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>From new Cuba blog "Cuba's Socialist Renewal"
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My translations of Luis Sexto's commentaries are not always
appreciated by readers. Some find them too poetic, intangible, even
"vacuous", according to one reader. So here is my appeal to those who
are inclined to skip over these columns and wait for something more
familiar to Western leftist audiences: grappling with Sexto's weekly
pearls of wisdom is advisable if you want to grasp the human dimension
of the Revolution's strivings for self-renewal.

We may not agree with what he says, and sometimes we may not
understand exactly what he's getting at, but what is conveyed in these
reflections is no less important than the speeches of political
leaders and the data on agricultural production, productivity and
wages. One of the Cuban Revolution's contributions to the treasury of
communist thinking and practice is its sensitivity towards the
subjective, the human being as the subject and not merely the object
of social transformation.

If the Revolution has indulged in errors of idealism that have
weakened its economic and ethical substrate, and that must be
corrected if the Revolution is to endure, it is only fair to
acknowledge that the profound humanism of the Cuban revolutionary
tradition has always been its pillar of strength. Sexto exemplifies
this tradition, so it's worth making an effort to understand him.
Cuba's socialist renewal must put bread on the table but, as the old
saying goes, man does not live by bread alone.

Link to translation:

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