[Marxism-Thaxis] Fundamental difference: Caudwell critique's bourgeois concept of individual liberty

2011-01-07 Thread c b

Christopher Caudwell 1938
A study in bourgeois illusion

Source: “Studies in a Dying Culture,” first published 1938.
Republished 1977 in “The Concept of Freedom,” Lawrence  Wishart, London.
Transcribed: by Dominic Tweedie;
Proofed and corrected: by Guy Colvin, November 2005.

Many will have heard a broadcast by H. G. Wells in which (commenting
on the Soviet Union) he described it as a “great experiment which has
but half fulfilled its promise,” it is still a “land without mental
freedom.” There are also many essays of Bertrand Russell in which this
philosopher explains the importance of liberty, how the enjoyment of
liberty is the highest and most important goal of man. Fisher claims
that the history of Europe during the last two or three centuries is
simply the struggle for liberty. Continually and variously by artists,
scientists, and philosophers alike, liberty is thus praised and man’s
right to enjoy it imperiously asserted.

I agree with this. Liberty does seem to me the most important of all
generalised goods – such as justice, beauty, truth – that come so
easily to our lips. And yet when freedom is discussed a strange thing
is to be noticed. These men – artists, careful of words, scientists,
investigators of the entities denoted by words, philosophers
scrupulous about the relations between words and entities – never
define precisely what they mean by freedom. They seem to assume that
it is quite a clear concept, whose definition every one would agree

Yet who does not know that liberty is a concept about whose nature men
have quarrelled perhaps more than any other? The historic disputes
concerning predestination, Karma, Free-Will, Moira, salvation by faith
or works, determinism, Fate, Kismet, the categorical imperative,
sufficient grace, occasionalism, Divine Providence, punishment and
responsibility, have all been about the nature of man’s freedom of
will and action. The Greeks, the Romans, the Buddhists, the
Mahomedans, the Catholics, the Jansenists, and the Calvinists, have
each had different ideas of liberty. Why, then, do all these bourgeois
intellectuals assume that liberty is a clear concept, understood in
the same way by all their hearers, and therefore needing no
definition? Russell, for example, has spent his life finding a really
satisfactory definition of number and even now it is disputed whether
he has been successful. I can find in his writings no clear definition
of what he means by liberty. Yet most people would have supposed that
men are far more in agreement as to what is meant by a number, than
what is meant by liberty.

The indefinite use of the word can only mean either that they believe
the meaning of the word invariant in history or that they use it in
the contemporary bourgeois sense. If they believe the meaning
invariant, it is strange that men have disputed so often about
freedom. These intellectuals must surely be incapable of such a
blunder. They must mean liberty as men in their situation experience
it. That is, they must mean by liberty to have no more restrictions
imposed upon them than they endure at that time. They do not – these
Oxford dons or successful writers – want, for example, the
restrictions of Fascism, that is quite clear. That would not be
liberty. But at present, thank God, they are reasonably free.

Now this conception of liberty is superficial, for not all their
countrymen are in the same situation. A, an intellectual, with a good
education, in possession of a modest income, with not too uncongenial
friends, unable to afford a yacht, which he would like, but at least
able to go to the winter sports, considers this (more or less)
freedom. He would like that yacht, but still – he can write against
Communism or Fascism or the existing system. Let us for the moment
grant that A is free. I propose to analyse this statement more deeply
in a moment, and show that it is partial. But let us for the moment
grant that A enjoys liberty.

Is B free? B is a sweated non-union shop-assistant of Houndsditch,
working seven days of the week. He knows nothing of art, science, or
philosophy. He has no culture except a few absurd prejudices, his
elementary school education saw to that. He believes in the
superiority of the English race, the King’s wisdom and loving-kindness
to his subjects, the real existence of God, the Devil, Hell, and Sin,
and the wickedness of sexual intercourse unless palliated by marriage.
His knowledge of world events is derived from the News of the World,
on other days he has no time to read the papers. He believes that when
he dies he will (with luck) enter into eternal bliss. At present,
however, his greatest dread is that by displeasing his employer in
some trifle, he may become unemployed.

B’s trouble is plainly lack of leisure in which to cultivate freedom.
C does not suffer from this. He is an unemployed middle-aged man. He
is free for 24 hours a day. He is free to go 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Fundamental difference: Estranged Labour has individual life as its purpose; self-interested individual, etc.

2011-01-07 Thread c b
 The role of the
 existential sensibility in one's overall world view and trajectory is
 vital to understand, as well as the appropriation of the
 metaphysical/epistemological baggage to support one's projects.

 The modern period, which of course witnesses the scientific revolution,
 the Enlightenment, the rebellion against feudal authority, clericalism,
 and metaphysics, and the emergence of the bourgeoisie, also sees the
 emergence of the individual as a self-conscious entity.

CB: Not surprising.  The individual gets irritated or alienated out by
capitalist  estrangement .( See Marx's Economic and Philosophic
Manuscripts of 1844 on this alienation or estrangement process)

Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. Karl Marx
Estranged Labour


In estranging from man (1) nature, and (2) himself, his own active
functions, his life activity, estranged labor estranges the species
from man. It changes for him the life of the species into a means of
individual life. First it estranges the life of the species and
individual life, and secondly it makes individual life in its abstract
form the purpose of the life of the species, likewise in its abstract
and estranged form

CB: Estrangement produces the modern self-interested individual type
among masses, not just in the ruling class, the bourgeoisie. Thus, in
trying to raise working class class consciousness, Marxism has relied,
paradoxically ,  majorly on appeal to material self-interest of
individuals as a _class_ .  It is difficult to avoid this riddle given
the generalization of pursuit of self-interest among the masses of
workers by the estrangement process.  The mythical American right of
pursuit of happiness reflects this.  Economics' rational man reflects

I think this issue underlies a lot of what Ted Winslow on LBO-Talk
essays constantly.  The rational or selfish or self-interested
individual who is only in elite classes down through other modes of
production  in history becomes general among masses , among the
wretched of the earth, with capitalist estrangement. In a sense, it
makes masses of workers petit bourgeois in their ideology. This is in
the sense that the bourgeoisie ,of course, have an unabashed ideology
of selfishness, material self interestedness, personal and individual
greed. Justification , rationalization of rich people's greed is the
first cause of the purveyance and mass supply of  various abstract
Individualisms  or individual primacy or individual determinist
theories etc among the intelligentsia (organic intellectuals)  of
bourgeois society ( Existentialism, Libertarianism, Reaganism, Tea
Partying, positivism, economic rational man, Economic Robinsinades,
Christian infinite individual Soul, Monotheism, Freudianism, Hollywood
personality cults,  (Individual) Survival television shows,  etc.).
The mass demand for these forms of consciousness, the mass consumption
is generated by the Estranged Labour process

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[Marxism-Thaxis] What Would You Do With a Trillion Dollars?

2011-01-07 Thread c b
What Would You Do With a Trillion Dollars? |


PHILADELPHIA - January 6 - The American Friends Service Committee
(AFSC) and National Priorities Project (NPP) are preparing to announce
the six lucky winners of If I Had a Trillion Dollars (IHTD), a
national video contest which asks young people to convey how they
would spend the more than $1 tr

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[Marxism-Thaxis] The Not So Great Islamist Menace

2011-01-07 Thread c b
The Not So Great Islamist Menace

By Dan Gardner,

...Islamists? They were behind a grand total of one
attack. Yes, one. Out of 294 attacks in Europe last year.


January 5, 2011

See More
The not so great Islamist menace

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[Marxism-Thaxis] India

2011-01-07 Thread c b
Book Review - India Calling - By Anand Giridharadas
An exploration of fundamental changes in family and class
relationships, and in the very idea of what it is to be Indian.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Universal Races Congress 1911

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This July will mark the centennial of the Universal Races Congress? Does anyone 
know of any scholarly commemorations in the works?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] On Paul Samuleson as a tragic figure

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Learn or Review Basic Math

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