Re: [Marxism] Marx wine quote

2010-12-18 Thread Midhurst14
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Saint Paul-"Take a little wine for thy stomachs sake"
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Marx wine quote

2010-12-18 Thread Midhurst14
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Marx to the aid of the wine industry
This gives a new angle to Marxist economics
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Obama Isn't Spineless, He's Conservative

2010-12-12 Thread Midhurst14
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But again, what is your alternative
Your presentation offers no way out
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Obama Isn't Spineless, He's Conservative

2010-12-12 Thread Midhurst14
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The republicans will show you there is worse on January 1st
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2010-12-12 Thread Midhurst14
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Isn't this a positive sign of resistance along with the UK student  
demonstrations. plus the attack on the royals?
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Obama Isn't Spineless, He's Conservative

2010-12-12 Thread Midhurst14
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The problem with negative criticism of Obama, is that the alternative is  
In that sense I agree with US Communist Party assessment
FDR, was a reactionary but had a mass movement pushing him
Obama hasn't
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] The Kettle

2010-12-11 Thread Midhurst14
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The conditions for revolution are ripening
The students, WikLeaks, Lib Dems fiasco and the royalty imbroglio
All part of the quantitative process
Right now I am reading "Lenin's Political Thought" by Neil Harding
Boning up on how to do it
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] The Kettle

2010-12-11 Thread Midhurst14
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The Chinese curse
"May you live in interesting times"
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] The Kettle

2010-12-11 Thread Midhurst14
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Take a medal for heroism
But there will be more of this
Street fighting is part of the struggle for power
But in UK conditions, it will be expressed through the ballot box
A combination of extra-parliamentary and parlimentary struggle
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Flash: Royal convoy attacked as English students revolt

2010-12-09 Thread Midhurst14
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The attack on royalty, was astonishing to them, never been done since  
victorian times
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 83, Issue 60

2010-09-28 Thread Midhurst14
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The British Labour Party is not a working class party but merely the  party 
of the working class
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] smarmy and egregious Milliband brothers

2010-09-28 Thread Midhurst14
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This because the PLP is dominated by Blairite placemen, that only avenue of 
 nomination used to prevent a left nomination
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] smarmy and egregious Milliband brothers

2010-09-28 Thread Midhurst14
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Dont underestimate what Marx said
When an idea seizes the masses it becomes a material force
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] smarmy and egregious Milliband brothers

2010-09-28 Thread Midhurst14
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The Labour Party, founded on the unions has been in existence for over a  
100 years
Othe parties, notably the ILP and the Communist Party have tried to replace 
 it as the party of the working class but failed
They are only party to garner as many as 16 million votes against the  
Try as they may, the detractors have failed to undermine this role
The answer is to radicalise it from within
There is no alternative
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] World in Revolt: The Global Backlash Against Budget Cuts

2010-09-27 Thread Midhurst14
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The FT reports that Miliband D has been offered the Chancellors job
That could be an offer he must refuse
Ed  Balls is a must for me with his Keynsian policies
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Analysis of Miliband election

2010-09-26 Thread Midhurst14
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Many thanks

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Re: [Marxism] Analysis of Miliband election

2010-09-26 Thread Midhurst14
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Having worked in the AEU battling right wing forces, backed by  
anti-communism since 1956
I understand the remarks you made
That is why I greet with some pleasure, yesterdays result
Tony Benn was beaten by Healey by less than 1% 
This is the first time since 1945 at least, that the establishment  
candidate has been beaten
It cannot be anything but a significant advance
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Analysis of Miliband election

2010-09-25 Thread Midhurst14
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This is a defeatist line which gives no credit to the hard work put into  
the campaign by genuine left forces, faced with a difficult choice that does 
not  deserve to be dismissed
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Reading Keats

2010-09-25 Thread Midhurst14
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His name is writ in water
Isabella and the pot of Basil etc
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Not Marxist? [was Re: Illustrate Me]

2010-09-24 Thread Midhurst14
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If you dont fall for the hocus pocus of religion, its a good read
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Lenin on imperialist and oppressed nations

2010-09-19 Thread Midhurst14
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Lenin's Political Thought by Neil Harding deals with all  these 
complications in great detail
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] What If? Lenin and Trotsky: When to hold, when to fold.

2010-09-14 Thread Midhurst14
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This is all true
Trotsky's role was marginal and eventually destructive
Apart from his positive leadership of the Red Army, which he greatly  
over-exaggerated when believing they could defeat the German Army, rather than  
as Lenin insisted to agree the terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, land 
which  was subsequently recovered after WW2 

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Re: [Marxism] Cuba headed in the same direction as China and Vietnam?

2010-09-13 Thread Midhurst14
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No knowledge or no record of Trotskty
He wasnt in the frame until the late 1917's and very much  junior  and a 
Menshevik to boot 
Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Chair   
Fuwa Tetsuzo lecture on  
“Lenin and the Market Economy”  
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences  
in Beijing  
August 27th 2002. 
£2 inc. postage 

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Re: [Marxism] Cuba headed in the same direction as China and Vietnam?

2010-09-13 Thread Midhurst14
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Finally taking Lenin's model 90 years on
Sign of confidence
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] How "sex scamdal" culture victimizes women (yes, even rich women)

2010-08-22 Thread Midhurst14
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Read Engels "Origin of the Family" which relates how women were reduced in  
society by the accumulation of property
Prior to that women were dominant as parentage could only be traced   
through them
Earth Mothers sanctified  this basic economic idea
Women have taken years to overcome that, particularly in so-called  
developed countries
In backward countries, it is even worse, through female circumcision for  
In India, 70% of which is rural, women rise before dawn to ablout
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Trotsky's Jewish Question

2010-08-20 Thread Midhurst14
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Good Good Good
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club

2010-08-20 Thread Midhurst14
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The ruling class are capable of anything
Pearl Harbour
Kennedy's assassination
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club

2010-08-20 Thread Midhurst14
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There is a Bilderberg Group, they meet annually, Dennis Healy was it
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] self-indulgence

2010-08-14 Thread Midhurst14
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Man created god, not the other way round
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Churchill's Empire

2010-08-13 Thread Midhurst14
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Superb stuff, the collective spirit reigned supreme and had to be rolled  
back by Fulton and McCarthyism
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Churchill's Empire

2010-08-13 Thread Midhurst14
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Yes but his prime motivation was preserving the Empire
He refused to give up India until Montgomery told him it could only be held 
 down by a million troops
Incidentally Indian liberation was triggered by the mutiny of the Indian  
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Spain Reign, but what impact has the World Cup left on South Af...

2010-07-12 Thread Midhurst14
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Spain beat the Netherlands 1-0, the eighth nation to win the World  Cup 
Eight of the  Spanish team are Catalans or play for Barcelona  
The first 90  minutes was a horror to watch for the 300mn neutral viewers, 
yet the dirty Dutch  delivered a perfect performance in a masterclass on how 
to combat a better  team 
Seven Dutch players  were booked and one sent off and five Spanish 
Nelson Mandela  appeared in the closing ceremony 
George  Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] My friend Richard Greener's take on the World Cup

2010-07-12 Thread Midhurst14
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Nevertheless, some advances were made
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] A question to mathematicians on this list

2010-07-12 Thread Midhurst14
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Lot of metaphysical nonsense
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] My friend Richard Greener's take on the World Cup

2010-07-12 Thread Midhurst14
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Holland politically represents reaction, and their dirty playing reflected  
Spain with their brilliant passing deserved to win
But South Africa were the real winners in the organisation of the whole  
World Cup
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] new blog post: growth! growth! growth!

2010-06-30 Thread Midhurst14
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Their Achilles heel is surplus value which they don't understand
It leads to overproduction, unemployment and revolution
George Anthony


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Re: [Marxism] Gulf oil spill: A Hole in the World

2010-06-20 Thread Midhurst14
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New  York Times Supplement 
A  relentless hunt for whale oil, then petroleum, pushed man farther and  
The  unpredictable forces of nature rear up, and death and destruction 
follow in the  wake, "Some fell flat on their faces", an eyewitness reported of 
the stricken  crew. 
Through the breach, they heard the waters pour"-Moby  Dick 
Parallels between the rig explosion in the gulf and "Moby Dick"  
illuminates man's limits to harness nature 
Whaling was  the petroleum industry in the 18th and 19th century 
George  Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Max Blumenthal reports on Israeli planning prior to attack on G...

2010-06-03 Thread Midhurst14
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UN has voted to  investigate the killing of nine aboard the Gaza bound  
Series of Israeli  blunders attributed to the cabinet's military  
The Gaza flotilla  assault places Israel's decision-makers under scrutiny 
Financial Times  3/6/2010 
George  Anthony 

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Re: [Marxism] Krugman on Corp and Repugs

2010-05-24 Thread Midhurst14
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The ruling class will never solve the problem of Surplus Value
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Dalai Lama: I am a Marxist

2010-05-21 Thread Midhurst14
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You believe that you'll believe anything
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] British Election

2010-05-07 Thread Midhurst14
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Yes, but note the Lib Dem/Tory split that let her in by 42 votes, a most  
unexpected result
The best result for me was the dumping of Peter Robinson, the Northern  
Ireland First Minister
A bigot if ever there was one
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] British Election

2010-05-07 Thread Midhurst14
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Again the pessimism of the ultra left
Please note the left MPs votes held up
Jeremy Corbyn  increased his majority in Islington North by 12,401 to  
Emily Thornbury was  re-elected in Islington South 
John McDonnell  increased his majority in Hayes and Harlington to  10,824 
Kelvin Hopkins  obtained a 7,500 majority in Luton South 
Glenda Jackson in  Hampstead won by 42 votes, after the Lib Dems and Tories 
split the anti Labour  vote 
Diane Abbot  re-elected in North Hackney with 14,500 majority 
Karen Buck elected in Westminster North (a new  constituency) 
George Anthony campaigned for Jeremy Corbyn and  Karen Buck

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Re: [Marxism] Tariq Ali: Obama, president of cant

2010-04-15 Thread Midhurst14
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Brevity is the soul of wit
That is one of Tariq Ali's problems
He is a windbag
Not realising that the more you say gives the opposition more  openings
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Tariq Ali: Obama, president of cant

2010-04-15 Thread Midhurst14
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This is the apotheosis of the pessismism of the ultra-left, Tariq Ali's  
stock in trade
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Another view of the health care legislation

2010-03-24 Thread Midhurst14
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Is this the pessimism of the ultra-left at work?
George Anthony

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[Marxism] Islip Political Newsletter for February

2010-02-10 Thread Midhurst14
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Keeping track of imperialist rule in all its’ guises   
George Anthony on the ups and downs of the road to  Socialism 
In the absence of the Financial Times to précis and mail out, I quoted Tom 
Paine’s “The world is my  nation, to do good my religion” for my New Year’
s message.  
Unfortunately it came back  to bite me in the shape of the election results 
in Chile and  Massachusetts. With the former in the shape of billionaire 
Pinera, bringing his  entourage of Pinochet neoliberal economists with him, to 
undo two decades of  work by progressive presidents. 
The two million Democrat party voters staying away to deliver the  senate 
seat into the hands of a former Cosmopolitan magazine centre-fold nude  
model, thus putting Obama’s healthcare bill in jeopardy. 
The third disaster was not man made, but the Haitian earthquake made  much 
more horrendous than the earlier Chinese earthquake where the victims were  
rescued and rehabilitated by the central government, led by China’s Prime  
Minister; but by man in the shape of American imperialism, that had made the  
country a basket case for years, and making sure that as with the earlier  
Katrina hurricane, any advantage that could be extracted from the disaster 
would  be maximised by the “rescuers”. 
It’s worth remembering briefly a history of Haiti and the subsequent  
events that reduced this benighted country to its basket case  condition. 
Haiti was the most prosperous colony of all the French possessions  during 
the period of slavery. The production of sugar, coffee, and other  
agricultural products brought tremendous profits to the colonial landowners on  
island of Hispaniola, which today encompasses both the Dominican Republic  
and Haiti. At the time of the uprising on August 14, 1791, which was led by  
Boukmans, there were over 500,000 African slaves and thousands more free 
blacks  and people of mixed race. 
During the rebellion of 1791, over 200 sugar plantations, 600 coffee  
plantations, 200 indigo plantations were liberated by the Haitian masses. It 
been recorded that 12,000 people died during this period including 2,000  
European settlers. 
The imperialist-imposed policies directed towards Haiti, which has  
underdeveloped the country for over two centuries, are at the root cause of  
poverty and unemployment. The collapse of the agricultural sector derives from  
the neo-colonial policies designed to preserve the country as a vast reservoir 
 of cheap labour for the capitalist corporations operating in the  country. 
With the erosion of agricultural production in the rural areas, the  masses 
were forced to re-locate in the urban centres which have resulted in  
tremendous overcrowding along with an acute shortage of housing. With the  
earthquake of such magnitude and the efforts of the U.S. to dominate the relief 
efforts, poverty will inevitably increase in Haiti. 
What is the point of tracking these events, you may ask, particularly  the 
outcome of voting, or for that matter, any manifestation of mass expression, 
 be it at the ballot box, consumer spending, attendance at sports events, 
TV  viewing figures, demonstrations, meeting and strikes, indeed any 
worthwhile  survey?  
It is because they are all an invaluable indication of the mood of  the 
population in response to media manipulation, that being the first line of  
defence of capitalism. 
However when the defence of deception is breeched as it ultimately  will 
be, then the next line of defence is destruction and  murder. 
For instance, ranging from the Amaritsa massacre - the British troops  only 
stopped when they ran out of ammunition. The Holocaust - the Nazi’s only  
stopped when they lost World War Two. And the American atomic bombs dropped 
on  Hiroshima and Nagasaki - they only stopped when the Soviet Union got 
nuclear  weaponry.  
I give three, further examples, not as murderous but equally  ruthless, 
that have escaped the notice of the media over the years in the shape  of the 
Daily Mail or indeed the BBC with its 16 million viewers. As not being 
sufficiently newsworthy  enough for your average punter, diverted by chat 
general media trivia,  drugs, booze and gambling. 
First, UK exporters would have greater freedom to use child workers  and 
even forced labour abroad under a policy reversal floated by the Export  
Credits Guarantee Department, which is proposing to ease tight standards on  
underage workers that it adopted six years ago after a political  outcry. 
Second, it is under Bush’s disastrous tenure that health insurance  
premiums nearly doubled for the average US family and the number of uninsured  
Under him the deficit spiralled out of control as an unnecessary and  
endless $3,000bn war in

Re: [Marxism] What's the matter with the Democrats?

2010-01-25 Thread Midhurst14
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What is your solution?
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Books on the First International

2010-01-10 Thread midhurst14
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Now there is an excellent man
Chairman of the CPUSA
Leader of the Pittsburg Steel Strike
Imprisoned and thrown down a pit with twelve madmen who he calmed
George Anthony
In a message dated 10/01/2010 17:18:54 GMT Standard Time, writes:

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History  of the Three Internationals, William Z. Foster

2010/1/10 Joonas Laine  

>  ==
>  Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>  ==
>  Hi,
> any recommendations for good histories of the First  International..? I
> know about the Stekloff book on MIA, but I was  looking for something
> that I could read on paper, and perhaps  something that's more recent as
> well.
>  Thanks!
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Chris Mais

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Re: [Marxism] Books on the First International

2010-01-10 Thread midhurst14
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Karl Marx was the secretary of the First International
George Anthony
In a message dated 10/01/2010 17:08:31 GMT Standard Time,  

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any  recommendations for good histories of the First International..? I
know  about the Stekloff book on MIA, but I was looking for something
that I  could read on paper, and perhaps something that's more recent  as


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Re: [Marxism] circ foolishness

2010-01-10 Thread midhurst14
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It is still a vile practice as it deprives women of an orgasm
George Anthony
In a message dated 10/01/2010 14:16:43 GMT Standard Time, writes:

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Re: [Marxism] The "Heroic" Charm of the Bourgeoisie

2010-01-10 Thread midhurst14
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Published  & printed by the ISLIP UNITY GROUP.
13e Porchester Sq., Paddington W2 6AN  
Phone & Fax
020 7229 5831 
Join the e-mail list for regular news  items at
Eleven Newsletters for a £5 Annual  Subscription.&Email delivery online 
Best news from China and  Al Jazeera

The bourgeoisie…….has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties 
 that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no 
other nexus  between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash  
payment”-Communist Manifesto

George Anthony  

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Re: [Marxism] Have a happy and merry December 25

2009-12-25 Thread midhurst14
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Seasons greetings with the ubiquitous message
The bourgeoisie…….has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties 
 that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no 
other nexus  between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash  
payment”-Communist Manifesto
George Anthony

In a message dated 25/12/2009 12:07:48 GMT Standard Time, writes:

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Today,  as the world pauses on the birthday of one of history's greatest
men, whose  teachings continue to benefit the entire human race, 
let us join in  toasting the memory of Sir Isaac Newton, and of all 
the giants on whose  shoulders he stood.

Jim  Farmelant

Diet  Help
Cheap Diet Help Tips. Click  here.

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Re: [Marxism] The CP is Still Ga-Ga

2009-12-23 Thread Midhurst14
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It is easier to attack the Communists than it is to attack the  employers
George Anthony
In a message dated 23/12/2009 12:18:48 GMT Standard Time, writes:

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2009/12/23  Mark Lause :
'"America I will sell you strophes  $2500 apiece $500 down on your old

Philosophers, at least,  solve the world, even if they aren't about changing
it.  This does not  to that.  None of the historical analogies made here 
any water  whatsoever.  The circumstances are far different than when  mass
protests pressured FDR...who invariably gets trotted out like a  talisman
rather than a materialist argument.  Rather like Glen Beck  mentioning Tom
Paine.   And the LBJ analogy is simply  mind-boggling.

There are nothing fresh among the indigestible  ingredients in this tripe
stew.  You eat it when you have no  options."

Well, well, Mark, your everyday  understanding, the simplest form of 
and the complexity of the  world.
From everyday understanding's point of view science/philosophy would  go on
its head, as already Hegel observed, one of the greatest thinkers as  Karl
Marx asserted. Thank you bringing the whole debate to the point.  Indeed the
whole debate about CPUSA is about scientific/philosophical view  of politics
or everyday understanding of politics. The former tries to view  the world
with all its complexities, the latter reduces everything into  isolated
singular facts. Not everything that makes noises is loud. Another  paradox?
Well, think about it!!!

Dogan  Göcmen

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Re: [Marxism] Martin Jacques on China

2009-12-04 Thread midhurst14
 to an 
international system the design and operation  of which it was 
overwhelmingly responsible for.” Cast “in the role of  supplicant,” 
China played nice, living “according to the terms set by  others” 
and avoiding unnecessary conflicts to focus on its own economic  
growth. But as China “emerges as the most powerful country in the  
world,” he goes on, it will eventually be in “a position to set 
its  own terms and conditions,” acting according to its own 
“history and  instincts.”

So how exactly would China behave as the world’s most  powerful 
nation? Mr. Jacques is somewhat fuzzy on this question,  suggesting 
that the country’s actions would most likely be informed by its  
sense of itself as an ancient civilization, rightfully returned to 
its  place at the center of the world, by its grievances over the 
“century of  humiliation” it suffered at the hands of foreign 
powers beginning in the  middle of the 19th century, and by its 
“hierarchical view of the world”  and “sense of cultural 
self-confidence and superiority.”

He  suggests that China will emerge as the “regional leader” of 
East Asia,  displacing the United States there, and that it will 
also gain influence  in Africa and Latin America. China will offer 
itself, he asserts, as both  a developed and developing nation, as 
a sort of role model for progress,  while also posing an 
alternative to the United States, which thanks to the  
unilateralist policies of George W. Bush lost considerable 
prestige  and influence abroad.

Throughout much of this volume Mr. Jacques makes  bold predictions 
and uses strong, even melodramatic, language, writing  that “China 
will become the world’s leading power” and “Beijing will  emerge as 
the global capital,” and that the United States “finds itself on  
the eve of a psychological, emotional and existential crisis” as 
it  enters “a protracted period of economic, political and military  

In the very last pages, however, he abruptly begins to  soft-pedal 
his thesis with qualified and hedged assessments. He writes  that 
“for the next twenty years or so, as China continues its  
modernization, it will remain an essentially status-quo power,” 
and  that the decline of the Western world will not “be replaced in 
any  simplistic fashion by a Sinocentric world.”

“The rise of competing  modernities heralds a quite new world in 
which no hemisphere or country  will have the same kind of 
prestige, legitimacy or overwhelming force that  the West has 
enjoyed over the last two centuries,” he concludes. “Instead  
different countries and cultures will compete for legitimacy and  
influence.” The new world, he goes on, “at least for the next 
century,  will not be Chinese in the way that the previous one was 
Western. We are  entering an era of competing modernity, albeit one 
in which China will  increasingly be in the ascendant and 
eventually perhaps dominant.” It’s a  conclusion that’s 
dramatically less dramatic than the histrionic title of  his book  

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Re: [Marxism] Islamic creationism- Boston Globe

2009-10-26 Thread Midhurst14
Religion is based on a lie
That there is a god
Man creates god, not the reverse
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Peace Prize or war prize to Obama

2009-10-10 Thread Midhurst14
Kissinger was also a peace prize recipient
George Anthony

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[Marxism] Engels-Islip Review

2009-10-09 Thread Midhurst14
John Green‘s book about Frederick Engels, has performed a service to the  
international labour movement. 
Along with his comrade in arms for many  years, Karl Marx, their collective 
works are constantly referred to by friend  and foe. Now more than ever as 
capitalism staggers from one turmoil, and one  credit crunch, to another.
Because the creation of surplus value can never be  resolved by a society 
based on profit. This is the spectre that haunts  globalisation. 
For it is an accepted truth that Karl Marx, not John Maynard  Keynes or 
Milton Friedman, has the answer to the dilemmas daily confronting the  central 
banks of the developed countries.
In a recent article for instance,  “that the sense of the grinding of the 
gears of history, the shifting of the  political plates”, suggests that Marx 
and his ideas are never far from economic  commentator’s minds.
And that, along with creeping monopolies, growing  inequality and the 
all-absorbing momentum of the capital markets, Marx foresaw  many of the 
of globalisation, “which he called “the universal  interdependence of 
nations', not least the effects of an international 'reserve  army of the 
unemployed' in disciplining and depressing the wages of workers in  the 
economies“, so wrote Simon Caulkin, in the Observer of May 1.
A  Revolutionary Life, helped me identify more readily with a man I‘ve 
greatly  admired for years. My reading of his Conditions of the English Working 
Class,  made a profound impression on me at the tender age of 18.
John writes in a  clear and graphic style, on how Engels, from a very 
wealthy business family,  graduated from a man of action in the revolution in 
1848, taking up arms to  overthrow the ruling elite in Germany, to a thinker, 
almost equal to  Marx.
Indeed, John quite rightly claims, that without Engels’s understanding  of 
Marx’s brilliant mind, much of the three volumes of Capital would not have  
been published.
But their most famous work and the introduction to any would  be 
revolutionary to the ideas of Marxism is of course, the Communist  Manifesto.
With its penetrating declaration, “It has pitilessly torn asunder  the 
motley feudal ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors,’ and has left  
remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than  
callous ‘cash payment‘.” ringing true every day of our lives.
Both Engels and  Marx however, had to combat both supporters and opponents 
who constantly quoted  their works as scripture, rather than this or that 
quote being an illustration  of their method of thinking, that of dialectical 
and historical  materialism,
Or as Bert Ramelson, the much respected Industrial Organiser of  the 
Communist Party of Great Britain, advised me, “Gather the information and  make 
Also the modern day feminist need go no further for an  explanation of 
their present and past exploitation, than to read Engels‘s,  Origin of the 
Family. Where once male possession of property became dominant,  the 
of the mother figure was over, and exploitation of women in its  every form 
continues to the present day.
John traces the domestic travails  that beset Engels at every turn, in his 
struggle to break with convention and to  pursue a life of struggle. 
Describing how the rupture with his reactionary  father, to the point when 
Frederick was confronted by Engels senior, even as his  son stood on the 
in 1848, took place.
How his partner, Mary   Burns, together with her sister Lizzie (who became 
Engels’s partner soon after  Mary’s premature death) both heroic Irish 
Fenians in their own right, introduced  him to the horrors of the cotton 
lives in Manchester, that enabled him  to write of working class life in 
the satanic mills of that city.
The work of  the famous pair is provided in detail, in their response to 
the campaign of the  Chartists, the formation of the First International, the 
Paris Commune, the  Indian mutiny, the building of trade unions, in Britain, 
Germany and  America.
In other words they established their role as the centre of an  alternative 
international thinking; and in opposition to the capitalist ideas of  the 
Subsequently taken up by the heroes in the pantheon of revolution,  Lenin, 
Ho Chi Min, Che Guevara to Fidel Castro, plus millions of others, who,  like 
me, owe a debt of gratitude to the work of Frederick Engels, so absorbingly 
 written up in a Revolutionary Life.
In a very moving account, John writes of  the simple ceremony undertaken by 
Eleanor Marx, Edward Aveling, Eduard Bernstein  and Friedrich Lessner, to 
scatter his ashes into the sea off the coast of  Eastbourne, because the 
great man wanted no grave or monument to mark his final  resting place.
We can be grateful to John, for his research and the writing  of the story 
of Frederick Engels, intellectual giant and great human being.
A  Revolutionary Life
A Biography of Friedrich Engels
By J

Re: [Marxism] Interesting China article

2009-09-05 Thread Midhurst14
This economy is guided by the idea introduced by Lenin in the 1920's
Through this scientific view a Communist led economy will dominate the  
global economy as any reading of the Financial Times will  illustrate 
And enunciated as follows
George Anthony
Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Chair   
Fuwa Tetsuzo lecture on  
“Lenin and the Market Economy”  
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences  
in Beijing  
August 27th 2002. 
£2 inc. postage 

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Re: [Marxism] Contemporary United States Racism and Related Maladies [some in...

2009-08-29 Thread Midhurst14
I am beginning to fear that Obama is being drowned by the forces of  
reaction and cannot deal with them as FDR did
I hope I am not being too gloomy
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Teddy

2009-08-29 Thread Midhurst14
His father was a bootlegger and an enemy of Roosevelt who made  him the US 
ambassador to Britain out of the way of American politics
He therefore had an insane drive to get his sons elected president
Edward Kennedy originally supported the Vietnam war, but like McNamara saw  
it was a loser
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's General

2009-08-20 Thread Midhurst14

This is a far more accurate account
George Anthony
John Green‘s book about Frederick Engels, has performed a  service to the  
international labour movement.  
Along with his  comrade in arms for many years, Karl Marx, their  
works are  constantly referred to by friend and foe. Now more than  ever as 
capitalism staggers from one turmoil, and one credit crunch, to   another. 
Because the creation of surplus value can never be resolved by  a  society 
based on profit. This is the spectre that haunts  globalisation.   
For it is an accepted truth that Karl Marx, not  John Maynard Keynes  or 
Milton Friedman, has the answer to the dilemmas  daily confronting the 
banks of the developed countries. 
In  a recent Observer article of May 1, for instance, “that the sense of 
grinding of  the gears of history, the shifting of the political  plates. 
And that, along with  creeping monopolies, growing inequality  and the 
all-absorbing momentum of the  capital markets, Marx foresaw  many of the 
effects of 
globalisation, “which he  called “the universal  interdependence of 
nations', not least the effects of an  international  'reserve army of the 
unemployed' in disciplining and depressing  the  wages of workers in the 
economies”, reveals that Marx’s ideas  are  never very far away. 
A Revolutionary Life, helped me identify more  readily with a man I‘ve 
greatly admired for  years. My reading of his  Conditions of the Working 
Class in 
England, made a profound impression on me  at the tender age of  18. 
John writes in a clear and graphic style, on  how Engels, from a very  
wealthy business family, graduated from a man  of action in the revolution 
1848, taking up arms to overthrow the  ruling elite in Germany, to a 
almost equal to Marx.  
Indeed, John quite rightly claims, that without Engels’s  understanding  of 
Marx’s brilliant mind, much of the three volumes of Capital  would  not 
been published. 
But their most famous work and the introduction  to any would be  
revolutionary to the ideas of Marxism is of course,  the Communist 
Manifesto.  With its 
penetrating declaration, “It has  pitilessly torn asunder the motley  
ties that bound man to his  ‘natural superiors,’ and has left remaining no 
other nexus between man  and man than naked self-interest, than callous ‘
cash  payment‘.”  ringing true every day of our lives. 
Both Engels and Marx however, had to  combat both supporters and  opponents 
who constantly quoted their works  as scripture, rather than this or  that 
quote being an illustration of  their method of thinking, that of  
and historical  materialism, 
Or as Bert Ramelson, the much respected Industrial Organiser of  the  
Communist Party of Great Britain, advised me, “Gather the  information and 
make a  
Also the modern day feminist need  go no further for an explanation of  
their present and past  exploitation, than to read Engels‘s, Origin of the 
Family. Where once male  possession of property became dominant, the  
of the mother  figure was over, and exploitation of women in its  every 
continues  to the present day. 
John traces the domestic travails that beset Engels at  every turn, in  his 
struggle to break with convention and to pursue a  life of struggle.  
Describing how the rupture with his reactionary  father, to the point when  
Frederick was confronted by Engels senior,  even as his son stood on the  
in 1848, took place. 
How  his partner, Mary  Burns, together with her sister Lizzie (who became  
Engels’s partner soon  after Mary’s premature death) both heroic Irish  
Fenians in their own right,  introduced him to the horrors of the  cotton 
lives in Manchester, that  enabled him to write of  working class life in 
satanic mills of that  city. 
The work of  the famous pair is provided in detail, in their response  to 
the  campaign of the Chartists, the formation of the First International, 
Paris Commune, the Indian mutiny, the building of trade unions, in  
Germany and America. 
In other words they established  their role as the centre of an  
international thinking; and  in opposition to the capitalist ideas of  the 
Subsequently  taken up by the heroes in the pantheon of revolution,  Lenin, 
Ho Chi  Min, Che Guevara to Fidel Castro, plus millions of others, who,  
me, owe a debt of gratitude to the work of Frederick Engels, so absorbingly 
written up in a Revolutionary Life. 
In a very moving account, John  writes of the simple ceremony  undertaken 
Eleanor Marx, Edward  Aveling, Eduard Bernstein and Friedrich  Lessner, to 
scatter his ashes  into the sea off the coast of Eastbourne, because  the 
great man wanted  no grave or monument to mark his final resting  place. 
We can be  grateful to John, for his research and the writing of the  story 
of  Frederick Engels, intelle

Re: [Marxism] Another forward from Rosa L. - Analytic Marxsim

2009-08-16 Thread Midhurst14
Dialectical Materialism is a method of thinking
That every event is connected and there is no mystical or metaphysical  
factor involved
Keep it simple
Attention to petty detail leads to madness
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
Provided I'm not provoked, this is my last word
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Question for German comrades

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
Have you forgotten the role of Karl Leibnicht and Rosa Luxembourg
And the premature rising just before the end of the war, where a block of  
flats took up arms and were murdered for their pains
The KPD was never destroyed by Hitler and functioned illegally inside and  
outside the concentration canps
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Peaceful coexistence [was Re: Red Army and rape]

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
You tell me
Where did you get our information?
Readers Digest or Comic Cuts
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
For the truth about the Pearl Harbour stitch up read "Day of Deceit" by  
Robert B Stinnet
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
The Battle of El Alamein was a side show
But important for Churchill and the reason he joined the war on the side of 
 progress, to save the British Empire
After all the Germans had colonies in Africa that had been lost after  WW1
Chamberlain was an appeaser and the British ruling class was riddled  with 
them, seeing Hitler's method of dealing with the organised working class as  
their ideal
Mosley had considerable support in East London
William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) was a councillor in Shoreditch
George Anthony
NB Antony Beevor's book on Stalingrad  showed only grudging respect  for 
the intelligence and bravery displayed by Soviet troops, men and women
What can you expect, he had been an officer in the 11th  Hussars
I was a National Serviceman in the Third Hussars, where the officers were  
either nitwits or maniacs
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Red Army and rape

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
Who started the war
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Red Army and rape

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
Aren't you purists forgetting what the Nazis did to Soviet womanhood

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Re: [Marxism] post

2009-08-01 Thread Midhurst14
This is an interesting idea
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] post

2009-08-01 Thread Midhurst14
Stalinism is not a theory but a practice
Coined by the enemies of Socialism to discourage any more of it
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] post

2009-07-31 Thread Midhurst14
Equating nazism with Communism is absurd
Read The Communist Manifesto for clarification
George Anthony

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