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To: Editors, The Globe and Mail 

Re: Your editorial "A new, risky Cuban revolution" (September 20). 

The announcement of the new Cuban economic measures did not come as a
surprise to any serious journalist or observer. In July 2007 a nation-wide
consultation and debate (a frequent practice in Cuba) was initiated on the
Cuban economy. The planned restructuring of the state sector has been
discussed by all the trade unions and mass organizations, in the newspapers,
on radio and television. Workers have themselves decided that the measures
are necessary to strengthen Cuba's economy upon which they depend for their
living, and how they will be implemented. A substantial number of the
500,000 affected workers are to be absorbed into the non-state sector while
a considerable number are being offered alternative state employment
opportunities. Many will continue in their current jobs either working for
themselves or in cooperatives. 

This is not the shock therapy used in eastern Europe or demanded by the
World Bank and IMF in developing countries. The new arrangements are being
phased in and no one is being abandoned or left to fend for themselves. All
the social guarantees remain in force. The aim of the restructuring is to
strengthen social programmes, not privatize nor dismantle, them. This
includes universal free health care and education, subsidized utilities, a
subsidized food ration and controlled prices; mortgage payments pegged at 10
percent of the highest income earned in the household (more than 80% of
Cubans own their own homes). 

For any country to try to overcome the worldwide economic crisis in a manner
that favours its people, not the global monopolies, would be no small feat.
This is all the more true for a country like Cuba which is subjected to a
brutal all-sided commercial, trade and financial embargo from the United
States, with extra territorial consequences which even affect Canadian
businesses which trade or would like to trade with Cuba. 

Many Canadians admire the Cuban people's unrelenting defence of their
sovereignty in the face of tremendous odds. The changes your editorial
misrepresents may be new, but they are not risky in the sense that the
Cubans are not gamblers. They closed down all the mafia-run casinos more
than 50 years ago and ended that regime, which permitted the impoverishment
of the majority of the people and the corruption of all of Cuban life. 

If measures which defend this are a risk, we can confidently say that for
fifty years the Cubans have shown themselves capable of meeting the
challenges they take up.

Isaac Saney

Spokesperson, Canadian Network On Cuba

Email: isa...@hotmail.com

Tel.: 902-494-1531 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              902-494-1531
end_of_the_skype_highlighting (office)

[Faculty member, College of Continuing Education,
Dalhousie University & Department of History, Saint Mary's University]


Editorial: "A new, risky Cuban revolution",
Monday, September 20, 2010

The Cuban government's surprise announcement this week that it is laying off
500,000 state employees - about 10 per cent of the state sector - shows the
desperate state of the economy. Free-market reforms are long overdue in the
Caribbean island, one of the last bastions of Soviet-style Communism. But to
expect state employees, especially the least enterprising, to succeed in the
private sector is politically risky. 

By 2011, the government will lay off workers from every government sector,
selecting those who are least productive. These workers will then be
expected to form private co-operatives, find jobs at foreign-run companies
or set up their own small businesses. The government helpfully suggests a
list of possibilities, including raising rabbits, making bricks, driving a
taxi and organizing parties. Cubans who are not made redundant will face a
new salary structure that rewards productivity. 

This is the most significant economic shift since the 1990s, when the
collapse of the Soviet Union forced Cuba to legalize use of the U.S. dollar,
and allow people to operate restaurants in their homes, initiatives that
were scaled back once the economy improved. 

This development, however, appears to be longer-term. It will allow the
government to rid itself of unproductive workers, and indicates that Cuba is
ready to move in the direction of a more "marketized economy," says Arch
Ritter, an expert on the Cuban economy at Carleton University. "Once people
aren't reliant on the goodwill of the state, they are much less manageable.
So there is a political risk," he adds. 

Cubans will still be entitled to a few months of unemployment benefits, as
well as subsidized housing expenses and free education and health care. 

Isaac Saney, an author and Cuba solidarity activist, has answered a recent
editorial on the changes taking place there. Actual.ly the Globe and Mail's
misrepresents the situation somewhat less than the Canadian 'National Post,"
which went so far as to claim that Cuba's free education and medical care
vanished after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The text pf the
Globe and Mail edit is appended to Saney's reply.  

Saney's letter is also good at describing the process that led to adoption
of the measures, which were hardly suddenly dropped on the workers in a
crushing blow like a brick dropped from an airplane.
Fred Feldman

While the government of President Raul Castro made the announcements, his
older brother Fidel appeared to agree, recently telling an American
journalist that the "Cuban economy doesn't work." Mr. Castro later said he
had been misinterpreted, but the comment could also be read as tacit support
for Raul's reforms. 

An internal government document acknowledges the difficulty of this
strategic transition, noting many businesses won't last because Cubans lack
experience, drive and initiative to succeed in the private sector. 

While the Cuban government doesn't appear to have a strategy to help them
make the transition, some Cubans may adapt more quickly than predicted. For
years, Cubans have been forced to supplement their meagre state earnings and
insufficient food rations by reselling stolen products on the black market -
everything from cigars and cement to second-hand clothing. They already make
exceptionally good capitalists. 

Cuba is still far from fully embracing the free market to the extent that
China and Vietnam have. But these reforms are a welcome first step. 

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