[Marxism] NPA 'down under'? [was Emulating the NPA in Victoria?]

2010-11-25 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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It's a pity this thread got sidetracked - and no one from Oz has stepped in. It 
started with the loopy WSWS piece which is really too wrong to respond to. With 
the caveat that I am in Mackay QLD and these events are in Melbourne VIC 
(that's about the distance from Dallas to New York) I'll try and start a 

The Socialist Party (SP) candidate Steve Jolly won his position of leadership 
as a union delegate for the CFMEU and in defending the closure of public 
schools in Victoria. This was enough to win him a position on the local council 
where he has staked out a position well to the left of the Green councillors 
and been an advocate for local issues like public housing. There is no doubt 
lots to be learned from what he and his comrades have been doing. He is 
currently standing in the state elections. There is a website 
http://www.yarrasocialists.net/ and some of his comments are on youtube 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L5yTCSKETU. Hopefully others can add their 
experience on the ground there.

Ignoring the WSWS boilerplate stuff about 'middle class' protests and 
'independent movements of working class' etc. The idea that the SP is 
supportive of the Greens (let alone the ALP) is stupid. I will make a few quick 
comments - to my knowledge the Socialist Party has shown no particular interest 
in any of the left regroupment processes. At present its seems like the Labour 
Party vote is breaking to the left so the fact the CFMEU (for its own reasons) 
is supporting his campaign (and that of some Greens) is a sign of that change 
(not as WSWS would have it of Steve's 'opportunism'. I guess if you see the 
Socialist Party as right wing then that puts you in some pretty strange 
political territory. He has received coverage - along with other candidates in 
Green Left Weekly whose supporters are generally more interesting in NPA-style 
regroupment processes but not SP to my recollection. With the Greens gaining 
ground and the ALP primary vote in decline there seems to be real shifts in 
voting in Australia - of course WSWS isn't interested in any analysis of that 
kind - some brief thoughts here at 

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Re: [Marxism] evolutionary psychology and socialism?

2010-08-08 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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Not sure if you really get his point. You seem to ask the questions he's
addressing in the lecture.

His examples show that while the SAME (genetic) roses manifested differently
in different environments. So what 'gross behavioural tendencies' do these roses
demonstrate thats explains the results.

There are 2 reasons why leftists are suspucious of these arguments. One is
that we think they are not scientific at all - and that its bad science to 
social outcomes by relation to the genes (for the reasons that Lewontin 

Also there is a LONG history of using these 'scientific' arguments to explain 
inequalities, its a powerful ideological  argument because it naturalises 
ie it was said that it was no-ones fault that other races or genders were 
'inferior' and
there was no point in trying to change it. We may now reject (some of) these 
arguments but at the time there was plenty of 'scientific evidence' to 
'explain' them.

In general Marxists want a politics guided by science but we don't want to 
them since science is also guided by a politics which is often denied.




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[Marxism] FW: On the British election - anything?

2010-04-20 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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Just came across this details on the far-left that someone has tracked down

Otherwise its been stuff on Crikey for me.


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[Marxism] RE Guy Robinson

2010-02-22 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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Your essay
is nearly 5 words long and Anti-dialectics
for beginners on your website (which you say is a short basic introduction) is 
25000 words. I don't have that much time.

I don't have that big an investment in the term 'dialectics' which I have 
always taken to mean that we should approach the world as a set of processes or 
relationships rather than a collection of things. Its why the common 
understanding of capital as wealth or machines is different from ours because 
we think of capital as set of human relationships - so a tractor driven by a 
farmer on his own land is not the same 'thing' as a tractor driven by a 
wage-labourer employed by the farmer (ie it's not capital)

Terms like dialectical materialism or historical materialism don't appear in 
Marx but the latter I guess is a fair shorthand for Marx's 'materialist 
conception of history' in which he argues that all clarification has it roots 
in understanding it as human practice (as opposed to ideas-in-motion as in 
metaphysics or mechanist reductionism in positivist science like biological 

You claim dialectical philosophy depend(s) on a fetishisation similar to that 
found in religious belief and metaphysics

So amidst the millions of words on your site you want to claim that dialectics 
is a fetish like a religion. Well this would be the case if the claim was that 
something called a 'Dialectic'  causes things to happen - and some Soviet 
philosophy expresses it things way (just the same as saying something is 
demanded by a Natural Law or iron laws of economics) - but that's a pretty 
crude example of reification surely.  I don't see how why we should abandon the 
notion that we should understand the world as a process of which humanity is a 
part because some people want to say that processes operate 'over the heads' of 
humanity ie make a fetish of it.



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Re: [Marxism] Guy Robinson

2010-02-20 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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Well I'm not sure how much to go into here. Perhaps I am labouring a point.

I suppose first up that most people do not regard Truths as something 
recognised by humans. Most people think of the truth as a product of statements 
when those statements accurately describe the world as it exists independently 
of any observer.  

However I think Loren's point is an important one. Typical athiests like 
Dawkins argue that religion is an illusion just like say the optical illusion 
of there being water on the road ahead on a hot day. With experience we realise 
that its an effect of the way our eyes interact with the atmosphere and we know 
that there isn't really water on the road. Dawkins (for eg) sees religion in 
the same way - all people should be athiests because once science has shown 
that there is no God on the road ahead anyone who continues to believe in God 
is simply stupid or duped by wicked priests.  I think most Marxists take Marx 
to be saying much the same thing - they read 'religion as the opium of the 
masses' as meaning religion is a drug fed to the masses by elites of one kind 
or another.

Marx's critique though is different. He uses the analogy of religion as being 
the flowers in the chain which binds and oppresses people. People out these 
flowers in to make life bearable (they administer the opium to themselves to 
continue the analogy). Most critics want to pluck out the flowers (ie explain 
to the masses that they are stupid for thinking that flowers make things 
bearable) rather than what Marxists want and that is to remove the chains 
(after which the flowers will fall be themselves).

So when one say's religion is an illusion it isn't the same as saying that its 
simple like an illusion that can be dispelled by proper explanation. Its wrong 
objectively as far as we Marxists are all concerned but it can't be dispelled 
subjectively by simply pointing out the error. So the aim is to show the 'human 
trust' (as opposed to some supposed 'objective truth' that exists independent 
of any observer). Thus we seek not to dispel religious illusions by critique 
but to break the chain and then pluck the living flowers.  

[I am assuming we are all familair with Marx's critique of Hegel 'Philosophy of 
Right' at http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1843/critique-hpr/intro.htm

The reason this is the beginning of all critique is that this method is common 
throughout Marx. Marx's 'Capital' begins with talking about the way commodities 
come to be seen as having a life of their own. The key theme (and why it is a 
*critique* of political economy) is demonstrating that while it appears that 
commodities and markets rule over us (like a god) they are, in fact, the 
product of a very specific set of social relations. 

So, for a marxist we might as shorthand say that it is an illusion that 
capitalist society is ruled by markets but thats not the sort of illusion that 
can be dispelled simply by experience because all of us experience capitalism 
in precisely this way - in the same way that religious believers experience the 
reality of God. 

The human truth is the God or markets are human products but under alienated 
social relations we don't experience them that way. We, on this list who have 
read 'Capital' and so on, may *know* that markets are not *objectively* real 
(ie they are a product of particular human practices unlike the earth going 
around the sun)  but we still experience them that way because they are part of 
the objective practices of the capitalist class. The 'illusion' that markets 
(or gods) exist in the same way that the solar system does is part of the 
ideology but its not dispensed by intellectual critique.


If religion is an illusion how can it not be wrong?  What can a  

human truth possibly be except a truth known and recognized by humans?

Shane Mage

On Feb 19, 2010, at 8:59 PM, Shane Hopkinson wrote:

 This is Loren's summary from a Review of Ernst Bloch:

  Marx and Bloch do not criticize religion as wrong... the project  

 of Marx and Bloch -is

 to show the human truth of religion (as one of several products of  

 the human

 imagination in society) and to prepare for the realization of that  

 truth in

 social conditions that would no longer require the illusion of  



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Re: [Marxism] Lindsey German?

2010-02-19 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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I knew I'd regret it. Ok so let's say she was 'forced to resign' because we 
know that despite 35 of service to a revolutionary socialist organisation she 
has unexpectedly become a pro-capitalist renegade whose differences can no 
longer be tolerated by her former comrades. Its all pretty familiar stuff.

BTW I like the Guy Robinson stuff you posted - hope you can get more of it up.

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Re: [Marxism] Guy Robinson

2010-02-19 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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How odd. I thought that was one of his key themes.

there can be no legitimate clash between science and religion any
more than there can be between science and the nonsense rhymes of Edward


I guess - but that's not how Marx saw it. It leaves you in the same position as 
Dawkins - whose work I admire in many ways - but I always get the impression 
he's a oxford don explaining to the benighted masses that religion is just, 
well, stupid and they should all know better.  And his reductionist materialism 
a la the selfish gene is similar.




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[Marxism] Guy Robinson

2010-02-19 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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Its two sides of a coin. 

This is Loren's summary from a Review of Ernst Bloch:

In doing this [Bloch] is
merely generalizing the Marxian critique of religion to a much broader array of
such creations than most Marxists would care to take on. Indeed, most Marxists,
and a fortiori most commentators of Marx, rather badly misconstrue Marx's
critique of religion, the presupposition of all possible critique
as he put it, and its role in Marx's work. Marx and Bloch do not criticize
religion as wrong from the vantage point of some reductionist
science that possesses the truth; the project of Marx and Bloch is
to show the human truth of religion (as one of several products of the human
imagination in society) and to prepare for the realization of that truth in
social conditions that would no longer require the illusion of religion.


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[Marxism] (no subject)

2010-02-18 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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I know its bad form to personalise things but one wonders what outsiders would 
make of a boss who sacked a worker after 35 years of loyal service on some 

To make matters worse we are claiming that we can build a better world than the 
capitalists but if I was a person in the street looking at this behaviour I 
don't think I'd be looking to sign up for this sort of treatment - and as yet 
they have no real power. And I mean these are how they treat people with whom 
they are politically close and have worked for years. 

Very sad.


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[Marxism] Workers Liberty on Rees et all SWP/UK resignations

2010-02-18 Thread Shane Hopkinson
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I know its bad form to personalise things but one wonders what outsiders 
would make of a boss who sacked a worker after 35 years of loyal service 
on some pretext.
To make matters worse we are claiming that we can build a better
world than the capitalists but if I was a person in the street
looking at this behaviour I don't think I'd be looking to sign up for
this sort of treatment - and as yet they have no real power. And I

mean this are how they treat people with whom they are politically
close and have worked for years.

  Very sad.

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[Marxism] The past and future of the [Oz] Left

2009-09-30 Thread Shane Hopkinson
This analysis by Guy Rundle from on-line paper 'Crikey' is in response to a 
recent series of articles run by the mainstream conservative print newspaper 
'The Australian' about thinkers on the Left. I thought it provided a good 


...The global Left looked at its lowest ebb in the 1990s. In fact it a globally 
unified Left had died in the 1970s, the victim of failure on every front. The 
USSR had failed to liberalise and develop after Khruschev, and was a stagnant 
and seemingly permanent monolith. By the later 70s, Mao’s cultural revolution 
had come to be seen as less a triumph of proletarian culture than a process of 
chaos and destruction. The Western experiments in counterculture had largely 
collapsed, into heroin and hippie entrepreneurship. Finally, the social 
democratic parties in the West had retreated from such plans as they had to 
extend the transformation of the market economy...


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