[Marxism-Thaxis] Imperialist warpigs run kangaroo court in NYC

2010-02-04 Thread CeJ
Should be a good model for what Barrage Obushwa has in mind though.



But after Judge Berman allowed Ms. Siddiqui to testify last week, she
claimed that assertions that she had fired a weapon at officers was
“the biggest lie.”

The weapon was never in her hands, said Ms. Siddiqui, who explained
that she was merely trying to escape from the station because she
feared being tortured. She had been arrested the day before; in her
purse were instructions on making explosives and a list of New York
landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge and
the Empire State Building.

But the charges in the case were not terrorism-related and were
restricted to the events in a 300-square-foot room of the Ghazni
police station, which is why prosecutors hinged their arguments on the
testimony of nine people who were in it or close by.

One of those witnesses was a chief warrant officer, whose name was
withheld at the prosecution’s request. He limped to the stand using a
cane because of injuries sustained in an unrelated roadside bombing in

Defense lawyers argued that an absence of bullets, casings or residue
from the M4 suggested it had not been shot. They used a video to show
that two holes in a wall supposedly caused by the M4 had been there
before July 18.

They also pointed out inconsistencies in the testimony from the nine
government witnesses, who at times gave conflicting accounts of how
many people were in the room, where they were sitting or standing and
how many shots were fired.

Ms. Siddiqui’s lawyers said they had not decided whether to appeal.
They suggested that prosecutors had played to New Yorkers’ anxieties
about terror attacks.

“This is not a just and right verdict,” Elaine Sharp, one of Ms.
Siddiqui’s lawyers, said outside the courtroom. “In my opinion this
was based on fear but not fact.”

As that verdict was read on Wednesday, 11 guards stood around the
edges of the wood-paneled courtroom.

“Today, a jury has brought Aafia Siddiqui to justice in a court of law
for trying to murder American military and law enforcement officers,
as well as their Afghan colleagues,” prosecutors said in a written

Perhaps the most riveting day of the trial was a week ago, when Ms.
Siddiqui took the stand over the objections of her lawyers, who had
fought her testimony until the last minute. Ms. Siddiqui recited a
long list of academic achievements, including a Ph.D. in neuroscience
from Brandeis University.

But she suggested that her studies of chemicals did not equip her to
be a terrorist. “To answer your question, I don’t know how to make a
dirty bomb,” she said, adding that she “couldn’t kill a rat myself.”

In response, prosecutors asked her about six hours of target practice
she completed while she was an undergraduate at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, which a witness verified.

One of the most sensational parts of Ms. Siddiqui’s testimony was her
claim of being held in a secret prison.

Ms. Siddiqui and her children, according to Ms. Sharp, were taken at
gunpoint by forces backed by the United States in 2003 while traveling
in Karachi, Pakistan.

Ms. Sharp said these events, and a traumatic subsequent detention,
could explain Ms. Siddiqui’s outbursts.

She added that her client was not anti-Semitic but pro-Palestinian.
And she sent a message through reporters, some of whom were from
Pakistan: “Dr. Siddiqui wants you all to know that she doesn’t want
there to be violent protests or violent reprisals in Pakistan over
this verdict.”

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[Marxism-Thaxis] James O'Keefe's Race Problem

2010-02-04 Thread c b
James O'Keefe's Race Problem

By Max Blumenthal
Feb 3, 2010

Many of the conservatives who gleefully promoted James
O'Keefe's past political stunts are feigning shock at
his arrest on charges that he and three associates
planned to tamper with Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu's
phone lines. Once upon a time, right-wing pundits hailed
the 25-year-old O'Keefe as a creative genius and model
of journalistic ethics. Andrew Breitbart, who has paid
O'Keefe, called him was one of the all-time great
journalists and said he deserved a Pulitzer for his
undercover ACORN video. Fox News' Bill O'Reilly declared
he should have earned a congressional medal.

His right-wing admirers don't seem to mind that
O'Keefe's short but storied career has been defined by a
series of political stunts shot through with racial
resentment. Now an activist organization that monitors
hate groups has produced a photo of O'Keefe at a 2006
conference on Race and Conservatism that featured
leading white nationalists. The photo, first published
Jan. 30  on the Web site of the anti-racism group One
People's Project, shows O'Keefe at the gathering, which
was so controversial even the ultra-right Leadership
Institute, which employed O'Keefe at the time, withdrew
its backing. But O'Keefe and fellow young conservative
provocateur Marcus Epstein soldiered on to give anti-
Semites, professional racists and proponents of Aryanism
an opportunity to share their grievances and plans to
make inroads in the GOP.

According to One Peoples Project founder Daryle Jenkins,
O'Keefe was manning the literature table at the
gathering that brought together anti-Semites,
professional racists and proponents of Aryanism. OPP
covered the event at the time, sending a freelance
photographer to document the gathering. Jenkins told me
the table was filled with tracts from the white
supremacist right, including two pseudo-academic
publications that have called blacks and Latinos
genetically inferior to whites: American Renaissance and
the Occidental Quarterly.  The leading speaker was Jared
Taylor, founder of the white nationalist group American
Renaissance. We can say for certain that James O'Keefe
was at the 2006 meeting with Jared Taylor. He has
absolutely no way of denying that, Jenkins said.
O'Keefe's attorney did not respond to a request for
comment on his client's role in the conference.

O'Keefe's racial issues can be seen in many of his prior
stunts, of course. The notorious ACORN videos
highlighted images of himself dressed as a pimp,
deceptively edited through hidden camera footage as he
baited African-American office workers into making
statements that could be perceived as incriminating.
There were also lesser-known but equally inflammatory
spectacles like the affirmative action bake sale
O'Keefe and his conservative comrades held when they
were students at Rutgers University. During the event,
O'Keefe stood at a table in the center of campus
offering baked goods at reduced prices to Latinos and
African-Americans while whites were forced to pay
exorbitant amounts. (Native Americans, he announced,
would eat free.)

By O'Keefe's own account, his racial troubles became
acute when he entered the multicultural atmosphere of
Rutgers University's dormitory system. In an online
diary that has since been scrubbed from the Web (but not
before being captured on Daily Kos), he wrote that he
was forced to live on an all-black dormitory floor after
refusing to live with the gay roommate he was initially
assigned. O'Keefe claimed his next roommate was an
Indian midget ... who smelled like shit. The roommate
left, however, and was replaced by a greek kid. The
new roommate complained to a residential administrator
that O'Keefe had called his neighbors niggers,
prompting the school to expel him from the dorm. He
rejected the accusation as a complete lie, writing, I
was lead out of the room crying and screaming at him and
my situation, no friends, no one one [sic] to talk to,
forced to go in front of a black man, Dean Tolbert, to
defend myself and help explain that I did not call
anyone any names.

The following year, despite this record, O'Keefe secured
a dream job in the conservative movement, employed by
the Leadership Institute, a Northern Virginia-based
outfit that serves as the movement's most prolific youth
training operation. There, O'Keefe met Marcus Epstein, a
fellow ideologue who as editor of a conservative
publication at the College of William and Mary assailed
Martin Luther King Jr. for philandering and plagiarism
and challenged his patriotism and Christianity.

Together, O'Keefe and Epstein planned an event in August
2006 that would wed their extreme views on race with
their ambitions. Epstein invited white nationalist
Jared Taylor  and homophobic white-grievance peddler
John Derbyshire of the National Review to speak at the
Leadership Institute's 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Rightwinger David Brooks

2010-02-04 Thread c b
Rightwinger David Brooks makes the anti-white supremacy argument on
Avatar. Go figure. (smile)

Actually, the Indian meaning of Avatar sort of supports the critics,”a
deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth”

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ten avatars of Vishnu (clockwise, from upper left): Matsya, Kurma,
Varaha, Vamana, Krishna, Kalki, Buddha, Parshurama, Rama  Narasimha,
and Krishna (centre)In Hinduism, Avatar or Avatāra (Devanagari अवतार,
Sanskrit for “descent” [viz., from heaven to earth]) refers to a
deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth, and is mostly
translated into English as “incarnation”, but more accurately as
“appearance” or “manifestation”.[1]


January 8, 2010
Op-Ed Columnist
The Messiah Complex
Readers intending to watch the movie “Avatar” should know that major
events in the plot are revealed.

Every age produces its own sort of fables, and our age seems to have
produced The White Messiah fable.

This is the oft-repeated story about a manly young adventurer who goes
into the wilderness in search of thrills and profit. But, once there,
he meets the native people and finds that they are noble and spiritual
and pure. And so he emerges as their Messiah, leading them on a
righteous crusade against his own rotten civilization.

Avid moviegoers will remember “A Man Called Horse,” which began to
establish the pattern, and “At Play in the Fields of the Lord.” More
people will have seen “Dances With Wolves” or “The Last Samurai.”

Kids have been given their own pure versions of the fable, like
“Pocahontas” and “FernGully.”

It’s a pretty serviceable formula. Once a director selects the White
Messiah fable, he or she doesn’t have to waste time explaining the
plot because everybody knows roughly what’s going to happen.

The formula also gives movies a little socially conscious allure.
Audiences like it because it is so environmentally sensitive. Academy
Award voters like it because it is so multiculturally aware. Critics
like it because the formula inevitably involves the loincloth-clad
good guys sticking it to the military-industrial complex.

Yet of all the directors who have used versions of the White Messiah
formula over the years, no one has done so with as much exuberance as
James Cameron in “Avatar.”

“Avatar” is a racial fantasy par excellence. The hero is a white
former Marine who is adrift in his civilization. He ends up working
with a giant corporation and flies through space to help plunder the
environment of a pristine planet and displace its peace-loving

The peace-loving natives — compiled from a mélange of Native American,
African, Vietnamese, Iraqi and other cultural fragments — are like the
peace-loving natives you’ve seen in a hundred other movies. They’re
tall, muscular and admirably slender. They walk around nearly naked.
They are phenomenal athletes and pretty good singers and dancers.

The white guy notices that the peace-loving natives are much cooler
than the greedy corporate tools and the bloodthirsty U.S. military
types he came over with. He goes to live with the natives, and, in
short order, he’s the most awesome member of their tribe. He has sex
with their hottest babe. He learns to jump through the jungle and ride
horses. It turns out that he’s even got more guts and athletic prowess
than they do. He flies the big red bird that no one in generations has
been able to master.

Along the way, he has his consciousness raised. The peace-loving
natives are at one with nature, and even have a fiber-optic cable
sticking out of their bodies that they can plug into horses and trees,
which is like Horse Whispering without the wireless technology.
Because they are not corrupted by things like literacy, cellphones and
blockbuster movies, they have deep and tranquil souls.

The natives help the white guy discover that he, too, has a deep and
tranquil soul.

The natives have hot bodies and perfect ecological sensibilities, but
they are natural creatures, not history-making ones. When the
military-industrial complex comes in to strip mine their homes, they
need a White Messiah to lead and inspire the defense.

Our hero leaps in, with the help of a pack of dinosaurs summoned by
Mother Earth. As he and his fellow freedom fighters kill wave after
wave of Marines or former Marines or whatever they are, he achieves
the ultimate prize: He is accepted by the natives and can spend the
rest of his life in their excellent culture.

Cameron’s handling of the White Messiah fable is not the reason
“Avatar” is such a huge global hit. As John Podhoretz wrote in The
Weekly Standard, “Cameron has simply used these familiar bromides as
shorthand to give his special-effects spectacular some resonance.” The
plotline gives global audiences a chance to see American troops get
killed. It offers useful hooks on which McDonald’s and other
corporations can hang their tie-in campaigns.

Still, would it be totally annoying to point out that the 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Rightwinger David Brooks

2010-02-04 Thread c b

On 2/4/10, Ralph Dumain rdum...@autodidactproject.org wrote:
 I can't discern where this was published. It's
 miraculous that a little shit like David Brooks
 would be so perceptive about AVATAR, or maybe
 AVATAR really is just standard-issue
 entertainment for simpletons . . . including the left.

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2010-02-04 Thread c b
By Paul Kiel, ProPublica
Homeowners who may well be eligible for the mortgage loan
modification program are being denied because their troubles
were not deemed permanent.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Rightwinger David Brooks

2010-02-04 Thread CeJ
I think of this as a particularly American thing--see Last of the
Mohicans. Some of it has to do with the guilt felt over how Americans
drew on the native Americans for imagery, agriculture, and even
political organization and yet generation after generation ran and
justified genocide against the Nations. The colonials even dressed up
in what colonials thought the natives might look like in order to have
their Boston Tea Party.

OTOH there is Lawrence of Arabia, but even in film treatment, that is
a study in subtlety and irony compared to anything Cameron might

If Cameron (who is Canadian, isn't he?--another Canadian living the
American dream) has his largely unknown Australian actor hero adopting
an American/North American accent, that is definitely one giveaway.

I remember everyone telling me to go see his Aliens back in the 80s,
and I thought it really sucked, no where near as good as the original
Alien film. Then everyone was keen on his take on Terminator, the
second film, which again lacked any sense of fun found in the
low-budget original. Then came that godawful Titanic. That could have
been a decent film if he had avoided the Romeo-Juliet lovestory and
never ever cast that nasally Leonardo DiCaprio as an Irishman who we
would have to look at and listen to for 2 and half hours of screen
time. I think the only other sadist to do that for a popular audience
is the over-rated Martin Scorcese, who keeps putting Leonardo in is
his films.

My wife really wants to go see this Avatar, but I'm worried about
headaches and motion sickness, something a lot of bigscreen films here
in Japan give me, without the 3D gimmick. Also, there is very little
treble since no one follows the English anyway, and special effects
films like this come across as just one large bass explosion after
another. I wonder if those (all the Japanese) who have to follow a
film like this in sub-titles will get reading-motion sickness trying
to do it. Or perhaps most are opting for the 'dubbed' version. The
'treble' issue gets so bad for me that I often find myself reading the
sub-titles in order to follow the dialogue in most loud Hollywood

At any rate, I'll probably see it and emerge 'fightin' mad' and all
fired up for the revolution like Louie Proyect.


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