Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Read this post from a high school friend in my inbox right after greg's from 
presscore.  Thanks Greg for that URL

Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

Begin forwarded message:

> From: H D HESSE <henrydhe...@q.com>
> Date: January 9, 2011 9:42:45 AM CST
> Subject: Drug and War

> Much has been said and written about drug usage during the Vietnam War..it 
> was indeed horrific..just thought I'd share my experience.
> My drug of choice was Jim Beam bourban..my roommate's choice was Budweiser.  
> I used all his bourban chits and he used all my beer chits, so we were even.  
> In our air conditioned hootch we had two recliners and a TV to go along with 
> the mini kitchen and bunks.  Our afternoon ritual was to meet at a certain 
> intersection of the sidewalks and then proceed to the hootch where we would 
> "Talk to Jim and Bud"..sometimes we ate, sometimes not.  We'd always set the 
> alarm clock before we started in case we'd fall asleep in the recliners and 
> just sleep there all night.  I had to work hard when I got back home to break 
> THAT habit, believe me.  I guess it started when we were in different 
> quarters close to the hospital, and we heard the choppers coming into the 
> landing area..you just knew some poor folks were hurting really bad or had 
> already given all in the defense of America....that went on all night every 
> night.
> I was assigned to a Security Police Squadron..we provided infantry support 
> for Cam Ranh Air Base..a squadron of nearly 800 men.  We had a K-9 
> unit..really worked well over there.  The K-9 handlers were known as the 
> pot-heads..they all smoked pot (hopefully only off duty)..we didn't care that 
> they smoked pot, because it wasn't addictive like some other drugs of choice 
> over there.  On Saturday mornings the First Sgt and I would walk thru the 
> hootches, kinda like an inspection..the K-9 handlers were just coming off 
> their graveyard shift and were winding down..the hootches reeked with pot 
> smoke..they were usually pretty relaxed and happy..and generally we were 
> offered a "hit or two".  Trouble was, some of the pot sellers started lacing 
> the smokes with heroin.  That became a big mess.
> Heroin was indeed a major problem..we had special wards in a hospital annex 
> just for de-toxing heroin users before they were shipped back to the States 
> for final detox and removal from the Air Force.  Perhaps some of my most 
> painful memories were walking thru the wards, loaded with young, handsome, 
> strong...you name it...men..crying like babies from the pain and agony of 
> withdrawal..not a sight I wanted to remember, but I do.
> Within our squadron we had some of the worst pushers..one guy had false walls 
> built into his hootch where he stored stuff..the legs of his bunk were 
> stuffed full of the terrible white powder..it was estimated he had street 
> value of a million bucks stored in his room..that was 1971 and 1972.  We 
> caught wind of his operation and went after him...when he saw me he asked for 
> amnesty since he was "addicted to drugs"..that was the poliicy then...all we 
> could do, instead of prosecuting him, was take him to the detox center, detox 
> him and send him home.
> I guess that's why I'm not crazy about foreign wars anymore..if we are 
> fighting a war where it is kill or be killed, we are too busy to get involved 
> with such stuff...oh, well...I'll never be in a position to make a difference 
> again...
> Why did this horrible memory from so many years ago come to mind??  Well, 
> some of you know that my wife Pat has quit smoking..cold turkey...a full week 
> with no smokes after smoking heavily for 60 years..and she is going thru 
> withdrawals, of course...seeing her moan and groan and almost scream was a 
> grim reminder of the guys in the detox ward..so, I don't mean to preach, but 
> if you or yours are still smoking...PLEASE take a good look at yourself and 
> shake the terrible addiction..you WILL feel better......henry/dave/flipper
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