Re: [Marxism] Uri Avnery about Greater Libanon and Greater Israel

2011-01-17 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Hi Luko

Avnery aspires to be the respectable face of Zionism.  But that is no longer
an option. The most significant statement made on the current crisis was the
Israeli fear of the outbreak of Arab democracy.  How can they be a light
unto the nations if they fear democracy for their neighbours?



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Re: [Marxism] Uri Avnery about Greater Libanon and Greater Israel

2011-01-17 Thread Lüko Willms
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Gary MacLennan ( wrote on 2011-01-17 at 
22:03:43 in  about Re: [Marxism] Uri Avnery about Greater Libanon and 
Greater Israel:
 Avnery aspires to be the respectable face of Zionism.  

  To be more precise, at the center of his strategy is that the conquests of 
the colonial war of 1948/49 and its ethnic cleansing can only be safeguarded 
by being content with that, and to go not further than that. 

  Avnery thinks that Israel can be a democracy, if it resolves to be a secular 
state which allows its citizens to identify as Israeli by nationality instead 
Jew, Muslim, Druse etc (wich is in a certain way the continuation of the 
Osman milli system, where each religious community had a certain amount 
of self-administration), but that the Arabs being driven out by fire and sword 
from what is now the state of Israel shall not have the right to return, 
for a token number selected by the state of Israel. 

 But that is no longer an option. 

  It has never really been an option, instead of by bloody repression. One 
can't convince a whole people to hobble all their life on their knees as 

  Avnery avoids Abraham Lincoln's famous formular from is Gettysburg 
address: Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The 
state of Israel was formed by this bloody war explicitly as a rejection of this 
democracy, to establish government of the colonial settlers, by the colonial 
settlers, and for the colonial settlers. As long as that is not done away, 
can't be peace in Palestina, in the Arab East and all the Arab nation in 

   And the colonial settler state can't exist without expanding -- Avnery's 
dream is an illusion. This is like the slave states in the USA - they could not 
be satisfied with what they had, but they had to extend slavery to more 
territories, if they did not want to end slavery once and for all. But while 
industrial capital in the USA could live with having slavery in the South, it 
could not tolerate an expansion of slavery to new territories, since it has to 
rely on free labor, i.e. labor free not only of the chains of medieval 
or of slavery, but free of all means of subsistence other than the labor 
power to be sold to a capitalist. 

 The most significant statement made on the current crisis was the
 Israeli fear of the outbreak of Arab democracy.  How can they be a light
 unto the nations if they fear democracy for their neighbours?

   Your words are my words. You are so right. 

   I have always said against this ignomious propaganda of Israel as the only 
democracy in the Middle East that this racist colonial settler state actually 
fears nothing more than democracy in the Arab countries, governments of 
the people, by the people, and for the people. Since that would be the end of 
the bridge head of the judeo-christian West, as the official bourgeois 
German propaganda now goes. 

   But Néstor Gorojovsky is also right in pointing out that Avnery is a 
permanent nuisance to the Zionist establishment, a thorn in their flesh. One 
of the internal contradictions of Zionism, this colonial adventure which has 
turned Palestine into the most dangerous place a Jew can live. 

   Actually, the interesting piece in my previous contribution is what Avnery 
tells about the history of the sectarian setup of Libanon, which is -- in my 
opinion -- really worth reading. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

visit Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotzki in 

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Re: [Marxism] Uri Avnery about Greater Libanon and Greater Israel

2011-01-17 Thread Néstor Gorojovsky
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2011/1/17 Lüko Willms

 Avnery is a
 permanent nuisance to the Zionist establishment, a thorn in their flesh. One
 of the internal contradictions of Zionism, this colonial adventure which has
 turned Palestine into the most dangerous place a Jew can live.

The very idea that there can be an Israeli nationality is, whether
Avneri knows this or not, a torpedo against the Zionist theses. That
is what, IMHO, Arafat saw so clearly. It is not important, for the
time being, whether Avnery wants the expelled Arabs to remain outside
Israel or not. In fact, if equal citizenship were awarded to every
Israeli SUBJECT (not citizen in the French Revolution, that is fully
bourgeois, political sense), sooner or later there would be a majority
of Arab citizens, and then -end of story.

It is not a matter of chance that Avnery began his political carreer
during the first half of the 60s by suggesting the Canaanite option
EXACTLY AT THE SAME TIME when Ben Gurion expressed fears that Israel
would Orientalize itself, e.g. end assimilated to its neighbors.

I always cherish the Austro Hungarian example on these issues, among
other reasons because Hertzl´s solution to the Jewish problem in
Europe was tailored exactly in the Austro Hungarian model. What would
have happened to that Empire if one day EVERY CITIZEN IN THE EMPIRE
into nothingness. And of course if the AHE had had the time, then the
Eastern nationalities, a majority in the population, would have
drowned the German nationality in an ocean of Oriental
peasantry-based new national AHE bourgeoisie as against German
aristocrats of Imperial privilege.

   Actually, the interesting piece in my previous contribution is what Avnery
 tells about the history of the sectarian setup of Libanon, which is -- in my
 opinion -- really worth reading.

 Lüko Willms
 Frankfurt, Germany
 visit Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotzki in

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Néstor Gorojovsky
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Re: [Marxism] Uri Avnery about Greater Libanon and Greater Israel

2011-01-17 Thread Gary MacLennan
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Luko wrote: And the colonial settler state can't exist without expanding --
dream is an illusion. This is like the slave states in the USA - they could
be satisfied with what they had, but they had to extend slavery to more
territories, if they did not want to end slavery once and for all. But while
industrial capital in the USA could live with having slavery in the South,
could not tolerate an expansion of slavery to new territories, since it has
rely on free labor, i.e. labor free not only of the chains of medieval
or of slavery, but free of all means of subsistence other than the labor
power to be sold to a capitalist.
This for me is the key Luko.  Absolutely so.  But to be frank I have
struggled to understand fully the mechanism that drives the urge to expand.

Yet it is simple.  If the colonists do not grow in number and territory they
will remain an isolated and vulnerable bulkhead.

After WW2 when Japan gave Australia an existential scare of the first
dimension, the slogan 'populate or perish' took centre stage. Japan gave
concrete form to all those fears of the 'yellow peril' coming to destroy the
'great white nation' (i.e. Australia). So after 1945 Australia's population
grew threefold..

But the dialectic is remorseless and in the case of Israel the imperative to
expand means that one is for ever creating more enemies. Israel's defense
perimeter of Arab dictators has now been breached by the Tunisian
revolution. Another breach could see the end of it.



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