[Marxism-Thaxis] Coup in Venezuela: an eyewitness account (posted on WSN)

2002-04-12 Thread Jim Farmelant

Please spread the word far and wide and call your foreign ministry or the
U.S. State Department and tell them not to recognize the new government
Venezuela. Chavez has not resigned! According to people I spoke to this
morning, who work close to Chavez, he is being held against his will by
military, who are claiming he has resigned, when he has not. Isolate the
new government of Venezuela, so as to support democracy everywhere!

Coup in Venezuela: An Eyewitness Account

By Gregory Wilpert

The orchestration of the coup was impeccable and, in all likelihood,
planned a long time ago. Hugo Chavez, the fascist communist dictator of
Venezuela could not stand the truth and thus censored the media
relentlessly. For his own personal gain and that of his henchmen (and
henchwomen, since his cabinet had more women than any previous Venezuelan
government's), he drove the country to the brink of economic ruin. In the
end he proceeded to murder those who opposed him. So as to reestablish
democracy, liberty, justice, and prosperity in Venezuela and so as to
more bloodshed, the chamber of commerce, the union federation, the
the media, and the management of Venezuela's oil company, in short: civil
society and the military decided that enough is enough--that Chavez had
chance and that his experiment of a 'peaceful democratic Bolivarian
revolution' had to come to an immediate end.

This is, of course, the version of events that the officials now in
and thus also of the media, would like everyone to believe. So what
happened? Of course I don t know, but I'll try to represent the facts as
witnessed them.

First of all, the military is saying that the main reason for the coup is
what happened today, April 11. 'Civil society,' as the opposition here
refers to itself, organized a massive demonstration of perhaps 100,000 to
200,000 people to march to the headquarters of Venezuela's oil company,
PDVSA, in defense of its fired management. The day leading up to the
all private television stations broadcast advertisements for the
demonstration, approximately once every ten minutes. It was a successful
march, peaceful, and without government interference of any kind, even
though the march illegally blocked the entire freeway, which is Caracas
main artery of transportation, for several hours.

Supposedly at the spur of the moment, the organizers decided to re-route
the march to Miraflores, the president's office building, so as to
the pro-government demonstration, which was called in the last minute.
About 5,000 Chavez-supporters had gathered there by the time the
anti-government demonstrators got there. In-between the two
were the city police, under the control of the oppositional mayor of
Caracas, and the National Guard, under control of the president. All
claim that they were there peacefully and did not want to provoke anyone.
got there just when the opposition demonstration and the National Guard
began fighting each other. Who started the fight, which involved mostly
stones and tear gas, is, as is so often the case in such situations,
impossible to tell. A little later, shots were fired into the crowds and
clearly saw that there were three parties involved in the shooting, the
city police, Chavez supporters, and snipers from buildings above. Again,
who shot first has become a moot and probably impossible to resolve
question. At least ten people were killed and nearly 100 wounded in this
gun battle--almost all of them demonstrators.

One of the Television stations managed to film one of the three sides in
this battle and broadcast the footage over and over again, making it look
like the only ones shooting were Chavez supporters from within the
demonstration at people beyond the view of the camera. The media over and
over again showed the footage of the Chavez supporters and implied that
they were shooting at an unarmed crowd. As it turns out, and as will
probably never be reported by the media, most of the dead are Chavez
supporters. Also, as will probably never be told, the snipers were
of an extreme opposition party, known as Bandera Roja. 

These last two facts, crucial as they are, will not be known because they
do not fit with the new mythology, which is that Chavez armed and then
ordered his supporters to shoot at the opposition demonstration. Perhaps
information is incorrect, but what is certain is that the local media
will never bother to investigate this information. And the international
media will probably simply ape what the local media reports (which they
already doing).

Chavez' biggest and perhaps only mistake of the day, which provided the
last remaining proof his opposition needed for his anti-democratic
credentials, was to order the black-out of the private television
They had been broadcasting the confrontations all afternoon and Chavez
argued that these broadcasts were exacerbating the situation a

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Coup in Venezuela:

2002-04-12 Thread Chris Burford

At 12/04/02 11:29 -0400, you wrote:

>Coup in Venezuela:

It sounds as if by yesterday the battle was lost.

How could the risk of this fall have been avoided?

Chris Burford

Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Coup in Venezuela:

2002-04-12 Thread Charles Brown

This is another devastating loss for our side.  I am very sad myself.

We will win.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/12/02 02:52PM >>>
At 12/04/02 11:29 -0400, you wrote:

>Coup in Venezuela:

It sounds as if by yesterday the battle was lost.

How could the risk of this fall have been avoided?

Chris Burford

Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Chavez did not resign

2002-04-12 Thread Jim Farmelant

AFP. 12 April 2002. Chavez did not resign, his last education minister,
daughter say.

CARACAS -- Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez did not resign but was taken
prisoner, his last education minister said Friday.

Chavez "told the military staff he was not resigning, that they could go
ahead with their coup and take responsibility for it," said Aristobulo
Isturiz, who was with Chavez at the Miraflores presidential palace until
he was taken to Fort Tiuna base, just hours after the elected leftist
president's government collapsed.

"They took him away under arrest," Isturiz said, denying press reports
Chavez was in hiding and that authorities were searching for him.

Meanwhile Chavez's daughter Maria Gabriela Chavez told Cuban television
from Caracas that her father "at no time has resigned, at no time has he
signed a presidential decree dismissing vice president Diosdado Cabello,
much less resigned himself; some military staff simply went and arrested

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Venezuelan officials charge Chavez ousted in coup.

2002-04-12 Thread Jim Farmelant

AFP. 12 April 2002. Venezuelan officials charge Chavez ousted in coup.

CARACAS -- Venezuela's comptroller general and attorney general Friday
charged president Hugo Chavez was pressured out of power in a coup

"We are in a situation of a coup d'etat that has taken place in
Venezuela. Constitutional order has been interrupted," comptroller
Clodosvaldo Russian, still on the job, told reporters at a press
conference in his office.

Under the country's constitution, if the president resigns he is
supposed to be replaced by the vice president or if that is impossible,
the speaker of the National Assembly, which has not taken place.

Attorney General Isaias Rodriguez said "the president has not resigned,
we have not seen any clear evidence of any such resignation, and
President Chavez continues to be the president of Venezuela."

Rodriguez complained that Chavex was being held incomunicado and that
his office has not been permitted to contact Chavez.

"This is a situation in which there is a total and absolute violation of
the inter-American Human Rights Convention," he said.

"If he is being deprived of his personal freedom, what crimes did he
commit? Is the resignation a crime... and if he resigned, and that is a
crime, why is it that my office is not being permitted to interview
him," in violation of his civil rights, the attorney general asked.

Chavez "told the military staff he was not resigning, that they could go
ahead with their coup and take responsibility for it," said Aristobulo
Isturiz, the education minister who was with Chavez at the Miraflores
presidential palace until he was taken to Fort Tiuna base, just hours
after his government collapsed.

"They took him away under arrest," Isturiz said, denying press reports
the elected leftist former paratrooper was in hiding and that
authorities were searching for him.

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