Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
Nestor Gorojovsky wrote:
> Paddy Apling escribió:
>> Because of his first paragraphs, I will excuse Nestor for the last paragraph 
>> quoted above, because he has no experience of war 
> Well, not of inter-imperialist war. That´s true.
> I know Paddy has that experience, so that I will refrain from any answer.
> But please remember, Paddy, that in my own country and in Latin America 
> in general, the limits between peace and war can be hazy from time to time.

I would also think that being a resident of Argentina you, Nestor, have 
experience of the class war (in the literal sense of the word) that by 
comparison makes the experience of most of us who live in the countries 
east and west of the North Atlantic fade into insignificance.

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
Paddy Apling escribió:

> Because of his first paragraphs, I will excuse Nestor for the last paragraph 
> quoted above, because he has no experience of war 

Well, not of inter-imperialist war. That´s true.

I know Paddy has that experience, so that I will refrain from any answer.

But please remember, Paddy, that in my own country and in Latin America 
in general, the limits between peace and war can be hazy from time to time.

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
For the truth about the Pearl Harbour stitch up read "Day of Deceit" by  
Robert B Stinnet
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Midhurst14
The Battle of El Alamein was a side show
But important for Churchill and the reason he joined the war on the side of 
 progress, to save the British Empire
After all the Germans had colonies in Africa that had been lost after  WW1
Chamberlain was an appeaser and the British ruling class was riddled  with 
them, seeing Hitler's method of dealing with the organised working class as  
their ideal
Mosley had considerable support in East London
William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) was a councillor in Shoreditch
George Anthony
NB Antony Beevor's book on Stalingrad  showed only grudging respect  for 
the intelligence and bravery displayed by Soviet troops, men and women
What can you expect, he had been an officer in the 11th  Hussars
I was a National Serviceman in the Third Hussars, where the officers were  
either nitwits or maniacs
George Anthony

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Jeff
>>> Alright, "expropriate" what? This was a discussion about rape of  women.
>Exactly what does the proletariat have a right to "expropriate?"  
>Is this all in my head, or do we have a different idea of what  constitutes
>"property?" <<<
>- Jeff

Your direct response (below) totally misses my point, and thus PROVES my
point in a way I could hardly have done myself!
- Jeff

WL2:(Intentionally NOT clipped)
>This is  what was stated: 
>"Germany should have been liberated of an equivalent  value equal to that 
>in which she 
>took from the Soviet workers as war  aggressors. The German army was not 
>filled with capitalist but workers."  
>EQUIVALENT VALUE EQUAL TO . . . . is what was acceptable payment for  
>crimes against the Soviet people. One does not have to demand reparations
but to  
>demand such is not wrong morally or politically. 
>From time to time the issue of reparations to blacks in America - because  
>of slavery, is raised and discussed. Generally, I do not weigh in on this 
>issues  because I do not advocate reparations in this instance. If anything 
>reparations  would be North to the South under proletarian rule. In the
>a different  solution would be formulated. However, those Marxists that 
>support reparations  "for blacks" are not "politically wrong." Or morally
>I do believe such advocacy by Marxists is a view of American history  with 
>a Northern bias.  
>On the issue of reparations and the unequal  treaty of the US government 
>with the Indian nations, I tend toward strong  support for reparations and 
>ending the unequal treaties as immediate and long  term payment for
>The Soviets did not loot Germany.  
>It was the German fascist that did the looting.  

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Dogan Gocmen
"Please comrades, learn some deep appreciation of what the world suffered
from fascism and forget arguing about what might have been if some of the
political struggles in the Soviet Union had concluded differently.  The
Soviet Union survived the greatest war in history - and saved us all."

Dear Paddy, thank you very much for your thoughtfull contribution.

Dogan Göcmen
Author of The Adam Smith Problem:
Reconciling Human Nature and Society in
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations, I. B. Tauris,
London&New York 2007

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

The Soviet armed forces should have not “looted� Germany? Why not? Why  
should Germany not have been “looted?� To save the German workers? Germany  
should have been liberated of an equivalent value equal to that in which she  
took from the Soviet workers as war aggressors. The German army was not 
filled  with capitalist but workers. 
It is a fact that some Soviet tanks had to throw ammunition over board to  
fill tanks with “loot.� I do not think this act of “looting� - taking back 
by  force of arms an equal value destroyed by the German fascists, is 
because of the  Patriotic nature of the propaganda campaign to rally the people 
of the Soviet  Union. I believe this was called justice by the men of the 
Soviet Army and the  party was complicit in these actions. 

Whatever this position represents it has nothing in common with the 
politics of Lenin, the Bolsheviks or the early Comintern.

During the first World War Lenin and the Bolsheviks demanded a peace 
without reparations or annexations. The Comintern (and teh KPD) opposed 
the Versailles Treatey among other reasons because it demanded 
reparations from Germany (i.e. from the whole German people, even though 
it was the German ruling class that was responsible for taking Germany 
into teh war) and because a weakening of German industry by removing 
whole factories also meant a weakening of the German proletariat.

After 1945 the Soviet Union annexed those parts of Poland it had 
occupied under the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939 and "compensated" Polant 
by giving it an equivalent area of eastern Germany. The removal of 
factories was a form of reparations - which did indeed weaken the 
proletariat in the Soviet Zone and set back industry there by about a 
decade - the British, French and American zones were not subjected to 
reparations at all (although the French did initially want them and did 
take over control of Saarland with its coalfields for 10 years).

All in all, these policies seem to have little in common with the 
communism of Lenin, the Bolsheviks and the early Comintern.

One final comment, many of the factories dismantled weren't (or indeed 
couldn't) be reconstructed within the USSR and it simply rotted or 
rusted. And in one respect the former Soviet Zone (later the GDR) still 
hasn't recovered - on many sections of the railway system where there 
had been two sets of tracks (one in each direction) one set was removed 
and sent to the USSR. Very few of these tracks were ever replaced in GDR 
times and some of them have still not been replaced today although on 
those parts of the railway system that haven't been closed down (in the 
run-up to privatisation) there has been major investment since German 

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Jeff
At 14:13 05/08/09 EDT, WL2 wrote:
>The Soviet armed forces should have not "looted" Germany? Why not? 
Well lots of reasons why not. But more importantly, this was a discussion
about mass RAPE, which you address in terms of LOOTING = stealing PROPERTY.
Did I get that right??

Your "old Indian story" makes the same equivalence:
>"Why should another teepee for the violator be provided? Are we to also to  
>hunt the buffalo to feed him; bring him fresh water and another women
Does anyone see a difference between bringing a needy person (rightly or
wrongly) a teepee, buffalo meat, fresh water, and a WOMAN?? 

>The Soviets did not loot Germany. Expropriation of the fascist classes and  
>supporters was not an act of looting. The capitalist and fascists loot. The 
> proletariat expropriate. 
Alright, "expropriate" what? This was a discussion about rape of women.
Exactly what does the proletariat have a right to 

Is this all in my head, or do we have a different idea of what constitutes

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
Nestor Gorojovsky wrote:
> Dogan Gocmen escribió:
>> To claim that there was a mass rape of women of all age would require to
>> show evidence and further qualification. Was is it for example an
>> intentional act or a spontaneous act. That there were rapes of German women
>> is known and people from east Germany say that. And this is surely not to
>> deny. But if claim is made that is was intentionally and consciously
>> organised to take revenge on German people this must be shown by evidences.
> The below goes for loot also:
> I have NOT stated that mass rape was "intentionally and consciously 
> organized to take revenge on German people". I haven´t even stated that 
> there was "a mass rape of women of all age". We agree in that there WAS 
> a wave of rapes. Period. This is enough.
> Had the war been waged as a war for the extension of socialism, officers 
> on the field, and every soldier to the last, would have had strict 
> political orders to repress rapists on the spot. Shootings included, if 
> necessary. It is politics that leads war, not the other way round.
> They did not have them. It is me who challenges you to produce evidence 
> to the contrary.
If I recall correctly, during the Russian Civil War, i.e. when the Red 
Army was under the political leadership of Trotsky, rape was strictly 
forbidden and harshly punished - up to and including the death penalty. 
Enforcing this was one of teh roles of the political commissars. When 
political commissars neglected their duties they were also subject to 
the harshest penalties - also including the death penalty.

By 1945 this was no longer the case - I've come across no reports of 
soldiers who raped German women being punished for doing so.

I've already quoted the article by Ilya Ehrenburg, one of the major 
propagandists in the Soviet war effort, where he describes Germans as 
"animals" - not Nazi Germans, not upper-class Germans, but all Germans. 
This isn't an example of internationalism - and when you describe your 
enemies as animals then treating them (or their wives, sisters, mothers 
and daughters) as sub-humans is almost inevitable - and rape (which has 
a lot to do with power and very little to do with sex as such) is a 
common consequence.

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape (Soldiers and socialism)

2009-08-05 Thread sobuadhaigh
Nestor wrote:
>Had the war been waged as a war for 
>the extension of socialism, 
>officers on the field, and every soldier 
>to the last, would have had strict 
>political orders to repress rapists 
>on the spot. Shootings included, if 
>necessary. It is politics that leads 
>war, not the other way round.
Nestor is absolutely right that the
Red Army and the Soviet government
bear the responsibility for the 
criminal acts committed by their 
soldiers in the field. We must also
bear in mind though that while politics
always aspires to lead war, it is not 
always the case. The Red soldiers, sailors
and workers that stormed the Winter
Palace were definitely fighting 
for socialism. It is also true that 
when the comrades discovered the 
vast wine cellars a good many of 
them were drunk off their butt for 
about two days before order and 
discipline were restored.

It is evident to me that the order
and discipline of the Soviet Army 
regarding looting and rape dissolved 
when they hit German territory. I 
believe the top leadership on the 
spot, political and military lost 
control and the atrocities
ensued. It was an unbelievably savage 
zone of conflict at the end of an 
unbelievably savage campaign. In 1945
Soviet soldiers captured by the 
Germans were beaten to death on the 
spot with the small shovels 
(entrenching tool) carried by 

Once again, the tenet of the 
totalitarian school believes that 
the evil dictatorship has such 
overwhelming social control that
everything done must be according 
to an official directive. The top 
Soviet priority in the spring of 1945
was to finish off the Nazis as 
quickly as possible and everythng
else became secondary. This was 
tragic for German civilians and
a political disaster when the 
Soviets had to then construct an regime
in East Germany founded on the premise
of eternal friensdship between the 
German and Soviet peoples. The security 
services on the ground knew this which 
is why they were sending those anguished
reports. Does this imply that mass rape
was an organized goal of Stavka and 
the Politburo? Mark has so contended 
and the evidence does not support him.

Could it just be that there were many
other instances in Soviet history
when the party and the government 
were responding to events as they 
imperfectly understood them and, 
in essence, lost control of
situations they were essentially 
reacting to? Was everything in the 
Stalin era a cynical ploy by people 
without commitment to anything other 
than their own murderous hold on power? 
This is an open historical question 
and one which is at the heart of Mark's 
vehemence toward other comrades
on this list.

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Lause
Well, I never thought I'd say this, making a political justification
for mass rape is probably preferable to defending it by pretending it
never happened.

All of this came from the politics, from how the Soviets chose to
regard the nationally subhuman and beast..

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:13 PM,  wrote:
> But if the Soviet Union had NOT waged the war as a "National",
> "Patriotic", war, every unit to the last soldier would have known that
> their duty once they crossed the border was to GAIN THE GERMAN PEOPLE,
> AND ITS WORKING CLASS, for socialism. Massive rape and loot, on our
> side, the side of socialists, cannot be understood on strictly military
> (loss of discipline) terms but also on POLITICAL terms.
> On these terms, the results of the way in which Stalin waged the war
> (once he recovered from the mistakes that had previously taken Nazis to
> power in Berlin) were not exactly the best ones for socialism as a
> global enterprise.
> This does not mean Satanizing Stalin or the USSR. But we should accept
> that on the POLITICAL side, the war was waged as a war of revenge
> against the German people not as a war of liberation from Fascism AND
> capitalism.
> Comment
> The Soviet armed forces should have not “looted” Germany? Why not? Why
> should Germany not have been “looted?” To save the German workers? Germany
> should have been liberated of an equivalent value equal to that in which she
> took from the Soviet workers as war aggressors. The German army was not
> filled  with capitalist but workers.
> It is a fact that some Soviet tanks had to throw ammunition over board to
> fill tanks with “loot.” I do not think this act of “looting” - taking back
> by  force of arms an equal value destroyed by the German fascists, is
> because of the  Patriotic nature of the propaganda campaign to rally the 
> people
> of the Soviet  Union. I believe this was called justice by the men of the
> Soviet Army and the  party was complicit in these actions.
> An old Indian story is in order. I leave my teepee to hunt or hang out with
>  the fellows, only to return and discover my wife has been brutalized and
> murdered,  my personal belonging taken and teepee ruined. We hunt down the
> violator in his community. Their community chief says, “we should not exact
> revenge but build this man a teepee and imprison him so as to rehabilitate
> him  and return him to the tribe.”
> I say, “I do not understand your meaning. I am here because he called for
> me to take his teepee and deny him the wind. I come to honor his call.
> “Why should another teepee for the violator be provided? Are we to also to
> hunt the buffalo to feed him; bring him fresh water and another women and
> divert  our human labor towards his protection. Why would we station men to
> watch him  from moon to moon? Are we to also to give him our finest horse to
> run with the  wind, rather than deny him the wind? Why should we try to
> perform mystery and  make him one of us when he clearly is not? What is the
> purpose? Why do you seek  to protect him and stop his call from being 
> answered? ”
> The community chief says, “we should not seek revenge for wrong inflicted
> against us, but seek forgiveness and class brotherhood.”
> I say, “what is the meaning of ‘revenge?’ I do not understand the meaning
> of class with one who has murdered my wife and words of those who protect
> this  taker of life. Clearly this one that has killed my wife and taken my
> personal  things does not deserve anything other than one arrow. The call must
> be  answered.”
> “No brother, we must teach him and rehabilitate him.”
> I look at my other brothers, hunch my shoulder’s and say, “then it shall
> be  many arrows shot and half your women murdered, to answer your call. Then
> you  will provide us with tepees, fresh water; guard us from other, hunt the
> buffalo  for us and bring us new women to speak with. Your ways are strange
> indeed. ”
> The Soviets did not loot Germany. Expropriation of the fascist classes and
> supporters was not an act of looting. The capitalist and fascists loot. The
>  proletariat expropriate.
> II.
> Rape - mass rape, may have taken place. In fact, I personally believe this
> did take place. Massive rape took place as an act of revenge and
> humiliation of  “the German.”
> On the political side the war was waged as a war to defeat the fascist
> aggressors. It was a patriotic war against capitalist fascism. It was the duty
> of all to defend the motherland of socialism. Those who hated socialism
> were  called upon to defend the motherland of socialism in the basis of
> defending the  motherland.
> I have never understood the objection to this patriotic call.
> The weakness was on the ideological side in respect to rape.  Revenge  was
> dished out. The fascist understood that their actions would drive men insane
>  but this did not prevent them from attacking and killing everything in
> their  way. 

Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Waistline2
But if the Soviet Union had NOT waged the war as a "National",  
"Patriotic", war, every unit to the last soldier would have known that  
their duty once they crossed the border was to GAIN THE GERMAN PEOPLE,  
AND ITS WORKING CLASS, for socialism. Massive rape and loot, on our  
side, the side of socialists, cannot be understood on strictly military  
(loss of discipline) terms but also on POLITICAL terms.
On these terms, the results of the way in which Stalin waged the war  
(once he recovered from the mistakes that had previously taken Nazis to  
power in Berlin) were not exactly the best ones for socialism as a  
global enterprise.
This does not mean Satanizing Stalin or the USSR. But we should accept  
that on the POLITICAL side, the war was waged as a war of revenge  
against the German people not as a war of liberation from Fascism AND  

The Soviet armed forces should have not “looted” Germany? Why not? Why  
should Germany not have been “looted?” To save the German workers? Germany  
should have been liberated of an equivalent value equal to that in which she  
took from the Soviet workers as war aggressors. The German army was not 
filled  with capitalist but workers. 
It is a fact that some Soviet tanks had to throw ammunition over board to  
fill tanks with “loot.” I do not think this act of “looting” - taking back 
by  force of arms an equal value destroyed by the German fascists, is 
because of the  Patriotic nature of the propaganda campaign to rally the people 
of the Soviet  Union. I believe this was called justice by the men of the 
Soviet Army and the  party was complicit in these actions. 
An old Indian story is in order. I leave my teepee to hunt or hang out with 
 the fellows, only to return and discover my wife has been brutalized and  
murdered,  my personal belonging taken and teepee ruined. We hunt down the  
violator in his community. Their community chief says, “we should not exact  
revenge but build this man a teepee and imprison him so as to rehabilitate 
him  and return him to the tribe.” 
I say, “I do not understand your meaning. I am here because he called for  
me to take his teepee and deny him the wind. I come to honor his call. 
“Why should another teepee for the violator be provided? Are we to also to  
hunt the buffalo to feed him; bring him fresh water and another women and 
divert  our human labor towards his protection. Why would we station men to 
watch him  from moon to moon? Are we to also to give him our finest horse to 
run with the  wind, rather than deny him the wind? Why should we try to 
perform mystery and  make him one of us when he clearly is not? What is the 
purpose? Why do you seek  to protect him and stop his call from being answered? 
The community chief says, “we should not seek revenge for wrong inflicted  
against us, but seek forgiveness and class brotherhood.” 
I say, “what is the meaning of ‘revenge?’ I do not understand the meaning  
of class with one who has murdered my wife and words of those who protect 
this  taker of life. Clearly this one that has killed my wife and taken my 
personal  things does not deserve anything other than one arrow. The call must 
be  answered.” 
“No brother, we must teach him and rehabilitate him.” 
I look at my other brothers, hunch my shoulder’s and say, “then it shall 
be  many arrows shot and half your women murdered, to answer your call. Then 
you  will provide us with tepees, fresh water; guard us from other, hunt the 
buffalo  for us and bring us new women to speak with. Your ways are strange 
indeed. ” 
The Soviets did not loot Germany. Expropriation of the fascist classes and  
supporters was not an act of looting. The capitalist and fascists loot. The 
 proletariat expropriate. 
Rape - mass rape, may have taken place. In fact, I personally believe this  
did take place. Massive rape took place as an act of revenge and 
humiliation of  “the German.” 
On the political side the war was waged as a war to defeat the fascist  
aggressors. It was a patriotic war against capitalist fascism. It was the duty  
of all to defend the motherland of socialism. Those who hated socialism 
were  called upon to defend the motherland of socialism in the basis of 
defending the  motherland. 
I have never understood the objection to this patriotic call. 
The weakness was on the ideological side in respect to rape.  Revenge  was 
dished out. The fascist understood that their actions would drive men insane 
 but this did not prevent them from attacking and killing everything in 
their  way. Thus, the fascist hurt us twice with one blow. Many of the 
returning  soldiers also raped Soviet wives after their return. There is no 
deed to 
low for  fascists aggressors. The fascist understood what they were doing to 
drive men  insane and revealed their intensions in promising the German 
masses “French  wine, Polish hams and Slavic slave women.” Their propaganda 

Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Tom Cod

Thank you!

> A rough translation of the content:
> This is a description of what leadership of the Red Army did against rapes.
> It says that the leadership first tried to stop the rape of German women.
> But with little success. Then since early autumn 1945 the punishment could
> take an arrest of many days up to some years of punishment camp. If the rape
> lead to the death of the victim the person concerned was shot death. In 1949
> presidium of the highest Soviets determined measures to be taken against
> people committing rape: 10 to 15 or 10 to 20 years of punishment camp
> depending on the case.
> This clearly shows that rapes were even not tolerated.
> Dogan Göcmen
> (

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Dogan Gocmen
"This does not mean Satanizing Stalin or the USSR. But we should accept
that on the POLITICAL side, the war was waged as a war of revenge
against the German people not as a war of liberation from Fascism AND

Everything you say is accepted except the point above.

I want to see evidences for this. I recall a speech made by Stalin, I
believe in 1941, addressed to the Red Army that Soviet Union is not fighting
against German people but against fascism. Show me a similar speech by
Western leaders.

After the war allies agreed that to root out fascism in Germany the industry
must be socialised. Western allies were the forces to hinder this in West

There is no one single bombing of German cities by the Soviet Union when it
was clear that the war was won. Western allies especially USA continued to
do so (see Leipzig and Hamburg for example).

To claim that there was a mass rape of women of all age would require to
show evidence and further qualification. Was is it for example an
intentional act or a spontaneous act. That there were rapes of German women
is known and people from east Germany say that. And this is surely not to
deny. But if claim is made that is was intentionally and consciously
organised to take revenge on German people this must be shown by evidences.

Dogan Göcmen
Author of The Adam Smith Problem:
Reconciling Human Nature and Society in
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations, I. B. Tauris,
London&New York 2007

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-04 Thread Mark Lause> wrote of me "I get it now. You really hate
the Stalin and the USSR and these two terms are essentially the same

You don't like the message, so you tell yourself fairy tales about the
messenger.  Amazing.


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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-04 Thread sobuadhaigh
Mark wrote:
>Anybody who cares to examine the facts 
>knows that Stalin's "Great Patriotic War" 
>was not waged with internationalist 
>principles and the official policy of the 
>USSR unleashed a war against German 
>civilians. The terror was imposed 
>with the institutionally sanctioned 
>mass rape of German females of all ages.
I get it now. You really hate the Stalin
and the USSR and these two terms are 
essentially the same thing. I keep
forgetting that totalitarian regimes
are the malignant extension of a 
totalitarian dictator whose cynicism
and brutality animates every aspect 
of life as well as public policy.
I am still unclear as to "the facts"
behind your analysis. Where do they 
reside? With the avalanche of documents
available from former Soviet archives
it should be easy to demonstrate that 
the Soviets planned and executed the 
mass rape of millions of German females 
of all ages. If you have done research
on this I would be most interested in
your findings and in particular which
agency did the operational planning, 
how was this atrocity organized and for 
how long a period of time.

If, on the other hand your polemical zeal
is in advance of your research may I 
suggest you read some literature 
on the subject starting with "Red Storm
on the Reich' by the British military
historian Christopher Duffy. In this 
work Duffy pays a great deal attention 
to the breakdown in the order and 
discipline of the Soviet Army once 
it crossed into German territory.
According to Duffy this breakdown
alarmed Soviet officers because it 
degraded the military capacity of their 
units. For example, tanks were so full 
of looted goods that they could not carry
their full load of ammunition.

The archival documents I am aware of
do talk about rape and these reports 
from the security services were also 
alarmed and highly critical of this 
activity. I believe there was
a wide spread breakdown of discipline 
in Soviet forces as they drove to 
Berlin an this is readily seen in
early works such as "The Last Battle" 
by Cornelius Ryan. In that book Ryan 
depicts a range of actions by Soviet 
units with some maintaining their
discipline and others not. All the
accounts of the fall of Berlin I
have read describe a frenzy of looting 
and rape for around two days after the 
final defeat of the Nazis followed by 
the Red Army bringing order to 
the city and dispensing food to 

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