Re: [Marxism] India : Sanhati statement on the firing by CPI(M) harmads in Lalgarh

2011-01-12 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Utter falsehood..

Curious that Sanhati takes no cognizance of more than 250 CPI(M) cadre murdered 
by the so-called Maoists and their comprador friends Trinamul Congress in WB.. 
hypocrisy, thy name is 

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Re: [Marxism] Indian indigenous tribe scores Avatar-style victory over British company

2010-08-28 Thread Rajesh Roy
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In a mark of the political significance of the project's rejection, the
scion of India's most powerful dynasty, Rahul Gandhi, flew by helicopter to
a rally near the proposed mine on Thursday.

Mr Gandhi, whose father, grandmother and great grandfather were all Indian
prime ministers, told residents that there is a ''rich India'' whose voices
are heard everywhere and a ''poor India'' whose voices are seldom heard.

''This is your victory,'' said the general secretary of the ruling Congress

This Gandhi boy is just using this opportunity to further his own image as the 
next natural heir to the Congress throne and hence naturally to the next Prime 
Minister of India.. this is a shameful and hollow show of power.. it is his 
own congress party that are following agricultural policies that have over the 
past decade resulted in more than 100,000 farmer suicides across India.. when 
this guy talks of a "poor India", one feels anger at this brazen hypocrisy.. 

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Re: [Marxism] India Faces Intifada Like Revolt in Kashmir

2010-08-12 Thread Rajesh Roy
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This government has screwed up the Kashmir issue real badly.. they prefer 
and inaction to doing anything constructive.. more than 50 Kashmiris were 
in security forces' firing against rallies and demonstrations.. of course, 
is funding from across the border, the ISI etc.. who knows, maybe even the US 
government could be double-dealing, they supply arms both to Indian and 
Pakistan, sad thing is the dubmass rulers in both countries lack the 
to stand up against years of US double-dealing..  the current rulers are too 
busy introducing financial sector reforms, labour reforms, selling off even 
profit-making public sector units, bringing in foreign educational providers, 
getting further enmeshed in the strategic embrace of the Americans, buying up 
American weaponry etc. etc. farmer suicides have continued unabated all these 
years in the so-called rising superpower.. the public distribution system has 
been demolished, there are foodgrains available in govt godowns, but the 
delivery system has been emasculated and folded up, yesterday the Supreme court 
ordered the govt to give away foodgrains free of cost to the poor rather than 
let them rot in the godowns.. 

here is a link to an article by P. Sainath on the foodgrains issue..

- Original Message 
From: Tom Cod 
Sent: Fri, 13 August, 2010 5:11:39 AM
Subject: [Marxism] India Faces Intifada Like Revolt in Kashmir

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[Marxism] Maoists kill headmaster: was {Villagers take to streets against Maoist bandhs}

2010-07-24 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Kolkata:  Suspected Maoists shot dead the headmaster of a primary school in 
Midnapore district of West Bengal for refusing to let his students join a 
pro-Maoist procession. 

Rabindranath Mahato was just leaving his Indraboni Primary School on Friday 
around 3 pm when six persons in three motorcycles swooped down on him, hacked 
him with choppers and then shot him dead at point blank range. As fellow 
teachers and students fled in terror, the six youth left shouting pro-Maoist 

Mahato's murder came two days after villagers at Radhanagar chased away 
activists of the pro-Maoist People's Committee against Police Atrocities 
who wanted the villagers to join a procession they were holding. 

On Friday, over 7000 residents of about six villages came together and held 
their own procession to protest against the strong arm tactics of the PCPA. The 
villagers complained of harassment of women as well by the PCPA.

While the villagers protest may have been a one-off incident, people are 
away from pro-Maoist groups, say the police. And as the isolation of the Maoist 
groups grows, they are taking to more killings of innocents like the headmaster 
of the primary school.

Read more 

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[Marxism] Villagers take to streets against Maoist bandhs

2010-07-24 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Kolkata: Disgruntled over regular bandhs and blockades called by Maoists in 
Jangalmahal (forested south-western part of West Bengal), thousands of 
from more than 10 villages in Jhargram sub-division of Paschim Medinipur 
district took out a rally in the area on Friday.
They were protesting against the atrocities perpetrated on them by the 
extremists and supporters of the Maoist-backed Police Santrash Birodhi 
Janasadharaner Committee (PSBJC).
They alleged that the Maoists and PSBJC supporters had beaten up both men and 
women from the villages when the latter refused to participate in a rally 
organised by the former.
A group of Maoists and PSBJC members had gone to Radhanagar village in the area 
on Wednesday night and asked the residents to participate in a protest rally 
against alleged police torture on women members of the Maoist-backed Nari Izzat 
Bachao Committee on Tuesday. Most of the villagers, however, refused to listen 
to the group and chased them away. The Maoists returned to the village on 
Thursday and allegedly beat up residents for daring to defy their order.
Saying that the incident points towards growing animosity against the Maoists 
the region, Additional Superintendent of Police, Jhargram, said the people have 
“finally raised their voice against the prolonged suppression by the Maoists”.
“More than 5,000 people had gathered against torture by the Maoists as well as 
the regular digging up of roads, felling of trees and calling bandhs. They said 
they wanted to live in peace,” he added.

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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Valuable comments, comrade dan..

It is naive to think that such a well-entrenched state could be in anyway 
threatened by the so-called 'Maoists' in India.. the army has not yet been used 
against them.. it is only the paramilitary/police forces that have been 
employed by the state against them.. there is now an ongoing debate within the 
ruling establishment about using the airforce.. the army is still out of the 
picture.. it looks like bringing the army/airforce in is just what the 
pretenders to Maoism really want.. these people would benefit by the attention 
such an action would create.. but in the process, there would be tremendous 
'collateral damage'.. adivasis whose villages have been overrun by the armed 
gangs will get caught in the crossfire, and innocent lives will be lost.. which 
would then add fuel to the media fire, with accompanying international 

- Original Message 
From: dan 
Sent: Fri, 28 May, 2010 8:09:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] India

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I feel sympathy for the underdogs, the adivasi, and so am of two minds
concerning the Maoists in India.

I love to see the state apparatus being challenged. Come on, we all have
a tender spot for rebellions, insurrections, mutinies, guerillas,
well-laid out traps, jungle redoubts, infiltrations, ... Because they
are the underdogs and the might of the Indian army is so much greater
than what the Maoists can muster.

But, and here comes the BUT, but are the adivasi really in charge, not
of tactical operations, which they clearly are, but of overall
strategy ? Are they not trading the exploitation of comprador Indian
bourgeoisie for the shakles of "the Great Party" ?

I have misgivings about Rao's (the leader of the CPI(M)) ideology. I've
read many of his writings and interviews and find him callous, devious,
power-hungry, and prone to condemn anybody who deviates from his line.
He reshapes the entire organization's ideology at every congress,
pointing out deviations, new alliances, new enemies, pointlessly
lecturing people on history, setting new goals, using
Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist (in that order) rhetoric in such a way
that his Hindi becomes stilted and formulaic.  I find his idea of a
"party" quite frightening.

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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread Rajesh Roy
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"Rural based resistance".

A better term would be 'jungle-based counter-revolutionary activity'

- Original Message 
From: S. Artesian 
Sent: Fri, 28 May, 2010 5:54:36 PM
Subject: [Marxism] India

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Anybody have further information on this derailment in India, which killed app 
65?  Any information refuting, hopefully, government charges that the 
derailment was deliberate sabotage executed by the rural based resistance?

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's Note

2009-12-12 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Is there a struggle for self-determination in Kashmir? Yes.. 

Does Kashmir belong to Pakistan? No..

Has there been organised infiltration into Kashmir by the Pakistani ISI (funded 
and supported for long by the US) ? Yes..

So is the Indian state the sole problem with regard to Kashmir? No..

Are both the Indian and Pakistani states and US imperialism the problem? Yes..

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Re: [Marxism] Statement against Government of India ’s planned military offensive in adivasi-populated regi ons

2009-10-14 Thread Rajesh Roy
Naxalites experiencing widening support ? I would strongly counter that view.. 
If you look at Andrha Pradesh, they have been routed from there.. these people 
survive by the barrel of the gun, and by terrorizing innocent people in 
far-fetched villages.. if they believe that India can be conquered without 
democratic processes and purely by military means, what can one say ? If one 
takes the case of Bengal, the support for these infantiles is coming right from 
the right-wing Mamta Banerjee and such other anarchist forces.. one can get a 
sense of the opportunism involved in such tactics..

Of course, a dialogue is welcome.. but we seem to be getting staples from 
single-agenda anti-CPI(M) lobbies like Sanhati..

- Original Message 
From: Bhaskar Sunkara 
Sent: Tue, 13 October, 2009 7:42:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Statement against Government of India’s planned military 
offensive in adivasi-populated regions

I'm generally sympathetic to the CPI-M, but it's important that any analysis
of the Naxalites focus on why they are experiencing widening support.
Marginalization, corruption, landlordism, caste discrimination and the very
painful processes of urbanization and proletarianization.

Seems to me that you seem unwilling to do this or engage comrades in
substantiative discussion on these topics.

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Re: [Marxism] India: An Update from Lalgarh

2009-09-10 Thread Rajesh Roy
Hello comrade EPoliticus, 

my remark was a criticism of Maoist violence in Bengal, and their opportunistic 
alliance with Mamta Banerjee against the CPI(M).. I support the CPI(M).. over 
the last five days, about 15 people including CPI(M) cadre have been murdered 
by these petty criminals who dream of bringing revolution to India through 
cold-blooded murder..

- Original Message 
From: Politicus E. 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September, 2009 9:49:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] India: An Update from Lalgarh

Rajesh Roy wrote "Meanwhile, CPI(M) cadres are being murdered on a
daily basis in Bengal by the infamous ultra-left right-wing political

Comrade Roy, my impression is that your remark is an attempted slur.
I hope that I am mistaken.  Elaborate on your political position, or
provide a link to an publication that represents your political
position, and we can engage in an open political discussion.


"In the tender annals of Political Economy, the idyllic reigns from
time immemorial ... the present year of course always excepted."
-- A German refugee, circa 1867 --

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Re: [Marxism] India: An Update from Lalgarh

2009-09-09 Thread Rajesh Roy
Meanwhile, CPI(M) cadres are being murdered on a daily basis in Bengal by the 
infamous ultra-left right-wing political alliance..

- Original Message 
From: Politicus E. 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 September, 2009 10:50:36 PM
Subject: [Marxism] India: An Update from Lalgarh

The following was published on 8 September 2009 at the Sanhati
website.  Note that P.S.B.J.C. refers to the People's Committee
against Police Atrocities.

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