[Marxism-Thaxis] ATHEISTS,

2009-11-09 Thread c b
By Russell Blackford, Udo Schuklenk, Comment Is Free
Civility has its uses, but atheists should not be afraid to
mock faith to undermine religious power.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Comrade Dave Moore

2009-11-09 Thread c b
 In Memory of Extraordinary Freedom Fighter
David William Moore

Whereas,   David W. Moore, Dave , was a fighter for freedom, equality, peace,
human rights and economic justice for more than four score
years;  and

Whereas,  Citizen Moore from his youth in South Carolina, Ohio and
Detroit and, throughout his 97 years,  was an icon of
the working class rank and file,
a leader of the laboring masses  who create all the wealth of
society, a champion  of revolutionary struggle; and

Whereas,  In the Depression of the 1930’s , Mr. Moore was active in the
Unemployed Councils,  the Ford Hunger March, worked
in the Civilian Conservation Corps, ; and

Whereas,  Brother Dave Moore was a leader in securing representation
rights for the UAW-CIO at Ford Motor Company, where Black and
White unity was key; Mr. Moore is credited with
five other workers who pulled one of a
series of switches in the Axle Plant on April 2, 1941, triggering
the strike that ended in Ford signing a contract with UAW-CIO on
June 30, 1941; and

Whereas,  Dave Moore advanced  organizing efforts at Ford Motor
company  with  the Elder Charles Diggs, Reverend Charles Hill,
Pastor of Hartford Avenue Baptist Church, and President of the
Detroit NAACP among others and he convinced the leadership of
the CIO to  bring Paul Robeson to Detroit to speak before Ford
workers ,  which he   did three times, including on May 19,1941
when Robeson appeared  before upwards of 100,000 workers and
union  supporters in Cadillac Square on the eve of that signal
contract victory at  Ford; In later years,  Dave Moore , with
the Honorable Coleman A. Young organized security details for Paul Robeson’s
visits to Detroit,  and said meetings also included the Honorable Erma L.
Henderson; and
  Whereas,   Brother Moore , in 1941, was elected a
District Committeeman in
the old Gear and Axle Plant of Ford Rouge by a workforce of
5,600 that  was overwhelmingly white in its majority; he was
reelected for twelve successive years and for many years was
elected to an array of offices in UAW Local 600; he served as a
member of the Bargaining  Committee and Vice-President of the
Gear and Axle Plant; he also  served as Bargaining
Committeeman and Vice-President of the Dearborn Engine
Plant of Local 600 and

Whereas,  Dave Moore served as Vice-President of the Detroit Chapter
of  the National Negro Labor Council, along with the Honorable Coleman A.
Young as National Secretary; the National Negro Labor Council ,
(NNLC), was  an  organization dedicated to winning first class
citizenship for every Black  man, woman and child in
America in unity with that  democratic minded workers of all
backgrounds who recognized in the struggle for African American
rights  prerequisites of their own aspirations for a
full life;

Whereas,  Brother Moore endured the undemocratic onslaught of
McCarthyism and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee;
he was targeted   with four others at Local 600; barred from
running for union office in the very union where he had played
such an  important role to establish; the National Negro Labor
Council  was a target of the anti-Red , anti-Communist false
accusations ; and

Whereas,  After 12 years Brother Moore and his four fellow Local 600
officers were reinstated and overwhelmingly reelected.  Later he
and the Black Caucus at Local 600 decided that he should accept
a position as an International representative for the UAW in the
   grievance procedure;  seasoned from the trials and tribulations
of the  McCarthy Era, armed with his bachelor’s degree in the

School of Hard Knocks and his advanced degree from the
University Hastings Street, having studied the public use of the
courts with Peoples’ lawyers Maurice Sugar, the Honorable George Crockett,
Lebron Simmons, Ernie Goodman and the Honorable Claudia Morcom, he was
An extraordinary and exceptionally astute advocate, and  highly
skilled in negotiating fourth-stage grievances until his retirement
in 1979. He was awarded Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Detroit
City Council and the National Lawyers Guild and

Whereas,  In 1979, Dave Moore helped lead the victorious campaign of
Judge George W. Crockett for Congress in Detroit’ s 13th District,
and served as Director of Congressman Crockett’s Detroit office
and  ; In 1990 Mayor Coleman A. Young appointed Mr. Moore as
the Director of the Senior Citizen Department of the City of
Detroit; he was a friend of the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,
Rosa Parks, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, jr. and of Congressman
John Conyers, Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus

Resolved,  That the Detroit City Council salute and honor the Great Dave Moore ,
and deeply mourn his passing. We will as Mr. Moore always said “Carry
On “ the struggle


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Thw working class - employed, is female

2009-11-09 Thread c b
Women have a longer life expectancy than men , too. (smile)


On 11/8/09, waistli...@aol.com waistli...@aol.com wrote:
 The working class is officially female, although the proletariat was female
  perhaps two decades ago.


 (Nov. 5) -- The United States may have officially entered the age of  woman.

 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this fall, for the first time
 in U.S. history, women have surpassed men and now make up more than 50
 percent  of the nation's workforce. In 1967, by comparison, they accounted for
 just  one-third of all workers.

 Signs of the changing landscape in gender relations are just about
 everywhere you look:

 • Double the number of single women are now purchasing homes in America
 than there are single men.
 • Four out of every 10 women are are now their  family's primary
 breadwinner, a sharp increase from past decades.
 • The New  Hampshire State Legislature is now made up of a majority of
 women, a first for a  legislative body in the U.S., and the number of women in
 government continues to  edge up nationwide.
 • Women now account for 30 percent of math Ph.D.s, up  from just 5 percent
 in the 1960s.
 • On average, women read nine books every  year. Men only read four, and
 women account for 80 percent of the U.S. fiction  market.
 • The World Bank recently estimated that the global earning power of  women
 will reach an estimated $18 trillion by the year 2014, up $5 trillion

 Women really have become the dominant gender, said Guy Garcia, author of
 The Decline of Men. What concerns me is that guys are rapidly falling
 behind.  Women are becoming better educated than men, earning more than men,
 and,  generally speaking, not needing men at all. Meanwhile, as a group, men
 are  losing their way.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Keeping Afghanistan Safe From Democracy

2009-11-09 Thread c b
Keeping Afghanistan Safe From Democracy

By Robert Scheer
San Francisco Chronicle
November 5, 2009


The most idiotic thing being said about America's
involvement in Afghanistan is that the best way to
protect the 68,000 U.S. troops there now is by putting
an additional 40,000 in harm's way.

People who argue for that plan clearly have not read
Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal's report pushing for
escalation. The general is as honest as he is wrong in
laying out the purpose of this would-be expanded
mission, which is to remold Afghanistan in a Western
image by making U.S. troops far more vulnerable, rather
than less so.

He is honest in arguing that American troops would have
to be deployed throughout the rugged and otherwise
inhospitable terrain of rural Afghanistan, entering
intimately into the ways of local life so as to win the
hearts and minds of a people who clearly wish we would
not extend the favor. He is wrong in indicating,
without providing any evidence to support the
proposition, that this very costly and highly
improbable quest to be the first foreign power to
successfully model life in Afghanistan would be
connected with defeating the al Qaeda terrorists.

As the president's top national security adviser has
stated, there are fewer than 100 al Qaeda members left
in Afghanistan, and they have no capacity to launch
attacks. These remnants of a foreign Arab force
assembled by the United States to thwart the Soviets in
their hapless effort to conquer Afghanistan are now
alienated from the locally based insurgency.

As Matthew Hoh, the former Marine captain and foreign
service officer in charge of the most contested area,
said recently in his letter of resignation, we have
stumbled into a 35-year-long civil war between rural
people who want to be left alone and a corrupt urban
government that the United States insists on backing.

Hoh, who quit after a decade of service in Iraq and
Afghanistan, wrote that he was resigning not because of
the hardships of his assignment but rather because he
no longer believed in its stated purpose:

In the course of my five months of service in
Afghanistan ... I have lost understanding and
confidence in the strategic purposes of the United
States' presence in Afghanistan. ... To put simply: I
fail to see the value or the worth in continued U.S.
casualties or expenditures of resources in support of
the Afghan government in what is, truly, a 35-year-old
civil war. ... Like the Soviets, we continue to secure
and bolster a failing state, while encouraging an
ideology and system of government unknown and unwanted
by its people. ... I have observed that the bulk of the
insurgency fights not for the white banner of the
Taliban, but rather against the presence of foreign
soldiers and taxes imposed by an unrepresentative
government in Kabul.

Just how unrepresentative was amply demonstrated in a
very low turnout election in which the U.S.-backed
candidate, Hamid Karzai, won after stealing one-third
of the ballots he claimed for his victory, according to
U.N. observers. In a message of congratulation to
Karzai, President Obama made reference to the need for
reform and an end to the corruption that is endemic in
the Karzai regime, but then stated, Although the
process was messy, I am pleased to say that the final
outcome was determined in accordance with Afghan law,
which I think is very important.

What law? A runoff was avoided only when Karzai refused
to accede to his opponent's demand for changes in the
election commission that had stuffed the ballot boxes.

When Bob Schieffer of CBS said of the election the
thing was a fraud, White House senior adviser David
Axelrod had the arrogance to defend the rigged process
as having proceeded in the constitutional way. Just
what is it we are telling the world about our belief in
the integrity of elections? It is no different from our
having extolled those garbage elections that occurred
with great regularity in Vietnam during the war there,
a point made to great effect by Hoh:

Our support for this kind of government, coupled with
a misunderstanding of the insurgency's true nature,
reminds me horribly of our involvement with South
Vietnam; an unpopular and corrupt government we backed
at the expense of our nation's own internal peace,
against an insurgency whose nationalism we arrogantly
and ignorantly mistook as a rival to our own Cold War

Obama must know the truth of those words and should
heed them before he marches down the disastrous path
pursued by another Democratic president, Lyndon Johnson
- who, we now know from his White House telephone
tapes, sacrificed the youth of this country in a war
that he always knew never made sense.

2009 CREATORS.COM Robert Scheer is editor of
truthdig.com, where this column originally appeared. E-
mail Robert Scheer at rsch...@truthdig.com.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Keeping Afghanistan Safe From Democracy

2009-11-09 Thread farmela...@juno.com

General McChrystal is believed by many to
have Potomac fever, that is, he wants 
Obama's job. Both Abe Lincoln and
Harry Truman in their times had their
experiences with politically ambitious
generals.  A major test for Obama
will be whether he has the guile
and intestinal fortitude to deal
with such a general.

Jim F.
-- Original Message --
From: c b cb31...@gmail.com
To: Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marx and the 
thinkers he inspired marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Keeping Afghanistan Safe From Democracy
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 08:35:35 -0500

Keeping Afghanistan Safe From Democracy

By Robert Scheer
San Francisco Chronicle
November 5, 2009


The most idiotic thing being said about America's
involvement in Afghanistan is that the best way to
protect the 68,000 U.S. troops there now is by putting
an additional 40,000 in harm's way.


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