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(Kinzer used to be the NY Times correspondent in Turkey. He is 
also the author of a highly regarded book on American gunboat 
diplomacy although his coverage on Nicaragua in the 1980s did not 
stray far from State Department talking points.)

Genocide vote harms US-Turkey ties

Was the 1915 killing of Armenians genocide? The question is 
debatable, but it's not for the US Congress to decide

by Stephen Kinzer

For the US house of representatives foreign affairs committee to 
decide that the killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 
constituted genocide, as it did Thursday by a one-vote margin, 
would be acceptable and even praiseworthy if it were part of a 
serious historical effort to review all the great atrocities of 
modern history. But the singling out of Turks for censure, among 
all the killers of the 20th century, is something quite different. 
This vote was a triumph of emotion, a victory for ethnic lobbying, 
and another example of the age-old American impulse to play moral 
arbiter for the world.

Turkey recalled its ambassador in Washington immediately after the 
vote, which was broadcast live on Turkish television. The 
resolution now goes to the full House of Representatives. Given 
the pull of moneyed politics, and President Obama's unwillingness 
or inability to bring Congress to heel on this issue, as 
Presidents Bush and Clinton did, it could pass. That would provoke 
much anger in Turkey, and might weaken the US-Turkish relationship 
at the precise moment when the US needs to strengthen it.

In the past few years, Turkey has taken on a new and assertive 
role in the Middle East and beyond. Turkey can go places, talk to 
factions, and make deals that the US cannot. Yet it remains 
fundamentally aligned with western values and strategic goals. No 
other country is better equipped to help the US navigate through 
the region's treacherous deserts, steppes and mountains.

Would it be worth risking all of this to make a clear moral 
statement? Perhaps. What emerged from Washington this week, 
though, was no cry of righteous indignation. Various 
considerations, including the electoral power of 
Armenian-Americans, may have influenced members of Congress. It is 
safe to surmise, however, that few took time to weigh the 
historical record soberly and seek to place the Ottoman atrocity 
in the context of other 20th century massacres.

Two questions face Congress as it considers whether to call the 
1915 killings genocide. The first is the simple historical 
question: was it or wasn't it? Then, however, comes an equally 
vexing second question: is it the responsibility of the US 
Congress to make sensitive judgments about events that unfolded 
long ago? The first question is debatable, the second is not.

Congress has neither the capacity nor the moral authority to make 
sweeping historical judgments. It will not have that authority 
until it sincerely investigates other modern slaughters – what 
about the one perpetrated by the British in Kenya during the 
1950s, documented in a devastating study that won the 2006 
Pulitzer prize? – and also confronts aspects of genocide in the 
history of the United States itself. Doing this would require an 
enormous amount of largely pointless effort. Congress would be 
wiser to recognise that it does not exist to penetrate the 
vicissitudes of history or dictate fatwas to the world.

This vote has already harmed US-Turkish relations because it has 
angered many Turks. If the resolution proceeds through Congress, 
it will cause more harm. This is lamentable, because declining 
US-Turkish relations will be bad for both countries and for the 
cause of regional stability. Just as bad, the vote threatens to 
upset the fragile reconciliation that has been underway between 
Turkey and Armenia in recent months.

In this episode is encapsulated one of the timeless truths of 
diplomacy. Emotion is the enemy of sound foreign policy; cool 
consideration of long-term self-interest is always wiser. Congress 
seems far from realising this.

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