Re: [Marxism] How US "far left" went off rails on health care

2010-03-27 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Some thoughts on a way out of the current impasse (got reprinted by a few
liberal pubs like Commondreams :

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Re: [Marxism] How US "far left" went off rails on health care

2010-03-27 Thread glparramatta
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Response to Fred Feldman's comment at Links International Journal of 
Socialist Renewal ( by Billy 
Wharton, co-chair of Socialist Party (USA):


Thank you for your comments. I respect and consider them carefully since 
they come from a member of Solidarity, an American socialist group that 
is conducting important work among our class.

I would make three points in defense of my position:

1 - As I mentioned in the article the healthcare bill fits into the 
larger pattern of the Obama administration's economic strategy. I see 
this strategy as pretty solidly neoliberal. The bank bailout and 
cash-for-clunkers being other concrete examples of corporations 
converting public funds into a resource to ride out the economic crisis. 
In this edition, the administration skillfully built a center-left 
coalition that was beholden to the right. Much closer to the left-right 
alliance Cockburn describes. Presenting a left pole in opposition to 
this formation while also attempting to build concrete power in poor and 
working class communities is necessary. I think the socialist left in 
the US should be working on this task together. If we support this bill 
how do we then dissent from the proposed changes in education? Or, the 
attack on Social Security? Or, the further trimming of Medicare? Obama 
is certain to build center-left coalitions around right-wing demands to 
accomplish such damaging work.

2 - Most serious left-wing groups have worked in alliance with 
single-payer advocates. While many left parties have wavered on this 
issue as Bill was certain to pass, preferring either silence or 
go-along-to-get-along, our single-payer partners have not. They have 
staunchly contested the bill as it went through Congress and have 
attempted to either modify or derail it on several occasions. To abandon 
groups such as Healthcare NOW and PNHP now seems quite opportunistic.

3 - I, among others, believe that this bill will do little, perhaps even 
nothing, to stem the tide of the collapse of healthcare in the US. I 
will spare you the details - no caps on skyrocketing costs, weak fine on 
pre-existing conditions, junk plans, mandates that millions will pay 
instead of paying for premiums, shifting the financial burden onto state 
Medicaid systems. Why support a bill that empowers the institutions - 
private insurers and big pharma - we are attempting to combat? To score 
public relations points? To seem like we are on the "progressive" side 
of the debate? Further, why let the tea-baggers monopolize opposition?

4 - Finally, Comrade Castro's comments offer an interesting dilemma for 
the left - the distance between internal actors in a nation and external 
observers. This speaks to the need for great international communication 
and, if not a formal "International" then some space for consultation 
between left parties. Immanuel Wallerstein has a wonderful article that 
looks at Brazil from this inside/outside perspective. Here is the link. 
Recommended reading:

Thank you again Fred for your insightful comments. This is a discussion 
that the American left needs to be having in order to prepare for the 
coming struggles.

Billy Wharton

--- In, "Fred Feldman" 
 > I submitted this to the Marxism List today, where most of the errors 
I see
 > were very prevalent. My assessment of the legislation is a little 
 > from that of union leader Rose Ann DeMoro, whose contribution I am also
 > sening. She knows what she is talking about re the content of this 
new law
 > than I do, so where we differ in assessing it, I give her the benefit 
of the
 > doubt. I want to express my satisfaction that as far as I can tell the
 > socialist organization I belong to, Solidarity, did not fall into the 
 > of CAMPAIGNING for the DEFEAT of the bill.
 > Fred Feldman

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