory is that he's saving it for the next time he needs a
distraction from more substantial going-ons.

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Re: [Marxism] Long Live the 5th International!

2009-11-23 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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sobuadha...@hushmail.com wrote:
 It appears that Chavez is also acquainted with
 the Fourth International(s) too or else he would 
 not have claimed the number five.

Clearly, the new worldwide wave of socialism will not concern itself
with Trotkyism vs. Stalinism. This obviously presents us with the very
serious question of how to number the new international. Given that we
are now facing socialism in the digital age, I say we make a nod to the
4th International while still proclaiming our intent to move beyond
debates centering on the *old* way of numbering internationals, by
adopting a binary numbering scheme. Long live the 101th International!

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Re: [Marxism] what we share with other animals

2009-11-20 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Several here have come rather close to endorsing the notion that animals
deserve some, but less moral consideration because of their relative
intelligence to ours. I hope we can all agree how reasonable and
convincing that argument is, and how anyone claiming to be a Marxist
should feel for saying it.

I'd like to quote from a favorite show of mine:

[Planet Express: Meeting Room. The crew sit around the table and Bender
puts a plate with a cover on the table.]

FARNSWORTH: A toast to Leela. She showed us it's wrong to eat certain

FRY: Hear, hear!

BENDER: Let's get drunk!

LEELA: Aww, thanks, guys. Pass the veal, please.

BENDER: Here you go. [He passes a plate over.]

FRY: Mmm, let me get some of that suckling pig.

[Amy passes it to him. Bender holds up a plate.]

BENDER: Who wants dolphin?

[Everyone gasps.]

LEELA: Dolphin? But dolphins are intelligent.

BENDER: Not this one. He blew all his money on instant lottery tickets.



AMY: That's different.

FARNSWORTH: Good, good.

LEELA: Pass the blowhole.

AMY: Can I have a fluke?

HERMES: Hey, quit hogging the bottle-nose.

FARNSWORTH: Toss me the speech centre of the brain!

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Re: [Marxism] Cyber Cuba

2009-11-19 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Lüko Willms wrote:
I have just added the following information to the english language 
 Wikipedia article 
 on this blogger, Yoani Sánchez:
 - cut -
  Her Internet domain desdecuba.com is registered and hosted by Cronon AG, 
 the subsidiary for enterprise customers and large resellers of Strato AG, 
 Europe's second largest Web Space Provider. The contact address for that 
 domain is the press spokesperson of Strato in Spain. The headquarters of 
 Strato are in Berlin, Germany.

Huh, I *thought* that looked oddly informative when I read it just now.

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Re: [Marxism] Cyber Cuba

2009-11-19 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Lüko Willms wrote:
   I am at odds to understand your comment -- my English is not sufficient for 
 that, and I probably also lack a sense for US matters. 

I meant that I was surprised to see the information you added -
factually informative, therefor looking strange compared to the rest of
the article.

Anyway, my addtions have of course been deleted right away by some 
 other users who claimed that a) it is not relevant, b) just spam for another 

Unfortunately, it's probably a lost cause. You'd have to win a majority
of admins and regular editors (consensus in Wikispeak), and most of
the ones interested will be Cubaphobes and the ubiquitous notability
(more Wikispeak) police - and you'd only have a chance with someone in
the second group.

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Re: [Marxism] Bob Dylan

2009-11-07 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
Every middle-aged person I know loves him, except my father who
thinks... his music sucks. He doesn't have radically different musical
tastes in general, he just doesn't like Dylan. Maybe it's cause by a
rare, recessive anti-Dylan gene. I don't know.

S. Artesian wrote:
 I just thought his music sucked.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ron J rjacobs3...@charter.net
 To: David Schanoes sartes...@earthlink.net
 Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 2:13 PM
 Subject: [Marxism] Bob Dylan
 I always get a kick out of doctrinaire leftists when they talk about Bob 
 Dylan. It reminds me of monotheists discussing polytheism. 

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Re: [Marxism] Free pamphlet: `The Labour Aristocracy: The material basis of opportunism in the labour movement' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2009-09-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
Joaquin Bustelo wrote:
 There are free software PDF
 readers and file creators, in addition to the Adobe reader being free of
 charge even if not freeware.

Actually, that's what freeware means. Unfortunately, there's no
convenient term in English for GNU-style free software, at least not
without borrowing from other languages (libre software/software
libre being a good choice).

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[Marxism] Queers: An oppressed, White, middle-class establishment

2009-09-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
Not quite Stonewall: 40 years later the cops haven't changed, but we have

From the article:

Hopes for an unleashed queer fury, not quite Stonewall but not quite
HRC, were quickly dimmed by the organizers of the rally, however.
Messages were sent out on facebook reminding potential attendees that
this was not a protest against the APD - in which we supposedly have
queer allies - but rather one in support of gay establishments. Any
suggestion that the protest actually happen at the police department was
scuttled. People spread solidarity messages around facebook, referencing
how similar this felt to being gay in '69 rather than black in '09. This
shouldn't happen to us, this hasn't happened to us lately.

An eery, subtle message being relayed through many such expressions was
on display more explicitly by signs at the rally - how dare you treat us
like THEM. Signs that kept asking the PD why they would target The Eagle
rather than gangs, drug-pushers and muggers. Who made this call?, one
sign asked, placing The Eagle on one side of a seesaw and various street
crimes piled up on the other. We're law-abiding citizens, many said,
and I never thought I'd see this again.

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Re: [Marxism] BJP, CPM form alliance to win panchayat polls

2009-09-02 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
For those of us who haven't memorized every acronym in every context
under the sun, BJP stands for the Bharatiya Janata Party, a
conservative, capitalist Hindu Nationalist party. The CPM is the
Communist Party of India (Marxist).

Politicus E. wrote:
 From the Times of India (29 August 2009):

 BURDWAN: Arch rivals BJP and CPM on Friday formed an alliance to win
 a gram panchayat election in Burdwan

 BJP leader Mala Dhara was made the chief of Purbasthali II gram
 panchayat as the 'Jatiya Ganashakti Morcha', an alliance between BJP
 and CPM, won ten out of 13 seats by defeating Trinamool Congress in
 the trust vote.

 With seven seats, Trinamool was earlier ruling the panchayat.

 BJP MLA Swapan Debnath, however, described CPM as an opportunist
 party and said the alliance was made to honour people's


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Re: [Marxism] Woodstock 40 years ago: Country Joe McDonald's and Jimi Hendrix's antiwar classics | Links

2009-08-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
Jim Farmelant wrote:
 That sort of thing was rather characteristic of much of the
 socialist movement in both the US and UK at the time.
 One of the leading figures in the American branch
 of the IWMA, was Victoria Woodhull, the first
 woman to run for president of the US, was a
 famous medium.

 That sort of thing aroused the disapproval
 of Marx  Engels.  Engels wrote a
 an article debunking spiritualism,
 Natural Science and the Spirit World,
 which was later published in *The Dialectics
 of Nature*.

Careful, now. You're talking about a hero of mine. Not only was she the
first woman to run for president, but she was a White woman and her
running mate was Frederick Douglas (though he wasn't actually involved
in the campaign). She was a leader of the US branch of the IWMA, an
abolitionist, feminist and advocate of free love. She published a
newspaper that was the first to print the Communist Manifesto in the US
(in English, anyway). Altogether, she was about the coolest person to
ever live and the oldest person I've ever had a crush on.

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's Note

2009-08-05 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
Greg McDonald wrote:
 Richard Levins wrote:

 After perusing the discussion on rape, I
 would add marxfail.

I do hope 4chan memes aren't starting to enter this list.

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