Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-09 Thread Matthew Russo
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Once again, should President Obama help elect in 2012 someone who can
preside over a much more socialist administration and congress, he will in
my opinion have done a decent, shrewd, and more extraordinary service to US
citizens and the world than he might possibly otherwise.

Just what on Earth is this person talking about?


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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-09 Thread Mark Lause
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Looks to me as if Sister Sarah will be the next president.  The media loves
her so much that it's made her the most prominent Republican around.  And
the GOP has nobody more obvious in view...certainly nobody as sure of
grabbing headlines or mobilizing that gosh-darned based.

Nach Palin uns.


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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2010-12-07, at 8:58 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Obama: On the way to a failed presidency?
 By Katrina vanden Heuvel
 Tuesday, December 7, 2010;
 Ronald Reagan famously quipped that the Democratic Party left him 
 before he left the party. Like many progressive supporters of 
 Barack Obama, I'm beginning to have the same feeling about this 
 Consider what we've seen since the shellacking Democrats took in 
 the fall elections.
 On Afghanistan, the administration has intimated that the 2011 
 pullout date is inoperable, with the White House talking 2014 
 and Gen. David H. Petraeus suggesting decades of occupation. On 
 bipartisanship, the president seems to think that cooperation 
 requires self-abasement. He apologized to the obstructionist 
 Republican leadership for not reaching out, a gesture reciprocated 
 with another poke in the eye. He chose to meet with the 
 hyper-partisan Chamber of Commerce after it ran one of the most 
 dishonest independent campaigns in memory. He appears to be 
 courting Roger Altman, a former investment banker, for his 
 economic team, leavening the Goldman Sachs flavor of his 
 administration with a salty Lehman Brothers

The subject line is another easy cheap shot at disillusioned liberals which 
misses the larger point that the article is further evidence of the rapidly 
growing distance between the Democratic leadership and the base of the party, 
particularly its important layer of more politically aware activists and public 
intellectuals. Krugman, Reich, Stiglitz, Frank Rich, Eugene Robinson, 
Olbermann, Maddow, vanden Huevel and others speak for a constituency larger 
than themselves, which at the present time is of more interest to me than their 
personal foibles, past histories, or to-be-expected illusions about reforming 
the Democratic party. Pity there is no longer a working class socialist left in 
and around the Democratic party, a bourgeois reform party supported by the 
unions and their various allies, with the connections, understanding, energy 
and organizational skills needed to advance the process further. 

Rather than delight in the dashed hopes of liberal public intellectuals, a more 
serious approach would pay careful attention to their political trajectory as a 
reflection of developments at the base. In this vein, I was struck by a recent 
comment from another angry disillusoned liberal, the economist James Galbraith:

The Democratic Party has become too associated with Wall Street. This is a 
fact. It is a structural problem. It seems to me that we as progressives need — 
this is my personal position — we need to draw a line and decide that we would 
be better off with an under-funded, fighting progressive minority party than a 
party marked by obvious duplicity and constant losses on every policy front as 
a result of the reversals in our own leadership.

A third party of any significance is not presently on the agenda, and won't 
likely be without a preceding faction fight inside the DP, or so it seems to 
me, but this is very strong language and the fact that the idea is even being 
floated in leading liberal circles suggests that something deeper and 
unprecedented is going on in the party than I had reason to believe. 

But to find this material - much more interesting, IMO, than the predictably 
boring denuciations of the DP leadership and ridicule of public liberals so 
prevalent here - you have to look for it, and with a mind open to all 

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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This is a very eloquent piece. And I file it under the Crisis of Liberal

It seems to me that we are getting inexorably closer to the come to jesus
moment, when Liberals have to choose. Their illusions which they wrap so
tightly around themselves are being ripped off with brutal ruthlessness.

Why this undending humiliation of Obama the true beleivers?  I accept
largely Lou's thesis that Obama was never the progressive he claimed to
be.   But he is now fast becoming a figure of ridicule and mockery.  The
contempt in ruling circles for the likes of Obama and those who believed in
him is palpable. Maybe Sartesion is right and Obama has served his purpose.
Perhaps he will be cast into the dustbin of history.

But I have an enduring belief in the power of liberals to keep inventing a
new illusion to grocvel behind. We seem somehow never to reach the moment
when man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions
of life, and his relations with his kind. So the wretched Obama might

I certainly hope not.



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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Lajany Otum
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Gary writes: 

 But I have an enduring belief in the power of liberals to keep inventing a
 new illusion to grovel behind. We seem somehow never to reach the moment
 when man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions
 of life, and his relations with his kind. 

Or as Richard Greener wrote in the article to which Gary was referring: 

If we start now there's time for a reliable, truthful, electable 
liberal-progressive Democrat to emerge.


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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/7/10 6:59 PM, Lajany Otum wrote:

 Or as Richard Greener wrote in the article to which Gary was referring:

 If we start now there's time for a reliable, truthful, electable
 liberal-progressive Democrat to emerge.

To which I wrote Richard: I think the chances for a socialist 
revolution are more auspicious.

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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 It had not occurred to me that president Obama might recognize he should not 
 run for reelection and take himself out to assure election of someone further 
 to the left.  But that would be decent and shrewd, and in my opinion he is 
 both.I will oppose  this groundswell from the left that further weakens 
 him until I'm convinced it is not a play in behalf  of someone further right, 
 Secretary Clinton or former President Clinton, or a trap quite worthy of Karl 
 Rove, Newt Gingrich etal that smart people,too pure for the collective good 
 of the human species, are falling into.  Have people here read left wing 
 communism, an infantile disorder?  or the update of it by the Chairman of 
 the CP in west Germany before the end of east Germany, named something like 

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/7/10 6:59 PM, Peggy Dobbins wrote:

 It had not occurred to me that president Obama might recognize he
 should not run for reelection and take himself out to assure election
 of someone further to the left.  But that would be decent and shrewd,
 and in my opinion he is both.I will oppose  this groundswell from
 the left that further weakens him until I'm convinced it is not a
 play in behalf  of someone further right, Secretary Clinton or former
 President Clinton, or a trap quite worthy of Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich
 etal that smart people,too pure for the collective good of the human
 species, are falling into.  Have people here read left wing
 communism, an infantile disorder?  or the update of it by the
 Chairman of the CP in west Germany before the end of east Germany,
 named something like Steinbenner?

Peggy, I have no idea why you have so many technical problems with this 
listserv. You sent the message above as if it were a reply but it would 
have been less confusing without the 's.

Now, I have indeed read Left-Wing Communism but it has nothing to do 
with the 2 party system in the USA. Lenin urged the CP to back SP 
candidates in order to get a hearing from rank-and-file members. He 
reasoned that they had no idea how treacherous their leaders were since 
they had never exercised power as a governing party. Once they did, the 
workers would be open to CP ideas but it was necessary to remove any 
obstacles to that dialog.

This has nothing to do with the Democratic Party that has been around 
since Andrew Jackson and that was the party of chattel slavery. Workers 
have seen it in action. Mostly they vote for it out of a sense of 
futility. We are trying to create a radical alternative to both the 
Democrats and the Republicans without worrying whether Palin will be 
elected because of our actions.

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Peggy, Peggy, Peggy how could you?  The diatribe against 'Left wing
communism' only makes sense if one realises that there was a bona fide
Communism around.

We do not even have a bona fide liberalism.

Obama is one of two things - spineless, gutless, grovelling liberal


a shrewd opportunist who took advantage of the despair brought about by the
Bush years.

He now needs to somehow restore a little of the faux liberal pretensions
that he spun around us so beguilingly.

For me, speaking personally, it is our *sacred* duty as Marxists not to
assist him in that task in any way.



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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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I don't know if I have said this before (probably) but I was mightily struck
by the absence of references to Obama at a recent conference here in
Brisbane on Indigenous matters.  Shortly after his election, there was the
rhetoric of 'yes we can' coming from some Indigenous leaders. There was also
a real sense of pride that a Black man had been elected President.

But now I detect a sort of embarrassment and even shame about Obama.  He has
been so awful and is getting worse with every day.

It seems so long ago since people were worried that he would be assassinated
by the FBI/CIA/Whoever for being too radical.




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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2010-12-07, at 7:00 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 On 12/7/10 6:59 PM, Lajany Otum wrote:
 Or as Richard Greener wrote in the article to which Gary was referring:
 If we start now there's time for a reliable, truthful, electable
 liberal-progressive Democrat to emerge.
 To which I wrote Richard: I think the chances for a socialist 
 revolution are more auspicious.

Both, of course, are equally inauspicious possibilities at the present time. 
The issue is whether going through the experience and inevitable frustration of 
trying to elect a liberal-progressive Democrat will lead your friend Richard 
and others like him to finally break with the party and start a new one to its 
left, or will drive him out of politics altogether. As we know, previous 
efforts of Marxists - including most famously, Lenin's advice in relation to 
the Labour Party - to enter bourgeois union-based reform parties in order to 
turn the base against the leadership as a prelude to a revolutionary split from 
it all ended in failure. But, so for that matter, have attempts to batter the 
DP and social democratic parties from the outside through the creation of 
Potemkin village progressive and revolutionary socialist parties which have 
also gone nowhere.

All of these failures, however, took place in a period when capitalism was 
expanding and, despite periodic crises, providing its working classes with 
steadily improving living standards. The mistaken assumption of the radical 
left was that the period was revolutionary, that the working class would become 
increasingly immiserated, and that capitalism would collapse under the weight 
of its internal contradictions. 

That long period of expansion and relative prosperity and job security has now 
ended in the advanced capitalist countries, and in the US is reflected in the 
inability of the Bush and Obama administration to resolve its mounting domestic 
and foreign policy crises. These have produced the tea party on the right and 
the growing disaffection within the Democratic party. Whether and how far these 
political developments will progress will depend on whether the bourgeoisie 
succeeds in containing these crises or whether they continue to deepen. Whether 
a future radicalization would begin inside the Democratic party, the seeds of 
which seem to me to be appearing, or outside of it, as most Marxmailers 
believe, is something we can only know in retrospect.

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread S. Artesian
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Have you been paying attention at all to what's been happening over the past 
3, or 30 years, Peggy?

There isn't going to be a more socialist administration or congress, much 
less more socialist administration AND congress.  In fact there isn't now, 
nor has there ever been an administration or congress that was even the 
teeniest bit socialist... unless you're taking the word of the  the John 
Birch Society,  the Cato Institute, and the Chicago Boys.

This praying for the Messiah that never comes-- the liberal democrat riding 
on a white ass, or with a white ass, I forget which is the proper biblical 
allusion, is like a flying saucer cult-- or maybe the lost children in Mad 
Max Beyond Thunderdome... telling there little story of exodus, loss, and 
not being slack.

The only reason Rove's pick is going to win is because capitalism 
requires it to carry out its program of impoverishment-- just as that 
capitalism required Obama to do what he did-- carry out the Bush program in 
all essential facets but by another name.

Now that he's done that, disoriented and confused those disoriented and 
confused types who were sucker enough to believe Yes, he could-- adios 
Barack, maybe you and Jimmy Carter can build little houses for dispossessed 
people-- there are certainly going to be many more of those dispossessed and 
very soon.

- Original Message - 
From: Peggy Dobbins 

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