Re: [Marxism] John Molyneux on party democracy

2009-10-28 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar
He is an interesting article on “Democratic Centralism” by Prof. Javeed Alam.
An active debate is underway in the Indian Left on the relevance of so-called 
of party discipline’ which were attributed to Lenin. Lenin’s Democratic
Centralism has to be understood in the proper historical context.

Democratic Centralism Be Conducive to Democracy?
By Javeed Alam 
Democratic centralism has generally been accepted as the principle for
building communist organisations, whereas it was only meant to address the
organisational demands of a particular historical context in Tsarist Russia. By
institutionalising centralism and leaving democracy undefined, this
organisational form has fostered authoritarian tendencies and undermined the 
of new ideas in the working class movement. This is seen in India where the
engagement of the communist parties with democracy has remained ad hoc and
untheorised. This article argues that democratic centralism has been an
obstacle for the communist parties to be able to creatively respond to new
situations and conditions.
Read Full at:
Vijaya Kumar Marla


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Re: [Marxism] John Molyneux on party democracy

2009-10-27 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Louis, I haven't read your article so I'm not sure if you mentioned the
context that Molyneux's article is being written in.  Molyneux is a strong
voice in the SWP attacking the (in my opinion, wrongheaded) no-platform
policy BNP policy.  The few months before the SWP conference (now) are
apparently the only times when members can form factions.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 In the latest issue of International Socialism, a quarterly put
 out by the British SWP, John Molyneux has an 8600 word article “On
 Party Democracy”  that raises some interesting questions but fails
 to get to the heart of the real problem in self-declared Leninist
  vanguards like the SWP.

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Re: [Marxism] John Molyneux on party democracy

2009-10-27 Thread Les Schaffer
Rosa L meant to send this link that works:


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