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FBI Questions American Travelers To Cuba

At least 10 Americans who recently traveled to Cuba through 
cultural exchange programs have been questioned by FBI agents, 
either at home or over the phone, lawyers for the groups tell 
Huffington Post.

Most of those who claim they were questioned traveled to Cuba 
through the Venceremos Brigade, a group which sends up to 100 
people to Cuba each year to participate in exchange programs, 
perform volunteer work and meet Cuban artists.

Several of the travelers were visited at home by agents, who 
inquired about their trip to the island nation, which is subject 
to a decades-long embargo by the U.S. government.

Most travel to Cuba by Americans is prohibited and violators who 
are caught usually get a stern letter from the Treasury 
Department's Office Of Foreign Assets Control, warning them of 
penalties, which are rarely assessed. But FBI involvement is even 
more rare, prompting questions about the purpose of the visits. 
Both countries have accused each other of spying and have 
occasionally arrested their own citizens. Last year, Kendall 
Myers, a retired State Department official, and his wife Gwendolyn 
were arrested and charged with passing U.S. secrets to Cuban agents.

Groups advocating for greater openness with Cuba expressed 
surprise and disappointment at the FBI involvement, considering 
that the Obama administration has eased restrictions by allowing 
travel by relatives of Cubans and decriminalizing Web contact.

In one case, a traveler living in the NYC area was questioned by 
two agents. "They produced photographs, taken off the Internet and 
asked them, "Do you recognize this person?" said Center for 
Constitutional Rights lawyer Anjana Samant, who said she is 
planning to file a freedom of information act request with the 
Justice Department to learn more about the rationale for the 
bureau's interest in recent visitors to Cuba.

In another case, an FBI agent informed the person they were 
questioning that the agents are part of a special task force, says 
Michael Tarif Warren, an attorney for the Venceremos Brigade, who 
speculated that the agents may be operating under a new directive 
from the Justice Department.
Story continues below

A spokesman for the FBI declined comment.

According to Warren, at least six people in the New York City area 
have been contacted by FBI agents. When the travelers refused to 
answer questions, the agents left their cards without explaining 
the purpose of the questions or indicating whether there would be 
more visits, says Warren. Other recent visitors who have been 
questioned live in the Washington, D.C. area and in Minneapolis, 
says Samant.

The involvement of the FBI surprised CCR President Michael Ratner, 
who used to represent members of the Venceremos Brigade. He said 
that such visits were most prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s and 
dropped off during the 1990s and at the end of the Bush 
administration. "Every once in a while, I'd be told about a visit 
to the home or sometimes their workplace, which was horrifying for 
them, and they'd be asked, 'What did you see?' and 'Who did you 
talk to?'"

Ratner said that none of those questioned were ever arrested and 
that he advised travelers not to talk to the agents: "Talking to 
the FBI is like eating potato chips -- once you start, you won't 

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