Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Taxes

2009-06-08 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 6/8/2009 1:30:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

The capitalist state and taxation.

The capitalist state forces  revenue out of the workers in the form of 
There is no such thing as  taxpayers' money!
Paddy Hackett

This is so right. 
The vocabulary and language of economics reflects, and in turn dictates,  
the logic of an economic system. Terms such as money, tax, capital, labor, 
debt,  interest, profits, employment, market, depreciation, employment, job, 
etc., are  conceptualized to describe components of a system created by power 
politics. The  broad use of these terms over time makes an artificial 
system appear as the  product of natural laws, rather than the conceptual 
components of power  politics. Power politics is what beats a person down and 
them a slave. In  modern society, we know that no one is "just" a slave or a 
wage slave. Rather,  individuals are forced into slavery, including wage 
slavery. If an individual or  class cannot live without selling its labor 
ability for wages, this social  relation is extreme compulsion under the threat 
of starvation, destitution and  jailing by the state authority. Just as 
monarchism was rationalized as a natural  law of politics in the past, the same 
is true with the market and capitalism  today. 
Taxes are just another conceptual framework and instrument of capital rule  
and rationale for perpetuating the system of wage slavery. In history, 
taxes  have always been a form of exploitation of labor perpetuated by the 
propertied  (ruling) classes. The workers and everyone else are taught that 
paying taxes is  necessary for the government to pay for its debt. 
This is not true. 
Government does not have debt or rather government debt is purely an  
agreement between capitalists controlling the state, government and relations 
production. How can government have debt when it issues currency that can 
only  be converted into more currency? 
When a state road or public school is built by government, the workers  
doing the work are paid wages in the form of money - currency. These wages are  
paid by a capitalist company hiring the workers or paid directly by 
government.  The corporation gets the money for wages from the government. The 
government  prints the money and pays it to the corporation to deploy the 
services of its  wage slaves. 
When the government pays money to the corporation, what it is actually  
doing is creating credit and not debt. Money - currency is a credit thing -  
instrument, and not a debt instrument. Currency is an instrument to settle  
debt.  When a government issues currency is owes no one anything. 
When you are given currency, you are being given a credit instrument and  
not a debt instrument. Today, one does not have to touch currency but can 
have  symbols put into their banking account and use a debit card to use this 
credit  for the purchase of commodities. 
We are taught that the government is creating debt by printing money,  
extending credit to corporations that in turn use this same credit to game in  
the market and pay workers or extend them credit that is used to purchase  
commodities. Modern economics (bourgeois political economy)  is a game  
designed to keep the workers confused and keep them passive as wage slaves. 
When the government turns around and tax wages and company payrolls, it is  
not collecting revenue to pay for its debt. Rather, it is taking credit out 
of  the market and economy. As much as I hate the conservative economists 
on the far  right, they are correct to say that taxes distort the market and 
economy by  withdrawing needed credit.  At the same time the conservatives 
are horribly  wrong in insisting and defending the market economy as the best 
form of economy.  They are wrong because government can print more money. 
The market economy is the absolute worse form of economy for a modern  
society increasing run based on electronic means of production and non  
convertible currency. That is the currency can only be converted into another  
currency or more paper - stocks, bonds, fiction capital, etc. Electronic means  
of production reduces the amount of human labor in a commodity and slowly  
destroys the price form of commodities because of its greater productiveness. 
Generations have been taught that  extending government credit means  debt. 
This is not so. The benefit of a country having a government backed and  
printed currency is two fold: first this means the government is not dependent 
 on private banks issues their own currency. When private banks issue 
currency  the only way anyone can get this currency is by following what ever 
rules the  private banks create and enforce. The only way the private banks can 
enforce  their rules is with the blessing and protection of the state, 
which controls the  army, police and jail system. Government serves the 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Taxes Again

2009-06-08 Thread Paddy Hackett

We are constantly bombarded with the sound byte  -- "taxpayers money". This
contains the assumption that the revenue collected by the capitalist state
in the form of taxation is the money of  taxpayers. This obviously implies
that the taxpayer in some way owns this money. In the first place the
taxpayer is a category that can include all classes since each of the social
classes pays taxes. This constitutes an attempt to suggest that there
obtains a deep unity between the classes. Assuming that this basis exists
then there is only a short way to go towards politically creating an all
class alliance.

But the point is that state revenue in the form of taxation is just
that --state revenue. It is revenue owned and controlled by the state. It
is not the revenue of the taxpayers. This is why the expression "taxpayers
money" is so misleading in the struggle against capitalism. It misrepresents
the class interests of the working class and seeks to subordinate those
interests to that of the capitalist class in an all class alliance. The
point is that taxation is extracted from the working class by the force of
the state. The working class have no choice in the matter within the context
of capitalism. The working class has only choice with the context of an
alternative --the alternative between capitalism and communism. This means
that the workers, to challenge this imposition of tax on it, must mount an
attack on the political state as part of an integral programme to attack and
detroy capitalism.

Paddy Hackett

Note: Apologies for repeating this postin. It is just that the other copies
were poorly formatted that I felt compelled to do it out again.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Taxes

2009-06-08 Thread Paddy Hackett
The capitalist state and taxation.

  The capitalist state forces revenue out of the workers in the form of 
There is no such thing as taxpayers' money!
Paddy Hackett

We are constantly bombarded with the soundbyte --"taxpayers money".This 
contains the 

assumption that the revenue collected by the capitalist state in the form of 
taxation is 

taxpayers' money.This obviously implies that the taxpayer in someway owns this 

In the first place the taxpayer is a category that can include all classes 
since each of 

the social classes pays taxes.This constitutes an attempt to suggest that there 
obtains a 

deep unity between the classes. Assuming that this basis exists then there is 
only a 

short way to go to politically creating an all class alliance.

But the point is that state revenue in the form of taxation is just that 
--state revenue. 

It is revenue that is controlled and owned by the state. It is not the revenue 
of the 

taxpayers. This is why the expression "taxpayers' money" is so misleading in 
the struggle 

against capitalism. It misrepresents the class interests of the working class 
and seeks to 

subordinate those interests to that of the capitalist class in an all class 

The point is that taxation is extracted from the working class by the force of 
the state. 

The working class have no choice in the matter within the context of 
capitalism. The 

working class have only choice within the context of an alternative --the 

between capitalism and communism. This means that the workers, to challenge 

imposition of tax on it, must mount an attack on the political state as part of 

integral programme to attack and destroy capitalism.

Paddy Hackett

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Taxes and Workers

2009-06-08 Thread Paddy Hackett
The capitalist state and taxation.

  The capitalist state forces revenue out of the workers in the form of 
There is no such thing as taxpayers' money!
Paddy Hackett

We are constantly bombarded with the soundbyte --"taxpayers money".This 
contains the

assumption that the revenue collected by the capitalist state in the form of 
taxation is

taxpayers' money.This obviously implies that the taxpayer in someway owns 
this money.

In the first place the taxpayer is a category that can include all classes 
since each of

the social classes pays taxes.This constitutes an attempt to suggest that 
there obtains a

deep unity between the classes. Assuming that this basis exists then there 
is only a

short way to go to politically creating an all class alliance.

But the point is that state revenue in the form of taxation is just 
that --state revenue.

It is revenue that is controlled and owned by the state. It is not the 
revenue of the

taxpayers. This is why the expression "taxpayers' money" is so misleading in 
the struggle

against capitalism. It misrepresents the class interests of the working 
class and seeks to

subordinate those interests to that of the capitalist class in an all class 

The point is that taxation is extracted from the working class by the force 
of the state.

The working class have no choice in the matter within the context of 
capitalism. The

working class have only choice within the context of an alternative --the 

between capitalism and communism. This means that the workers, to challenge 

imposition of tax on it, must mount an attack on the political state as part 
of an

integral programme to attack and destroy capitalism.

Paddy Hackett

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