Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

2005-06-26 Thread Steve Gabosch

I am responding to a 6/22/2005 post from Victor, which I quote from.

The quote below is a good example of where I think Victor gets Ilyenkov 
wrong 180 degrees.  In the general section of Ilyenkov's 1977 essay The 
Concept of the Ideal that Victor quotes from, I believe Ilyenkov is making 
just the opposite point that Victor attributes to him.

Victor quotes Ilyenkov:
Paragraph 53:  It is this fact, incidentally, that explains the 
persistent survival of such semantic substitutions; indeed, when we are 
talking about nature, we are obliged to make use of the available language 
of natural science, the language of science with its established and 
generally understood meanings. It is this, specifically, which forms the 
basis of the arguments of logical positivism, which quite consciously 
identifies nature with the language in which people talk and write 
about nature.

Paragraph 54: It will be appreciated that the main difficulty and, 
therefore, the main problem of philosophy is not to distinguish and 
counterpose everything that is in the consciousness of the individual to 
everything that is outside this individual consciousness (this is hardly 
ever difficult to do), but to delimit the world of collectively 
acknowledged notions, that is, the whole socially organised world of 
intellectual culture with all its stable and materially established 
universal patterns, and the real world as it exists outside and apart from 
its expression in these socially legitimised forms of experience. 
(Ilyenkov The Concept of the Ideal 1977)

Victor comments:
The delimitation of what Ilyenkov calls the whole socially organised 
world of intellectual culture and the real world as it exists outside 
and apart from its expression in these socially legitimised forms of 
experience. can only be based on the distinction between the socially 
learned and confirmed concepts or ideas of the tribe and the concepts 
formulated by reflecting on practical material activity, i.e. labour 
activity: the operations carried out, the physical and material response 
of the instruments and material of production to these activities and 
finally the effectivity of the operations relative to their purposes.

Victor says the delimitation that Ilyenkov makes (I am adding ...'s to make 
Victor's complex sentence a little more readable) can only be based on the 
distinction  between the socially learned and confirmed concepts or 
ideas of the tribe ... and  ... the concepts formulated by reflecting on 
practical material activity, i.e. labour activity: the operations carried 
out, the physical and material response of the instruments and material of 
production to these activities and finally the effectivity of the 
operations relative to their purposes.

But this is decidedly *not* the distinction Ilyenkov makes.

The essential discussion we are having here is over this question: where, 
precisely, is the boundary between ideality and materiality?

Victor draws the boundary between socially learned concepts, on one hand, 
and conceptualizing practical activity/carrying out practical activity/the 
consequences of practical activity - on the other.

Ilyenkov draws a very different distinction.  Ilyenkov is investigating the 
distinction - and he refers to this as the main problem of philosophy - 
between the whole socially organised world of intellectual culture and 
the real world as it exists outside and apart from this.

I believe I can draw on Ilyenkov, and: a) show where Ilyenkov makes his 
distinction between the ideal and the real and b) demonstrate that Victor 
is committing the very idealist error that Ilyenkov criticizes Hegel and 
Bogdanov for making.  In the essay The Concept of the Ideal, my 
annotations offer the subtitles Hegel's Concept of the Ideal to 
paragraphs 45-49, The Secret Twist of Idealism to paragraphs 50-53, and 
The Distinction Between the Ideal and the Real to paragraphs 
54-57.  Interestingly, my reading of Victor's writings on the question of 
the ideal, such as in the quote above, is that his concept of the ideal is 
much closer to Hegel's than Ilyenkov's or Marx's, he is actually performing 
the same kind of secret twist of idealism that Ilyenkov attributes to 
Hegel and others, and Victor's distinction or boundary between the ideal 
and the real is not consistent with Ilyenkov's.

None of my opinions or claims, of course, negate Victor's good advice and 
inspiration to me to study and make copious notes about the other books 
Ilyenkov has in English, as well as study relevant writings by Marx, Lenin, 
and Hegel.  Nor do my philosophically sharp criticisms of what I perceive 
as erroneous interpretations by Victor of Ilyenkov's theory of the ideal 
take away from the respect and admiration I have for Victor's many 
intellectual accomplishments, which I have been privileged to learn much 
from in various internet venues.  In all worthwhile discussions, there are 
points where it is best 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

2005-06-26 Thread Victor

This is going to take a little time, you raised some heavy questions here.
- Original Message - 
From: Ralph Dumain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 17:17
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

At 02:12 PM 6/22/2005 +0200, Victor wrote:

Hegel regards objectification as simply the alienation of spirit in the
object.  The ideal itself is the alienated spirit that has become a
universal through the mediation of language.  True, I've not addressed the
problem of whether Hegel regarded labour activity (transformation of the
ideal as consciousness joined with language forms by its expression in
labour activity) but if I recall correctly he does not really concern
himself with this problem. The question of the effect, if any, of labour
activity on the ideal certainly does not appear in the Logic. Marx in his
1844 Critique of Hegelian Philosophy takes Hegel to task for regarding the
nature that becomes the subject of logos as the abstracted nature of
theory rather than the material nature external to intellect.  It is
however an interesting question, and I would appreciate any additional
information on this.  Meanwhile I'll do some investigation on my own.

I can't help you answer my question, but it _is_ the question (Hegel's
specific view of labor activity) which you did not clearly address in your

Hegel wrote quite a bit on labour, but it appears that most of his
commentary on the subject is in regards to its social rather than
epistemological role.  The master-slave stuff from the Phenomenology and his
discourses on the Korporations and such in his Philosophy of Right.  See
Ashton's interesting discussion on the subject in the MIA:

Hegel's discussion of the relation of the ideal to life is about as close as
one can get to a Hegelian epistemology of the relation of
the ideal to the practical:

Interestingly, but expectedly, the resemblances and differences between
Hegel and Marx's concepts of the practical are exactly paralleled in those 

their respective concepts of the ideal.  Ilyenkov describes Marx as adopting
the meaning or essence of Hegel's ideal  but revising Hegel's
concept of ideality:

61.  In Capital Marx quite consciously uses the term ideal in this formal
meaning that it was given by Hegel, and not in the sense in which it was
used by the whole pre-Hegelian tradition, including Kant, although the
philosophical-theoretical interpretation of the range of phenomena which in
both cases is similarly designated ideal is diametrically opposed to its
Hegelian interpretation. The meaning of the term ideal in Marx and Hegel
is the same, but the concepts, i.e., the ways of understanding this same
meaning are profoundly different. After all, the word concept in
dialectically interpreted logic is a synonym for understanding of the
essence of the matter, the essence of phenomena which are only outlined by a
given term; it is by no means a synonym for the meaning of the term, which
may be formally interpreted as the sum-total of attributes of the
phenomena to which the term is applied. Concept of the Ideal 1977)

Hegel describes the ideal as the reification of human activity, i.e. the
embodiment of activity - pure activity, pure form-creating activityin
the form of a thing.  Hegel's explanation of the relation of activity to its
objective form is, of course, his theory of activities as a function
conceptualised (objective) social ideas that describe and circumscribe
ethical social life.  To explain how concepts become material activity Hegel
describes the production of activity as the consequences of the operations
of consciousness and will. Consciousness and will are the transcendental
pattern of the psyche and the will that realises the ideal form, the ideal
form being the law that guides man's consciousness and will, as the
objectively compulsory pattern of consciously willed activity.

While Marx adopts the essence of the Hegelian ideal as the embodiment or
reification of activity as social practice, he regards the ideal as a
product of activity rather than as its law and guide.  Take for example the
ideal concept of Value:  Value-form is understood in Capital precisely as
the reified form (represented as, or representing, the thing, the
relationship of things) of social human life activity. Directly it does
present itself to us as the physically palpable embodiment of something
other, but this other cannot be some physically palpable matter... in
the sphere of economic activity this substance was, naturally, decoded as
labour, as man's physical labour transforming the physical body of nature,
while value became realised labour, the embodied act of labour.Ilyenkov
1977 Par. 95, 96).

The identical difference characterises the distinction between Hegel's
concept of practicality and that of Marx.  While Marx adopts the essence of

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

2005-06-26 Thread Victor

- Original Message - 
From: Steve Gabosch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marx and 
thethinkers he inspired

Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 12:40
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

I am responding to a 6/22/2005 post from Victor, which I quote from.

The quote below is a good example of where I think Victor gets Ilyenkov 
wrong 180 degrees.  In the general section of Ilyenkov's 1977 essay The 
Concept of the Ideal that Victor quotes from, I believe Ilyenkov is 
making just the opposite point that Victor attributes to him.

Victor quotes Ilyenkov:
Paragraph 53:  It is this fact, incidentally, that explains the 
persistent survival of such semantic substitutions; indeed, when we are 
talking about nature, we are obliged to make use of the available language 
of natural science, the language of science with its established and 
generally understood meanings. It is this, specifically, which forms the 
basis of the arguments of logical positivism, which quite consciously 
identifies nature with the language in which people talk and write 
about nature.

Paragraph 54: It will be appreciated that the main difficulty and, 
therefore, the main problem of philosophy is not to distinguish and 
counterpose everything that is in the consciousness of the individual to 
everything that is outside this individual consciousness (this is hardly 
ever difficult to do), but to delimit the world of collectively 
acknowledged notions, that is, the whole socially organised world of 
intellectual culture with all its stable and materially established 
universal patterns, and the real world as it exists outside and apart from 
its expression in these socially legitimised forms of experience. 
(Ilyenkov The Concept of the Ideal 1977)

Victor comments:
The delimitation of what Ilyenkov calls the whole socially organised 
world of intellectual culture and the real world as it exists outside 
and apart from its expression in these socially legitimised forms of 
experience. can only be based on the distinction between the socially 
learned and confirmed concepts or ideas of the tribe and the concepts 
formulated by reflecting on practical material activity, i.e. labour 
activity: the operations carried out, the physical and material response 
of the instruments and material of production to these activities and 
finally the effectivity of the operations relative to their purposes.

Victor says the delimitation that Ilyenkov makes (I am adding ...'s to 
make Victor's complex sentence a little more readable) can only be based 
on the distinction  between the socially learned and confirmed 
concepts or ideas of the tribe ... and  ... the concepts formulated by 
reflecting on practical material activity, i.e. labour activity: the 
operations carried out, the physical and material response of the 
instruments and material of production to these activities and finally the 
effectivity of the operations relative to their purposes.

But this is decidedly *not* the distinction Ilyenkov makes.

The essential discussion we are having here is over this question: where, 
precisely, is the boundary between ideality and materiality?

Victor draws the boundary between socially learned concepts, on one hand, 
and conceptualizing practical activity/carrying out practical activity/the 
consequences of practical activity - on the other.

Ilyenkov draws a very different distinction.  Ilyenkov is investigating 
the distinction - and he refers to this as the main problem of 
philosophy - between the whole socially organised world of intellectual 
culture and the real world as it exists outside and apart from this.

I believe I can draw on Ilyenkov, and: a) show where Ilyenkov makes his 
distinction between the ideal and the real and b) demonstrate that Victor 
is committing the very idealist error that Ilyenkov criticizes Hegel and 
Bogdanov for making.  In the essay The Concept of the Ideal, my 
annotations offer the subtitles Hegel's Concept of the Ideal to 
paragraphs 45-49, The Secret Twist of Idealism to paragraphs 50-53, and 
The Distinction Between the Ideal and the Real to paragraphs 54-57. 
Interestingly, my reading of Victor's writings on the question of the 
ideal, such as in the quote above, is that his concept of the ideal is 
much closer to Hegel's than Ilyenkov's or Marx's, he is actually 
performing the same kind of secret twist of idealism that Ilyenkov 
attributes to Hegel and others, and Victor's distinction or boundary 
between the ideal and the real is not consistent with Ilyenkov's.

It's not enough simply to say that Victor is making the same error as Hegel 
and Bogdanov.  You have to show it to be so.

What does Ilyenkov actually say about Hegel and Bogdanov?

49.   In other words, Hegel includes in the concept of the ideal 
everything that another representative of idealism in philosophy 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

2005-06-26 Thread Steve Gabosch
This 6/26 post by Victor seems like a good 
stopping place for the moment - I need to put our 
discussion about ideality aside for just a little 
while to tend to other projects, but I am 
certainly interested.  I will follow up.  Victor 
is perfectly correct, I must show what I claim.

BTW, for anyone trying to follow this discussion, 
two different essays by Ilyenkov are quoted in 
Victor's post, both available on the internet at:

The main essay Victor and I have been debating interpretations of is:
The Concept of the Ideal

This essay appeared in the book Problems of 
Dialectical Materialism; Progress Publishers, 
1977 and was scanned by Andy Blunden.  The 
numbering both Victor and I have been using 
refers to the sequence of 142 paragraphs in that 
essay.  In Victor's 6/26 post, he quotes from paragraphs 49, 50 and 51.

I have an important side point to bring up about 
this essay.  In my scrutiny of this on-line 
version, the only version I have, I believe there 
are some scanning errors and possibly some 
original translation errors to contend 
with.  There is also some reason to wonder if the 
original Russian that the translation was based 
on may also contain editorial errors.  In other 
words, this version must be read with caution, 
and if something does not make sense, it may not 
be Ilyenkov's original writing.  I bring this up 
because there are a handful of places in the 
essay where publishing errors like these seem to 
contribute to confusion over what Ilyenkov was really saying.

In his 6/26 post Victor also quotes Ilyenkov 
using paragraph numbers  57, 58, 59, 
60.  However, these are from a different essay - 
chapter 8 in DIALECTICAL LOGIC (1974), Part Two ­ 
Problems of the Marxist-Leninist Theory of Dialectics

8: The Materialist Conception of Thought as the Subject Matter of Logic

The scanned book is Dialectical Logic, Essays on 
its History and Theory; Progress Publishers, 
1977; English translation 1977 by H. Campbell 
Creighton; Transcribed: Andy Blunden; HTML Markup: Andy Blunden.

BTW, these paragraphs (found on pages 285-288) 
are from the same essay Victor mentioned on 5/26 
and I quoted from on 5/30, and which were 
discussed a little on this list.  The question of 
the ideal is a major topic of this essay and I 
agree with Victor that it should be discussed in 
conjunction with the Concept of the Ideal essay 
when we take this topic up again.

The philosophical work we are doing here is to 
try to untangle the ideal and the material, 
closely studying Ilyenkov's work on this complex 
question in doing so.  In the process, it seems 
we should also seek to keep untangled which 
citation by our philosopher-teacher we are talking about.

~ Steve
end of my post

At 07:32 PM 6/26/2005 +0200, Oudeyis (Victor) wrote:

- Original Message - From: Steve Gabosch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Forum for the discussion of theoretical 
issues raised by Karl Marx and thethinkers he 

Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 12:40
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

I am responding to a 6/22/2005 post from Victor, which I quote from.

The quote below is a good example of where I 
think Victor gets Ilyenkov wrong 180 
degrees.  In the general section of Ilyenkov's 
1977 essay The Concept of the Ideal that 
Victor quotes from, I believe Ilyenkov is 
making just the opposite point that Victor attributes to him.

Victor quotes Ilyenkov:
Paragraph 53:  It is this fact, 
incidentally, that explains the persistent 
survival of such semantic substitutions; 
indeed, when we are talking about nature, we 
are obliged to make use of the available 
language of natural science, the language of 
science with its established and generally 
understood meanings. It is this, 
specifically, which forms the basis of the 
arguments of logical positivism, which quite 
consciously identifies nature with the 
language in which people talk and write about nature.

Paragraph 54: It will be appreciated that 
the main difficulty and, therefore, the main 
problem of philosophy is not to distinguish 
and counterpose everything that is in the 
consciousness of the individual to everything 
that is outside this individual consciousness 
(this is hardly ever difficult to do), but to 
delimit the world of collectively acknowledged 
notions, that is, the whole socially organised 
world of intellectual culture with all its 
stable and materially established universal 
patterns, and the real world as it exists 
outside and apart from its expression in these 
socially legitimised forms of experience. 
(Ilyenkov The Concept of the Ideal 1977)

Victor comments:
The delimitation of what Ilyenkov calls the