Re: M-TH: Socialist Outlook on the London Election

2000-05-08 Thread J.WALKER

   I just read, all four of your posts on Red Ken and the Mayoralty race.

Is that aimed at me or them? Or even my selective quotation.

   If the "Bolsheviks" in the UK, want to pretend that their strategic
 entrism into the Labour Party, to deliver a blow to Blairite "Third Way"
 Neo-Liberalism, is a Leninist policy, I say let their more naive rank and
 filers believe that. 

I not sure anyone has ever claimed that Socialist Organiser is 

 I think anyone with any experiernce, on the Brit Left,
 is hoping and working to makesure, Ken, wins, this platform. 

A platform to make reactionary allainces with anyone (anyone 
but the Left) willing to bolster his credibility in ordered to allow 
him to make his rather particular 'Left' (and often, such as his 
support for the War in Yugoslavia, etc., not so Left) sounding 

The powers he
 will have, will be constrained, in any case, so those "betrayals" that
 abstentionist ultra-leftists, like Walker worries about,

Walker is the abstentionist ultra-leftist! And i don't feel betrayed 
as if you listen to what the Labour Party or Livingstone actually s

 will stand a better
 chance of being resisted the stronger the vote and the extra-parliamentary
 movement, inside and outside, the Labour Party.
   If Walker, has sometype of insurrectionary strategy or dredging up the
 "Vanguard Party", well then, I guess he inhabits some other zone of reality.
 (Unless he is an anarchist or council communist, that I can respect more!)
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 8:20 AM
 Subject: M-TH: Socialist Outlook on the London Election
  *Socialist Outlook*  May, p.3
  'A Livingstone victory will be a key defeat for Blairism'
  'Combined by a serious vote for the London Socialist Allaince'
  'LSA supporter should be pleased so long as it establishes itself as
  the clear fifth force in this election' [the fifth! - jw] 'Support for
  Livingstone - a difficult task given his failure to take a lead, or
  even produce basic campaign material' His 'disgraceful statement that
  he intends to appoint a repesentative from each of the four (sic) main
  parties as his Deputy' 'He must be forced to withdraw' his clear
  statement to choose Tories and Liberal Democrats as partners [so
  partnership Labour (Blairites) is OK! - jw] 'He has made noises that
  he may not mount a full frontal challenge to the government' on the
  key-issue of tube privatisation. They call on him to build a huge mass
  movement campaign for a massive demonstration in the autumn.
  JW - So Livingstone is against Blairism (but not Labourism!); he is
  unlikely to lead, organise or possible even support any mass campaign
  for improving the condition of the working class in London; he is more
  interested in an alliance with Tories and Liberals than to even
  acknowlege the demands of his own socialist supporters and would like
  to rejoin the always-has-been-always-will-be Labour Party. And yet
  they are going to call on the people of London to vote for him. So
  when he does betray the fact that his 'Red Ken' credential are merely
  a façade and the people in London begin to suffer under his
  administration the those people will turn to the Left and say 'well
  you told us to vote for him!' This could possibilly, if linked to
  other developments in London, lead them into the hands of the fascists
  and the anarchist who have maintained a consistent opposition.
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M-TH: Socialist Outlook on the London Election

2000-05-04 Thread J.WALKER

*Socialist Outlook*  May, p.3

'A Livingstone victory will be a key defeat for Blairism'
'Combined by a serious vote for the London Socialist Allaince'
'LSA supporter should be pleased so long as it establishes itself as
the clear fifth force in this election' [the fifth! - jw] 'Support for
Livingstone - a difficult task given his failure to take a lead, or
even produce basic campaign material' His 'disgraceful statement that
he intends to appoint a repesentative from each of the four (sic) main
parties as his Deputy' 'He must be forced to withdraw' his clear
statement to choose Tories and Liberal Democrats as partners [so
partnership Labour (Blairites) is OK! - jw] 'He has made noises that
he may not mount a full frontal challenge to the government' on the
key-issue of tube privatisation. They call on him to build a huge mass
movement campaign for a massive demonstration in the autumn.

JW - So Livingstone is against Blairism (but not Labourism!); he is
unlikely to lead, organise or possible even support any mass campaign
for improving the condition of the working class in London; he is more
interested in an alliance with Tories and Liberals than to even
acknowlege the demands of his own socialist supporters and would like
to rejoin the always-has-been-always-will-be Labour Party. And yet
they are going to call on the people of London to vote for him. So
when he does betray the fact that his 'Red Ken' credential are merely
a façade and the people in London begin to suffer under his
administration the those people will turn to the Left and say 'well
you told us to vote for him!' This could possibilly, if linked to
other developments in London, lead them into the hands of the fascists
and the anarchist who have maintained a consistent opposition.

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