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Gary wrote  "But this Obama disgusts me at a very deep level.  It is because he 
is a traitor that I especially dislike him."  

Thanks Gary,for the comradely reply. I often feel girled down on this list. 

I am not disgusted and don't feel betrayed because I didn't expect more than an 
opportunist whose rhetoric and skin color uplifted the general culture and my 
spirit so much more than the Clintons.   I live in the time and place I do.   
In 1980, soon after Birmingham elected it's first black mayor, Flo Kennedy was 
in town and I invited some "influential Women," to lunch with her.  The black 
women were arguing vigorously, denigrating Arrington, for not having stood up 
to, stood down and fired the police chief he'd inherited.  Flo said, "if he 
were any better, you wouldn't have him". (Btw, he did later after-- but not 
perceptively  causal  -- I spent a night in jail arrested without charges on 
the way to perform a striptease in a Reagan mask over Charlie chaplin's hitler)

I'd like to believe the barricades are going up and a critical mass with the 
decisive weapons is agglomerating (appropriate Verb I hope for post conveyor 
belt analogy) to make a decisive institutionalizing leap in  the socialization 
of our species.  

IMHO, if any formulae emerges that unites  those united in defense and 
appreciation of Assange around reducing the standard hours of labor required 
for the workers of the world to reproduce their labor power, I'll be satisfied 
in the words of MLK (whom we also wouldn't have had if he'd been any better and 
I certainly did my share of denigrating him when Bob Moses was a viable 
alternative mass leader)'s favorite song that 'my livin has not been in vain'.  
We will not be further along than as Jehu noted, the 30s which gave us FDR's 
WPA instead, but then we hadn't had Tim Berners-Lee who opted to 
Institutionalize the WWW rather than patent it.
   Maybe seen at a grander scale, WPA was one step backward that makes possible 
2 toward freedom understood as paid time off secure full employment.  But what 
is possible doesn't happen if the people fail to "Make it So"

And what socialism in my lifetime looks like to me is not shared I suspect by 
those whom I'd categorize as romantic surf ace rs.  I do consider access to 
this list a privilege for which I am grateful to workers who have read some of 
the same dead workers I have

Peggy Powell Dobbins .
Sociology as an Art Form

On Dec 7, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Gary MacLennan <gary.maclenn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But this Obama disgusts me at a very deep level.  It is because he is a 
> traitor that I especially dislike him.  That, I suppose
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