[Marxism] The Challenges of 21st Century Socialism in Venezuela

2010-01-31 Thread Noah S. Zweig
may be coming up against the limits of redistributive reform within  
the logic of global capitalism, especially given the crisis of global  
capitalism. Anti-neo-liberalism that does not challenge more  
fundamentally the very logic of capitalism runs up against limitations  
that may now have been reached.

It may be that the best or the only defense of the revolution is to  
radicalize and deepen the revolutionary process, to push forward  
structural transformations that go beyond redistribution. The fact is  
that the Venezuelan bourgeoisie may have been displaced in part from  
political power but it is still very much in economic control.  
Breaking that economic control implies a more significant change in  
property and class relations. This in turn means breaking the  
domination of capital, of global capital and its local agents.  
Naturally this is a Herculian task. There is no clear way forward and  
each step generates complex new contradictions and Gordian knots. Of  
course these are matters the whole Global Left must contemplate.

Let us recall the lessons of the Nicaraguan and other revolutions.  
Multiclass alliances generate contradictions once the honeymoon stage  
of easy redistributive reform and social programs reach their limit.  
Then multiclass alliances begin to collapse because there are  
fundamental contradictions between distinct class projects and  
interests. At that point a revolution must more clearly define its  
class project; not just in discourse or in politics but in actual  
structural transformation.

At a more technical level, we could say that the contradictions  
generated by trying to break the domination of global capital are not  
the fault of the revolution. Venezuela is still a capitalist country  
in which the law of value, of capital accumulation, is operative.  
Efforts to establish a contrary logic - a logic of social need and  
social distribution - run up against the law of value. But in a  
capitalist society violating the law of value throws everything into  
haywire, generating many problems and new disequilibria that the  
counterrevolution is able to take advantage of. This is the challenge  
for any socialist-oriented revolution within global capitalism.
From:   Z Net - The Spirit Of Resistance Lives

Noah S. Zweig

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[Marxism] Chavez asks Venezuela TV to make 'socialist soap operas'

2010-01-10 Thread Noah S. Zweig
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Chavez asks Venezuela TV to make 'socialist soap operas'
(AFP) ? 3 hours ago
CARACAS ? Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Sunday he has asked  
film producers to make socialist soap operas, with government help  
if needed, because there's too much capitalism on television.
A while ago, I was in Cuba and they broadcast soap operas there, not  
capitalist soap operas but with a social content, socialist soap  
operas, Chavez told a group of filmmakers and scriptwriters guested on  
his weekly radio and television show, Alo Presidente.
I'm going to ask that we make socialist soap operas (in Venezuela),  
instead of capitalist ones.
The firebrand leftist leader offered government help to producers  
following his advice.
We can also make good movies, he added. Not capitalist movies that  
are poison and incite our children to take drugs and even push them  
into crime.
In 2006, Chavez opened Villa del Cine, a filmmaking center outside  
Caracas that produces full-length and short films and documentaries.
Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved. More »
Noah S. Zweig

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[Marxism] POLITICS-US: Activists, Big Business Converge on G20 Meet

2009-09-21 Thread Noah S. Zweig
 lake on the outskirts of the city,  
as well as forming huge coal piles that sit idle leaking mercury into  
the Monogahela River.

There are dozens of large coal-fired electric power generators, and  
one nuclear power plant, all along the Ohio River stretching down to  
West Virginia, supplying electricity to much of the east coast.

David Meieran, an organiser with the Three Rivers Climate Convergence,  
a Pittsburgh-based environmental group, says It is absurd that  
Pittsburgh's chamber of commerce and corporations like the PNC-bank  
are saying they are green companies now just because they are  
constructing these environmentally-friendly buildings.

He adds, They still maintain sizable holdings in coal companies that  
do mountaintop removal and longwall mining, profiting off deaths and  
environmental devastation.

In 2008, according to the American Lung Association, Pittsburgh ranked  
above all other U.S. cities in short-term levels of particle  
pollution, a deadly cocktail of ash, soot, diesel exhaust, chemicals,  
metals and aerosols that can spike dangerously for hours to weeks on  

The defence industry has a presence in Pittsburgh. Carnegie Mellon  
University has a robotics institute working closely with the U.S.  
Department of Defence. Local universities are involved in healthcare  
research and development tied to the private sector.

To defend the summit, Pittsburgh's mayor and city council have amassed  
a force of four thousand police, including many auxiliaries from the  
rural countryside. Two thousand National Guard and an untold number of  
secret service agents with hi-tech surveillance will be present.

Diane Richard, public information officer for the Pittsburgh Bureau of  
Police, explains There are facilities in place to afford us leeway in  
how many arrests we have to make. She acknowledged other agencies  
would have horseback units present.

Much of the discussion within Pittsburgh's advertiser-radio and  
newspapers has focused on financial costs of hosting the summit and  
the inconvenience to downtown dwellers.

One downtown resident told IPS that a big part of the population in  
the city is as old and conservative as Miami, Florida, and they don't  
want to see any spray paint or flag burning. He expects that the  
Pittsburgh police will use harsh tactics against protesters.

It is believed tens of thousands of protesters from Pittsburgh and  
around the country will gather. A mass march will start on Sep. 25, at  
12:00 P.M., on the corner of 5th and Craft near Pittsburgh's college.

Reverend Thomas E. Smith, of the local Monumental Church, has offered  
his lawn and parking lots to protestors.

He explains, We are hosting a tent city that is symbolic of the need  
for a fair and living wage, and for a national and international  
workers' movement similar to the poor peoples' campaign that Dr.  
Martin Luther King was in the process of organising prior to being  

The G20 protesters face hurdles in getting their message out to a  
wider audience. With official politics in the United States channeled  
through a corporate media and a powerful two-party monopoly, peace and  
justice organisers say, the biggest challenge is just for their  
message to be heard.


Noah S. Zweig

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[Marxism] Mike Davis on the California budget crisis

2009-08-04 Thread Noah S. Zweig


Noah S. Zweig

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