Re: M-TH: Cliffite ISO/SWP squabble, What's going on?

2000-05-22 Thread Socialist Party

  Lo All,
  The state caps have been throwing around 
  a lot of "Stalinists" stuff lately, but I must admit that the letter by the 
  ISO is really interesting. The only thing appearing to be lacking in the 
  letter is the call by members to turn in anyone who is a suspect.. In fact it 
  appears that they treat their memberrship as a herd of cattle rather then and 
  organization of professional communists capable of thinking for 
  Not all adhereants of the State Capitalist thesis 
  are cliffites tha knowest!
  Gonna be real interesting to watch and 
  organization built on capituation to cold war anti communism with its line of 
  state capitalism trying to find a new line as inter imperialist rivalry 
  I think they are much more affected by the end of 
  their capacity to acts as paracites on teh Labour party, which haas availed 
  itself of the post-col-war era to shift itself to the right, etc.
  Well that something else which for years 
  previously was and adaption to their *own* bourgeoisie against the deformed 
  and degenerated workewrs states is now becoming a conflict for them of which 
  way to go.
  Such adaption, I should think, was more a 
  reflection of their shift-in-the-winds reformism, rather than any reflection 
  of the State Cpaitalist thesis, which does not necessitate taking sides in 
  imperialist rivalries - and, incidently, by teh state cap. thesis, any bugger 
  siding with the USSR was just siding with another bourgeoisie, anyhow, so I 
  think someone round here has a severe case of pots and kettles...
  Cliffism and the state capitalist theory 
  is dead along with its Social Democratic counter parts. In fact the 
  destruction of the SU which was the starting point of the state capitalist 
  break with revoluitionary marxism in the last world war will now at best be 
  national organizations becoming the leftwing social patriots of their *own* 
  countries and the real fight probably won't even be between let's say the 
  American ISO and the British SWP. It will be with there German/Japanese 
  sections most likely..
  Now, this I resent - there is nothing implcit in 
  the state capitalist thesis which necessitates supporting one bourgeoisie over 
  another. Try being concise in your venoem, it makes for more 
  entertainment my dear.
  Yours for Socialism,
  Bill Martin (SPGB).

M-TH: Cliffite ISO/SWP squabble, What's going on?

2000-05-19 Thread Bob Malecki

1. Cliffite ISO/SWP squabble, What's going 

2. ISO liberals' "test of war" in the SWP/B 
tradition. (David 

Well since the entire internal squabble between 
the ISO/SWP was made public on the net the leadership appears to have become 
increasingly forced to reserve tactics of the Moscow Trials in order to try and 
keep the membership in line. The most recent letter from the ISO steering 
committee that was sent out shows the classical signs of and organization in 
deep theoretical crisis along split lines.

Comrades:Several of us received 
this communication from Katherine D. inthe name of the ISO Steering 

The state caps have been throwing around a lot of 
"Stalinists" stuff lately, but I must admit that the letter by the ISO is really 
interesting. The only thing appearing to be lacking in the letter is the call by 
members to turn in anyone who is a suspect.. In fact it appears that they treat 
their memberrship as a herd of cattle rather then and organization of 
professional communists capable of thinking for themselves.

Another interesting equation this week as they 
acted under pressure of Sverdlov is that each day it became clear that the 
ISO/SWP answer to all of this is some sort of sectarian, cop/agent provacatrur, 
Spartacist or Jim Paris/MWG operation all naturally put on the same 

However I don't think the classical manuver 
historically always used by these opportunist will help them one bit. The 
problem is much deeper then that even if the state cap goon squad would like to 
get there hands on both Sverdlov and his computer. 

Anyhow the real issue here is the deep differences 
and appetites now coming to the surface in the Cliffite constellation. Not only 
has the bourgeois cry of the death of communism affected the far left, but these 
reformist cretins who historically sided with there *own* bourgeoisie when 
things heated up. And this from the beginning of WW2 with Schactman till post 
WW2 cliffism.. On top of this there great theoretical guru Tony Cliff just went 
off and dropped dead. Anyhow..

Gonna be real interesting to watch and organization 
built on capituation to cold war anti communism with its line of state 
capitalism trying to find a new line as inter imperialist rivalry 

In fact one can make the prediction or reflect that 
the girations of the SWP/ISO reflects there own historical opportunism to line 
up with there own Trade union/bureaucracy/ bourgeoisie in that appetites of the 
two organizations as inter-imperialist rivalry heats up lean towards creating 
and atmosphere of protectionism and social patriotism rather then a united front 
against communism which was how things worked the last decades and the "left" 
and especially the state caps adapted to with their *own* special brand of 
revisionist ideology.

So the state cap ideology which was the center 
mantle opiece of this tendency internationally and kept it "united" is now 
coming apart at the seams because this bankrupt theoy can hardly be used now and 
has to be replaced by something else.

Well that something else which for years previously 
was and adaption to their *own* bourgeoisie against the deformed and degenerated 
workewrs states is now becoming a conflict for them of which way to 

The new left ridiculous version of "globalism" or 
the more social patriotic line of the European Social Democracy. And there is 
real pressure on these opportunists who want to chase at the winds. Because the 
Seattle stuff and the flag waving stuff of not in the least the British around 
Rover of late but also the tendency amongst European bourgeoisie to opose 
globalism knowing that this in fact is a keyword for American dominance which 
they hardly are interested in..

Anyhow this orgy of reformist opportunism now 
beginning to shake the Cliffites is certainly and unconcious vindication of the 
fact that things have really changed and and analisis of the new period based on 
revolutionary marxism certainly is gonna be real important.

However the Cliffites broke with revolutionary 
msarxism a long time ago under pressure of imperialist war coming up with " a 
plague on both your houses line" which is hardly viable in the next period. It 
might have worked against the degenerated and deformed workers statesas and 
opportunist way of keeping some sort of fake left credentials but as inter 
imperialist rivalry once afgain befgins tro heat up minus the ex deformed and 
degenerated workers states the only path open for reformists is siding with 
there *own* bourgeoisie anbd trade union bureacracy.

For marxists the job will be to expose these fakers 
and politically destroy them. The destruction of the former SU not only closed 
the door for Social Democracy in the forseeable future but there state 
capitalkist wannabes allso ..

And this is really what is at